Revista Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal - ENFLO
Latest Publications





Published By Universidade Federal De Santa Maria

2316-980x, 2316-980x

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e02
Talita Nunes de Castro Figueiredo ◽  
Jorge Luís Sousa Ferreira ◽  
Francine Neves Calil ◽  
Jácomo Divino Borges ◽  
Carlos De Melo E Silva Neto

The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of epiphyte species in trees that compose the urban trees of four avenues of Goiânia city – state of Goiás. All individuals from the avenue median and sidewalks were quantified, all epiphyte host individuals were inventoried and the epiphytes found were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively.  The species Ficus rubiginosa was present in 68.63% of the cases, followed by Ficus luschnathiana (15.69%), Ficus insipida (5.88%) and Ficus guaranitica (5.88%). A total of 84.62% of the hosts are Poincianella pluviosa, 51.92% are individuals of height between 14 and 16 meters and 35.29% have a diameter between 46.00 and 61.99 cm. The hemiepiphytes occurred on Libidibia ferrea, Ceiba speciosa, Albizia lebbeck and Pachira aquatica. The occurrence of hemiepiphytes prevailed on trunk bifurcations (44.23%), branch bifurcation (19.23%), branch hollows (17.31%) and on branches and roots (3.85%). About 15.65% of each adult arboreal in Goiânia city is inferred to hold at least one epiphyte.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e01
Grasiele Dick ◽  
Mauro Valdir Schumacher ◽  
Elias Frank de Araújo

In silviculture, mineral fertilization is necessary to supply the nutritional demand, however, the recommendation of the quantities to be applied should aim at maintaining the productive capacity of the soil. The purpose of this study is to test whether increasing the recommended fertilizer dose improves soil fertility and increases the productivity of Eucalyptus dunnii in sites in the central region of the Pampa biome, Brazil. The doses of 150 g (T0), 225 g (T1) and 450 g (T2) of N-P2O5-K2O were applied 24:00:24 per plant, after 14 months of planting. In all tested doses, the species productivity is considered satisfactory for the site. There was an improvement in soil fertility, especially in potassium contents, in addition to a higher individual volume of Eucalyptus dunnii trees after the application of the dose of 450 g plant-1 of N-P2O5-K2O, 24:00:24 in coverage (T2).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. e06
Gabriel Zapelini ◽  
Marcio Carlos Navroski ◽  
Mariane De Oliveira Pereira ◽  
Tiago Krischnegg de Andrade ◽  
Karollyne Renata Silva de Paula Baptista ◽  

In view of the increasing expansion of the use of wood and non-timber products from the Eucalyptus genus, the identification and impact caused by the salinity of Brazilian soils in the development and growth of the species are of fundamental importance for a better utilization of salinized areas in the country. In order to contribute to the understanding of this problem, the present work evaluated the effect of different levels of salinity (brackish water) on gas exchange in Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh plants. The levels analyzed were: 0, 50, 100, 200, 400 µM NaCl. A completely randomized design with 10 replicates (plants) was used, in which the gaseous exchanges were evaluated with the aid of a portable photosynthesis meter (IRGA), determined the values of photosynthesis (A), stomatal conductance (gs), rate transpiration (E), the relation between the intercellular and atmospheric concentration of CO² (Ci / Ca) and water use efficiency (WUE). Initially the seedlings did not undergo physiological changes, showing a certain tolerance of the species to high levels of salinity. Reduction in gas exchanges was only more noticeable after reapplication of the salt (after 7 days). Due to the results obtained, high tolerance of the species to salinity is observed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. e05
Ana Caroline Machado Gonçalves ◽  
Alice Lemos Costa ◽  
Amanda Oliveira Travessas ◽  
Silvane Vestena

The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of different substrates with sewage sludge on nutrients concentration in biomass of Psidium cattleianum var. cattleianum Sabine seedlings. The treatments are different substrate compositions containing sewage sludge. After 180 days of seeding, biometric characteristics were measured: aerial part height, root system length, stem base diameter, number of leaves, fresh and dry aerial biomass, root and total biomass. Dickson's Quality Index was calculated and nutrients concentration was determined in root system, stem and leaves. It was observed that macronutrients accumulation in root followed the order: N Ca Mg P K S; in stem: Ca N K Mg P S and in leaves: N Ca K Mg P S, were sulfur was less concentrated in three vegetative structures. Micronutrients accumulation in root followed the order: Fe Zn Mn Cu B Mo, and in stem and leaves: Fe Zn B Mn Cu Mo. It is noted that in three vegetative structures, iron and zinc were more concentrated, and molybdenum less concentrated. Sewage sludge use as a substrate proved to be effective in viable seedlings production for planting in field.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 04
Poliana Ferreira da Costa ◽  
Zefa Valdivina Pereira ◽  
Shaline Séfara Lopes Fernandes ◽  
Caroline Quinhones Fróes ◽  
Thiago Oliveira Barbosa ◽  

This study aimed to evaluate the potential of litter and litterfall as ecological indicators in three sites in restoration process located in Ivinhema, Jateí and Caarapó – Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, after 12, 13 and 16 years of implantation, respectively. The objective was also to obtain Pearson's simple linear correlation) between monthly litterfall with environmental variables of rainfall and air temperature. To litterfall sampling, 15 litter traps were used (0.80 m x 0.80 m) and, for litter sampling, six collections were carried out in each restoration site, in December 2016, using a frame (0.64 m2). The samples were separated into three components: leaves, twigs, reproductive material (flowers and fruits). The high litter amount, in the three sites evaluated (Ivinhema 9.4 Mg ha-1; Jatéi 5.5 Mg ha-1; and Caarapó 7.1 Mg ha-1), demonstrates the importance of litterfall and litter as an indicator for the stages initial succession in restored forests. There were weak correlations between litter and environmental variables, being negative for air temperature and positive for rainfall.This study aimed to evaluate the potential of litter and litterfall as ecological indicators in three sites in restoration process located in Ivinhema, Jateí and Caarapó – Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, after 12, 13 and 16 years of implantation, respectively. The objective was also to obtain Pearson's simple linear correlation) between monthly litterfall with environmental variables of rainfall and air temperature. To litterfall sampling, 15 litter traps were used (0.80 m x 0.80 m) and, for litter sampling, six collections were carried out in each restoration site, in December 2016, using a frame (0.64 m2). The samples were separated into three components: leaves, twigs, reproductive material (flowers and fruits). The high litter amount, in the three sites evaluated (Ivinhema 9.4 Mg ha-1; Jatéi 5.5 Mg ha-1; and Caarapó 7.1 Mg ha-1), demonstrates the importance of litterfall and litter as an indicator for the stages initial succession in restored forests. There were weak correlations between litter and environmental variables, being negative for air temperature and positive for rainfall.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 03
Julio Conceição dos Santos Neto ◽  
Dráuzio Correia Gama ◽  
Everaldo Pereira Oliveira ◽  
Liniker Fernandes da Silva ◽  
Róbson Borges de Lima

For a commercial reforestation success, it is necessary to know the species specific nutritional requirements used to overcome fertility limitations in a given site, allowing to fertility costs optimize in seedlings production. The objective of this study was to responses evaluate of Swietenia macrophylla King seedlings subject to nitrogen and phosphorus different dosages in corrected soil. The experiment was conducted between January and April 2015 in a greenhouse at the Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, in Cruz das Almas (BA). The experimental design was a 5 x 2 factorial scheme (five different doses of phosphorus (Pn) in nitrogen absence and presence [N0 and N1]), making ten treatments, completely randomized. After 90 days of sowing, aerial part height (h) and stem based diameter of seedlings were measured. The data were submitted to variance analysis (ANOVA) at 5% error probability level. Treatments did not statically differ from each other, showing the same effect of P dosages with and without N on soil acidity correction with limestone (CaCO3) condition on initial growth of Swietenia macrophylla seedlings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 01
Caio Ferreira da Silva ◽  
Drauzio Correia Gama ◽  
Lais Almeida Araújo ◽  
Jean Barcello Xavier Bahia ◽  
Vinícius Orlandi Barbosa Lima

Copaifera langsdorffii specie occurs throughout Brazil and is of great economic importance, mainly due to its production of oil-resin used for various pharmacological purposes. The objective of this study was to analyze the morphometric relationships in C. langsdorffii stand in northern region of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Twenty trees were randomly sampled and were measured: stem circumference at 1.3 m height, total height (Ht) and crown diameter (CD). Morphometric indices were estimated. Correlations between dendrometric and morphometric variables were obtained through the Pearson matrix. The morphometric relations of crown proportion (CP), crown area (CA), formal of crown (FC), degree of slenderness (DS), salience index (SI), coverage index (CI) and vital space (VS) presented values of 15.26%, 25.06 m², 1.47, 16.35, 21.70, 0.47 and 7.01, respectively. Strong positive correlations were found in: diameter at breast height (DBH) in relation to CD and CA; Ht with crown proportion (CP) and DS; the formal of crown (FC) with the CI and VS, and between the CI and VS. The morphometric indices made it possible to understand the few magnitude of stand variation. The species can be characterized as facilitating management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 09
Cilmar Antonio Dalmaso ◽  
Marcia Cristina Mendes Marques ◽  
Pedro Higuchi ◽  
Victor Pereira Zwiener ◽  
Renato Marques

O conhecimento dos fatores preditivos da dinâmica demográfica de florestas secundárias é útil para planejar estratégias de recuperação de áreas degradadas, estimar a produção de biomassa e para subsidiar o planejamento da utilização racional de recursos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar possíveis fatores bióticos e abióticos que predizem taxas de dinâmica demográfica da vegetação secundária da Mata Atlântica. Para isto, em seis florestas, que variaram em idade desde a última perturbação (25, 60, 75, 90 e mais de 100 anos), a ordenação por PCA das taxas demográficas (mortalidade, recrutamento, rotatividade em abundância, perda em área basal, ganho em área basal e rotatividade em área basal) foi utilizada como variável resposta em uma árvore de regressão. Como possíveis fatores preditivos foram utilizados: declividade, variáveis químicas do solo em diferentes profundidades, parâmetros da estrutura florestal, quantidade de serapilheira acumulada e padrões espaciais. A árvore de regressão revelou que variações locais nos padrões dinâmicos foram melhor preditas pela estrutura florestal e pela quantidade média de serapilheira acumulada. Locais com estrutura menos desenvolvida em relação ao diâmetro máximo, altura máxima e área basal ocorreram nas florestas mais jovens (25 anos) e em clareiras das florestas mais antigas (com 90 e 100 anos), onde foram observadas as maiores taxas de dinâmica demográfica. Áreas com estrutura mais desenvolvida foram frequentes em todas as florestas, independente da idade pós-perturbação. Nestas áreas, as mudanças foram mais lentas e a quantidade de serapilheira acumulada sobre o solo foi inversamente proporcional à rotatividade de árvores e de área basal.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 08
Rafael Pires dos Santos ◽  
Alice Lemos Costa ◽  
Lana Dorneles Pedroso ◽  
Amanda Oliveira Travessas ◽  
Silvane Vestena

O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes substratos, contendo lodo de esgoto, no teor de macro e micronutrientes em tecidos vegetais (raiz e parte aérea) de mudas de Parapiptadenia rigida (Benth.) Brenan. Os tratamentos foram: T1 (50% substrato comercial Plantmax® + 50% cama de equino (composto orgânico), T2 (20% lodo de esgoto + 80% composto orgânico), T3 (40% lodo de esgoto + 60% composto orgânico) e T4 (60% lodo de esgoto + 40% composto orgânico). Decorridos 180 dias após a semeadura foram mensuradas as características biométricas de altura da parte aérea, diâmetro do colo, massa seca da parte aérea e radicular, e o índice de qualidade de Dickson. Também foram determinados os teores de macro e micronutrientes no sistema radicular e na parte aérea das mudas cultivadas. Observou-se que a ordem crescente do teor total dos macronutrientes avaliados no sistema radicular foi de N > K > Mg > Ca > P > S e na parte aérea Ca > N > K > P > Mg > S; para os micronutrientes, o teor no sistema radicular e na parte aérea foi de  Fe > Zn > Mn  > B > Cu. O uso do lodo de esgoto como substrato proporcionou mudas de melhor qualidade nutricional, com melhor crescimento e aumento de biomassa aérea e radicular.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 07
Patrícia Oliveira da Silva ◽  
Gisele Cristina De Oliveira Menino ◽  
Laísa Cristine Dos Santos Silva ◽  
Daiane Moreira Dourado ◽  
Suzanne Da Costa Ribeiro ◽  

Monitoramentos temporais da biodiversidade vegetal são cada vez mais necessários. Diante do exposto, este estudo buscou avaliar se há alterações florísticas e estruturais em fragmento de Cerradão, município de Rio Verde, estado de Goiás, Brasil, em intervalo de tempo de três anos. Foram realizados dois inventários: o primeiro foi realizado no ano de 2011, onde foram estabelecidas 20 parcelas de 100 m² cada; o segundo inventário foi realizado em 2014, onde todos os indivíduos do primeiro levantamento foram remedidos e, aqueles que atingiram os critérios mínimos de inclusão, foram registrados. As alterações ocorridas foram avaliadas por comparações entre: área basal, famílias, gêneros e espécies, número de indivíduos, densidade, dominância, frequência, valor de importância, equabilidade de Pielou e diversidade de Shannon. Foram registradas poucas alterações, e estatisticamente, não houve diferença entre os inventários. Foi excluída a família Calophyllaceae e incluída Burseraceae e, registrou-se a exclusão de seis gêneros e inclusão de três. Em 2011, foram inventariadas 64 espécies, enquanto que em 2014 foram registradas 61. Somaram-se 43 recrutas, enquanto que o número de indivíduos mortos foi de 81. Sendo assim, o total de indivíduos amostrados no primeiro inventário (n = 394) foi superior ao segundo (n = 356). Para detecção de mudanças quanto ao recrutamento e mortalidade de espécies neste ecossistema, recomenda-se que seja estendido o período de monitoramento, com a realização de maior número de inventários.

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