Profession-oriented School
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Published By Infra-M Academic Publishing House


I. Mylova ◽  
E. Lukicheva

The widespread introduction of a criterion system for evaluating the educational results of schoolchildren is an actual and significant direction of the development of domestic education. The article is devoted to the problem of eliminating methodological deficits of teachers in the development of criteria assessment tools for the current control of subject results of teaching mathematics and computer science in primary and high school. The article describes the method of organizing advanced training of teachers of mathematics and computer science on the basis of a team approach that contributes to the practical implementation of the intra-school system of current control of students ' academic achievements on a criterion basis. The article presents an approach to the implementation of an additional professional training program for teachers of mathematics and computer science on the basis of "team training", focused on the development of professional skills necessary for conducting procedures for the current control of subject learning outcomes, the Department of Mathematical Education and Computer Science of St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education.

Svetlana Frolova

The article deals with the actual problem of organizing additional specialized education of students in a general educational organization, which is an urgent problem. The purpose of organizing additional specialized education is not only the development of intellectual and creative abilities, subject, meta-subject and personal results of students, but also their vocational guidance and assistance in professional self-determination. The importance of vocational guidance work is emphasized in many federal state documents, in particular in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ, Federal State Educational Standards of General Education, the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2025, An exemplary education program, including the module "Career guidance", etc., as well as in the speeches of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. This article will allow the general education organization to build a system of additional specialized education for students, taking into account the peculiarities of the educational environment of the school. The organization of additional specialized education is a certain difficulty, however, the experience of such work is in one of the schools in the Moscow region. The article has a practice-oriented character and will be of interest to pedagogical and leading employees of general educational organizations, since it describes the goals, objectives and methods of organizing additional education for schoolchildren in the educational environment of a general educational organization.

Yu. Kashicyna ◽  
Marina Vasileva

The article is based on the main key ideas of the concept of the development of Russian mathematical education, one of which is the idea of using information technologies in mathematical education as a basis for advancing at the world level. The article introduces mathematics teachers to the possibilities of using interactive simulators for the formation of students ' computational skills in the process of organizing oral and written counting in a playful form. Methodological recommendations on the topic "Actions with decimals" are given. The article is addressed to teachers and students of pedagogical universities, methodologists, mathematics teachers.

T. Filippova

The article discusses the relevance and current problems of studying the topic of the «Genocide of civilians in the temporarily occupied territory of the North-West of the RSFSR», attention is drawn to the potential of its study for the formation of a social picture of the world of high school students. It is shown that social picture of the world the as a result of consistent development of scientific knowledge, a system of General methods of cognition of reality. Are given methodological recommendations on the organization of educational and research activities on the topic «Genocide of civilians in the temporarily occupied territory of the North-West of the RSFSR».

Irina Ivanova

Based on the study of publication activity in the Journal of Pedagogical Research, trends in the development of modern domestic pedagogical science are analyzed in the framework of the implementation of theoretical, methodological and practice-oriented ideas developed in the scientific school of existential approaches in pedagogy under the guidance of Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Mikhail Iosifovich Rozhkov. It is shown that in modern socio-cultural conditions, the implementation of educational practices based on ideas that embody the meanings of the existential strategy of educating a free personality is especially relevant. Our research has shown that the leading trends in the development of domestic education at the present stage, embodying the ideas of existential approaches in pedagogy, are: the use of subject-oriented technologies in the educational process, the organization of a personality-developing educational environment at school, pedagogical support for the self-development of children and adolescents in conditions additional education, the specificity of the forms of training teachers for the implementation of pedagogical support for self-development and self-realization of students in conditions of additional education, stimulating self-development and self-realization of students in a value-oriented educational environment. The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research within the framework of scientific project No. 20-013-00616.

Marina Tsvetkova

The normative and methodological support of a continuous course on information security is considered on the basis of an approximate program of the training course and textbooks "Information Security" from the Federal list of textbooks at the levels of general education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 46-54
S. Volkova ◽  
S. Pustovit

In the article, design skills are considered as one of the important meta-subject results of the chemical education of schoolchildren. On the example of designing devices, the main stages of their formation in the process of performing educational and research activities are revealed.

N. Samylkina ◽  
A. Salahova

The article provides an overview of two main possibilities of using artificial intelligence in education: as new educational tools and as the development of the theoretical and practical foundations of artificial intelligence in the school computer science course. A comparison of approaches to the use in education and the study of artificial intelligence issues at the level of secondary general education in different countries is given. The development of the topic at all levels of general education is considered.

S. Volkova ◽  
S. Pustovit

In the article, design skills are considered as one of the important meta-subject results of the chemical education of schoolchildren. On the example of designing devices, the main stages of their formation in the process of performing educational and research activities are revealed.

D. Smirnov ◽  
A. Smirnova

The article discusses an urgent problem for the innovative development of Russia - the orientation of schoolchildren to the choice of engineering professions through the organization of engineering education in the classroom for extracurricular activities. The authors of the article introduced and disclosed the concept of "engineering education" through the formation of cognitive interest in engineering activities. The essence of engineering education at the school stage of education and the main directions of its implementation are revealed. An important area of engineering education of students is the use of business games in the educational process of extracurricular activities. The article presents a game technology developed and implemented by the authors, which combines elements of a business game, a sports relay race and professional (engineering) tests. The structure, content and criteria for evaluating the business game-relay "Professional tests" with the aim of immersing students in specific types of educational activities, close to engineering.

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