Journal of Biomolecular NMR
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Published By Springer-Verlag

1573-5001, 0925-2738

Matthias Dreydoppel ◽  
Jochen Balbach ◽  
Ulrich Weininger

AbstractNMR-spectroscopy has certain unique advantages for recording unfolding transitions of proteins compared e.g. to optical methods. It enables per-residue monitoring and separate detection of the folded and unfolded state as well as possible equilibrium intermediates. This allows a detailed view on the state and cooperativity of folding of the protein of interest and the correct interpretation of subsequent experiments. Here we summarize in detail practical and theoretical aspects of such experiments. Certain pitfalls can be avoided, and meaningful simplification can be made during the analysis. Especially a good understanding of the NMR exchange regime and relaxation properties of the system of interest is beneficial. We show by a global analysis of signals of the folded and unfolded state of GB1 how accurate values of unfolding can be extracted and what limits different NMR detection and unfolding methods. E.g. commonly used exchangeable amides can lead to a systematic under determination of the thermodynamic protein stability. We give several perspectives of how to deal with more complex proteins and how the knowledge about protein stability at residue resolution helps to understand protein properties under crowding conditions, during phase separation and under high pressure.

Alons Lends ◽  
Mélanie Berbon ◽  
Birgit Habenstein ◽  
Yusuke Nishiyama ◽  
Antoine Loquet

Paweł Kasprzak ◽  
Mateusz Urbańczyk ◽  
Krzysztof Kazimierczuk

AbstractNon-uniform sampling (NUS) is a popular way of reducing the amount of time taken by multidimensional NMR experiments. Among the various non-uniform sampling schemes that exist, the Poisson-gap (PG) schedules are particularly popular, especially when combined with compressed-sensing (CS) reconstruction of missing data points. However, the use of PG is based mainly on practical experience and has not, as yet, been explained in terms of CS theory. Moreover, an apparent contradiction exists between the reported effectiveness of PG and CS theory, which states that a “flat” pseudo-random generator is the best way to generate sampling schedules in order to reconstruct sparse spectra. In this paper we explain how, and in what situations, PG reveals its superior features in NMR spectroscopy. We support our theoretical considerations with simulations and analyses of experimental data from the Biological Magnetic Resonance Bank (BMRB). Our analyses reveal a previously unnoticed feature of many NMR spectra that explains the success of ”blue-noise” schedules, such as PG. We call this feature “clustered sparsity”. This refers to the fact that the peaks in NMR spectra are not just sparse but often form clusters in the indirect dimension, and PG is particularly suited to deal with such situations. Additionally, we discuss why denser sampling in the initial and final parts of the clustered signal may be useful.

Young Kee Chae ◽  
Yoonjin Um ◽  
Hakbeom Kim

AbstractProtein-ligand interaction is one of the highlights of molecular recognition. The most popular application of this type of interaction is drug development which requires a high throughput screening of a ligand that binds to the target protein. Our goal was to find a binding ligand with a simple detection, and once this type of ligand was found, other methods could then be used to measure the detailed kinetic or thermodynamic parameters. We started with the idea that the ligand NMR signal would disappear if it was bound to the non-tumbling mass. In order to create the non-tumbling mass, we tried the aggregates of a target protein, which was fused to the elastin-like polypeptide. We chose the maltose binding proteinas a test case, and we tried it with several sugars, which included maltose, glucose, sucrose, lactose, galactose, maltotriose, and β-cyclodextrin. The maltose signal in the H-1 NMR spectrum disappeared completely as hoped around the protein to ligand ratio of 1:3 at 298 K where the proteins aggregated. The protein signals also disappeared upon aggregation except for the fast-moving part, which resulted in a cleaner background than the monomeric form. Since we only needed to look for a disappearing signal amongst those from the mixture, it should be useful in high throughput screening. Other types of sugars except for the maltotriose and β-cyclodextrin, which are siblings of the maltose, did not seem to bind at all. We believe that our system would be especially more effective when dealing with a smaller target protein, so both the protein and the bound ligand would lose their signals only when the aggregates formed. We hope that our proposed method would contribute to accelerating the development of the potent drug candidates by simultaneously identifying several binders directly from a mixture.

Matthias Dreydoppel ◽  
Roman J. Lichtenecker ◽  
Mikael Akke ◽  
Ulrich Weininger

AbstractAromatic side chains are attractive probes of protein dynamic, since they are often key residues in enzyme active sites and protein binding sites. Dynamic processes on microsecond to millisecond timescales can be studied by relaxation dispersion experiments that attenuate conformational exchange contributions to the transverse relaxation rate by varying the refocusing frequency of applied radio-frequency fields implemented as either CPMG pulse trains or continuous spin-lock periods. Here we present an aromatic 1H R1ρ relaxation dispersion experiment enabling studies of two to three times faster exchange processes than achievable by existing experiments for aromatic side chains. We show that site-specific isotope labeling schemes generating isolated 1H–13C spin pairs with vicinal 2H–12C moieties are necessary to avoid anomalous relaxation dispersion profiles caused by Hartmann–Hahn matching due to the 3JHH couplings and limited chemical shift differences among 1H spins in phenylalanine, tyrosine and the six-ring moiety of tryptophan. This labeling pattern is sufficient in that remote protons do not cause additional complications. We validated the approach by measuring ring-flip kinetics in the small protein GB1. The determined rate constants, kflip, agree well with previous results from 13C R1ρ relaxation dispersion experiments, and yield 1H chemical shift differences between the two sides of the ring in good agreement with values measured under slow-exchange conditions. The aromatic1H R1ρ relaxation dispersion experiment in combination with the site-selective 1H–13C/2H–12C labeling scheme enable measurement of exchange rates up to kex = 2kflip = 80,000 s–1, and serve as a useful complement to previously developed 13C-based methods.

Rashmi Voleti ◽  
Sofia Bali ◽  
Jaime Guerrero ◽  
Jared Smothers ◽  
Charis Springhower ◽  

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