Odesa National University Herald Biology
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Published By Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University

2415-3125, 2077-1746

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2(49)) ◽  
pp. 51-72
I. I. Motsnyi ◽  
T. P. Nargan ◽  
M. Yu. Nakonechnyi ◽  
S. Ph. Lyfenko ◽  
О. О. Molodchenkova ◽  

Introduction. The global climate change conduces spreading of main diseases of winter bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and increases the yield losses caused by both these diseases and drought. Preventing the devastating impact of these factors on the yield depends on development of donors carrying the resistance genes. Aim. The diversity of new introgression wheat lines derived from complex interspecies crosses was evaluated for resistance to widespread diseases, drought and other agricultural traits. Methods. The trial was conducted consecutively during two vegetative periods (2018-2019 and 2019-2020) on the black earth area under the arid system in a control nursery design. Genetic material includes seventy-eight introgression wheat lines of different origin with two check cultivars for the arid climate zone of Ukraine. The data on nine agronomic (quantitative scores) and five plant pathological (point scores) traits were collected and subjected to both variance and correlation analysis to comprehend the contribution of the factors towards general diversity and connections between the characters. Results. Most lines were resistant to rust species due to the successful introgression of alien Lr, Yr and Sr genes from all sources involved in hybridization. High long-term resistance to stem rust was observed mainly among the derivatives of the collection sample H74/90-245 from Bulgaria, whose genetic background was favorable for generating a positive effect of 1BL.1RS translocation on both productive and adaptive traits in southern Ukraine and the ability to combine with other resistance genes. The yield traits did not correlate with the resistance to diseases except stem rust (Rsp = 0.34**) and Septoria blight (Rsp = −0.23*). Resistance to stem rust correlated with the grain and protein yield, test weight and flour density, which may be due to the presence of translocation 1BL.1RS. Negative correlation was observed between quality traits and grain yield, but quality traits mainly positively correlated with each other. The plant height had the highest contribution to grain yield followed by volume of 1000 kernels and WTK. Conclusions. The introgression lines were found to be diverse and potential for use in the wheat improvement programs for resistance to the diseases or drought in Southern Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2(49)) ◽  
pp. 11-22
O. V. Ketsa ◽  
M. M. Marchenko ◽  
О. А. Samuliak

Introduction. The effect of laser irradiation on the body can lead to local tissue damage, which will be accompanied by changes in biochemical processes that occur in the kidneys. The direction of these changes is completely unclear, so the study of free radical oxidation of lipids and proteins as the main markers of oxidative stress in the body and their correction by ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) remains relevant. Aim.  To evaluate the intensity of lipid peroxidation and oxidative modification of proteins in the postnuclear fraction of rat kidneys under the action of laser irradiation and additional administration of ω-3 PUFA. Methods. The studies used white outbred rats, which were irradiated daily for 4 minutes with a laser diode with a wavelength of 650 nm, power of 50 mW in the abdominal cavity at a distance of 10 cm from the skin surface. The state of lipid peroxidation (LPO) was determined by the level of primary, secondary and final products. The intensity of oxidative modification of proteins (OMP) was evaluated by the level of carbonyl derivatives and protein SH-groups. To correct the prooxidant state, the animals were additionally injected with ω-3 PUFA. Results. Low-intensity laser irradiation has a destructive effect on the cell membranes of the kidneys, which is expressed by an increase in primary, secondary and final products of LPO in phospholipid extracts and an increase in the intensity of OMP. The introduction of ω-3 PUFAs reduces free radical processes in the kidneys of irradiated rats, but this effect depends on the scheme of their introduction. ω-3 PUFAs do not show antioxidant effect under the conditions of their introduction after laser irradiation. Daily administration of ω-3 PUFA two hours before irradiation shows a slight antioxidant effect only in the initial stages of irradiation. Preliminary seven-day administration of ω-3 PUFA before laser irradiation is the most effective, as it helps to reduce free radical processes. Conclusion. It is established that ω-3 PUFAs are able to have a corrective effect on the action of low-intensity laser irradiation, which depends on the scheme of their introduction. The highest antioxidant effect is observed in groups of animals to which ω-3 PUFA was previously administered before the action of laser irradiation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2(49)) ◽  
pp. 109-114
F. P. Tkachenko ◽  
О. M. Popova

Problem. The distribution of species from the Red Book of Ukraine has been studied insufficiently. This also applies to the rare fungus Pisolithus arhizus (Scop.) Rauschert. Therefore, the discovery of new habitats of rare species is relevant. Aim. The aim of the work is to characterize the new locality of P. arhizus from Odesa region, found on September 12, 2021. Methods. The site was found during a survey of the coast of the Tyligul estuary by a route method. The determination of the fungus was carried out according to the Determinant of fungi of Ukraine. Results. A new locality of P. arhizus was discovered on the bank of the Tyligul estuary in the vicinity of the village of Liubopol, Lyman district, Odesa region. This finding complements the information on the mycobiota of the regional landscape park "Tyligulskyi" (Odesa region). One carpophore was found, the morphometric parameters of which were known in the literature. It is possible that Pisolithus arhizus is a symbiont of cultured Juniperus sabina L.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2(49)) ◽  
pp. 89-97
R. V. Yanko

Introduction: Despite the well-studied effect of alimentary deprivation on the body, the literature data on its effect on functional activity and, in particular, on morphological changes in the thyroid gland are single and often contradictory, which does not allow unambiguous conclusions. All this requires a more detailed study of the role and mechanisms of the impact of restricted nutrition on the thyroid gland. Aim: To investigate the effect of alimentary deprivation on morphological changes in the thyroid gland of young rats. Methods: The study was conducted on 24 male Wistar rats aged 3 months. Rats of all groups were in uniform conditions, on a standard diet. Animals of the experimental group, for 28 days, received a diet reduced by 30 %. Work with rats was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Histological preparations were made from the central areas of the thyroid tissue according to the standard method. Using a digital camera, the micropreparations were photographed under a Nikon Eclipse E 100 microscope (Japan). Morphometry was performed using a computer program "Image J". Results: Histological analysis of the rat's thyroid gland affected by alimentary deprivation revealed that it had an unchanged physiological structure. The follicles were mostly of oval shape and of various sizes. Colloid in the follicles of experimental animals is of moderate density and contains numerous resorption vacuoles. Thyroid cells are of prismatic and cubic shape. It was found that in the thyroid gland of experimental rats the area of ​​follicles, colloid, their inner diameter decreases, the height of thyrocytes increases, the stereological resorption index increases and the colloid accumulation index decreases, the number of interfollicular islands increases. Also in experimental animals there was a decrease in the width of the interlobar and interfollicular connective tissue. Conclusion: In rats fed on a reduced diet, morphological signs of increased functional activity of the thyroid gland were found.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2(49)) ◽  
pp. 117-139
S. Korzun ◽  
Y Rebets ◽  
A. Luzhetskyi ◽  
Yu. Monczak ◽  
О. О. Іщенко ◽  

Третій рік поспіль в межах Гамовської конференції працює Біологічна секція: «Важливість ідей Г.А. Гамова для біології 21-ого століття», організація якої викликана великою повагою до особистості вченого Георгія Антоновича Гамова, наукові інтереси якого об’єднали  астрофізику, космологію та молекулярну біологію. Цього року Біологічна секція працювала в режимі on-line 17.08.2021. Роботу секції розпочали з виступу професора Тобіуса Дельбрюка (Institute of Neuroinformatics – ETH and University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland), сина видатного фізика, Нобелевського лауреата Макса Дельбрюка (в певний період товариша Г.А. Гамова). Професор Тобіус Дельбрюк назвав свою доповідь – "Out of this world: Recounting Max's Delbruck memories of George Gamow”. Ця доповідь, присвячена феноменальній особистості Г.А. Гамова, придала засіданню біологічної секції емоційну атмосферу наближення до великих ідей, що надали і зараз надають поштовх для розвитку молекулярної біології. Значну зацікавленість учасників секції викликала доповідь Dr. V.N. Korzun (KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA (м. Айнбек, Німеччина) «Applications of genetic and genomic research in cereals», що продемонструвала впровадження в селекційний процес сучасних молекулярно-генетичних технологій. З доповіддю «DNA-protein interactions as a tool of synthetic biology», що присвячена високо технологічним розробкам зі створення біосенсорів науково-виробничою фіромою Explogen LLC (EXG) (м. Львів, Україна) виступив к.б.н. Ю. Ребець. Наступна пленарна доповідь «Using the G.A. Gamow’s ideas for molecular genetic diagnostics of infectious and somatic human diseases at the current stage of medical development» була представлена білоруськими вченими, а саме професор С.А. Касцьюк розповіла про молекулярно-генетичні дослідження, що виконуються в Білоруській медичній академії післядипломної освіти. Dr. Yu. Monchak з McGill University (м. Монреаль, Канада) також представив доповідь присвячену впровадженню ДНК-технологій в діагностику патології людини ˗ «Targeted therapy, DNA sequence and the race against neoplasia». Ця доповідь викликала велику зацікавленість учасників біологічної секції. Молоді науковці Іщенко О.О., Жарікова Д.О., Роман І.І., Доля Б., Рошка Н.М., Чубик І.Ю., Попович Ю.А., Топораш М.К., Пидюра М.О. – доктори філософії з біології, кандидати наук, аспіранти, що займаються дослідженнями в галузі молекулярної біології представили дев’ять доповідей, що відбивають результати виконаних досліджень у низці провідних університетів нашої країни, а саме  у Львівському національному університеті ім. І. Франка, у Одеському національному університеті імені І.І. Мечникова, у Чернівецькому національному університеті ім. Юрія Федьковича та ДУ «Інституті харчової біотехнології та Геноміки» (м. Київ). Представлені доповіді викликали жвавий інтерес, а формат on-line дозволів об’єднати у роботі секції понад 35 учасників з різних країн ˗ України, Білорусі, Швейцарії, Німеччини, Канади і Казахстану.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2(49)) ◽  
pp. 23-42
N. A. Kyrylenko ◽  
F. P. Tkachenko ◽  
О. О. Molodchenkova ◽  
S. V. Baieva

Introduction. Evaluation of high-quality composition and content of biologically active compounds of Salsola tragus grass as promising raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry. Aim. To determine the chemical composition of the above-ground part of the Black Sea species of S. tragus for the purpose of its use in medicine. Materials and Methods. The study of biologically active compounds S. tragus were conducted in the summer of 2020. Grass samples were collected along the field road near the coast of the Tiligul estuary. The above-ground biomass of this species was analysed. The total content of lipids and their fatty acid composition, the content of carbohydrates, phenolic compounds and their derivatives were studied by generally accepted methods. The acidity titre was determined using a solution of oxalic acid. Main results. 11 compounds of phenolic nature, among which 5 phenoloxides (ferulic, cinnamic, caffeic, gallic and chicoric), 1 coumarin (esculetin) and 5 flavonoids (quercetin, rutin, luteolin-7-glucoside, hyperoside, hesperedin) were identified and quantitatively determined. Ferulic and gallic acid prevail among phenolic acids. Among the flavonoids luteoline-7-glucoside and hesperedin prevailed. Grass S. tragus was quite rich on lipid components. In their composition, 8 fatty acids were found. The content was dominated by unsaturated fatty acids with the domination of linoleic and oleic acids – 27.67 and 19.27 % respectively. The largest content among the investigated biologically active compounds of S. tragus belongs to the total carbohydrates (8.31%). The titre of raw material was 1.8%. Conclusions. On the basis of a comprehensive study of biologically active compounds of grass S. Tragus it is possible to conclude that it can be used as a source of phenolic compounds, in particular flavonoids having a significant antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antimony activity, and oleic acid, which positively affects the exchange of cholesterol and essential fatty acids (ω-3 and ω-6) for the production of new phytomedications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2(49)) ◽  
pp. 37-47
Yu. V. Karavanskyi ◽  
I. L. Ryzhko ◽  
V. V. Zamorov

Introduction. Circadian rhythms help the body to anticipate changes in environmental conditions and adapt to the daily fluctuations of external factors. The presence of such mechanisms, which provide early preparation of the organism, gives an advantage in the struggle for survival. The dynamics of light is one of the main factors, which determines the level of growth, development, nutrition, metabolism, affects hormonal activity. Aim. The aim of the study was to study the circadian rhythms of motor activity of Pinchuk's goby Ponticola cephalargoides (Pinchuk, 1976) in the laboratory. Methods. To study the activity of the fish individuals of the Pinchuk's goby caught in the Gulf of Odesa on a fishing rod were selected. The experiments were performed in an aquarium with two lighting options – under natural light and in the complete round-the-clock absence of lighting. Measurements of the fish activity were recorded at 1 hour intervals for 5 days. Results. The study revealed that the activity in constant darkness is generally lower than in the natural light. In both cases, the maximum value of the motor activity occurs in the first half of the day. Under the natural light, the activity of the Pinchuk's goby reaches the maximum value from 06:00 to 07:00, in constant darkness the activity reaches the maximum from 07:00 to 08:00. The difference in the activity of the fish between the two lighting modes is most noticeable from 16:00 to 22:00. Conclusion. It is established that the activity of Pinchuk's goby is cyclical both under the natural light conditions and in the absence of light. From 00:00 to 16:00 Pinchuk's goby has an endogenous circadian rhythm, from 16:00 to 22:30 the rhythm is exogenous.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2(49)) ◽  
pp. 101-108
О. Yu. Bondarenko ◽  
S. L. Myronov

Aim. Anthropogenically transformed ecotopes act as a centre for existance of many adventive species. The distribution of North-American species Euphorbia davidii subsp. Poinsettia across various continents is often attributed to the export of grain. For some time scientists have been bringing up the issue about identification of plants E. davidii in new territories, because the species is morphologically similar to E. dentata agg. The species E. davidii is characterised by a high invasive potential, it is a neophyte. In Ukraine the species is represented by separate localities almost throughout the country. It is related to sectors of ports, railway tracks, and abandoned lands. Methods. In the year 2021, by means of route method, in sectors of railway tracks of the Dniester bay bar, between the railway stops Karolina-Buhas and Soniachna (total length is up to eight kilometers) seven localities of E. davidii were distinguished; the coordinates of the locations are listed in the publication. The examined ecotopes are characterised by a crushed stone substratum, with higher temperatures, and also by specific vibrational, insolational and hydrological modes. Results. Both inconsiderable in number of plants localities (32 exemplars) and zones, where the number of plants reaches over 2000 are represented. The extent of habitats ranges from 2 to 20 meters. The height of particular, the most developed individuals constituted 20 cm. As a rule, in the inter-rail space there is a considerably smaller number of plants, however, they are better developed, well-branched and have more inflorescences with fruits. Conclusions. A number of plants from the southern slopes of the railways is typically bigger, however, the plants on the southern slopes (in comparison with the northern ones) are worse developed, branch out less and, at the time of conducting the research were represented by a smaller number of generative individuals. In sandy sectors of the bay bar adjoining the railway tracks the plants E. davidii were almost not noticed. The individuals found in the above-mentioned sectors are characterised by stunted growth, a single stem, almost did not bloom, and did not produce seeds.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2(49)) ◽  
pp. 73-85
Yu. A. Popovych ◽  
O. M. Blagodarova ◽  
S. V. Chebotar

Introduction. Gliadins are monomeric and highly polymorphic storage proteins of wheat endosperm, which together with glutenins form a gluten complex that determines the breadmaking properties of wheat. Allelic variants of gliadins are an important feature in the selection of material for breeding, but their determination by electrophoresis in acid PAGE is quite difficult. Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism of the Taglgap microsatellite locus and to analyze its correspondence to the polymorphism of allelic variants of gliadins that have been revealed by acid PAGE electrophoresis. Methods. 140 cultivars and lines of bread wheat of Ukrainian and foreign selection were analyzed. Electrophoresis of storage proteins was performed in an acid PAGE according to the method of F. O. Poperellia (1989), allelic variants were designated according to the international nomenclature (Metakovsky et al., 2018). DNA was isolated by CTAB method and PCR was performed with primers to the Taglgap microsatellite (Devos et al., 1995). PCR products were fractionated in 7% PAGE and stained with silver staining method. Nucleotide sequences were searched by BLAST and aligned by MAFT methods. The main results. 19 allelic variants of gliadins and 11 alleles of the Taglgap locus were identified. In the collection of Ukrainian varieties there were Gli-B1b, Gli-B1c, Gli-B1d, Gli-B1e, Gli-B1f, Gli-B1g, Gli-B1h, Gli-B1l and Gli-B1o allelic variants and alleles of Taglgap 216 bp, 237 bp, 246 bp, 248 bp, 252 bp, 267 bp, 270 bp and null. In the foreign collection of varieties − Gli-B1a, Gli-B1b, Gli-B1c, Gli-B1d, Gli-B1e, Gli-B1f, Gli-B1g, Gli-B1h, Gli-B1i, Gli-B1j, Gli-B1k, Gli -B1l, Gli-B1m, Gli-B1n, Gli-B1o, Gli-B1p, Gli-B1q, Gli-B1r, Gli-B1s and 213 bp, 216 bp, 237 bp, 246 bp, 248 bp, 250 bp, 252 bp, 270 bp, 285 bp and null. Nucleotide sequence analysis in the NCBI database showed the presence of a number of other alleles of the Taglgap microsatellite not only in bread wheat but also in some species of the Triticum L. and Aegilops L. genus. Conclusions. The detected polymorphism correlates with the polymorphism of allelic variants of gliadins of Gli-B1 locus and makes it possible to identify Gli-B1a, Gli-B1d, Gli-B1h and Gli-B1l allelic variants, and for Ukrainian varieties with high probability also Gli-B1b allelic variant. However, this marker does not allow identifying Gli-B1c, which is important for selection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1(48)) ◽  
pp. 89-101
A. P. Stadnychenko ◽  
O. I. Uvaieva ◽  
G. Ye. Kyrychuk

Problem. Cr (III) ions are dangerously toxic for the hydrobionts of water system of the Dnieper River basin. The ions have not been previously studied in relation to their effect on a number of pond snail species. Aim. Hence, the aim of this work is to determine the range of concentrations of Cr (III) in aquatic environment that cause each of the subsequent phases of pathological process in pond snails: poisoning by the aforementioned toxicant, and presence of the complexes of symptoms of the pathological or adaptive nature that are typical for each phase. Methods.The study was conducted in 2018 in the laboratory of zoology of invertebrates of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University on 344 individuals of pond snails of the species Lymnaea atra, L. callomphala and L. turricula. The toxicological experiment was performed according to the technique of V. A. Alekseyev, the rate of heartbeat by D. A. Vyskushenko, the rate of branchial respiration by V. I. Zhadin, the mean daily food intake by A. P. Sushkina, the trematode (Trematoda) infection rates and morphological examination by T. A. Ginetsinskaya. Main results. Cr (III) ions are water-soluble endogenic, highly poisonous toxicant, which locally affects the respiratory branchial epithelium and skin epithelium of pond snails. The depression, and later the termination of aerobic respiration lead to their death from asphyxia. The course of poisoning is five-phase. At 0.5 MPC Cr (III) all vital functions of pond snails are carried out at the normal level (indifference phase). At concentrations of 1-2 MPC, Cr (III) ions cause an increase in their heart rate, intensity of branchial respiration, nutrition and digestion, locomotion (muscle) activity (stimulation phase). At 3 MPC of Cr (III) ions, the depression phase of intoxication develops, with the complex of symptoms including bradycardia, a sharp weakening of respiratory and trophic functions and muscle activity, with increasing degrees of hydremia, pastosity, necrosis of the respiratory epithelium and underlying tissues, and the occurrence of bleeding and hemorrhage (depressive, sublethal and lethal phases).   Conclusions. The studied species of pond snails are highly sensitive to the action of Cr (III) ions and can be suggested for use as test objects in the system of hydroecological monitoring of terrestrial waters of Ukraine.

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