International Journal of Qualitative Methods
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Published By Sage Publications

1609-4069, 1609-4069

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 160940692110704
Graham McCaffrey ◽  
Erin Wilson ◽  
Steinunn Jonatansdottir ◽  
Lela Zimmer ◽  
Peter Zimmer ◽  

Hermeneutic methods have been widely used in health research. Through conducting a scoping review of hermeneutic studies related to implementation in healthcare, we identified various approaches and common strengths across studies. The review was part of a larger study exploring how hermeneutics could contribute fresh perspectives to implementation science. We looked at a large number of studies that reported some use of hermeneutics with a focus on what they had to say about processes of implementation in health care environments. While meeting our primary goal of identifying what was salient to implementation, we came up against the question of what made for a strong hermeneutic study. Through an extensive process of evaluation and discussion, several common elements emerged across studies that used hermeneutics: participatory conversations, reflective spaces, attention to alterity, and close-up granular detail. In this article, we outline the review process, then focus on six articles that met our criteria for relevance to implementation and hermeneutic strength. We discuss how some or all the common elements appeared in the articles, despite wide variations in topic and in how hermeneutics was applied. We argue that strength in hermeneutic research stems from a dialectic between applied principles and outcomes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 160940692110624
Yeshim Iqbal ◽  
Shikhty Sunny ◽  
Ahmed Alif ◽  
Hirokazu Yoshikawa ◽  
Mehzabeen A. Shorna

Objective of Protocol: The primary objective of this protocol is to record the process of conceptualizing a semi-structured interview protocol, training enumerators on the protocol, collecting data, translating findings into English, and analyzing data in English and Bengali, in a study of family socialization among a stateless and conflict-affected population, Rohingya refugees, in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Research Questions of Study: (1) What are the socialization goals that mothers have for their children, and how do they perceive these goals in relation to their future or current roles as caregivers? (2) What are parents’ experiences with their children’s participation in Humanitarian Play Labs (education/child care provisions in the camps), and what are their perceptions of how their child’s participation in the programs has influenced their child/family? (3) What were the experiences of parents with their children as they migrated from Myanmar to Bangladesh? Design of Study: The design of the study involved a qualitative grounded theory approach based on an analysis of the participants’ responses to a semi-structured interview protocol. Study population: Participants included a purposive sample of 28 mother/father dyads in the Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 160940692110637
Ellen Decoo

This article discusses insider/outsider perspectives in qualitative research among religious people. Focus is on the insider researcher. Even if researcher and participants share the same overall religious adherence or are members of the same denomination, various factors can differentiate them substantially, affecting insider/outsider perspectives. The methodological implications of this phenomenon are drawn from research on the perception of gender roles among Mormon women in Belgium. The mutual perception of researcher and participant can influence the data collection phase as value-laden issues are being discussed. To ensure the validity and objectivity of research in this context, positionalities of researcher and participants need to be clearly defined and methodological safeguards put into place. The analysis of the interactions between researcher and participants led to the identification of seven intersecting insider/outsider perspectives: denominational, congregational, social, religious, topical, lingual, and academic. Moreover, as compound insider/outsider positions move on several continua, various factors can change the perspectives during interviews. This article adds to the methodology of qualitative research by uncovering perspectives which researchers can consider or adapt when interviewing religious participants.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 160940692110646
Ariadna Munté-Pascual ◽  
Andrea Khalfaoui ◽  
Diana Valero ◽  
Gisela Redondo-Sama

Researching with methodologies focused on social impact in line with the SDGs is one of the priority orientations of the Horizon Europe program, as shown in the official European Commission document on impacts for this program. In this sense, researchers must forecast how their project will improve citizens' lives. Until now, many investigations showed the evaluation of the social impact through knowledge transfer activities that, although undoubtedly important, are not enough since the social impact is defined as the improvements derived from using the knowledge transferred to society. The search for the social impact of new research requires the introduction of impact indicators from the design, throughout the project development, and when the project ends. The introduction of indicators, in particular if they are decided in dialogue with the participants, allows not only to foresee a greater social impact but also to improve and adjust the methodology to be used. We explore this aspect in the context of research with social impact that starts from how the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing the inequalities suffered by the Roma population, causing the aggravation and creation of new problems and needs. Thus, we explain in detail how the selection of indicators that monitor the social impact, in dialogue with the Roma population, allows the design of research projects that are more appropriate to the current context.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 160940692110724
Tineke Abma ◽  
Marieke Breed ◽  
Sarah Lips ◽  
Janine Schrijver

Photovoice, a way of conducting research through pictures, is considered a child-friendly method to engage children in participatory research and social change but this practice can raise ethical dilemmas. These dilemmas have rarely been discussed in the literature. The aim of this article is to provide insight into the ethical dilemmas we faced using photovoice with children. It is grounded in a 4-year participatory health research project in two primary schools where we used photovoice alongside other creative and arts-based methods. We reflect critically on pressing ethical tensions and how we dealt with these dilemmas. Our logbooks and reflexive conversations were used as data sources. The findings reveal that everyday ethical dilemmas occurred throughout the project. These were sometimes anticipated but were often unexpected. Questions that arose included: ‘Who controls the outcome?’; ‘Photos to assess needs or to give voice?’; ‘Giving voice or aesthetics?’; ‘Who decides who is visible?’ and ‘Disrespectful and stereotypical representations?’ We conclude that ethical dilemmas in using photovoice with children deserve more attention to sensitize researchers and help them live up to the ideals of voice and empowerment.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 160940692110709
Claire Gear ◽  
Elizabeth Eppel ◽  
Jane Koziol-McLain

Seemingly intractable or ‘wicked’ problems are often characterised by the complexity and uncertainty involved. However, these characteristics are not always accounted for within research design. How health care systems may effectively respond to intimate partner violence presents a complex research problem. Researchers have been challenged to account for contextual influences when responding to intimate partner violence. However, theoretical perspectives and methodologies have not sufficiently evolved to account for the multi-layered complexity and uncertainty involved. Recognising and responding to this challenge offers opportunities to innovate methodologies and methods capable of evolving alongside learning. We present a complexity-led research design to study improving primary care service delivery to those impacted by intimate partner violence in Aotearoa New Zealand.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 160940692110100
Johanna Hall ◽  
Mark Gaved ◽  
Julia Sargent

This review aims to collate and organize the current literature base on the use of participatory research methods within Covid-19 and pandemic contexts. Participatory approaches rely on establishing trust and rapport between researchers and participants and advocate actively involving participants in the planning, implementation and evaluation of a research issue. However, by transitioning such approaches to an online and geographically distributed context, the openness and equitability of participatory approaches may be reduced or lost. By providing an overview of current empirical and guidance literature on the use of participatory approaches within the context of Covid-19, this review not only offers a basis for how a variety of methods may be used and adapted to distanced contexts, but also explicates the challenges associated with the use of these methods and the wider methodological implications posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, this review outlines the issues associated with conducting this type of research more generally, providing implications for how distance-based participatory methods may be used in wider contexts where face-to-face interaction may not be appropriate, or fieldwork may be disrupted due to logistical reasons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 160940692110151
Sarah C. Hunt ◽  
Nancy L. Young

The primary objective of this systematic review was to investigate how Western focus groups and Indigenous sharing circles have been blended for the study of Indigenous children’s health. The secondary objective of this study was to propose recommendations for adapting focus groups to include elements of sharing circles. This systematic review was conducted using a systematic search of original research articles published between 2009 and 2020 that (a) focused on North American Indigenous children’s health and (b) used group-based qualitative methods including focus groups and sharing circles. Each of the articles was screened for relevance and quality. The methods sections were reviewed, subjected to qualitative content analysis, and codes were analyzed to identify common themes and synthesize results. We identified 29 articles, most of which followed a community-based participatory research approach. In these publications, most included a community advisory board, ethics approval was obtained, and in some cases, community members were included as research assistants. There was evidence that sharing circles and focus group methods had been blended in the recent Indigenous children’s health literature. This was particularly apparent in the authors’ approaches to recruitment, location, facilitation techniques, question format and reimbursement. Several groups have published results that describe approaches that successfully incorporated aspects of Indigenous sharing circles into Western focus groups, thus establishing a research method that is culturally safe and appropriate for the study of Indigenous children’s health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 160940692199687
Courtney A. Brown ◽  
Anna C. Revette ◽  
Sarah D. de Ferranti ◽  
Holly B. Fontenot ◽  
Holly C. Gooding

This methodologic paper aims to update researchers working with adolescents and young adults on the potentials and pitfalls associated with web-based qualitative research. We present a case study of synchronous web-based focus groups with 35 adolescents and young women ages 15–24 years old recruited from a clinical sample for a mixed methods study of heart disease awareness. We contrast this with two other studies, one using asynchronous web-based focus groups with 30 transgender youth ages 13 to 24 years old and another using synchronous web-based focus groups with 48 young men who have sex with men ages 18 to 26 years old, both recruited via social media. We describe general and logistical considerations, technical platform considerations, and ethical, regulatory, and research considerations associated with web-based qualitative research. In an era of technology ubiquity and dependence, researchers should consider web-based focus groups a potential qualitative research tool, especially when working with youth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 160940692110258
Constance Iloh

Memes are a prominent feature of global life in the 21st century. The author asserts that memes are significant to current and future qualitative research. In particular, the text establishes memes as: (a) part of everyday communication, expression, and explanation, thus useful in qualitative research; (b) valuable cultural units and symbols; (c) forms of rapport building and cultivating relational research; (d) approaches that bolster and sustain remote data collection; (e) methods that infuse agency, humor, and creativity into the research process. The author then showcases distinctive ways memes can be effectively incorporated in qualitative research pursuits and publications. The article concludes with the necessity of data collection and representation approaches that advance the meaningfulness and cultural-relevance of qualitative inquiry.

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