Jurnal IPTA
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Published By Universitas Udayana

2548-7930, 2338-8633

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 200
Yudha Eka Nugraha ◽  
Yurisah Adiningsih Hau

Tourism as one of the priority sectors that is developing in Indonesia has an impact on increasing number of air travelers in Indonesia. Air travel actors consist of various elements, one of which is tourists. During air travel, tourists need to go through the check-in process at the airport before they arrived in destination. This study aims to analyze the punctuality of the check-in counter service of Citilink Indonesia airline at Ground Handling company in PT Gapura Angkasa using the queuing theory and FIFO. Counter check-in services will refer to Ministerial Regulation Number 38, 2015. The quantitative descriptive method was chosen as the approach to this research. Services at Citilink Indonesia's check-in counters are analyzed using the multiple line queuing theory. In calculating the data, the queue observation is calculated, the queue time is recorded, and is equipped with an interview with the check-in counter frontliner. Based on the research results, Citilink Indonesia's counter check-in service at El-Tari Kupang Airport shows that: 1) The waiting time for air travelers in the queue is <20 minutes. 2) Service time for air travelers at the counter check at Citilink Indonesia per person is <2 minutes 30 seconds. The results of this study conclude that the Citilink Indonesia counter check-in service at El-Tari Airport, Kupang is in accordance with Ministerial Direction No. 38 of 2015. According to the result given, Check In Counter Citilink Indonesa has always been commited to give the best service quality for passenger, and obey health protocol while check-in process happens.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 214
Lianna Wijaya ◽  
Sylvia Samuel ◽  
Sarfilianty Anggiani

The culture diversity in the working environment of Holland America Cruise Line caused by the multicultural and multinational crews. The purpose of the research is to analyze the culture diversity, communication, teamwork performance on board the cruise ship as well as to analyze the communication as the mediator to link the culture diversity and the teamwork performance in working environment of Holland America Cruise Line. The research involved 110 cruise ship crews as specific respondents and using qualitative method with purposive sampling questionnaire method. The primary data is collected based on questionnaires and the interviews session with the respondents while the secondary data is obtained by literature study and from the previous researchs. The result of this research find that communication is the most important factor to link the culture diversity and teamwork performance in the working environment of Holland America Cruise Line and the cruise ship management is expected to be able to help the crews ship to understand the cross-cultural before working on board and while working on board the cruise ship so this will able to support smooth operation of the cruise ship.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 178
Kadek Bagus Gede Jelantik ◽  
N.M.S. Wijaya ◽  
Putu Agus Wikanatha Sagita

Many travel agents facilitate the interest of tourists, especially Balinese people to do Tirtayatra to India. One of them is Melati Tours as a travel agent providing package tours of Tirtayatra to India. This study was conducted to find out the right marketing strategy of Tirtayatra tour packages to India at Melati Tours. The data analysis technique used are internal environment/IFAS using Marketing Mix 7P analysis as an internal factors and external environment/EFAS using market analysis, competitor analysis, government analysis, technology analysis, economic analysis, social-cultural analysis, environmental analysis and SWOT analysis. The type of data used is quantitative and qualitative data, primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews, study of literature, documentation and distribution of external internal questionnaires to 100 tourist who bought Tirtayatra tour packages at Melati Tours and to Melati Tours owners and Tourism Academics. Data analysis technique used is mix methods. This study used 18 internal sub-indicators and 8 external sub-indicators and obtained 11 strength factors, 7 weakness factors, 5 opportunity factors and 3 threat factors. Based on the results of data processing on external internal factors/IFAS EFAS, the total value of IFAS is 2,65 and EFAS is 2,20, this indicating the position of the Tirtayatra tour package on Melati Tours in this study is in cell VIII, namely Growth Strategy and Conglomerate Diversification. Melati Tours in marketing Tirtayatra tour packages to India requires a growth strategy through more strategic pressure on financial synergy rather than product marketing strategy for products and prices balance.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 144
Michael Reivin Limengka ◽  
N.M.S. Sofia Wijaya ◽  
Putu Agus Wikanatha Sagita

The study aims at finding out the characteristic of the millennial tourists who visit Labuan Bajo and identifying the influence of the social media influencers’ credibility on their decision to visit Labuan Bajo. In selecting the sample, the study used the purposive sampling method in which some online questionnaires were given to 100 respondents via Google Form feature. The techniques of analyzing the data applied in the study were descriptive qualitative and multiple linear regression analysis using IBM SPSS 25.0 for Windows application. The result of the study shows that, partially and simultaneously, there is a positive impact of the social media influencers’ credibility on the millennial tourists’ decision to visit Labuan Bajo. The results showed that partially, the influencers' credibility positively and significantly affected the millennial tourists’ decision to visit Labuan Bajo. The sig. value of each are as follows: Attractiveness (X1) of 0.043 < 0.05; The Trustworthiness (X2) of 0.047 < 0.05 and the Expertise (X3) of 0.000 < 0.05. While simultaneously, there is a positively and significantly affected the social media Influencers’ credibility on the Millennial tourists’s decision to visit Labuan Bajo, with a sig. value of 0.000 < 0.05.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
L.P.R. Prema Darayanti ◽  
I Gusti Putu Bagus Sasrawan Mananda ◽  
L.G.L.K Dewi

Bali is one of the tourist destinations that is favorite by domestic tourists for a vacation. In recent years, domestic tourist visits to Bali have been dominated by the millennial generation. To be able to visit Bali, tourists can pass through land and air routes. Apart from the presence of highways along the island of Java that facilitates access to Bali, the use of airways is still in demand by domestic tourists to date because it is more efficient in travel time. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the decision of airline selection by millennial domestic tourists to Bali. The sample of this research is millennial domestic tourists to Bali using the air route. The technique of determining the sample using purposive sampling on 100 respondents. Data analysis techniques were performed, namely: validity, reliability, and factor analysis. The results of this study are: 1) Six factors influence the decision to choose an airline to Bali. 2) The dominant factor in millennial domestic tourists choosing airlines to Bali is psychological factors. This factor consists of five forming indicators, namely: (1) Value, (2) Security, (3) Image of airline brand, (4) Perception, (5) Timeliness, (6) Family trust, (7) Family loyalty to airline brands, (8) Knowledge of airlines, (9) Experience with airlines.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Syahrul Hidayat ◽  
I Ketut Suwena ◽  
N.G.A.S. Dewi

Surabaya City currently lacks of potential natural tourism, Surabaya needs new alternative tourism to increase tourists to visit Surabaya by making museum tours become a tourist attraction. One of the factors that influencing tourists to visit are the promotion factor and service quality. This research was conducted to find out the influence of promotion and service quality towards interest to visit to museum Surabaya. The promotion aims to provide & attract tourists to visit. The quality of service is needed so that tourists feel comfortable to visit the museum and desire to revisit museum. The accidental sampling technique used by distributing questionnaires to 100 local tourists who visiting the museum . Multiple linear regression was used to measure the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable using SPSS version 24.0. The results of this research showed that the promotion variable (X1) does not partially had a positive and significant effect on tourit interest (Y) with t-count 1,629 < t-table 1,984. Service quality variable (X2) partially had a positive and significant effect with t-count 6,907 > t-table 1,984.Promotion variable (X1),and service quality variable (X2) simultaneously have a positive and significant effect with F-count 35,561 > F-table 3.939. Based on the results of multiple linear regression test, obtained the regression equation is Y = 13,849 + 0,200 X1 + 0,366 X2 + e with the correlation coefficient of 0.650 and the determination coefficient of 0.411 (41,1%).

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 153
Citra Yanti Pakpahan ◽  
I Wayan Suardana ◽  
I Made Kusuma Negara

The purpose of this study is to study the majority of service quality and brand image of the service user loyalty offered by Sriwijaya air. The determination of the sample in this study used a purposive sampling method of 250 respondents. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, and literature study. Data analysis techniques in this study were descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, validity and reliability, comparative analysis, hypothesis testing, and coefficient of determination analysis using SPSS version 18.0.The results of this study indicate the quality of service and brand image on the loyalty of service users who are supported by Sriwijaya Air at Kualanamu International Airport, Medan, which is stated to have a significant and partially significant effect simultaneously with a value of 72.2%. For service quality variables get the results of analysis with a t test of 7.140 and brand image of 3.809. The data of this study were obtained from distributing online questionnaires to respondents who had used Sriwijaya Air at Kualanamu International Airport, Medan.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 88
I.G.A.O. Mahagangga ◽  
I Putu Anom ◽  
I Made Kusuma Negara

The tourism development in many tourism destination appears to ignore history. Geneology or social record as a history of the formation of existing conditions is considered less important. This study try to understand by apply the tourimsmorphosis concept in Badung, Banyuwangi and East Luwu. Tourismmorphosis as the evolution of tourism can be both progress and regress as an inevitable change. Consisting of the introductory stage, the reaction stage, the institutionalization stage and the compromise stage. The research paradigm is qualitative with qualitative methods and techniques, hermeneutic data analysis techniques and thick descriptive data presentation. The research results understanding that Badung was at the compromise stage, Banyuwangi at the institutional stage and East Luwu at the introductory stage. Hence, the consider of research findings could be used as a basis for future tourism development.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 102
Intan Permatasari Liyanti ◽  
Ni Putu Eka Mahadewi ◽  
I Gusti Putu Bagus Sasrawan Mananda

The development of voluntourism in the world can be recognise from the existence of organizations that provide volunteer travel program. Bali as the icon of Indonesia tourism also become one of destination for voluntourism. Tourist that decide in choosing voluntourism package have its own tourist characteristic. With the presence of tourists who choose the voluntourism package, it is necessary to examine the factors that influence purchasing decisions and their dominant factors. The purpose of this study is to determine tourist characteristic, the factors and dominant factors that influence foreign tourist decision choosing voluntourism package in IVHq Ubud, Bali. Data collection in this research using questionnaire and distributed online by google form to user of volunteer program in IVHq Ubud with total sample of 44 respondents. Sampling technique in this research using  purposive sampling. Data analysis technique using likert scale and factor analysis including validity test, and reliability test then the data processed by the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 18.0 program.  The result of analysis factors show that there are five factors including image factors with eigen value of 6.040, external factor with eigen value of  2.378 , psychology with eigen value of 1.681, physical evidence factor with eigen value  of 1.427, and product factor dengan eigen value 1.025. The dominant factor infuencing foreign tourist decision choosing voluntourism package in IVHq Ubud, Bali is brand/image factor with eigen value  of 6.040.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Viktorianus Walbat ◽  
Putu Agus Wikanatha Sagita ◽  
N.M.S. Wijaya

This research was conducted to analysis the factors that influence the motivation of tourists, and to find out the dominant factors that influence the motivation of tourists visiting the Liang Ndara Tourism village of Manggarai Barat Regency. Determination of the sample for tourists using the Accidental sampling method, the analysis technique used in this study is a descriptive quantitative analysis technique with validity, reliability and factor analysis supported by SPSS version 21.0.The result examined of factor analysis, there are three factors that influence the motivation of tourists to visit Liang Ndara Tourism Village, (1) Quality of Facilities Factors consisting of six indicators, namely the availability of public facilities such as toilets and parking area, escape from urban routine, hand-woven crafts and traditional woven textiles made by local, the uniqueness of cultural attractions such as the Caci dance or traditional dance by Manggarai Barat people, the security, natural resources such as waterfall and protected forest, (2) The second factor is Rest and Relaxation factor, which consists of six indicators, namely the desire for physical and mental refreshment, the desire to interact socially with the local community, breaking away from routine work, Liang Ndara Tourism Village location easy to access by vehicle, restaurants facility, Availability of Lodging / accommodation. (3) The third factor is Realize Dreams factor, which consists of two indicators, namely fulfillment of travel dreams, and the desire to visit friends or relatives. The dominant factor of the three factors above is Quality of Facilities.

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