Vestnik of Minin University
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Published By Minin University


2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
V. D. Lobashev

Introduction. The amount of information offered for study in modern educational institutions is rapidly increasing. Overcoming the inconsistency of the obligation to master the increasing flow of educational information and achieving the necessary "level" of training in fulfilling the traditional requirement of pedagogy – withstanding an acceptable amount of visibility leads to the mass introduction of multimedia tools. The folding so-called clip thinking shades the problems of filling thesaurus learning information virtually uncontrollable content and quality.Materials and Methods. Theoretical and empirical methods of research were used in the course of the work: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, comparison, scientific theorization.Results. Clip-thinking interferes with a clear understanding of the context, and therefore the clip leaves no trace in semantically related phenomena. The trend of radical change in the roles of teachers and students reveals the main reasons and conditions for the transition to visualized presentation of educational information. In addition to the apparent negative consequences of the current pedagogical situation, some advantages of the protective reactions developed by modern learners to the most powerful stream of educational information are revealed. Studies have confirmed the risks of over-visibility in the learning process. Objective differences in the purpose and effectiveness of the types of visibility considered are highlighted. The main points of the formation of visual images are reflected, the obligatory maintenance of the conditions of problems in the educational process is emphasized.Discussion and Conclusions. The studies that have been carried out present an argument for the recommendations for the proposed frame-graphic approach in the organization of the educational process. The orientation of the educational process for each allocated group is justified, which requires a rather different nature of the script. One solution is to use educational information visualization tools to ensure the sustainability of the creative thinking vector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
R. U. Arifulina ◽  
O. A. Katushenko

Introduction. The individualization of the education process is today one of the priority directions of the transformation of the higher education system, which involves the creation of conditions for the implementation of the educational opportunities of students, their academic mobility, the design of an individual educational trajectory, i.e. on the one hand, it serves as a tool for fulfilling the state order in the formation of a competitive specialist, and on the other hand, it allows you to maximally orient education to the personality of the student.Materials and Methods. The article considers domestic and foreign research materials aimed at organizing and implementing the individualization of the learning process. The work uses methods of analysis of scientific literature, questionnaires, analysis, generalization and systematization of data.Results. The authors identified and described the main trends in the development of individualization of the educational process, the relationship between the concepts of "individual educational route" and "individual educational trajectory". A comparative analysis of the results of a questionnaire survey of teachers and students on the problem of individualization of education is carried out, and the main models of individualization of the educational process are highlighted.Discussion and Conclusions. As challenges for the individualization of the educational process of higher pedagogical education, the authors see the bridging of the "digital divide" arising from the inequality in access to digital tools between the subjects of the educational space of the university, as well as regions and countries; updating the goals and content of education, as well as forms, methods and technologies of organizing the educational process; changing approaches and tools to assessing the competencies and educational results of students in the course of mastering an individual educational route; changing the roles of the subjects of the educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
O. V. Lebedeva ◽  
F. V. Povshednaya

Introduction. The modern system of domestic higher education is designed to flexibly respond to the challenges of the modern world, one of which is the possibility of obtaining knowledge through distance learning. The use of electronic services in this process, acting as an online and offline learning tool, actualizes the urgent need to develop in a digital environment a high-quality content of academic disciplines that meets the requirements of educational standards in various areas of training of future subject teachers, primary school teachers, preschool educational institution teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists. At the same time, it is important to assess all the risks that can devalue the physical, moral and material costs of organizing the educational process in the e-learning system from both teachers and support service specialists and the university as a whole.Materials and Methods. The paper uses a descriptive method based on the study and systematization of survey data of pedagogical university students of different directions and training profiles for several years. The respondents were full-time and part-time students. The data collection tool was the e-learning service of Minin University.Results. The analysis of respondents' answers to questions about the pros and cons of distance learning in the system of electronic information educational environment of the pedagogical university allowed us to draw some conclusions about the existence of both positive and negative consequences of the implementation of distance learning, which threaten the psychological safety of participants in the educational process.Discussion and Conclusions. Taking into account the fact that the creation of an e-learning system at Minin University is a large-scale project of modernization of the higher education system, during the implementation of which, since 2012, some experience has already been accumulated that requires reflection, today we can talk about the possibility of considering this electronic information educational environment as minimizing the risks of distance learning through electronic services. Further work in the direction of optimizing the work of the e-learning system of the pedagogical university, including working out the strategy of the "individual educational route" of each student, including assistance to students with special educational needs, should certainly be carried out from the position of involving students in assessing the opportunities and difficulties of working in an electronic educational environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
N. S. Surenskaya ◽  
A. G. Ilyukhin

Introduction. The subject of this article is the analysis of the requirements for the psychological properties of active sales managers from the point of view of the competence approach. It is assumed that the interaction of working conditions in the organization and the psychological properties of a professional, as well as the requirements for them from the tasks performed, generate a certain set of psychological competencies necessary for the productive activity of an active sales manager. The complex nature of human-to-human activities, as well as the need to perform organizational, intellectual, communicative and coordination tasks, forms a system of requirements for the psychological competencies of representatives of this profession, compliance with which increases the productivity of a professional. The article presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of the requirements for an active sales manager from the point of view of psychological competencies.Materials and Methods. Empirical research method - standardized self-reports with Likert scales, correlation and factor analysis.Results. Six main groups of required competencies are identified: value competence, regulatory competence, motivational competence, special competence, communication competence, strategic competence. It is assumed that the balanced development of these groups of competencies in accordance with the requirements of the profession of an active sales manager ensures high productivity of a specialist and his psychological well-being.Discussion and Conclusions. At the end of the article, the results obtained are evaluated from the point of view of their applicability in the training of specialists in key positions of sales departments, new research directions are outlined that allow for a more systematic study of the psychological competence of active sales managers, and it is also concluded that the content of psychological competencies should be taken into account when building educational programs for future sales managers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
E. V. Mikhalchi

Introduction. The article presents the results of studying the meaning of a sense of coherence in the formation of mindfulness, as a personality trait, aimed at full perception and retention of attention on changes in the environment in persons with different levels of health. The objectives of the study were to study the significance of the sense of coherence in the formation of mindfulness and the levels of development of its components in individuals with different levels of health.Materials and Methods. To study the peculiarities of the manifestation of a sense of coherence and the levels of development of its components, a survey was conducted in face-to-face and electronic forms and the questionnaire "Sense of coherence" was applied among respondents with health disorders and from a conditionally healthy group.Results. Analysis of the research results showed that the level of a sense of coherence has connections with the type and degree of health disorders, the period of their appearance and the person's age, but does not have a pronounced relationship with gender. People with physical and somatic health disorders have more developed cognitive functions such as comprehensibility and meaningfulness. Individuals with emotional and mental disorders have a higher level of controllability. In persons from the conditionally healthy group, the feeling of coherence is expressed in a moderate degree; they have a higher level of comprehensibility and controllability, and their meaningfulness is reduced.Discussion and Conclusion. The obtained information on the levels of development of a sense of coherence in persons with health disorders and from a conditionally healthy group allows us to compare the development of their cognitive perception and the possibilities of cognition of the world around them. The research results can be used in psychological support and pedagogical work with persons with health disorders, including disabilities and disabilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
O. A. Chikova ◽  
V. S. Zolotavin ◽  
R. V. Kamenev ◽  
L. A. Maksimova

Introduction. The task of studying the structure and dynamics of spatial thinking of schoolchildren and students is relevant for general and educational psychology and private teaching methods. The research goal of the article is to theoretically substantiate, develop and test a structural model for measuring the spatial intelligence of students and schoolchildren.Materials and Methods. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the content of the definition of "spatial intelligence" in domestic and foreign educational psychology (I.S. Yakimanskaya, H. Gardner), a structural model and a rapid test for measuring the spatial intelligence of students and schoolchildren have been developed. The Structural Equation Modeling methodology was used to validate the developed express test. The research sample consisted of 688 schoolchildren from Novosibirsk at the age from 10 to 15 years.Results. The model for measuring the spatial intelligence of students and schoolchildren is developed by correlating the components of spatial intelligence: spatial knowledge, spatial abilities, spatial skills, with the corresponding cognitive processes: perception of space, spatial representation (thinking), spatial imagination. Based on the classification of intelligence tests into three separate categories: spatial perception, spatial visualization, mental rotation from intelligence subtests (R. Amthauer, M.C. Linn, A.C. Petersen, M. Sjölinder), a rapid test was constructed. The reliability (validity) of the express test was confirmed using structural equation modeling by the method of confirmatory factor analysis of models consisting of 15 indicators and one factor (spatial intelligence) or three factors (spatial knowledge, spatial abilities and spatial skills).Discussion and Conclusions. The theoretical significance of the developed structural model is that it reveals the mechanisms of the natural development of spatial intelligence, depending on the degree of formation of its substructures. The practical significance of the obtained result lies in the development of methodological foundations for screening diagnostics of the spatial intelligence of schoolchildren and is due to the high importance of spatial thinking for solving educational problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
Z. I. Tyumaseva ◽  
E. B. Bystray ◽  
I. L. Orekhova

Introduction. The urgency of the problem presented in the article is due to the need to form the readiness of future teachers for recreational work with children. The authors of the article carried out a pedagogical analysis of the works of modern scientists devoted to the problems of finding methods, means of preserving, strengthening the health of students in the conditions of the educational process. In this regard, the natural environment acts as a powerful factor in health-improving work with children in country summer camps. They are the most massive type of extra curricular organizations in our country, in which future teachers, as trainees, can carry out work to preserve, strengthen the health of children, as well as carry out useful activities to form an ecological culture, a healthy and safe lifestyle among the younger generation. There is an obvious need to prepare future teachers to carry out this work with children. Tutor support of this process is of particular importance in solving this problem, since it makes it personified, which significantly increases its effectiveness. The purpose of the article is to identify the most effective methods and forms of tutoring support for the process of forming the readiness of future teachers for health-improving work with children, to analyze the results of its implementation in the educational process of a pedagogical universityMaterials and Methods. In the course of research, the following methods were used: analysis of ecological-valeological, psychological-pedagogical literature; normative documents on health protection and promotion, on education; analysis of teaching materials; systematization; comparison; modeling; studying the pedagogical experience of university teachers; observation; testing; questioning; conversation; oral questioning; quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data obtained; building an individual educational route for future teachers.Results. The result of the study was the implementation of the author's program of tutor support for the process of forming the readiness of future teachers for health-improving work with children using methods, techniques and forms that have proven their effectiveness.Discussion and Conclusion. In the course of the study, the most effective methods, techniques and forms of tutor support of the process of forming the readiness of future teachers for recreational work with children were identified. An analysis of the results of experimental work is presented, which confirms the effectiveness of this support.Highlights:- it is proved that the urgency of the problem of tutor support of the process of forming the readiness of future teachers for recreational work with children is determined by objective contradictions;- tutor support for tutors is a targeted sequence of interdependent stages: diagnostic-motivational, design, implementation and analytical;- the methods, forms and means of tutor support of the process of formation of future teachers' readiness for health-improving work with children are characterized;- the criteria for the level of formation of the readiness of future teachers for health-improving work with children have been determined: cognitive, emotional and behavioral;- the influence of tutor support of the process of forming the readiness of future teachers for health-improving work with children on its effectiveness has been proved;- the results of the diagnostic study are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
O. A. Silaeva

Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of psychological and social safety of children attending inclusive groups of preschool educational organizations. The risks of inclusive education are associated with the threat of various forms of mental violence from peers. A preschool educational organization is faced with the task of ensuring the psychological safety of educational subjects, including the formation of skills for safe social behavior and interaction in an inclusive environment.Materials and Methods. The following methods were used for the preparation of this article; theoretical analysis of Russian and international literature, study of scientific articles and publications on the topic, overview of results from Russian and international studies, content analysis.Results. Approaches to determining the content of the category of safe social behavior and its various aspects are considered: social norms, psychological stability, communication and communication, spiritual and moral qualities and moral norms, prosocial behavior, interpersonal relationships and interaction. The personal constructs of safe social behavior of preschool children in an inclusive educational environment are identified: need-motivational (setting social norms, trust in the world, social tolerance); emotional-volitional (ability to empathy, low anxiety, coping behavior); cognitive-cognitive (knowledge of the behavior of children with developmental disabilities; ability to choose constructive ways to solve problem situations); interpersonal-social (communication skills, desire for cooperation, kindness, help).Discussion and Conclusions. The conducted theoretical research allowed us to build a model that includes both the structure of safe social behavior of preschool children in an inclusive educational environment, and risk factors for socially dangerous behavior of preschoolers. It is concluded that it is necessary to implement psychological and pedagogical support for inclusive preschool education, which ensures the psychological safety of children with developmental disabilities by developing the skills of safe social interaction among peers with normative development, meeting their needs for personal and trusting communication, as well as gaining a sense of psychosocial well-being and reference significance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
S. N. Kocherov

Introduction. The paper attempts to clarify the relation between ideas and concepts in philosophy seen as science and worldview. The author analyzes these forms of philosophical thought and reveals their epistemological similarities, as well as their essential and notional differences.Materials and Methods. The paper draws upon monographs and papers by Russian and foreign scholars focusing on issues connected with the analysis of philosophical ideas and notions. The methods implemented are comparative analysis, historico-philosophical synthesis, generalization, idealization, abstraction, and interpretation.Results. The central issue explored in the paper concerns similarities and differences between philosophical ideas and concepts. Philosophers do not have serious disagreements over the notion of a concept, but there is no consensus on what an idea is. While many thinkers seem to reduce ideas to representations, a philosophical idea is clearly different from a common opinion. Most notably, it must be expressed in form of a concept – the fact that characterizes it as an act of thinking. Analyzing these forms of thinking, the author arrives at the following conclusions: 1. Concepts reflect essence, ideas reflect aim (an ideal). 2. Concepts are a form of knowledge and are limited to the cognitive sphere; ideas pertain to understanding and are impactful. 3. Concepts are value-neutral, ideas are value-oriented. 4. Concepts are more static, ideas are more dynamic. 5. Philosophical concepts are usually anonymous, ideas are authorial. Ideas endow concepts with their original essence, while concepts endow ideas with their theoretical form. Without the creative power of ideas concepts degrade into banal epigonic thoughts. Thus, ideas and concepts are forms of thinking that have different purposes, but are still deeply connected and interchangeable.Discussion and Conclusions. The understanding of ideas proposed in the paper goes against the currently dominant epistemological tradition which regards ideas as opinions, views, or representations and in doing so renders the term conceptually indeterminable. The heuristic and creative potential possessed by ideas that influence and stimulate the development of philosophy should be adequately evaluated. The essential role that ideas play in history should not be ignored as well. While ideas express interests of different social groups, they should not be equated with interests, as philosophical ideas are meant to express fundamental issues of human essence and existence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
A. A. Vikhman ◽  
E. N. Volkova ◽  
L. V. Skitnevskaya

Introduction. The prevalence of information technology and the availability of the Internet have led to the emergence of a new form of bullying – cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is harassment that occurs through the use of technology (computer, mobile phones) and the Internet (e-mail, social networks, messengers). Unlike direct, contact forms of bullying, it has a number of specific properties such as: anonymity; distance; a large number of witnesses and uncontrolled dissemination of information provided by the Internet.Materials and Methods. The article presents a theoretical overview of the directions of prevention of cyberbullying. In the process of scientific search, theoretical research methods were used: comparative analysis, generalization, interpretation.Results. Taking into account the discussion about the similarities and differences between traditional bullying and cyberbullying, both traditional forms of joint prevention of aggression offline and online, as well as specific digital opportunities for assistance and support to victims of cyber aggression are highlighted.Anti-bullying programs, taking into account the role structure and complexity of influence, have proven their effectiveness in the situation of cyberbullying. Particular attention is paid to individual personal resources, the development or correction of which reduces the risk of cyber-victimization and cyber-aggression, facilitates coping with cyber-aggression and mitigates its negative consequences. Such personal resources include emotional intelligence and resilience, the ability to empathy, responsibility, moral and moral feelings, a sense of gratitude, emotions of forgiveness, balanced self-esteem, self-esteem, values of friendship and cohesion, controlled anger and temper, openness to new experiences and adaptive coping strategies with difficulties.The specific characteristics (the use of computer technology, anonymity, disinhibition) of cyberbullying allow the use of digital opportunities for its prevention: reducing the computer dependence of cyberbullying participants and redirecting unproductive activity on the Internet to the experience and skills of digital socialization, health-saving digital technologies, coping with online risks, parental control over the use of the Internet and the formation of Internet etiquette.Discussion and Conclusions. Unlike traditional forms of bullying, the digital environment itself can be an effective resource for preventing cyberbullying and mitigating its consequences. Victims of cyber aggression prefer to receive anonymous help via the Internet, and this makes cyberspace an ideal place for prevention and assistance in an online form.In general, the resource direction of prevention is the systematic tactical development of social, emotional, communicative and digital skills, as well as the strategic search and development of individual personal resources.

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