Microsystems Electronics and Acoustics
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Published By Kyiv Politechnic Institute

2523-4455, 2523-4447

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
Pavlo Ihorovych Krysenko ◽  
Maksym Olehovych Zoziuk ◽  
Oleksandr Ivanovych Yurikov ◽  
Dmytro Volodymyrovych Koroliuk ◽  
Yurii Ivanovych Yakymenko

An analytical model for creating flat Chladni figures is presented. The equation of a standing wave in the simplest boundary conditions and the Fourier transform are used. Top view images are shown at different frequencies. The practical significance of the results obtained for the further development of the field of creating Chladni figures based on standing waves of different physical nature has been determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
Ihor Serhiiovych Fedin ◽  
Tetiana Oleksandrivna Tereshchenko ◽  
Yuliia Serhiivna Yamnenko

This paper is devoted to in-detail demonstrationand description of the overall functionality and deailed processes in every component of quasi-z-source voltage inverter. Expressions for currents and voltages on all elements of the circuit in standard and "shoot-trough" modes are provided. These ratios demonstrate one of the main technological advantages of the quasi-z-source topology: which is the possibility of the voltage reduction on one of the capacitor that forms the quasi-z-circuitry that led to the overall size and weight reduction of the resulting device and additional reliability increase. Matlab calculations,that are provided in the practical part of the article,fully confirmed the theoretical dependencies. At the same time, obtained practical results of the simulation demonstrated the main advantage of the quasi-impedance topology - the ability to provide a continuous current of the input source without zero pauses. That is additionally confirmed by a graphical representation of transients and the spectrum of the output voltage of the inverter. As the second topic of the article, the problem of the control system operating principle selection was discussed. As it was determined in the process of the previous research and practical modeling of the quasi-z-source inverter, providing a switching of the inverter valves on the frequency that equal to the frequency of the desired output voltage, which for the most of the world’s electrical power systems is equal to 50-60 Hz, is leading to a size and mass increase of the quasi-z-source circuitry, according to its design ratios. Additionally, such component are either not represented in the modern electronic components lineup or providing sufficient energy losses that in some design cases could neglect the voltage boost effect of the quasi-z-source circuitry implementation. To overcome discovered limitations, several PWM control methods were suggested. All of them could be divided into two groups: classic and vector PWM methods. Classic methods are based on combination of the basic PWM modulation techniques that are widely used in conventional full-bridge invertors with the insertion of the “shoot-trough” state activation mode. A model of the control system for the classical approach is offered. It is shown that the method of simple control of the state of "breakdown" is based on the placement of time intervals of the inverter in the state of "breakdown" within the normal period of operation of the bridge inverter. The only difference between the models is the inclusion of an additional constant signal exceeding the amplitude of which the carrier leads to the activation of the “shoot-trough” state.In conclusion the discussion on topic of the classic control methods implementation in up-to-date designs and possibility of its combination with a different modern approaches aimed on a quasi-z-source topology parameters modification are provided.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
Andrii Andriiovych Pakhomov ◽  
Iryna Olehivna Bevza ◽  
Viacheslav Oleksiiovych Chadyuk

The article analyzes the effect of dangerous aerosols on the human body. In order to purify the air from aerosols, the effect of an electric field on them is considered. The electric and dielectrophoretic forces acting on submicron particles in an inhomogeneous electric field of two parallel wires are calculated. It is shown that part of this field is identical to the field between the wire and the grounded plate electrode located in the middle between the wires. This allows using a known formula for the electric field of a two-wire line to calculate the field gradient and the effect of dielectrophoresis on neutral particles. Smoke and dust particles already carry a negative charge, and a more or less uniform electric field is enough to move them. To filter neutral water droplets infected with the virus, you need either a field with a large gradient or a corona discharge. The paper shows that the polarization of particles in an electric field causes the particles to stick together, and larger particles settle faster on the electrodes of the filter. The design of a transparent electrostatic precipitator is proposed, which can be used to protect indoor air from external smoke, dust, or viruses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
Andrii M. Bozhuk ◽  
Serhii Rostyslavovych Mikhailov ◽  
Olexandr R. Trofymenko

Research of objects with unilateral access is a promising area for the development of non-destructive testing systems. To create a real system and determine its optimal parameters, it is important to conduct preliminary computer simulations. The paper is devoted to creating a model of a non-destructive system based on backscattered X-rays in the Serpent Monte Carlo code. There are no known studies of the use of Serpent software to build such models. The purpose of the study was to confirm the possibility of detecting a defect, i.e., a material of a different density than the test object, which was placed in this object. A model was created, the main components of which were the radiation source, the object under study, the defect, and the detector of backscattered radiation. Experiments were performed for several combinations of system parameters, in particular when changing the angle of illumination and the distance between the object and the detector. The energy of the radiation source used in the study was 100 keV. The test object of study was a steel plate, which contained a defect — a lead plate. Calculations were performed for six cases at illumination angles of 30 and 45 degrees (scattering angles of 120 and 135 degrees, respectively), and the distance between the object and the detector 1 and 5 cm. The detector was a plane that coincided with a NaI scintillation plate of 60 by 30 cm in size. It was conventionally divided into 1800 elements to detect the flux density of backscattered radiation. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results met theoretical expectations. In particular, the Compton equation was fulfilled, which states that as the cosine of the scattering angle \theta increases, the energy of scattered radiation also increases. In the case of θ = 1200, the average flux density of backscattered radiation recorded by the detector was 1.1*10-3 units per square centimeter per second, and in the case of θ = 1350, this value was 7.9*10-4. The results of the study can be used to build real non-destructive testing devices. These devices can be used in medicine, industry, and security systems. The model has some limitations. The radiation source in this model is monoenergetic, in contrast to classical X-ray systems, in which the radiation has a spectrum. Also, a defect is a plate of a large area, which is almost equal to the area of ​​the object under study. For practical use, the device must be capable to detect a defect many times smaller than the object under study, such as a void in the weld, a tumor in the human body, or smuggled substances. The model can be improved in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
Mykhailo Kostiantynovych Yaremenko ◽  
Kater Klen ◽  
Valerii Yakovych Zhuikov

In the energy balancing system of distributed generation systems with RES (renewable energy sources), in particular with wind turbines, the effective use of the battery of the balancing system depends on the charge-discharge modes that are implemented. To be effectively used in an energy balancing system, the RES control system should coordinate the processes of energy generation and accumulation in the system through the implementation of operational management with forecasting. Depending on the characteristics of the battery and the accuracy of the measurement or prediction of the energy the battery capacity (or the number of batteries) that will provide the specified control range (controlled operation area) needs to be chosen. Empirical relations (equations) devoted to the dependence of the battery capacity on the discharge current and to the change of voltage at the terminals of the battery during direct current discharge were listed. Among the equations Peukert’s law was chosen. A general view of the dependence of the battery capacity on the discharge current was shown. The formula for Peukert's constant (coefficient) was given. 5 Packert's law limitations were listed including the fact that the effect of temperature on the battery is not taken into account. The influence of depth charge-discharge and the number of discharge cycles on the capacitance was shown. In the process of using the battery and increasing the number of charge-discharge cycles, the capacity decreases. Peukert’s formula was extended to be influenced by temperature: both the Peukert’s capacity and the Peukert’s coefficient depend on the temperature because the Peukert’s coefficient depends on the capacity. For further calculations, a rechargeable battery HZB12-180FA from manufacturer HAZE Battery Campany Ltd was chosen. The temperature was taken into account by empirical dependences from the manufacturer and then they were approximated by 3rd order polynomials. Graphical results of the approximation were shown. The formula of dependency between the power of the wind turbine and the wind speed was shown. The connection between wind speed prediction error, amount of power that could not be obtained because of that and the number of batteries that would provide the specified control range (controlled operation area) was shown. Thus, for calculation of the number of batteries the depth of discharge, temperature and prediction (measurement) error were taken into account. Example dependences of the number of batteries on the wind speed error at temperatures of -20 °C, 0 °C and 20 °C were shown. Curves of dependence of the number of batteries of the balancing system on the ambient temperature and the error of wind speed forecasting was constructed. As an example, when the prediction error increases from 10% to 15%, the number of batteries needs to be increased by 1.17 times, and when the temperature decreases from 20 °C to 0 °C, the number of batteries needs to be increased by 1.48 times. The results of the work can be used at the stage of planning the wind turbine when choosing the number and capacity of the batteries to be installed. Possible areas of further research are using Peukert's formulas, generalized for other or different types of batteries, using other formulas, except for Peukert’s one, for taking into account the dependence of battery capacity on discharge current, using a non-empirical approach to include dependency on temperature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
O. V. Tsukanov ◽  
O. H. Dramaretskyi ◽  
Yurii Viktorovych Didenko ◽  
Dmytro Dmytrovych Tatarchuk

When studying the operation of Schottky diodes the most important electrical parameters are the height of the potential barrier, the coefficient of ideality, the saturation current and the series resistance of the material and contacts. These parameters can be determined from the experimental volt-ampere characteristics. The article considers the methods of determining these electrical parameters of Schottky diodes, as well as the factors that affect the accuracy of calculations. The existing methods for calculating the electrical parameters of Schottky diodes are analyzed, namely: the method of Norde, Roderick, Chong, Sato and the method of direct approximation. The Norde method was developed for a coefficient of ideality equal to one for cases where the effect of series resistance on the I–V characteristics makes a significant error in determining the barrier height by simpler methods. A significant disadvantage of this method is that in many cases the coefficient of ideality is not equal to one, even in the case of an ideal diode, which makes an error in the calculation result. The advantage of Roderick's method is the possibility of describing the forward and reverse branches of the I–V characteristics by one dependence, as well as taking into account measurements at voltages less than tripled temperature potential. The disadvantages of this method include the lack of consideration of the effect of series resistance, which may result in additional errors. The main advantage of the Chong method is the determination of the series resistance together with the height of the barrier and the coefficient of ideality, which not only provides additional information about the contact, but also convenient in terms of automation of the calculation process. The disadvantages include the possibility of applying the method only to the voltage range above the tripled temperature potential. The disadvantages of Sato methods and direct approximation include the fact that the calculation is performed at one point of the I–V curve, which can negatively affect the accuracy. It is also shown that these methods have a significant standard deviation of the calculated values from the experimental ones, which is due to the temperature dependence of the height of the potential barrier and the dependence of the coefficient of ideality on the voltage. Also, the reason for the increase in the calculation error of the electrical parameters in all five methods is the decrease in the length of the I–V characteristics in logarithmic coordinates. When using any of the considered methods, the calculation is performed in logarithmic coordinates, which complicates the determination of the boundaries of the I–V section, where the dependence of the parameters of the Schottky diode on the voltage is insignificant. A new algorithm for calculating the electrical parameters of Schottky diodes has been developed. Based on the conjugate gradient method, a method for optimizing the algorithm for calculating the electrical parameters of Schottky diodes was developed, which made it possible to reduce the standard deviation by more than an order of magnitude. The developed algorithm is verified by comparing the calculated volt-ampere characteristics of Schottky diodes with those obtained experimentally. To construct the calculated volt-ampere characteristics, the values of the electrical parameters of Schottky diodes were used, which were determined by the presented algorithm. The results of the calculation are in good agreement with the experimental data. The proposed method can be used both in scientific work to study the properties of semiconductor materials, and in production to control the quality of Schottky diodes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
Dmytro Olehovych Kalmus

In the article the results of research of work of mine electric locomotive are driven on condition of stability of the system "A wheel is a rail" on coupling of wheels of electric locomotive with rails. It is marked that work of mine electric locomotive transport is conditioned by the row of specific terms. It is indicated that for realization of the electromechanics systems of mine electric locomotives structures are used with the hauling electric engines of direct and variable current. During working as of mine electric locomotive an important question there is coupling of wheels of electric locomotive with rails. Investigation of worsening of coupling of wheel with a rail is an origin of processes of skidding in the mode of creation of tractive or юза force in the mode braking of electric locomotive, that influence negatively for other knots of hauling electromechanic. In turn stability of the system "A wheel is a rail" depends on the type of hauling electromechanic. At consideration condition of stability of electromechanic on coupling of wheels of electric locomotive with rails important is inflexibility of descriptions of hauling electric motors. What more inflexibility, the higher stability of the system "A wheel is a rail". More hard descriptions can be got in the system of electromechanic with hauling asynchronous engines that give an opportunity to use this fact for realization of proportional distribution of efforts between the wheelpairs of electric locomotive. The systems ticker-coil on speed allow to carry out distribution of hauling and brake efforts that is attached to the wheelpairs of electric locomotive, in accordance with distribution of efforts from these wheelpairs on rails, only after the beginning of processes of skidding or skidding. For the decision of this problem a sufficient condition there is a limit of currents of hauling electric motors on the set level. In this connection possibility of distribution of hauling and brake efforts appears at any moment to time. For the decision of task of rational distribution of efforts of electric locomotive, distribution of forces was analysed between his wheelpairs in the function of total force that pulls an electric locomotive on his coupling. On the basis of analysis an idea was got about the redistribution of loading on the axes of electric locomotive. This distribution is in direct ratio to his total tractive force and coupling height, and in inverse ratio to inflexibility of corps. As a result, in order that propelling and brake forces on the axes of electric locomotive corresponded to distribution of weight on rails on wheelpairs, it is necessary to support identical correlation of weight and efforts on the axes of electric locomotive. The design of transients was conducted in the system of group electric hauling drive of mine electric locomotive in the mode of starting and braking. A design is executed for the engine of direct-current with successive connection of poles and hauling asynchronous engine. The charts of transients in the system of group electric hauling drive of mine electric locomotive in the mode of starting and braking showed absence of processes of skidding and slipping at application of the offered principle for the control system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
Oleh V. Kuzhylnyi ◽  
Tymofii A. Kodniev ◽  
Anton Yuriiovych Varfolomieiev ◽  
Ihor Vsevolodovych Mikhailenko

The paper investigates the possibility of efficient implementation of a GigE Vision compatible video stream source on a computing platform based on a system-on-a-chip with general-purpose ARM processor cores. In particular, to implement the aforementioned video source, a proprietary prototype of a GigE Vision compatible camera was developed based on the Raspberry Pi 4 single-board computer. This computing platform was chosen due to its widespread use and wide community support. The software part of the camera is implemented using the Video4Linux and Aravis libraries. The first library is used for the primary image capturing from a video sensor connected to a single board computer. The second library is intended for forming and transmission of video stream frames compatible with GigE Vision technology over the network. To estimate the delays in the transmission of a video stream over an Ethernet channel, a methodology based on the Precise Time Protocol (PTP) has been proposed and applied. During the experiments, it was found that the software implementation of a GigE Vision compatible camera on single-board computers with general-purpose processor cores is quite promising. Without additional optimization, such an implementation can be successfully used to transmit small frames (with a resolution of up to 640 × 480 pixels), giving a delay less than 10 ms. At the same time, some additional optimizations may be required to transmit larger frames. Namely, a MTU (maximum transmission unit) size value plays the crucial role in latency formation. Thus, to implement a faster camera, it is necessary to select a platform that supports the largest possible MTU (unfortunately, it turned out that it is not possible with Raspberry Pi 4, as it supports relatively small MTU size of up to 2000 bytes). In addition, the image format conversion procedure can noticeably affect the delay. Therefore, it is highly desirable to avoid any frame processing on the transmitter side and, if it is possible, to broadcast raw images. If the conversion of the frame format is necessary, the platform should be chosen so that there are free computing cores on it, which will permit to distribute all necessary frame conversions between these cores using parallelization techniques.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
Artur Volodymyrovych Zahranychnii ◽  
Olena Olehivna Abakumova

In the article on the basis of the theory of invariance the increase of accuracy of work of system with the converter for nuclear magnetic logging under condition of change of parameters of loading is considered. Based on the proposed functional scheme of two-channel control, formulas are given to determine the structural relationships and internal influences on the parameters of the control system components to reduce the impact of disturbances that occur both by changing load parameters and by changing the supply voltage. To maintain the required value of the carrier voltage amplitude, it is necessary to increase the reference voltage or decrease the amplitude of the sawtooth voltage, which is equivalent to increasing the gain of the feedback circuit. In this case, if you increase the gain of the feedback circuit, you must ensure that the stability of the system is maintained. The implementation of these proposals gives a more accurate formation of the bypass probing signal. The given functional scheme provides realization of regulation and stabilization of amplitude. The paper considers various options for reducing the effect of power supply perturbation on the output parameters of the converter. By changing the period of operation of the sawtooth voltage generator, which is determined by the frequency of the voltage-controlled generator and depends on the output frequency of the inverter, which varies depending on the parameters and properties of the rock during logging, the accuracy of stabilizing the amplitude of the probe signal increases. In the proposed two-channel control system, the first channel provides regulation and stabilization of the amplitude of the output voltage in accordance with the reference voltage. The second channel provides a change in the frequency of the sawtooth voltage generator by determining the period of the voltage-controlled generator from the phase detector, which determines the deviation of the real frequency from the frequency of the reference generator. The application of the above techniques allows to build circuit implementations of the system with transducers for nuclear magnetic logging, which meet the requirements for the accuracy of the formation of the bypass probing signal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
Oleksandr R. Kovalov ◽  
Olha Yu. Nesterova ◽  
Valerii A. Borodai

Digital models of pulse-width voltage control system with step switching of power supply frequency and automatic control of induction motor are developed and built, the recommendations on the algorithm of their control and circuit solution for the implementation of smooth start modes, nominal and frequency-step control from low-power -variable load schedule are provided. The novelty of the work lies in the substantiated sequence and conditions of control and originality of the structure of the automatic system of smooth start-up and activation of the effective mode of the asynchronous drive. The introduction of the conversion system will create an automatic system of asynchronous drive, due to which it is possible to achieve energy conservation at all levels of the electromechanical system, with minimum capital investment.

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