Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

2354-8592, 2354-8592

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (03) ◽  
pp. 305
Roziana Ainul Hidayati

Background : Based on the results of research in the coastal area of ​​Gresik Regency in Ujungpangkah District and Panceng District, it is known that the category of Developing Village in Ujung Pangkah District is Pangkah Kulon Village, Banyu Urip Village, Bolo Village, Pangkah Wetan Village, Gosari Village, Cangaan Village, Karangrejo Village, Tanjang cloud Village, Glatik Village, Ketapang Lor Village and Ngemboh Village. Meanwhile, Sekapuk Village is the only independent village in Ujungpangkah District. Meanwhile, Kebonagung Village is the only Disadvantaged Village in Ujungpangkah District. The average IPD variable whose condition is lagging and not yet independent occurs in almost all villages in Ujung Pangkah District. Based on this, the researcher intends to follow up by measuring community satisfaction with the availability of infrastructure in Ujung Pangkah District. Purpose : The measurement of community satisfaction is intended to find out how far the actual level of community satisfaction with the availability of infrastructure is still minimal. Design/Methodology/Approach : Research on the Community Satisfaction Index for Infrastructure Services in Ujung Pangkah District by taking the research area is all villages in Ujung Pangkah District except Sekapuk Village using descriptive quantitative methods. Result and Discussion: The results of the study indicate that the Road Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index obtained a value of 79.03 with service quality category B (Good). The land transportation infrastructure service satisfaction index obtained a value of 68.06 with the quality of service included in category C (less good). The Health Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index obtained a value of 77.92 with service quality including category B (Good). The Education Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index obtained a value of 76.39 with service quality including category C (less good). The Clean Water Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index obtained a value of 82.22 with service quality including category B (Good). The Housing Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index obtained a value of 74.31 with service quality including category C. (less good). Conclusion: the Road Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index category B. The land transportation infrastructure service satisfaction index category C. The Health Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index category B. The Education Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index category C (less good). The Clean Water Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index category B (Good). The Housing Infrastructure Service Satisfaction Index category C. Research Limitation: the research area is all villages in Ujung Pangkah District except Sekapuk Village Research Implication: These results imply that it is necessary for the sub-district and related agencies to repair infrastructure whose value is still category C or less good, and infrastructure that has a value of category B, can be improved again to a better service or Category A Acknowledgement: This research was carried out in collaboration with UjungPangkah District and was funded by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (03) ◽  
pp. 294
Diyanti Rifal Agustin ◽  
Ni Nyoman Putu Martini ◽  
Tatit Diansari Riskiputri

Background – Financial performance is a company's work performance that has been achieved in a certain period and can be seen in the financial statements of the company concerned. Financial statement analysis using conventional methods is often used by companies to measure their financial performance, namely financial ratio analysis. PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk, must have the option to create value added or large profits and create or add value to the capital that has been donated to meet the assumptions for financial backers (financial backers or investors). Purpose – Measure financial performance with Economic Value Added (EVA), Financial Value Added (FVA) and Market Value Added (MVA). Design/ Methodology/ Approach – This is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. Sources of data in this study using external secondary data sources obtained through literature study which is arranged in the form of documents in the form of financial reports. The analysis technique in this study uses Time Series Analysis. Results and Discussion - EVA measurement with a time series approach from 2015-2019 the average EVA is -25,291,800.85, this indicates that the company has not been able to provide added value to shareholders because EVA is negative (EVA<0) so it is said to perform Not Good. Measurement of FVA with a time series approach from 2015-2019 the average FVA is 21,359,193.35, this indicates that the company is able to provide added financial value for companies and investors because the FVA value is Positive (FVA> 0) so it is said to be performing well . MVA measurement with a time series approach from 2015-2019 the average MVA is 9,019.927,024,116, this indicates that the company is able to provide added value because the MVA value is Positive (MVA> 0) so it is said to be performing well. Conclusion – EVA, FVA, and MVA values ​​in 2015 were positive, in 2016 EVA and FVA were negative while MVA was positive, in 2017 EVA was negative while FVA and MVA were positive, in 2018 EVA was negative, FVA and MVA were positive, in 2018 2019 EVA, FVA, and MVA are positive. Research Implications - The research results in this study can be considered by the management of PT Garuda Indonesia in assessing and evaluating the company's financial performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (03) ◽  
pp. 278
Merta Kusuma ◽  
Tezar Arianto ◽  
Meilaty Finthariasari

Background – Every prospective student is free to make their choice to choose the faculty and study program they are interested in, which of course is in accordance with their abilities academically and financially. This research was conducted based on the research gap found by the researcher. Baker (2018) suggests further research to analyze the expected job variables as a factor in choosing decisions. Objective - To analyze the direct and indirect effect between each variable Interest, motivation, and expected job on the decision to choose. Design/ Methodology/ Approach – This research is a descriptive quantitative research. The population in this study were new students in the 2020 academic year at the Faculty of Economics at five universities in Bengkulu City. Samples were drawn using the Slovin formula as many as 356 respondents. Results and Discussion – The results of this study indicate that the higher the interest of individuals (students) it will encourage them to decide what they want, so it is said that interest is one of the factors that encourage someone to choose something. Likewise, student motivation in studying can be a determinant of their success in the future. The expected job is an important driving factor for students in choosing the faculty they will take in gaining knowledge. This is evidenced by the results of the current study and strengthened by the results of previous studies. Conclusion – There is a significant effect between each of the expected interest, motivation, and work variables on the decision to choose, with values ​​of 0.596, 0.452, 0.580, respectively. Then the work variable which is expected to be able to mediate between the interest and motivation variables on the decision to choose, with values ​​of 0.507 and 0.566, respectively. Research implications - The expected work variables in this study can provide information to each university that is the object of research that is not only related to student internal factors but there are other external factors that have an important contribution to the decision to choose prospective students in determining their choice to take college. Thus, universities and faculties can establish cooperation with job providers to accommodate quality graduates in the future, so that this can increase interest and motivation in determining college choices at universities in Bengkulu City. Research limitations - This research is limited to the Bengkulu City area with a total sample of 356 respondents and the number of variables studied is only two independent variables (interest and motivation), one mediating variable (expected job), and one dependent variable (decision). choose).

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (03) ◽  
pp. 264
Siti Rokhayah ◽  
Ahadiati Rohmatiah ◽  
Mutmainah Mutmainah

Background – Supervision of employees needs to be done optimally in order to achieve company goals. Supervision of employee attendance due to frequent absenteeism requires company action to be able to discipline employees. For example, the use of a fingerprint attendance machine in the Madiun City Regional Secretariat. Purpose – To know about the effect of effectiveness of fingerprint attendance application on employee discipline as measured using practical dimensions, accurate dimensions, and security dimensions. Design/ Methodology/ Approach – This research is quantitative research. The samples in this research are all of Madiun City Regional Secretariat employee. Their fingerprints have been recorded by the company. They numbered 159 people. Sampling technique use saturated sample. Data analysis in this research use multiple linier regression analysis. Result and discussion – This research result show that practical dimension, accurate dimension, and security dimension effect to discipline of work employee, partially and simultaneously in the Madiun City Regional Secretariat. Accurate dimension is dominant variable. Research Implication - The results of this study can be used as a reference in conducting performance appraisals and employee supervision. Limitations - This research was conducted at the Madiun City Regional Secretariat and is devoted to employees whose fingerprints have been registered on the fingerprint attendance machine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (03) ◽  
pp. 247
Fani Firmansyah ◽  
Adam Jarror

Background - In Indonesia, there are various smartphone brands with attractive competition because vendors continue to compete to win consumers, but one of the vendors is ranked first in the market share in 2020, namely Vivo. therefore it is necessary to know how the brand image of vivo and whether a group can influence consumer choice. Purpose - The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of brand image and reference groups on purchasing decisions of Vivo smartphones on students of the Faculty of Economics, Uin Malang. Design/ Methodology/ Approach - This type of research is quantitative. The population of this study were students of the Faculty of Economics, UIN Malang. With a sample of 90 students. The analytical method used is multiple regression, while the instrument test uses a validity test, reliability test and classical assumption test with the help of SPSS 16.0 software for windows. Result and Discussion – Testing on the brand image variable (X1), the T-count value (2.385) is greater than T table (1.987) and the significance value (0.019) is less than alpha (0.05) which indicates there is a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions (Y). Testing on the Reference Group variable, the T-count (2.167) is more than the T-table (1.987) and the significance value (0.033 is less than alpha (0.05) which indicates there is a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions (Y). Based on the test results Simultaneously, the F-count value (9.114) is greater than the F-table (3.10) and the significance value (0.000) is smaller than alpha (0.05) which indicates the influence of the brand image variable (X1) and the reference group ( X2) simultaneously has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions (Y). Conclusion – The results of the study showed that the variable brand image and reference group simultaneously had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. While the partial test results that brand image has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions and the reference group variable has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (03) ◽  
pp. 239
Siti Samsiyah ◽  
Tri Ariprabowo

Background - Retail development in the digital era occurs in business competitors, namely minimarkets and department stores. Before the existence of minimarkets, people were more interested in shopping at traditional markets, but now there is technological development, so many people or consumers move to modern markets. Purpose - This study discusses the Store Atmosphere, product prices on customer satisfaction Alfamidi Minimarket Taman Pondok Jati Taman Sidoarjo. Design / Methodology / Approach - The research sample is 84 respondents, where the respondents here are visitors who do shopping at the Alfamidi Taman Pondok Jati minimarket, Sidoarjo. The research analysis uses the Multiple Linear Regression approach. The reliability and validity test of the questionnaire was carried out to enforce the accuracy of the questionnaire given to the respondents. Results and Discussion - The results of this study for partial hypothesis testing of store atmosphere variables, product prices affect customer satisfaction. A comfortable, safe atmosphere, affordable prices, and satisfying service will influence customers to return to the Minimarket. Conclusion - Product diversity is the completeness of the goods sold and the availability of the goods. So the Alfamidi Taman Pondok Jati Taman Sidoarjo Minimarket, the more diverse its products are complete and the satisfying service, the more sales will increase. Research Implications - Research can be used as a reference for franchise companies in enforcing problems in the retail sector, namely evaluation materials for (a) Companies that establish franchises (b) Alfamidi Minimarket Services as a retail sales place to meet community needs (c) Determine service strategies, product prices and marketing for the company.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (03) ◽  
pp. 222
Nur Elisa Faizaty

Background - Strategy formulation is often a complicated process that requires adopting a systematic approach to diagnosing external factors and to match these external factors with internal capabilities, therefore strategy formulation is an important measure of a company's success in winning the competition at the national level or maybe even at the international level. Purpose  –  This  study  aims   to   provide   an   academic   paper   on   freight Forwarder company management which is the object of research in determining future company strategies by identifying SWOT and TOWS in order to uncover strategies to exploit strengths and opportunities as well as to improve weaknesses and overcome these threats. Design/ Methodology/ Approach – This study uses a qualitative approach in answering the formulation of research problems. The data collection method consists of a comprehensive review of the literature and a part of interviews with management executives at freight forwarders. Data analysis uses the IFE approach and the EFE Matrix, to map the scores and weightings of internal strengths and external changes. Result and Discussion – Combining the IFE and EFE analysis, we get a company positioning plot at the medium or hold and maintain level, which means that the company's current focus is on market penetration and product / service development. Conclusion – The TOWS matrix produces a series of proposed strategies, namely SO, WO, ST, and WT that echo internal and external conditions, so it is hoped that the four proposed strategies will be able to increase the competitiveness of companies in the national arena. Research Limitation - This research is limited to companies within the scope of freight forwarders in the city of Surabaya. Research in different years with the same variables is suggested to be carried out in the future, considering that internal changes and external changes will follow changes in time. Research Implications - This research can be used as a reference for other companies in the freight forwarder sector to determine the direction of the company's future strategy, however, these results are only valid for companies that are the object of research, all variables must be changed and adjusted to the conditions of each company. the proposed strategy becomes valid. Acknowledgment - This research was carried out in collaboration with companies in the field of freigt forwarders in the city of Surabaya, along with their leaders who took the time and willingness to complete this research study.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (02) ◽  
pp. 206
Etik Nur Aini Romdhoniyati ◽  
Heni Widyarti ◽  
Ardian Widiarto

Background - Improve the quality and convenience of customers in social insurance services. PT. Taspen (Persero) KCU Semarang requires a management audit to evaluate and provide recommendations that need to be done to obtain effective human resources. interview with the Head of General and HR Section and several employees at PT. Taspen (Persero) KCU Semarang, the function of human resources (HR) at PT. Taspen (Persero) KCU Semarang can be said to have not been effective. Purpose – The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the eight Human Resource functions and the effectiveness of the Human Resource function at PT. Taspen (Persero) KCU Semarang. Design/ Methodology/ Approach - This research used descriptive qualitative. Data were collected using interview methods, questionnaires, and documentation studies. Data analysis used management audit with four stages, namely preliminary audits, review and testing of management controls, detailed audits, and reports. Result and discussion - Five of the eight HR functions at PT. Taspen (Persero) KCU Semarang has been implemented effectively, namely (1) performance appraisal, (2) career development, (3) reward and compensation system, (4) employee protection and (5) employment relations. Meanwhile, the three functions that have not been implemented effectively include (1) orientation and placement, (2) training and development, and (3) termination of employment. Conclusion - The eight management functions have not fully achieved the expected effectiveness in accordance with the audit indicators in the human resources function. Research Implication – The implications in research for PT Taspen (Persero) KCU Semarang can be used as material for consideration and evaluation of three HR functions that have not been implemented effectively, so that they can be used for decision making to improve HR management performance, especially in the general section.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (02) ◽  
pp. 196
Puri Handoko

Background – PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali (PT PJB) is a subsidiary of PT PLN (Persero) which participates in the Business Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management (PROPER) organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) of the Republic of Indonesia based on Ministry of Environment Regulation No 06 year 2013. As a subsidiary of PT PLN (Persero), PT PJB establishes management contracts  which  aim to get a Gold PROPER rating from the MoEF. Even so, the company still has some challenges as it encounters several problems of managing CSR internally. As a first step, PT PJB, especially in CSR Department, has made improvements in its organization by implementing a PROPER-based performance appraisal system in managing CSR in all PT PJB Power Plants. Purpose – Examining the phenomenon which has been occurring for the past several years, researcher decided to conduct observations and interviews. This study tries to explain descriptively how changes have been designed and implemented through the "Performance Management Model" approach. Design / Methodology / Approach – This study is a qualitative field research. The data for this research were collected through observation and interviews. Focus interview were about CSR concept, Company’s goal and target, integrated CSR management to Company’s vision and mission, CSR management problems in different area, and social-environment national issue. Data collected were then analyzed using content analysis method. Result and Discussion – Positive impacts were found after the implementation of change in management model at the CSR Department, such as maturity level in CSR management increased, charity program decreased, and human resources capability increased. The result that One of the company’s Power Plants, Paiton Power Plant, won the Gold PROPER rating. It could be considered as the biggest achievement since the company became the only power plant in the PLN (Persero) Group which first obtained a Gold PROPER rating. Conclusion –  The establishment and implementation of PROPER-based governance system would not be optimum if it did not involve employees (Head Department, Managers, Supervisors, and staff) mastering in CSR. Research Limitations – This study has limitations in reference, namely the limited researches and previous journals on organizational change, particularly in the management of its CSR activities, which researcher found as reference material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (02) ◽  
pp. 183
Aldila Anggun Kinanti ◽  
Moh. Agung Surianto ◽  
Abdurrahman Faris Indriya Himawan

Background - Companies need good employees as one of the company's assets who have an important role in carrying out organizational activities. Employees who are needed are not only capable, competent and skilled, but most importantly they also have a high sense of loyalty. Loyalty is necessary so that these employees can work not only for themselves but also for the advancement of the company. Purpose – The purpose of this research is to analyze the loyalty of the ship crew (ABK) Pinisi Ship Fleet PT. Aswil Lautan Sejati. Design/ Methodology/ Approach - Using qualitative methods with a phenomenological study model. The informants in this study were ship crew (ABK) who had worked for at least 10 years (3 people), then the ship's captain and ship owner. Data collection techniques using interviews, with data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation, conclusions and verification. Conclusion - The crew members are capable and responsible for carrying out work based on their position and the relationship between the ship owner and the crew is like there is no distance. Supporting loyalty in profit-sharing compensation is the best way for ABK to feel. Result and discussion - Based on the results of the study, the researchers concluded that the crew members are loyal to the company which is shown by their attitudes and behavior at work and towards colleagues and superiors even though there is no guarantee / insurance in doing their job. Research Implication- be a reference in strategies to improve employee welfare, not financial aspects, but also non-financial aspects such as health and safety insurance.

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