Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia
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Published By Lppm Unsyiah

2615-840x, 2338-4379

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 631-641
Citra Yolantia ◽  
Wiwit Artika* ◽  
Cut Nurmaliah ◽  
Hafnati Rahmatan ◽  
Muhibbuddin Muhibbuddin

Self-efficacy memiliki kontribusi penting dalam proses pembelajaran karena dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor kinerja belajar siswa. Self-efficacy mampu merangsang motivasi, proses kognitif, aktivitas, prestasi dan ketekunan siswa. Kurangnya kemampuan efikasi diri merupakan salah satu masalah yang sering terjadi dalam pembelajaran. Permasalahan ini dapat diatasi melalui penerapan media pembelajaran seperti penggunaan modul inovatif. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan modul pembelajaran berbasis masalah terhadap efikasi diri dan hasil belajar siswa. Selain itu juga bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara efikasi diri dengan hasil belajar akibat penerapan modul pembelajaran berbasis masalah materi sistem pencernaan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2020/2021 di sebuah sekolah menengah atas di Kabupaten Aceh Barat, Aceh, Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain pretest posttest non-equivalent control group design. Sampel penelitian adalah 93 siswa (total sampling). Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari angket efikasi diri dan tes kognitif materi sistem pencernaan. Data efikasi diri dan hasil belajar dianalisis dengan uji statistik parametrik menggunakan analisis kovarians, sedangkan efikasi diri dianalisis menggunakan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan modul pembelajaran berbasis masalah berpengaruh terhadap efikasi diri dan hasil belajar siswa. Selain itu, analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa r hitung r tabel (0,7277 0. 2461) yang mengartikan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara efikasi diri dengan hasil belajar siswa. Efikasi diri berpengaruh positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa: semakin tinggi efikasi diri maka hasil belajar akan semakin tinggi

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 602-619
Astalini Astalini ◽  
Darmaji Darmaji ◽  
Dwi Agus Kurniawan* ◽  
Diki Chen

Mathematics physics is a difficult learning and becomes a scourge in studies in physics education. Learning physics and mathematics itself will be very effective when using e-modules, but in terms of making e-modules, students' opinions or perceptions are needed regarding this matter. This study aims to look at student perceptions and also compare these perceptions with other classes based on gender or gender. The research conducted is a survey type quantitative research. The sampling technique used in this study was simple random sampling with the research subject as many as 92 physics education students who contracted the mathematics physics course. The instrument used in collecting data is 15 questions containing 4 choices that must be filled out by students. Analysis of the data used in this study in the form of descriptive analysis and ANOVA test to determine whether there is an average difference in each student's perception. The results obtained indicate that girls have different perceptions in class A and class B, while for boys there is a difference between class A and class C. These results indicate that girls have a fairly large average difference in perception with each other, while for boys the perception tends to be uniform compared to girls. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 711-735
Darmaji Darmaji ◽  
Astalini Astalini ◽  
Dwi Agus Kurniawan* ◽  
Agnes Aktapianti Br.Ginting

Science process skills are very important to be mastered by students to help improve critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between science process skills and critical thinking skills in terms of gender. This type of research used is an experiment with a quantitative research approach. The sampling technique in this study was a simple random sampling technique with a sample size of 50 students. The instruments used in this study were observation sheets of science process skills and critical thinking skills test questions. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics. Based on the results of the correlation test that has been carried out, the Pearson correlation value is 0.648, which means that there is a strong relationship between science process skills and students' thinking skills. This research can be used as a guideline for scientific process skills research on critical thinking skills in the future. The update in this research is the relationship between science process skills and critical thinking skills based on gender

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 590-601
Gulmah Sugiharti* ◽  
Wan Azura

The implementation of the 2013 curriculum has not been fully implemented in Private High School Angkasa Medan , because teachers do not fully understand the learning model that must be used. This has an impact on the results of student chemistry learning that not all students are able to achieve the set minimum completeness score target of 75. This study is about the application of learning models and the ability to think logically in redox learning in class X Private High School Angkasa Medan. The population consisted of 6 class X students and the sample was taken purposively by setting 2 classes for the research sample. Both classes are taught with two models, with a combination of factorial 2 X 2. There are two factors tested, namely factor A in the form of a learning model consisting of Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Direct Instruction (DI) models, factor B: logical thinking ability high and low logical thinking ability. Data analysis techniques using 2-way ANOVA. Based on the hypothesis test at a significant level of α = 0.05, it shows that there is an influence of the learning model and students' logical thinking ability on the learning outcomes of topic redox chemistry, and there is an interaction between the learning model and the ability to think logically towards the redox learning outcomes. The results of the BNT advanced test indicate that the Problem Based Learning Model is better than the Direct Instruction model on topic redox chemistry learning.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 671-682
Nur Utami Amaliah* ◽  
Endang Purwaningsih

 Newton's third law is a fundamental concept of Physics that is still not reached by students. The tendency of students who do not understand the concept well can be observed by measuring the ability of multi-representation and solutions when solving Physics problems. Therefore, this study aims to determine the concept of Newton's third law understood by students, the multi-representation students have, and the consistency of students' answers in answering physics questions. The participants numbered 28 students from the second semester of high school, selected using the purposive sampling technique, who had just completed discussions about Newton's Law and were willing to participate in this study. Participants were given 6 two-tier question items that managed the R-FCI questions. The results of the answers were analyzed quantitatively to determine the initial percentage description and then analyzed qualitatively to determine understanding, multi-representation ability, and consistency in depth. Most of the participants had low conceptual understanding and answered the questions consistent-wrong. However, based on the analysis of the answer choices and the reasons given, most students understand the meaning of the representation of the answers given

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 694-710
Allif Syahputra Bania* ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini ◽  
Nursamsu Nursamsu ◽  
Muhammad Yakob

Translation of literacy in english, Indonesian and latin has a strategic position in the biological sciences that must be studied with good quality for students so that the development of science. The purpose of this study is to examine the quality of taxonomy translation in English, Indonesian and Latin with regard to biology education. This research is a quantitative-descriptive research. The test method is used to collect data on the ability to translate in biology education learning by using the google form media provided through the biology student WhatsApp group due to the Covid-19 pandemic in the form of 10 questions with a blend of English, Latin and Indonesian about taxonomy. There are 13 respondents who are ready to answer the test. The test is given for 1 credit which is about 45 minutes as the deadline. The data analysis technique in this study is descriptive quantitative which uses three lines of research activities, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.The results obtained by respondents find it easier to translate test questions in short sentences. The quality of taxonomy translations related to English, Indonesian and Latin have good quality because from the first session, namely translation into the target language English, 4 of the total questions were obtained with the percentage of success by students in translating well above 50%. Likewise for the results of the translation with the target language Indonesian, the respondents managed to answer all questions well with a percentage above 50%. Here it can be seen that, translating into the target language Indonesian is still easier for respondents to produce because all questions are of high value than translating into the target language English.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 642-654
Sri Wulandari ◽  
Amelia Gusmalini* ◽  
Zulfarina Zulfarina

Genetic has a broad and complicated topic and abstract material considered difficult by students. The inability to connect and construct between genetic concepts properly causes misconceptions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze students' misconceptions on the concept of genetics using a four-tier diagnostic test. 91 students from the Faculty of Education, Department of Biology, University of Riau were used as samples. The method was descriptive quantitative with a survey research model. The four-tier diagnostic test instrument consists of four levels: the first stage uses multiple-choice questions with four distractors questions and one key answer; the second level is the level of student confidence to choose the answers; the third level is the students' reasons for answering the questions; the fourth level is the level of student confidence to choose reasons. The number of questions tested was 20 questions with six sub-concepts. Confidence Discrimination Quotient (CDQ) and four-tier diagnostic test were used to analyze data on misconceptions and interpretation of student answer patterns. Students experienced misconceptions on 19 answer questions, 13 reason questions, and 16 answer and reason questions. The results of the four-tier diagnostic test described that the category of misconceptions was 65.21%, not understanding the concept was 24.53% and understanding the concept was 10.34%. From the six sub-concepts tested, the highest score of misconception was found in genetic material (75.1%) and the lowest was found in the scope of genetics (44.4%). On average, the students had medium and high categories of misconception

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 565-578
Andi Asmar* ◽  
I Gusti Putu Suryadarma

Conventional learning models that still dominate the science learning process have a negative impact on learning psychology and student learning outcomes, for example the lecture method. In addition, the integration of local knowledge in learning almost done because the teacher thought local knowledge of science content is not relevant to modern science. This study has the prospect to develop an integrated learning tools nested models based on local wisdom phinisi boat. Products developed focuses on improving communication skills and conceptual knowledge of students. Adapting product development methods development framework Dick and Carey to modify it in 5 stages. Stages of needs analysis, product design, product development, product implementation and evaluation, and the final product. The results of product development tested in a limited class of the class VII SMPN 32 Bulukumba the 15 students who have been selected by purposive sampling. The choice of subjects represented each of 5 students with low, medium, and high abilities. Primary data were obtained from the assessment of the product by 2 experts and through the assessment questionnaire. The feasibility of the product in the category "very high". The syllabus has a validity level of 94.00%, RPP 93.75%, LKPD 96.00%, and assessment instruments 95.00%. Response practitioners and learners in the category ratings "high" and "very high" throughout the assessment indicators. In the implementation phase, learning nested models based on local wisdom boat phinisi provide more space for students to express their knowledge and digging skills

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 655-670
Bani Nugroho ◽  
Zulfiani Zulfiani*

The effect of inquiry-based learning models on cognitive learning outcomes has been discussed for a long time. However, in local research, this effect is more focused on comparing inquiry-based learning models with traditional learning models. Given such studies' rarity, this study seeks to compare the various inquiry levels to cognitive learning outcomes. This study aims to determine the differences in students' cognitive aspects between structured inquiry and guided inquiry-based science learning models. The research method used is a causal-comparative method, with a sample search technique in the systematic review. The sample used is secondary data in the form of undergraduate theses that have passed the selection and come from the Biology Education program at least accredited B with the research theme of the effect of inquiry learning models on high school students' cognitive learning outcomes. The research findings reveal significant differences in cognitive learning outcomes between the structured inquiry (SI) and guided inquiry (GI) learning model. The processing is more complicated in the GI learning model, allows students to perform better in learning outcomes than the SI learning model. Significant differences were supported by calculating the effect size in this study. The effect size in studies that apply the SI learning model belongs to the medium category. Meanwhile, the effect size in studies using the GI learning model belongs to the large to extremely large categories

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 620-630
Ruqiah Ganda Putri Panjaitan* ◽  
Galih Albarra Shidiq ◽  
Titin Titin ◽  
Eko Sri Wahyuni

The Covid-19 situations impacted the teaching and learning which reducing our activities by using the online platforms. The booklet is one of the solutions to use during a covid-19 situation which provides the opportunity to improve the learning process. This study aims to discover students’ responses to use the booklet as learning media which contains the results of an inventory of medicinal plants in the biology courses. The questionnaire sheet was used as the instrument which contains the affective, cognitive, and conative aspects of students, and the questionnaire has 11 statement items. The participants of this study consist of 34 students. The results showed the average percentage of responses in each aspect were 77.59; 81.32; 83.19 to respectively the affective, cognitive, and conative aspects. It can be concluded that the developed booklet media received a positive response from students. However, in this paper, students’ responses using the booklet practices are described, as well as the reflections of their learning activities

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