Geography Notebooks
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Published By Led Edizioni Universitarie

2611-7207, 2611-7193

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Ginevra Pierucci

Recensione al saggio di Claude Raffestin Per una geografia del potere.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Marco Picone

Social geography cannot be confined to a theoretical dimension, however necessary: it is expected to play an active role, to encourage encounters with social actors and stakeholders, to take on a dimension of public engagement. Even in Italy this dimension is increasingly important, as universities are placing a growing value on their so-called third mission. Social geography must then address the fundamental issue of participation and its techniques. In doing so, those who graduate in geography will also be able to claim an essential role in the management of decision-making processes and participatory planning. This paper explores some methods and approaches that younger geographers can use to build the ‘toolbox’ of their future profession, looking at a case study from the city of Palermo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Giulia de Spuches

This article analyses a didactic experience in the Borgo Ulivia neighborhood (Palermo), which originates from a research on council housing’s requalifying as a planning laboratory. In particular, its aim is to answer three questions: which choice guides the research in the field? What kind of didactic approach can we use? What kind of didactic restitution should be used? Within the didactic framework, answering these questions has three roles. First of all, we identify places capable of talking about tensions present at the local level but also in other geographical areas. Secondly, we reflect on the possible methods of research. Finally, we show how teaching is practiced both in the reflective approach and in the process of sharing with the class.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Giovanna Di Matteo

Lampedusa is an emblematic place of migration in the Mediterranean basin. This is due to the process of borderscaping constructed by the passage of migrants, the narratives on their arrivals, the national and international policies and the interventions of NGOs and volunteers who cross the island space. I will reconstruct how volunteer tourists’ experiences can give voice to alternative narratives beyond the monolithic one of the migration islands. Lampedusa becomes a space for building bonds and relationships. Furthermore, I will reflect on the restitution of my research in a context which involves mobile people and a global pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Emanuela Gamberoni


2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Giuseppe Gambazza

The paper deals with the Italian system of second reception for asylum seekers and refugees, specifically focusing on the case of the Milan Metropolitan Area. Through a series of in-depth interviews with guests of the SAI Project (Sistema di Accoglienza e Integrazione), the research aims at assessing opportunities and obstacles encountered by forced migrants during their integration process. Particular attention is also paid to the socio-territorial characteristics of the municipalities examined, in order to outline some lines of development for the construction of an inclusive urban space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Fabio Amato

In the analysis of the relationship between social and spatial dynamics, the peripheries assume, from the perspective of social geography, the role of an ideal laboratory for observing and interpreting the conditions of discomfort and marginalization. The contribution focuses on Scampia, the northern district of the city of Naples, which represents, together with other Italian suburbs, a context where the gaze that is exercised is too often conditioned by a stigma of decay, also fueled by some media simplifications. Through the reconstruction of the genesis and history of this district, with the contribution of the various land surveys carried out, we try to return a more articulated vision.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Francesca Sabatini ◽  
Gabriella Palermo

The aim of this paper is to analyse, through the toolbox of gender geography, the methodology of positionality and situated knowledge. The article examines some spatial practices of the transfeminist movement Non Una di Meno that involve us both as researchers and activists. The different forms of territorialisation and ways of “doing with” the space of the movement, are here presented through the specific cases of the demonstrations organised during the Covid-19 pandemic on the 25th of November 2020 and 8th March 2021. This enables us to present the methodology of positionality, and to analyse how feminist spatial practices can be the object of research and vice versa.

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