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Published By Transnational Press London

2041-4692, 2041-4684

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Diksha Yadav ◽  
Rajdeep Dey ◽  
Piyush Gupta

The literature on the limitations on the current archaic education system is limitless, the consequences of which have only been exacerbated in the current lockdown scenario. The timed evaluations have not only failed as an assessment tool during these times but research has shown there are increased rates of using unfair means and proctoring as a result. Not only was the system faulty to begin with, it is failing miserably under current lockdown situations. Simultaneously the current literature keeps positing that since technology has become an integral part of our life already, it would not be long before technology integrates with education and assessments. Taking into consideration the need and potential of an integrative system, this paper aims to explore how artificial intelligence can be effectively introduced into education and improve learning outcomes. The paper performs a Comprehensive Literature Review (CLR), and analyses data based on the framework developed by Onwuegbuzie and Frels (2015). The paper thus reviews literature with the aim to explore current models of AIEd and relevant psychological concepts relating to learning and career outcomes. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Dr. Nupur Arora ◽  
Parul Manchanda

Drawing on the theory of responsible environmental behaviour, the study seeks to examine the relationship between internal environmental locus of control (IntLOC)and behaviour towards sustainable apparel in the presence of intention to purchase as a mediator. Consumer knowledge about sustainable apparel was applied as a moderator in this mediated relationship. Data was collected from a sample of 294 Gen Z consumers through an online questionnaire Structural Equation modelling and Hayes PROCESS MACROS were the statistical tools employed to test the moderated mediation model. The results depict that IntLOC is animportant predictor of purchase behaviour towards sustainable apparel products. Intention to purchase has also been established as a partial mediator in the mode. Finally, consumer knowledge also acts as a significant moderator in the study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Nida Nida ◽  
Ashish Chandra ◽  
Ruchi Shukla

The Coronavirus disease which generated the unique virus appeared first in Port city of Hubei, China at the close of 2019, which significantly changed the whole humankind around the globe. Because of it’s rapid outspread, it taken into consideration as a global issue such as health, wellness, social and economic, eventually it ended up being a significant global health as a result of its pathogenicity. In spite of an expanding rate, modest  is investigated about the present state, The lack of understanding on this has motivated academic element for detailed check out, This bibliometric examined the peer scientific literary works to figure out the procedure of noesis on COVID-19, The research study is based upon bibliometric researches on Coronavirus, published data were collected from Scopus data source, quantitative assessment was carried out to evaluate the features of the present learning and generate visualizations for understanding, 668 documents were preserved. Web of writers, as well as nations were picturized in maps. However, COVID-19 search discloses special archeozoic use knowledge, spot a spaciotemporal as well as extensive introduction continues to be untended.. The precise knowledge on n-Cov is helpful for evidence-based policymakers in direction to avert and also resolve the pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Shubhanker Yadav ◽  
Miklesh Prasad Yadav

We examined the presence of women directors in top-level management and their effect on principal-principal conflict (PP) and principal-agent conflict (PA) on the firms listed on Indian stock exchange using a panel model approach. For analysis purpose, this study covers the sample of 75 companies belonging to various industries and listed in Bombay Stock Exchange Index, has been studied over thirteen financial years, i.e. from year 2006 to year 2019. This study uses panel data analysis, i.e. fixed effect model and random effect model. The proportion and presence (dichotomous) of women directors on top level management board is taken as the independent variable. Principal-principal conflict measured by assets utilization ratio (AUR), and principal-agent conflict is been measured by dividend payout ratio (DPR), are taken as dependent variable in this study. The prime results of this study using panel data analysis, i.e. fixed effect (FE) and random effects (RE) estimation models point towards no significant impact of the female director (proportion and presence) on the firm’s agency cost (PP and PA). 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Ashmeet Kaur ◽  
H.K. Dangi

Technological advancements have introduced creative communication media with social media being one of its kind. Since its introduction, the use of social media is rising in India providing people a better penetrating medium to share their views and ideas. These networking sites have given people a wide range of options to share views about social issues as well. Civic participation is a personal or group effort to resolve a social issue. With the onset of social media, offline civic participatory activities have made a transition to the online space as well. With the soaring influence of social media, this study aims to determine the extent to which Social Networking Sites (SNS) usage influences social capital and civic participatory behaviour. It aims to examine whether SNS use aids in the development of behavior that fosters civic participation. Further, the mediating role of online bridging social capital is analyzed in the relationship between SNS use intensity and civic participation of users. The results show the role of SNS in positively influencing online and offline civic participatory behaviour of the users with online bridging social capital acting as a mediating variable. However, the cross-sectional nature of this study constrained the ability to infer causal associations. The study concludes with recommendations and directions for future research. The different SNS can be compared to learn about their respective influence on civic participatory behavior and infer this phenomenon in an enhanced manner.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Shad Ahmad Khan ◽  
Ferdinand Epoc ◽  
Veer P. Gangwar ◽  
T. Antony A Ligori ◽  
Zaid Ahmed Ansari

Online Banking has received a boost during Covid 19. It is believed that the cultured sector of the population has quickly adopted online banking since the outbreak of the virus. Online banking not only provides a platform for performing financial transactions but also acts as a medium of communication between the bank and the customer. Unlike rest of the world, perception of online banking came slightly late in the Kingdom of Bhutan, which already had a good network of banking access points for its populace, enabling the physical banking. However, due to lockdown observed in the aftermath of Covid-19, the online banking has established development in the country. In the present study, the researchers have confidence in that if the customer satisfaction can be ensured amongst the existing users of the online banking, then they will become dependable to such platform and would continue even in the post Covid-19 time. This study is imperative as the banking system of Bhutan has spent a significant number of resources in obtaining and implementing the online banking system, and sustainability of the system will be a point of concern for the decision makers. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Aashu Aggarwal ◽  
Ashmeet Kaur ◽  
Sanya Sachdeva

With the emergence of COVID-19, the end of 2019 witnessed worldwide crises causing immense harm to human life. The virus that emerged from China at the end of the year 2019 soon spread to almost all the world economies with negative effects getting amplified each passing day. To combat the rapid spread of the virus and meet the rising medical needs the various governments imposed complete to restricted lockdown. Though the lockdown to an extent helped control the spread of the deadly virus, it also affected the economies severely. The unstable financial system, lack of earnings and limited savings brought a noticeable change in the financial attitude of the retail investors and hence, the emergence of COVID-19 opened up new areas of academic research in the field of financial management behaviour. Considering the novelty of the subject, this paper seeks to examine the impact of financial attitude and financial management behaviour of retail investors during the pandemic. To meet the objectives, the data were collected from a sample of 325 Delhi-NCR based retail investors. Structural Equation Modeling has been used to study the relationship amongst the identified variables. The findings enrich our understanding of retail investment behaviour.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Isha Narula ◽  
Kriti Dhingra

World markets are facing anxiety and vulnerability due to global pandemic of COVID-19.Investors are becoming cautious while selecting their investment avenues and hence theirfocus is shifting to more secure forms of investments. Cryptocurrencies are one of therenowned form of digital investments and has drawn attention of many investors since itsorigination. Since 2013 it has been attracting and shifting eye balls of many financial and ITresearchers with its excellent returns and use of advanced technology. The present study hasexplored the impact of COVID-19 on the investor behaviour towards digital currencies. Forthe very same purpose researchers have considered pre and during COVID phases andcompared the shift in volatility of five selected cryptocurrencies. The study has also explored few of the most prominent investor biases which influences investor behaviour and how these biases have shifted during global pandemic of COVID-19. Some of the prominent biases such as, availability bias, regret, mental accounting and herding have been recognized in the study to understand investor behaviour.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Garishma Gulyani ◽  
Priyanka Gupta ◽  
Ramanpreet Singh

The present research study examines the impact of Stock marketson Gold prices using daily data for pre and during COVID-19 period (January-October 2020). This study uses Unit root test, Granger causality test, GARCH method and Johansen’s co-integration test to evaluate difference in the Volatility as well as the relationship between them. The findings show that no causal relationship exists between Gold Prices and Stock market prices in the short run. The result of the Johansen Co-integration test for the long-run relationship between theGold price and Nifty Indices showno co-integration at all, but low co-integration inshort-run cannot be ruled out. With this study, an attempt has been made to reveal the relationship that exists between Gold and stock markets with empirical findings using the time series analysis which reveals the original side of work during the pandemic. The ARCH and GARCH coefficient explain significantly the persistence of information on stock return volatility. The present study recommends that the integration between Gold and Stock market price entails the need for investors globally to follow a portfolio stock selection strategy to add value from the investments in India.These findings have important implication for the investors seeking portfolio diversification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Dr. Richa Arora ◽  
Dr. Richa Nangia

The aim behind this research paper is to understand Impact of Digital Marketing during COVID 19 Pandemic on consumer buying decision. This research paper also confers about the four variables of digital marketing which are affecting the buying decision of the consumer. Both primary and secondary data has been collected for the current study. Data from primary sources collected through personal interviews, discussions with industry leaders and structured questionnaire. The research was also carried out on secondary sources like business journals, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, etc.  SPSS 21 software has been used to analyse the data and linear regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis techniques were used to determine the impact of each variable of digital marketing in influencing the buying decision making of the consumers.Findings of this research study determine the consistency of the independent variables, description of the product, pricing, marketing and promotions and distribution of the product on consumer buying decision. The following variables i.e.description of the product, marketing & promotions and distribution of the product has high significant impact on consumer buying decision.

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