Muallim Journal of Social Science and Humanities
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Published By Muallim Social Science And Humanities Society



Nowadays, the creative industry is rapidly developing with various technologies and creativity moving forward. However, problems and issues involving ethical aspects are still often seen on social media, television and print media, it clearly shows the lack of values and ethical aspects of the individual in the production of designs. Therefore, this study is conducted to propose the guidelines on ethical education design for creative industry programs in the institutions of higher learning. The objective of this study is to evaluate students' behavior towards design ethics among students of higher education institutions, evaluate teaching practices implemented by educators of higher education institutions as well as to assess challenges related to design ethics faced by creative industry professionals in submitting proposal regarding ethical education guidelines for creative industry programs. This study uses quantitative method which is the survey method in which questionnaires are distributed to respondents. For the sampling of studies, which is stratified sampling that refers to individual specific characteristic features in terms of his/her involvement in the creative industry. The numbers of respondents were 164 for the students, 108 respondents for the teaching staff and 89 respondents were from creative industry professionals. The findings of this study that are based on the mean value and standard deviation from the data collected through the survey study, show that students' behavior on ethical aspects is an important aspect of design ethics. Meanwhile, for the lecturers, the teaching practices implemented show that ethical aspects are a crucial element in the teaching sessions. Next, for the creative industry professionals, ethical aspects are considered as an important element in facing the challenges regarding design ethics. This is explained through the findings of students, lecturers and creative industry professionals through high recorded mean value. Therefore, it is clear that ethical aspects are a vital element to these three groups. Thus, a guideline on ethical education design for creative industry programs in institutions of higher learning is produced through the findings. Hence, this study provides a module on design ethics education that can be practiced in creative industry programs in Institutions of Higher Learning in Malaysia.


This study is said to have complied and analysed the messages found in the Parimalazhar text in Thirukkural. In his speech rhetorical proverbs, noun types, verb illustration, wing illustration, differential elements, differential objects pointing, dictionary, new semantics, local care fire, abbreviated grammatical field. It also points out the guilt. The parables the new thinking the musical prowess the prose, the course of the next and the morals he used. This review article also highlights the nature of Parimalazhar text book. His text is completely different from others. Exploring each word in a new perspective is the foundation of dictionary art. His multifaceted, erudition and concentration serve as a guide for other commenstrators. This main purpose of their review article is exploring the new thinking of the superintendent.


This article is about the use of Myth in Tamil literature. The stories and philosophical sayings of the inevitable god are termed as “MYTH". The antiquity of language is based on the diversity of myths used in that language. Myth is considered the spirit of the literature. In foreign countries, myth plays a unique and professional role. The author applies the idea of myth to make his work efficient. The beliefs of the end of the world and thoughts beyond the reach of human beings are seen in myths. The roots of myth have been gowned dup from the ancient Tamil literature to revival poetry of the 20th century. Myth is even present in secular literature works as the Sangam literature Heritage period went to its peak. Myth played a diverse role in Tamil literature. Library research was made for this study and an explanatory method was used to write this article. The findings of this article are Culture and Tradition of Race are influencing myth and how the myth was seen in the literature. This study summarizes the uses of myths and ideology in Tamil literature.


It is knowledge and emotion that haunt human society. From the day the world appeared until the day the world ended, knowledge and emotion existed. According to Thiruvalluvar, knowledge that calms the emotion in his kural. Meyppatu are manifestations of mental consciousness. Tholkkappiyar has numbered the emotions that appear in the human mind in his epic Tholkkappiyam in Chapter Porulathigaaram. He has analyzed the emotions that appear within him in a way that others can know and understand very accurately (Meyppatu). They are eight types of emotions that apply to all human beings in the world. Meyppatu are the expression of human instincts. This dissertation aims to find out how the poetic enlightenment has been manipulated in the poetic epistemology of the numerical facts stated in the economics of Tholkappiam the fact of the matter is that consciousness is an emotional state that paves the way for human happiness. Any living being born into the world wants to be happy. Therefore, the researcher has used the poems of Arivumathi to prove this fact.


Visual images are increasingly appearing in learning and teaching resources, delivered across a range of media in a variety of formats: digitally Web-based material and multimedia as well as print and as transparencies. The proliferation of image-rich resources is due to the wide availability of digital images and access to the technology and graphics software that facilitates the creation and delivery of visual materials. The main aim of this research is to investigate the role of visual stimuli in enhancing writing skills among USM undergraduates who are taking Tamil as foreign language. Writing is an important skill often emphasized among foreign language learners. However, most foreign language learners face difficulties to pen down their thoughts. The respondents of this research are pursuing LAT 300 (Tamil Language III) course at the School of Languages, Literacies and Translation and are divide into two groups, experimental and control group. The methods used is written assignment; topic with visual stimuli for experimental group and topic without stimuli for control group. The written assignments were graded using the university’s grading rubric. In the questionnaire, the respondents were also asked to give feedback on the use of visual stimuli in writing. The findings of this study revealed that the experimental group performed better as they were given visuals. The experimental group respondents highlighted that they needed stimuli to motivate and trigger their background knowledge on the essay topics. It is hoped that this study will aid language teachers and practitioners to utilize visuals as a support in the teaching of Tamil Language as foreign language.


Remote Teaching and Learning Activities (RTLA) have emerged in the aftermath of the sudden closure of schools due to the Covid-19 pandemic around the world. Multimode RTLA is slightly suited to the students of secondary and tertiary education. Nevertheless, it is questionable to use with primary school children whose learning is designed mostly child-centred. In addition, it is vital to investigate teachers' readiness and training and access to facilities for conducting remote learning activities. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate Primary school teachers' perception towards RTLA during the lockdown period in Sri Lanka. This study was employed a survey research design, and data were collected using a google form-based questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 40 items to collect teachers' demographic information, facilities and training available to them, attitudes towards RTLA, teaching methods and techniques they used, and participation of parents and students in RTLA. Sixty-two primary teachers were selected using the snowball sampling technique from two districts, namely Gampaha and Kandy. Collected data were analyzed using mean and standard deviations and percentages. The analysis of results shows that most of the respondents (92.9%) used mobile broadband services to access the internet and 69.5% of the respondents used pre-paid services to access the internet. Furthermore, most respondents (69.4%) claimed they could afford it. Data analysis in terms of devices and apps for RTLA showed that most respondents (72.6%) relied on their smartphones for conducting RTLA. Likewise, many of them (64.5%) had been used WhatsApp and Zoom (64.5%) to reach their students who were at home. However, it is revealed that 98% of the respondents mentioned that they did not receive any facilities and training from authorities to conduct RTLA. Teachers' attitudes toward RTLA (M=3.52, SD=1.21), parental participation (M=3.2, SD=1.14), and student participation (M=3.89, SD=1.13) had lower mean values. Moreover, most of the respondents claimed that the RTLA is not suited to the students in Primary education. Many primary teachers stated that they faced challenges regarding access to the internet and devices, getting parental support for the RTLA. Therefore, researchers recommended that the National and Local authorities provide clear guidelines, training, and necessary facilities and resources to conduct a meaningful RTLA to the primary education teachers.


Tamil science is the knowledge that has traditionally been developed, used and explained scientifically by Tamils. It also refers to the contribution that Tamil is making to science today. Tamil science is found in many fields such as linguistics, medicine, architecture, agriculture, biology, mathematics and astronomy. It is noteworthy that the Tamils ​​who had various technologies also had the basic science for it. Sangam literature is interspersed with versatile messages. Admired as world literature, it contains news from a variety of disciplines. It is known that the Sangam periodicals became versatile due to this. Many world scholars have studied and praised the astronomical news found by the Tamils. Tamils ​​refer to those who know astronomy as 'virgins'. Literary evidence also suggests that the computer predicts time with the motions of a planet orbiting in the sky. The literature is a testament to the fact that Tamils ​​are the ones who know the scientific method of measuring the planets and atmospheres of the sky, their movements and time scales. The Sangam poets knew that there were various planets and galaxies in the sky. News about the Sun, Earth, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and the satellite Moon is found in the association songs. News about dental galaxies has also been reported in Sangam literature. It is also possible to know that the Tamils ​​who guided the polar fish at night knew the four directions during the day with the help of the sun.


The Inquiry Method in 21st century Education is a fun teaching method where students can express themselves freely. Characteristics of this method are submitting problems, allowing all students to comment, and then evaluating the answer. This learning approach, which is diagnostic through questions. Hence the attitude of students engaging in learning on their own. In this way students are able to focus fully on the curriculum as they act with a research mindset. The thinking process involves step-by-step problem finding, observing and describing problems, preparing questions, analyzing the answers to the questions, sharing the solution, and compiling. The Inquiry Method in teaching is students centred which stimulates thinking and research attitudes, fosters creativity and lead to sustainable learning.


The Covid-19 pandemic phenomenon has unfolded in Malaysia since 2020, it has brought far-reaching changes to all aspects of society includes education. Due to the Movement Control Order (PKP), educational institutions in Malaysia were ordered to close, student started fully learning online from home. This situation has become a challenge to the implementation of the 21st Century learning approach inteaching. As this fully online teaching and learning are happening for the first time in Malaysian education, this study aims to explore the challenges faced by Malaysian Moral Education teachers on the implementation of the 21st Century skill in an online classroom. This study uses a qualitative method by interviewing 5 Moral Education teachers as respondents. The findings of this study show that the change of online teaching and learning has caused unexpected challenges to Moral Education teachers, the traditional teaching techniques which have been applied in face-to-face classrooms are not effective when moving to online teaching and learning. To achieve the objectives of Moral Education which involve aspects of cognition, feeling, and action, the factors of internet access at home, cooperation from the parents, and the teacher’s skill of using technology need to be considered.


This article titled Tamil Language Teaching. Through this article, you can learn about the development of Tamil Language Learning in Teaching, the use of Tamil Language learning, teaching and strategies in Tamil Language. Furthermore, approaches such as thread review and insight used in this article to complete. Continuing, through this article, the importance of Tamil Language education can well understand. In addition, in this article we will able to briefly understand and realize the benefits that an individual achieves through learning the Tamil Language and the changes that take place in his life. You can also learn how teaching Tamil enhances the thinking of every Indian. It is important to note that all of the information for this article linked in the end of this article. Learning is a profession, teaching is a profession too. As Indian, we will do both willingly and let Tamil live; we will enrich.

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