ScientiCO Computer Science and Informatics Journal
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Published By Universitas Tadulako


Dwi Shinta Angreni ◽  
Yunita Prastyaningsih

The development of an Open Source Software (OSS) can influence the development of other Open Source Systems. The relationship between OSS is often called an ecosystem, there are several aspects to the OSS ecosystem that can affect ecosystem evolution in the software. This study reports a systematic literature review on the influence of several aspects of the OSS ecosystem on the evolution of OSS. The Sistematic Literature Review method based on Kitchenham was used to analyze 1099 articles published in leading journals and conferences. The Results showed that Social aspects have a significant impact on ecosystem evolution, where communication between communities in an OSS ecosystem influences aspects of contributions and dependencies that encourage an ecosystem to develop and evolve.

Deny Wiria Nugraha ◽  
A. Y. Erwin Dodu ◽  
Muhammad Fairus B. Paloloang

Scheduling lectures is a very important activity to do because all teaching and learning activities depend on the schedule so that it must be done correctly in order not to interfere the teaching and learning activities between lecturers and students. This study aims to implement the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm to create a scheduling system for the lectures at the Information Technology Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tadulako University which can facilitate the scheduling process of the lectures and can produce optimal schedules. The scheduling system made will follow the rules and policies which are applied at Tadulako University. The Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm can be used for scheduling system for the lectures at the Information Technology Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tadulako University, although it cannot yet produce an optimal solution because there are still soft constraints that are violated. The best combination of parameter values in the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm, namely the parameter value w = 0.7, c1 = 1.5, c2 = 1.5 with a successful schedule made with a fitness value of 0.034 with execution time (214).

Ikrimach Ikrimach

Abstrak. Kemajuan teknologi informasi yang semakin luas serta adanya tuntutan akan kebutuhan data yang diperlukan oleh user menyebabkan informasi harus disajikan dengan cepat dan objektif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi yang diperlukan. Masalah yang dihadapi pada penyajian materi yang berupa script pemrograman saat ini adalah sistem penyajian informasi yang statis, hal ini membuat proses belajar kurang efisien. Untuk mendapatkan performa yang baik dalam proses belajar, maka dibutuhkan sebuah sistem tutorial yang mampu mengeksekusi script pemrograman secara interaktif. Untuk mengeksekusi perintah dengan baik, diperlukan traffic data yang berukuran kecil sehingga server dapat bekerja dengan lebih leluasa dan dapat merespon request yang lebih cepat. Sistem tutorial ini dikembangkan dengan bahasa pemrograman ajax dan metode web service guna mendapat performa pemrosesan yang lebih baik. Sistem tutorial pemrograman web yang dikembangkan menyediakan contoh script atau kode pemrograman web yang dilengkapi dengan deskripsi atau penjelasan. Selain itu, sistem ini juga memiliki kemampuan untuk mengeksekusi contoh program yang disajikan guna mendapatkan hasil outputnya. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan tutorial pemrograman web sebagai model sistem penunjang pendidikan yang lebih cepat, efektif dan praktis karena dapat digunakan oleh siapa saja, dimana saja dan kapan saja.

Rizka Ardiansyah

Social networking sites, such as Twitter and Facebook are one of the important spaces for political engagement. Twitter or Facebook have become common elements in political campaigns and elections, especially for Indonesia’s presidential election 2019. for the period 2019 - 2024 there are two presidential and vice presidential candidates namely Ir. H. Joko Widodo - Prof. Dr. K.H. Ma'ruf Amin and Lieutenant General (Ret.) H. Prabowo Subianto - H. Sandiaga Uno. B.B.A., M.B.A. the two candidates who ran for the election triggered a lot of related public opinion where the most suitable candidate to become the president of the next period. Public opinion is generally one of the determining factors for presidential candidates who will later win the election. Presidential candidate debate is the efforts of the election commission to facilitate the presidential candidates to introduce their work programs to the public while building public opinion that they are the right people to become leaders of the next period. Although of course, this is not the only major factor that shapes public opinion. The purpose of this study is to summarize the opinions of the people voiced through social media related to the election of candidates for the Indonesian President and Vice President for the period 2019-2024 post debate on the presidential election. While the benefit is to help the community so that they can understand in a broader context such as what the public opinion about presidential candidates, especially on social media Twitter. The results of this study were presidential candidate Joko Widodo - Makruf Amin obtained a 25% positive sentiment, 4.5% negative sentiment and 70.5% neutral sentiment. while the Prabowo Subianto - Sandiaga Uno pair received a 5.1% positive sentiment, 2.5% negative sentiment and 92.4% neutral sentiment.

Aria Hendrawan ◽  
Basworo Ardi Pramono ◽  
Whisnumurti Adhiwibowo

The human face recognition system is one of the fields that is quite developed at this time, where applications can be applied in the field of security (security system) such as permission to access room, surveillance (surveillance), as well as the search for individual identities in the police database. The face recognition approach aims to detect faces in 2-dimensional images and sequential images of videos that have many methods such as local, global, and hybrid approaches.  Hidden Model Markov (HMM) is another promising method that works well for images with different lighting variations, facial expressions, and orientations. HMM is a set of statistical models used to characterize signal properties. An artificial neural network-based approach is learned from image examples and relies on techniques from machine learning to find relevant facial image characteristics. The characteristics studied were in the form of discriminant functions (ie non-linear decision surfaces), then used for face recognition. In this study there will be an application to compare Hidden Markov Models and Neural Network Method as a Face Recognition Technology Algorithm Model.  

Getreda Gabrilla Karubaba ◽  
Kristia Yuliawan

The application made in this study is used in the scope of the University of Papua Informatics Engineering Department, based on information and procedures for making the final thesis task of the Informatics Engineering Department of the University of Papua, this application was made using the Waterfall system development model and developed with PHP programming language with a CodeIgniter framework and MySQL Database. This Online Thesis application consists of 3 users. The first user in this application is the Chair of the Study Program who acts as the Administrator, the second is Thesis Supervisor, and The third is Students of the Informatics Engineering Department at the University of Papua. Available menu options are Upload Proposal, List of Proposals, Thesis Title List, Message, New Message, Inbox, Control Card Menu, Student List, Lecturer List, and Profile. Information System that can facilitate the search for proposals, thesis titles and guidance processes carried out by the Informatics Engineering Department of the University of Papua. 

Niria Laila ◽  
Anita Sindar RM Sinaga

Message encoding is an art and science to maintain news or data, learn mathematical techniques related to aspects of information security such as data confidentiality, data validity, data integrity, and data authentication. The process of encoding and inserting messages with the Vigenere Cipher and LSB methods is the first step in inputting text and keyword files, then text files and keywords are converted into decimal numbers, then processed according to the Vigenere Cipher formula, the ciphertext is then transformed into binary form it is inserted into the image by means of each bit of the ciphertext in the last bit of the image, so it is expected that the data sent is not easy to read by third parties. The vigenere cipher algorithm and the LSB (Last Significant Bit) technique can be used as a solution for the security of secret messages that are inserted into the image, can be re-revealed exactly the same as the original form and do not experience the slightest damage.

Rizana Fauzi ◽  
Jumaddil Khair

The utilization of a 3 phase induction motor is increasingly developing, so research on speed regulation in 3 phase induction motors is also increasingly widely studied. This is because the use of 3 phase induction motors in the industry and especially hybrid vehicles are increasingly being developed. But there are some disadvantages of induction motors, one of which is the characteristics of non-linear parameters, especially rotor resistance which has varying values for different operating conditions, so it cannot maintain its speed constantly if there is a change in load. This, of course, can affect the performance of an induction motor. To get a constant speed and better system performance on load changes a controller is needed. This study aims to model direct-quadrate parameters (D-Q) using the Field Oriented Control (FOC) method based on the Proportional-Integral (PI) controller. With the d-q parameter controlled, the induction motor will be more stable, because the d-q parameter determines the stability of the change in torque and flux in the induction motor. Proportional-Integral (PI) control used is a classic control system that is easy because it does not need to look for a mathematical model of the system, but it remains effective because it has a fairly stable system response, by setting the best combination of proportional (Kp) constants and Integrator constants ( Ki). In the results of the implementation, it can be seen that the use of FOC can be used as an approach in terms of setting the speed of the induction motor, and with the use of the PI control can help the output response get better with a shorter response time to reach the reference value.

Melda Agnes Manuhutu ◽  
Yulianti Flasao ◽  
Lulu Jola Uktolseja

Accompanied by the development of information technology, communication technology has developed rapidly. One sector that is developing in the field of tourism which contributes to more interactive information through the internet. Where Maybrat Regency has considerable tourism and cultural potential, it is managed by the Maybrat Regency Tourism and Culture Community which is very useful if managed well and effectively. This is to improve the economy of the community, the quality of human resources, through tourism assistance that enables increased regional pride. Accurate presentation of the area that can be used to increase revenue in the region itself. Now there is not enough information about tourist objects in Maybrat Regency so that not many tourists and people know the potential of tourism objects. The system development model used is the prototype model. By building interfaces using Adobe Dreamweaver CS6. The database is stored using php and displayed via XAMMP. This system is also built on the framework of a system that is a code igniter.

Dewi Kusumawati ◽  
Mohammad Mohammad

The rice program for poor families or commonly known as Raskin is one of the government's efforts to reduce the burden of expenditure on poor families. The Raskin program is to reduce poverty and maintain the food of economically disadvantaged people so that all parties are expected to participate in the success of this program so that it can be implemented properly and is beneficial to the community. In general, the problems that occur in the assistance of Poor Rice assistance are still not optimal, because at the time of selection of poor rice recipients there is no system that supports so that during the selection process still using estimates only and there is no calculation at the time of selection of poor rice recipients. So that few or many people sometimes protest because people are supposed to get help but they don't get the assistance, and vice versa. The purpose of this study is to help the committee to receive poor rice assistance in selecting people who are entitled to receive assistance, especially in the district of Banawa. The research method used is the software development method using the prototype method and decision-making method using the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method. Based on the results of testing conducted with the black box technique, the results show that the decision support system for receiving poor rice assistance can help the sub-district, especially the committee in selecting poor rice aid recipients, by comparing the criteria for each alternative and showing the value the highest of alternatives means that the alternative is the main choice for receiving poor rice assistance.

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