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BioCensus ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Simone Sabatelli ◽  
Emiliano Mancini ◽  
Paolo Audisio

Ochthebius (Cobalius) biltoni Jäch & Delgado, 2017 is the most recently described species of Italian water beetles of the family Hydraenidae (Jäch & Delgado 2017). Most of the new hydraenid species recently discovered from southern Europe were found in two quite different aquatic habitats, as small streams in mountain areas, and hypersaline coastal habitats. These aquatic ecosystems evidently represent a not still exhausted source of unknown biodiversity in Europe (Jäch 1989, 1997; Audisio et al. 1996, 2010; Trizzino et al. 2011, 2013a, 2013b; Sabatelli et al. 2016; Jäch & Delgado 2017). Ochthebius (Cobalius) biltoni was described on a male collected (2012) along a rocky shore of Cefalù (NW Sicily), and on a few specimens collected in marine rock pools of the SW Sicily (Jäch & Delgado 2017). Several vain attempts were made (2014-2017) to collect again this species at the type locality, suggesting that O. biltoni represents an exceedingly rare and elusive taxon. The present note is aimed to add information on the poorly known biology and taxonomy of this species, basing on material and data collected during recent expeditions to Sicily. Taxonomy. Ochthebius (Cobalius) biltoni represents the smallest (1.4- 1.6 mm long) Mediterranean species of the subgenus Cobalius, and it is also characterized by a series of specific traits (Fig. 1) not evidenced by Jäch & Delgado (2017): the convex posterior portion of elytra, more convex and more abruptly sloping posteriad than in all other Cobalius; the series of large sharp projections along the outer elytral sides; the nearly cylindrical, narrow, and strongly pointed distad last maxillary palpomeres. The male genitalia of this species are not markedly distinguished from other species of Cobalius (Fig. 2 in Jäch & Delgado 2017). The apical lobe is dilated distad, recalling the condition presented by O. (Cobalius) celatus Jäch, 1989. Genetically, Ochthebius (C.) biltoni, recently analyzed by our research team, is confirmed to occupy an isolated position, external to most other known members of its subgenus. An upcoming paper (Sabatelli et al. unp. data) is aimed at summarizing the genetic relationships among Cobalius. Ecology. All specimens of O. biltoni from SW Sicily were found in small (15-40 cm wide) and shallow (2-5 cm depth) marine rockpools with a yellowish- brown bottom layer of Diatoms, placed along wide rocky calcareous platforms surrounding the littoral road between Mazara del Vallo and Sciacca, about 2 m above the sea level (Fig. 2). In the same localities, larger and deeper rock pools resulted to be only inhabited by other widespread sympatric species of Ochthebius. Amog these, O. quadricollis and O. subinteger were collected in company of O. biltoni. Our observations allow us to hypothesize that adults and larvae of this species are present throughout the year, even if they are more active in Autumn and Spring. Conservation. Ochthebius (Cobalius) biltoni is an exceedingly rare taxon, exhibiting selective habitat preferences. Despite the poor available data, it is likely that this species represents a taxon with a small and ecologically fragmented geographic range, and poor connectivity between the different populations. Most marine rock pools areas where the species could potentially be present at least in the past in Sicily have been, and continue to be, exposed to severe anthropogenic pressures, including the increasing impact of coastal urbanization, and the frequent use of marine rock pools as trash wastes by tourists. This species therefore matches most criteria necessary for being considered in the IUCN risk Category EN [IUCN criteria B2 (a,b,c); see IUCN, 2013].

BioCensus ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Pier Mauro Giachino ◽  
Dante Vailati

Anemadus petruzzielloi n. sp. (Figg. 1-6) LOCALITÀ TIPICA. Italia, Campania, Acerno (Sa), Grotta Strazzatrippa, n 598 Cp/SA, 1125 m. DESCRIZIONE. Lunghezza totale mm 2.91-3.30 ♂♂; 3.04-3.20 ♀♀. Corpo bruno con sfumature rossicce; zampe, antenne e palpi di colore rossiccio scuro; antennomeri 3-11 bruniti. Tegumenti coperti uniformemente di pubescenza dorato-rossiccia, breve e mediamente eretta. Capo retrattile, con occhi ben sviluppati; pubescenza breve e coricata sulla fronte, eretta sul clipeo. Antenne moderatamente allungate, gracili, raggiungenti, distese all'indietro, il quarto basale delle elitre. Antennomero 8° più lungo che largo. Lunghezza degli antennomeri nell’holotypus (in mm): 0.151 - 0.138 - 0.171 - 0.131 - 0.171 - 0.118 - 0.151- 0.092 - 0.125 - 0.131 - 0.190 Pronoto trasverso (rapporto larghezza max/lunghezza max: 1.60-1.69 ♂♂; 1.69-1.82 ♀♀) con massima larghezza al terzo basale, privo di impressioni basali evidenti; lati regolarmente arcuati, meno in avanti, angoli posteriori ottusi, arrotondati. Base del pronoto larga quanto la base delle elitre, lievemente bisinuata. Pubescenza del disco dorato-rossicia, breve e mediamente eretta. Scultura a granulosità grossolana con microscultura accentuata. Elitre ellittiche, allungate (rapporto larghezza max/lunghezza max: 0.63-0.66 ♂♂; 0.58-0.62 ♀♀), separatamente arrotondate all'apice, leggermente convergenti nel terzo basale; disco elitrale convesso, spianato lungo la sutura nella metà basale, bruscamente deiscente all'apice. Scultura di tipo "b" (sensu Giachino & Vailati, 1993). Stria suturale presente, ben marcata, subparallela alla sutura elitrale nei 2/3 basali, bruscamente convergente nel terzo distale. Sono presenti tracce, visibili a luce radente nella parte centrale del disco, delle prime due strie elitrali interne. Zampe relativamente allungate; protibie poco ispessite all'apice, prive di rigonfiamento latero-ventrale interno nel maschio, ma, sempre nel maschio, più robuste; meso- e metatibie diritte. Primi tre articoli dei tarsi anteriori dilatati nel maschio, più stretti dell'apice della tibia. Edeago (Figg. 2, 3) grande, allungato, lungo mm 0.93 (0.96 compresi i parameri). Lobo mediano, in visione dorsale, slanciato, a lati paralleli nella parte basale, che si prolungano convergenti verso la regione apicale; questa è priva di setole, subtriangolare e presenta due evidenti espansioni laterali preapicali e un apice subacuminato. In visione laterale il lobo mediano appare con il profilo dorsale concavo, poi sinuato distalmente, con il tratto apicale subrettilineo. Parameri (Figg. 2, 3) robusti, spessi dalla base fin quasi all’apice, in visione dorsale leggermente curvati verso l'interno, poi regolarmente assottigliati e con gli apici subdentati, nettamente rivolti all’interno; le setole, in numero di 5, sono inserite all'apice (1) e sul margine interno (4). Segmento genitale maschile come da Fig. 4. Sacco interno con fanere sclerificate poco evidenti, munito di due sacche dentate mediane da cui si diparte un grosso fascio spinuloso impari, che si divide in due nella metà basale. Genitali femminili (Figg. 5, 6) conformi al modello presentato dal genere. DISTRIBUZIONE ED ECOLOGIA. A. petruzzielloi n. sp. è noto al momento di due sole grotte: la Grotta Strazzatrippa (catasto n. 598 Cp/SA) e la Grotta degli Angeli (catasto n. 588 Cp/SA)

BioCensus ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Arnaldo Bordoni

Thyreocephalus dustucheus Bordoni, 2002 EXAMINED MATERIAL. Philippines, S Luzon, Bicol, Camarines Sur, Tigaon, I. Lumaawig I.2015, 1 ex. (cB); Mindanao, Compostela, Masala, I. Lumawig I.2015, 2 exx. (MZF), 1 ex.cB); Mindanao, Bukidnon, Kabanglasan, I. Lumawig XII.2014, 1 ex. (MZF). NOTE. This is an endemic Philippine species (Bordoni, 2002). New record for Mindanao. This is the first record since the description of the species. I provide a figure of the head and pronotum (Fig. 1). Thyreocephalus omaleus Bordoni, 2002 EXAMINED MATERIAL. Philippines, NE Luzon, Sierra Madre, Quirino, leg. ? IX.2012, 1 ♂ (cI); N Luzon, Cagayan, leg. ? VI. 2011, 1 ♂ (cB). NOTE. This is an endemic species of the Philippines (Bordoni, 2002). New record for Luzon. This is the first record since the description of the species. I provide a figure of the head and pronotum (Fig. 2). Metolinus libertatis Bordoni, 2002 EXAMINED MATERIAL. Philippines, Negros, Mt Canla-on, D. Mohagan II.2009, 1 ♂. (cI), 1 ♀. (cB). NOTE. This species was described from Panay (Libertad Fluss). New record for Negros. This is the first record since the description of the species. Metolinus finettii sp. n. EXAMINED MATERIAL. Holotype ♂: Philippines, Palawan, San Vicente env., C. Finetti I.2009 (cB). DESCRIPTION. Length of body 3.7 mm; from anterior margin of head to posterior margin of elytra: 2.1 mm. Body shiny, entirely light brown; antennae and legs yellowishbrown. Head quadrangular. Eyes large and protruding. Surface of head with traces of transverse micro-striation and very few, isolated punctures. Pronotum longer than head, anteriorly a little dilated where it is as wide as head, with oblique anterior margins and rounded sides. Surface with dorsal series of 3-4 fine punctures and lateral series of 2-3 very fine punctures. Elytra sub-rectangular, longer and a little wider than pronotum, with sub-rectilinear an sub-parallel sides, and rounded humeral angles. Surface with very fine, sparse puncturation arranged in three series, one near the suture, one median and one lateral. Abdomen without micro-sculpture, with very fine and very sparse puncturation on the sides. Tergite and sternite of the male genital segment as in Figs 3-4. Aedeagus (Fig. 5) 0.74 mm long, with large median lobe; parameres long and narrow; inner sac with two basal, long spines, a median series of short, little spinulae and a group of distal spines.

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