BMC Endocrine Disorders
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Published By Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.)

1472-6823, 1472-6823

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Naiqian Zhao ◽  
Weixia Yang ◽  
Xiaoyan Li ◽  
Li Wang ◽  
Ying Feng

Abstract Background There is only one documented case of intracranial hypertension (IH) and empty sella from cortisol-producing adrenal adenoma so far. And IH and empty sella caused by long-term exogenous hypercortisolism has never been reported before. The purpose of this case report is to alert clinicians to glucocorticoid-induced IH. Case presentation We present retrospectively a 50-year-old woman with cortisol-secreting adrenal adenoma, who progressed to intractable intracranial hypertension and a markedly expanded empty sella due to improper treatment. In 2011, the patient presented with hypertension, lack of cortisol circadian rhythm, low ACTH, a left adrenal adenoma and a partial empty sella, but did not receive low-dose dexamethasone suppression test (LDDST) and 24-h urinary cortisol. In 2014, she exhibited truncal obesity, raised cortisol, LDDST non-suppression, high urinary free cortisol and low ACTH, proving her cortisol-producing adrenal adenoma. She was simultaneously diagnosed with unexplained IH because of papilledema and elevated intracranial pressure, and her partial empty sella changed to a complete empty sella. In 2015, she underwent adrenal adenoma resection. From 2015 to 2018, she kept taking dexamethasone at least 2 mg daily without her doctors’ consent. During this period, she developed transient cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, and her empty sella further worsened. After switching to low dose hydrocortisone, her papilledema disappeared completely, but optic atrophy has become irreversible. Conclusions The patient seems to be just an extreme case, but it may reveal and illustrate a general phenomenon: Both cortisol-producing adrenal adenoma and long-term exogenous hypercortisolism could cause varying degrees of elevated intracranial pressure and empty sella. Clinicians should remain vigilant for this phenomenon in patients with cortisol-producing adrenal adenoma or excessive and prolonged steroid usage and give them corresponding examinations to identify this complication.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Dinithi Vidanage ◽  
Shamini Prathapan ◽  
Priyadarshika Hettiarachchi ◽  
Sudharshani Wasalathanthri

Abstract Background Regular exercise is a key element in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Although the importance of regular exercises on glycemic control in people with diabetes is studied extensively, evidence is lacking on its impact on sweet taste perception. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the impact of aerobic exercises on taste perception for sucrose in people with diabetes. Methods A sample of 225 people with diabetes aged 35-60 years was assigned randomly into 3 groups; aerobic exercise, combined exercise and a control group. The outcomes of the combined exercise group is not reported. The aerobic exercise group performed brisk walking 30min/day, 4-5days/week for 6 months. The primary outcome measures were supra-threshold intensity ratings and preference for sucrose assessed at baseline, at 3 and 6 months using ‘general Labeled Magnitude Scale’ and ‘Monell 2-series-forced choice method’ respectively. Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) level was assessed at baseline and at 6 months to determine glycemic control. Results Aerobic exercise group showed significantly increased ratings (mm) for higher sucrose concentrations at 3 months (mean difference for 2.02M; +6.63±2.50, p=0.048 and for 0.64M; +7.26±2.76, p=0.026) and at 6 months (mean difference for 0.64M; +7.79±4.49, p= 0.044) compared to baseline and also when compared to controls (mean difference for 2.02M between baseline and 3 months; intervention: +6.63±2.50, control: -4.01±1.79, p=0.02 and between baseline and 6 months for 2.02M; intervention: +3.15±0.57, control: -7.96±0.40, p=0.022 and for 0.64M; intervention: +7.79±4.49, control: -8.98±0.99, p=0.003). A significantly reduced preference (mol/L) was seen both at 3 (mean difference; -0.03±0.02, p= 0.037) and at 6 months (mean difference; -0.05±0.12, p=0.011) compared to baseline within the intervention group. Also, a significant reduction was seen in the intervention group compared to controls at 6 months (mean difference; intervention: -0.05±0.12, control: 0.01±0.03, p=0.044). HbA1c was significantly reduced in the intervention group compared to controls at 6 months (mean difference; intervention -0.43±1.6%, control +0.33±1.8%, p=0.018). Conclusion Regular aerobic exercises increase the sweet taste sensitivity, especially for higher concentrations of sucrose and decrease sweet taste preference in people with diabetes . These alterations in sweet taste perception, are likely to contribute to a better glycemic control in people with diabetes. Trial registration This trial was registered at the Sri Lanka Clinical Trial registry on 16/12/2015. (Trial registration number- SLCTR/2015/029,

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Kang Chen ◽  
Yong Yao ◽  
Xinxin Mao ◽  
Hui You ◽  
Linjie Wang ◽  

Abstract Background The differential diagnosis of IgG4-related hypophysitis and other inflammatory diseases or tumors involving sellar region is challenging even after sellar biopsy. Sellar germinoma is usually infiltrated by lymphocytes or plasma cells, and may be confused with hypophysitis. Case presentation A 36-year-old man with diabetes insipidus, elevated serum IgG4 level (336 mg/dl), and sellar mass was suspected to have IgG4-related hypophysitis, and no other lesion of IgG4-related disease was detected. After treated by prednisone and mycophenolate mofetil, the serum IgG4 decreased to 214 mg/dl. However, after withdrawal of the drugs, the IgG4 level increased to 308 mg/dl. Endocrine assessments revealed panhypopituitarism, and the sellar mass enlarged. Transsphenoidal sellar exploration and biopsy was conducted. Pathological examination showed that the lesion was germinoma with lymphocytes and plasma cells infiltration, and IgG4-staining was positive (70/HPF, IgG4/IgG ratio = 10%). The patient was then treated by cisplatin and etoposide. After four cycles of chemotherapy, the serum IgG4 was 201 mg/dl, and the sellar mass was invisible. Conclusion Sellar germinoma can mimic the clinical characteristics of IgG4-related hypophysitis. Poor response to glucocorticoids can be used as an exclusion criterion in the clinical diagnosis of IgG4-related hypophysitis.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Yasemin Al Shanableh ◽  
Yehia Y. Hussein ◽  
Abdul Haseeb Saidwali ◽  
Maryam Al-Mohannadi ◽  
Budoor Aljalham ◽  

Abstract Aim The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of asymptomatic hyperuricemia in Qatar and to examine its association with changes in markers of dyslipidemia, prediabetes and subclinical inflammation. Methods A cross-sectional study of young adult participants aged 18 - 40 years old devoid of comorbidities collected between 2012 and 2017. Exposure was defined as uric acid level, and outcomes were defined as levels of different blood markers. De-identified data were collected from Qatar Biobank. T-tests, correlation tests and multiple linear regression were all used to investigate the effects of hyperuricemia on blood markers. Statistical analyses were conducted using STATA 16. Results The prevalence of asymptomatic hyperuricemia is 21.2% among young adults in Qatar. Differences between hyperuricemic and normouricemic groups were observed using multiple linear regression analysis and found to be statistically and clinically significant after adjusting for age, gender, BMI, smoking and exercise. Significant associations were found between uric acid level and HDL-c p = 0.019 (correlation coefficient -0.07 (95% CI [-0.14, -0.01]); c-peptide p = 0.018 (correlation coefficient 0.38 (95% CI [0.06, 0.69]) and monocyte to HDL ratio (MHR) p = 0.026 (correlation coefficient 0.47 (95% CI [0.06, 0.89]). Conclusions Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is prevalent among young adults and associated with markers of prediabetes, dyslipidemia, and subclinical inflammation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Mestet Yibeltal Shiferaw ◽  
Tsegazeab Laeke T/Mariam ◽  
Abenezer Tirsit Aklilu ◽  
Yemisirach Bizuneh Akililu ◽  
Bethelhem Yishak Worku

Abstract Background While both DKA & CSDH/subdural hygroma/ are known to cause significant morbidity and mortality, there is no a study that shows the role & effect of DKA on CSDH/subdural hygroma/ & vice versa to authors’ best knowledge; hence this work will show how important relation does exist between DKA & CSDH/ hygroma. Case summary This study highlights the diagnostic & management challenges seen for a case of a 44 years old female black Ethiopian woman admitted with a diagnosis of newly diagnosed type 1 DM with DKA + small CSDH/subdural hygroma/ after she presented with sever global headache and a 3 month history of lost to her work. She needed burrhole & evacuation for complete clinical improvement besides DKA’s medical treatment. Conclusion DKA induced cerebral edema on the CSDH/subdural hematoma/ can have a role in altering any of the parameters (except the thickness of CSDH) for surgical indication of patients with a diagnosis of both CSDH +DM with DKA. Hence, the treating physicians should be vigilant of different parameters that suggests tight brain &/ cerebral edema (including midline shift, the status of cisterns, fissures & sulci) and should not be deceived of the thickness of the CSDH/subdural hygroma/alone; especially when there is a disproportionately tight brain for the degree of collection. Whether DKA induced cerebral edema causes a subdural hygroma is unknown and needs further study.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Jun Inaishi ◽  
Yoshifumi Saisho ◽  
Yuusuke Watanabe ◽  
Tami Tsuchiya ◽  
Hironobu Sasaki ◽  

Abstract Background We investigated the changes in blood glucose fluctuation, gastric emptying, and vascular endothelial function by switching from an exenatide twice-daily formulation (BID) to a once-weekly formulation (QW) since the evaluation of postprandial glucose excursion and glycemic variability (GV) by continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) after switching was lacking. Methods Twenty-nine patients with type 2 diabetes treated with exenatide BID were included in this study and switched to exenatide QW for 24 weeks. GV assessed by CGM, gastric emptying (by 13 C-acetate breath test) and vascular endothelial function (by reactive hyperemia - peripheral arterial tonometry) were evaluated at baseline and 24 weeks after switching. Results HbA1c decreased significantly from the baseline to week 24, while postprandial glucose levels after breakfast and dinner significantly increased (both P <0.05). However, the increases in GV indices were modest and not statistically significant at week 24. Vascular endothelial function was also not significantly changed after switching (P >0.05). Gastric emptying was significantly accelerated at week 24 (Tmax 83.4 ± 12.1 min vs. 58.2 ± 16.4 min) (P <0.001) and correlated with increased postprandial glucose levels after breakfast and dinner (both P <0.05). Conclusions Despite the increase in postprandial glucose associated with accelerated gastric emptying after switching from exenatide BID to QW, change in GV was modest and no significant deterioration in vascular endothelial function was observed after switching. These results support the superiority of treatment with exenatide QW over exenatide BID in clinical practice; however, attention should be paid to the monitoring and management of postprandial glucose levels when selecting exenatide QW. Trial registration Clinical trial registry number; UMIN000016390 and jRCTs031180320. Approval date of Registry and the Registration: December 12, 2014.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Jessica Melin ◽  
Kristian F. Lynch ◽  
Markus Lundgren ◽  
Carin Andrén Aronsson ◽  
Helena Elding Larsson ◽  

Abstract Background Participants’ study satisfaction is important for both compliance with study protocols and retention, but research on parent study satisfaction is rare. This study sought to identify factors associated with parent study satisfaction in The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study, a longitudinal, multinational (US, Finland, Germany, Sweden) study of children at risk for type 1 diabetes. The role of staff consistency to parent study satisfaction was a particular focus. Methods Parent study satisfaction was measured by questionnaire at child-age 15 months (5579 mothers, 4942 fathers) and child-age four years (4010 mothers, 3411 fathers). Multiple linear regression analyses were used to identify sociodemographic factors, parental characteristics, and study variables associated with parent study satisfaction at both time points. Results Parent study satisfaction was highest in Sweden and the US, compared to Finland. Parents who had an accurate perception of their child’s type 1 diabetes risk and those who believed they can do something to prevent type 1 diabetes were more satisfied. More educated parents and those with higher depression scores had lower study satisfaction scores. After adjusting for these factors, greater study staff change frequency was associated with lower study satisfaction in European parents (mothers at child-age 15 months: − 0.30,95% Cl − 0.36, − 0.24, p < 0.001; mothers at child-age four years: -0.41, 95% Cl − 0.53, − 0.29, p < 0.001; fathers at child-age 15 months: -0.28, 95% Cl − 0.34, − 0.21, p < 0.001; fathers at child-age four years: -0.35, 95% Cl − 0.48, − 0.21, p < 0.001). Staff consistency was not associated with parent study satisfaction in the US. However, the number of staff changes was markedly higher in the US compared to Europe. Conclusions Sociodemographic factors, parental characteristics, and study-related variables were all related to parent study satisfaction. Those that are potentially modifiable are of particular interest as possible targets of future efforts to improve parent study satisfaction. Three such factors were identified: parent accuracy about the child’s type 1 diabetes risk, parent beliefs that something can be done to reduce the child’s risk, and study staff consistency. However, staff consistency was important only for European parents. Trial registration NCT00279318.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Nasser Sakran ◽  
Yitka Graham ◽  
Tadeja Pintar ◽  
Wah Yang ◽  
Radwan Kassir ◽  

AbstractThe alarming rise in the worldwide prevalence of obesity and associated type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have reached epidemic portions. Diabetes in its many forms and T2DM have different physiological backgrounds and are difficult to classify. Bariatric surgery (BS) is considered the most effective treatment for obesity in terms of weight loss and comorbidity resolution, improves diabetes, and has been proven superior to medical management for the treatment of diabetes. The term metabolic surgery (MS) describes bariatric surgical procedures used primarily to treat T2DM and related metabolic conditions. MS is the most effective means of obtaining substantial and durable weight loss in individuals with obesity. Originally, BS was used as an alternative weight-loss therapy for patients with severe obesity, but clinical data revealed its metabolic benefits in patients with T2DM. MS is more effective than lifestyle or medical management in achieving glycaemic control, sustained weight loss, and reducing diabetes comorbidities. New guidelines for T2DM expand the use of MS to patients with a lower body mass index.Evidence has shown that endocrine changes resulting from BS translate into metabolic benefits that improve the comorbid conditions associated with obesity, such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and T2DM. Other changes include bacterial flora rearrangement, bile acids secretion, and adipose tissue effect.This review aims to examine the physiological mechanisms in diabetes, risks for complications, the effects of bariatric and metabolic surgery and will shed light on whether diabetes should be reclassified.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Monire Davoodi ◽  
Behnaz Dindamal ◽  
Hossein Dargahi ◽  
Farzad Faraji-Khiavi

Abstract Background More than three decades of research and study for overcoming the problem of “non-acceptance/non-compliance” of patients has neither resolved nor reduced the severity of this problem. This phenomenological study aimed to identify barriers of adherence to medical advice among type 2 diabetic patients. Methods This study was a qualitative research using phenomenology approach, and the data were analyzed using content analysis approach. Participants were 69 type 2 diabetic patients covered by the diabetes unit of West and East Community Health Centers of Ahvaz, Iran. The views and attitudes of patients about the barriers of adherence to medical advice were elicited by conducting 20–45 min sessions of semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was performed following Colaizzi’s seven-step method. Results Barriers of adherence to medical advice were classified into systemic and individual barriers. Individual barriers included 11 codes and 5 categories, and systemic barriers contained within 5 codes and 3 categories. Physiologic and physical factors, financial problems, occupational factors, attitudinal problems and lack of knowledge, and social and family problems were identified as individual barriers. Systemic barriers included inadequate publicizing and limited notification, inadequate equipment and facilities, and poor inter-sectional coordination. Conclusions Generally, problems stated by diabetic patients at the individual level can partly be solved by training patients and the people around them. However, as for the systemic problems, it seems that solving the barriers of adherence to medical advice requires coordination with other organizations as well as intersection coordination. Overall, these problems require not only comprehensive health service efforts, but also the support of policymakers to resolve barriers at infrastructure level.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Salah Gariballa ◽  
Javed Yasin ◽  
Ghada Abluwi ◽  
Awad Al Essa

Abstract Background Although there is some evidence that vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent in the Middle East, however its health impact is still not clear. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, causes and health implications of vitamin D deficiency in local United Arab Emirates (UAE) citizens. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on community free living adults living in the city of Al Ain, UAE. Following informed written consent eligible subject’s blood and urine samples were taken for measurements of vitamin D [25(OH)D], metabolic and bone turnover markers. Clinical assessment that includes general and self-rated health, muscle health, and physical activity were also performed. Results A total of 648 subjects (491 female) were included in this analysis. Their mean (SD) age was 38 (12) years. Mean 25(OH)D was 24 ng/ml (range: 4–67) with 286 (44%) subjects found to have vitamin D deficiency (< 20 ng/ml), 234 (36%) subjects have insufficiency (20-32 ng/ml) and 128 (20%) subjects have optimal concentrations (> 32 ng/ml). 25(OH)D concentrations were significantly higher in local indigenous UAE subjects compared to other Arab expatriates (p = 0.071). Although there were no statistically significant differences in clinical markers between groups, however, utra-sensitive C-reactive protein (us-CRP), parathyroid hormone (PTH), body mass index (BMI) and the bone markers U-PYD and PYD/CR were higher in vitamin D deficient older subjects aged ≥50 years and female subjects younger than 50 years respectively compared to those with insufficiency or optimal concentrations (p value < 0.05. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed significant and independent association between 25(OH)D status and age and sex (p < 0.05). Conclusion Older subjects with vitamin D deficiency have increased BMI, inflammation and PTH compared with those with insufficiency or optimal concentrations. Co-existence of obesity and vitamin D deficiency may have increased adverse health effects.

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