Advances in Data Analysis and Classification
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Published By Springer-Verlag

1862-5355, 1862-5347

Xavier Bry ◽  
Ndèye Niang ◽  
Thomas Verron ◽  
Stéphanie Bougeard

D. J. Hand ◽  
C. Anagnostopoulos

AbstractThe H-measure is a classifier performance measure which takes into account the context of application without requiring a rigid value of relative misclassification costs to be set. Since its introduction in 2009 it has become widely adopted. This paper answers various queries which users have raised since its introduction, including questions about its interpretation, the choice of a weighting function, whether it is strictly proper, its coherence, and relates the measure to other work.

Pierre Bertrand ◽  
Michel Broniatowski ◽  
Jean-François Marcotorchino

David P. Hofmeyr ◽  
Francois Kamper ◽  
Michail C. Melonas

Ewa Genge ◽  
Francesco Bartolucci

AbstractWe analyze the changing attitudes toward immigration in EU host countries in the last few years (2010–2018) on the basis of the European Social Survey data. These data are collected by the administration of a questionnaire made of items concerning different aspects related to the immigration phenomenon. For this analysis, we rely on a latent class approach considering a variety of models that allow for: (1) multidimensionality; (2) discreteness of the latent trait distribution; (3) time-constant and time-varying covariates; and (4) sample weights. Through these models we find latent classes of Europeans with similar levels of immigration acceptance and we study the effect of different socio-economic covariates on the probability of belonging to these classes for which we provide a specific interpretation. In this way we show which countries tend to be more or less positive toward immigration and we analyze the temporal dynamics of the phenomenon under study.

Michael P. B. Gallaugher ◽  
Salvatore D. Tomarchio ◽  
Paul D. McNicholas ◽  
Antonio Punzo

Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban ◽  
Luis A. García-Escudero

AbstractA robust approach for clustering functional directional data is proposed. The proposal adapts “impartial trimming” techniques to this particular framework. Impartial trimming uses the dataset itself to tell us which appears to be the most outlying curves. A feasible algorithm is proposed for its practical implementation justified by some theoretical properties. A “warping” approach is also introduced which allows including controlled time warping in that robust clustering procedure to detect typical “templates”. The proposed methodology is illustrated in a real data analysis problem where it is applied to cluster aircraft trajectories.

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