Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
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Ioannis Karaouzas ◽  
Ioannis Leris ◽  
Yiannis Kapakos ◽  
Nektarios Kalaitzakis ◽  
Konstantinos Fytilis ◽  

This contribution presents the first record of the noble crayfish Astacus astacus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Euboea (Evia) Island, Greece. The crayfish was found during a fish monitoring expedition in the upper Mesapios River, in a reach that maintains flow throughout the year, while most of the river length desiccates completely during the dry season. The finding of A. astacus in an intermittent river of Euboea Island expands the species geographical range and calls for immediate conservation actions to protect its habitat and preserve this vulnerable population.

Jes Jessen Rasmussen ◽  
Helena Kallestrup ◽  
Kirstine Thiemer ◽  
Anette Baisner Alnøe ◽  
Lisbeth Dalsgaard Henriksen ◽  

Climate change has increased the frequency and intensity of stream flooding events. In response, managing authorities may increase frequency and intensity of aquatic plant removal (weed cutting) to lower the water level in rivers possibly impairing physical and hydromorphological stream conditions. We studied 32 Danish lowland streams subjected to three different weed cutting practices, representing a gradient in weed cutting intensity, and uncut controls to compare physical and hydromorphological habitat quality parameters among stream groups. Moreover, we measured short-term changes in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations and suspended sediment (SS) transport in two streams before, during, and just after weed cutting for the least and most pervasive weed cutting method, respectively. Our results indicated a lower habitat quality affiliated with increasing intensity of weed cutting practice, notably an association with silt cover at the expense of hard substrate. DO concentrations were relatively unaltered but an abrupt increase in SS transport comparable to storm events was observed during cutting with the most pervasive method. Our results indicate that ecological and hydromorphological effects of high intensity weed cutting should be carefully studied and considered before large scale implementation.

Stéphane Tétard ◽  
Romain Roy ◽  
Nils Teichert ◽  
Jocelyn Rancon ◽  
Dominique Courret

Developing management rules to improve downstream migration of salmon smolts in large hydropower plants is essential to limit mortality and migration delay. A 2-year telemetry study was conducted to assess the efficiency of temporary measures to enhance the safety and speed of juvenile salmon passage through the Poutès dam (Allier River, France). 124 smolts were tracked through the reservoir and downstream of the dam, during implementation of turbine modulation and/or shutdown during night and reservoir level lowering. Level lowering significantly reduced median residence time from 3.4 days to 4.4 hours. However, even with high spill during turbine modulation, the risk of smolt being drawn toward the turbines was increased at low reservoir level due to the site's configuration, greater proximity to the surface and weak repulsive effect of the rack. Moreover, results revealed that a substantial proportion of smolts can migrate during daytime and twilight during floods, even at the beginning of the migration period. Thus targeted turbine shutdown has a good potential to protect smolts, but implementation requires studies taking account of site specificities and a flexible approach.

Tatia Kuljanishvili ◽  
Levan Mumladze ◽  
Bella Japoshvili ◽  
Namig Mustafayev ◽  
Shaig Ibrahimov ◽  

The South Caucasus (SC) region is recognized for its high biological diversity and various endemic animal taxa. The area has experienced many fish introductions over the years, but the overall information about non-native fishes in the three SC countries, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia did not exist. Although these three countries belong to the Kura River drainage, Caspian Sea basin (only the western half of Georgia drains into the Black Sea), the legislative framework for each country regarding introduction of non-native fish species and their treatment is different and poorly developed. The goal of the present study was to make an initial inventory of non-native fish species in the three SC countries, and summarize the existing knowledge as a basis for future risk assessment models and formulation of regional management policies. Here, we present a unified list of 27 non-native species recorded in the wild in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Among these 27 species, eight were translocated from the Black Sea basin to the Caspian Sea basin. Out of these 27 non-native fishes, 15 species have become established (three of them being considered invasive) and six fish species could not survive in the wild.

Christos Gkenas ◽  
Maria Filomena Magalhães ◽  
Nazaret Campos-Martin ◽  
Filipe Ribeiro ◽  
Miguel Clavero

The widely invasive North American pumpkinseed sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus, is currently established in desert rivers in Morocco. The success of pumpkinseed in novel ecosystems has been associated with its generalist diet, but this trait remains unevaluated in arid regions. Desert rivers are harsh environments with limited water and prey availability which may adversely constrain the diet of fish. Here we studied the diet of pumpkinseed across 4 sites in the Draa River, embracing a 450 m elevational gradient covering from extremely dry lowlands to relatively humid highlands. We described pumpkinseed diet through the analysis of stomach contents of 82 individuals, collected in the fall of 2013. Pumpkinseed diet was dominated by Chironomidae in dry lowlands, while Ephemeroptera, Heteroptera, Trichoptera and Odonata were relevant prey in more humid highlands. Population diet breadth expanded with elevation, but individual specialization in diet was low among all sites. Our results highlight considerable changes in diet composition and breadth with aridity, suggesting that feeding plasticity and use of exclusive, locally abundant prey rather than generalized feeding may be associated with the success of pumpkinseed in most arid areas in desert rivers.

Lenka Kajgrova ◽  
Zdenek Adamek ◽  
Jan Regenda ◽  
Christian Bauer ◽  
Vlastimil Stejskal ◽  

Qualitative and quantitative differences in benthic macrozoobenthos distribution in carp pond littoral zones (macrophyte areas; LM) and pelagic zones (macrophyte-free areas; MF) were assessed in four commercial carp (Cyprinus carpio) grow-out ponds in the Czech Republic (semi-intensive management) and Austria (organic management) monthly over the growing season (June-September) of 2016 and 2017. While differences in environmental parameters and granulometric composition between LM and MF were statistically non-significant (p > 0.05), organic matter content was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in LM. Average macrozoobenthos density and biomass in LM (mean 431 ind.m−2 and 6.78 g.m−2) was usually significantly higher (p > 0.05) than MF (371 ind.m−2 and 3.17 g.m−2). A similar trend was observed for zoobenthos diversity, with LM having a higher diversity (76 taxa) than MF (47 taxa). At the start of the growing season, chironomid density was higher (p < 0.05) in muddy MF zones, regardless of management type, while oligochaete density was higher in muddy LM. The density of both groups later declined, such that density was significantly higher (p > 0.05) in sandy substrates, regardless of habitat or management type. Our data suggest a significant drop in macrozoobenthos density and biomass compared with historical data, mainly due to new management techniques (fertilisation, supplementary feeding) and intensification (higher stock densities), suggesting that pond management is crucial as regards benthic invertebrate development and diversity. Our results indicate that emersed LM beds positively influence macrozoobenthos performance in carp ponds, potentially making them biodiversity hotspots. Further, LM beds can be regarded as invertebrate harbours, and hence should be protected and encouraged.

Sara Roje ◽  
Luise Richter ◽  
Susanne Worischka ◽  
Marek Let ◽  
Lukáš Veselý ◽  

Aquatic biodiversity is threatened by spread of invasive alien species. Round goby Neogobius melanostomus is an invasive fish in large European rivers as well as in coastal waters near their mouths and marbled crayfish Procambarus virginalis is a highly invasive crustacean. Both are small, bottom-dwelling species occupying similar habitat and shelters and utilizing similar food sources. We hypothesized that goby presents a threat to both native and non-native astacofauna in invaded ecosystems. We tested this through laboratory experiments designed to determine aggressiveness and competitiveness of goby against marbled crayfish as a model for other North American cambarid crayfish, assessing goby prey size selection and competition with marbled crayfish for space and shelter. Gobies showed high aggressiveness and dominance over the crayfish. Goby predation on juvenile crayfish was limited by mouth gape size. In goby/crayfish pairs of similar weight, gobies were more aggressive, although each affected the behavior of the other.

Surya Gentha Akmal ◽  
Agus Santoso ◽  
Yonvitner ◽  
Ernik Yuliana ◽  
Jiří Patoka

Cherax quadricarinatus is a parastacid crayfish native to parts of north-eastern Australia and southern New Guinea. It is a relatively large and highly fecund species in comparison with other crayfish of this genus. Since C. quadricarinatus was previously assessed as an invasive species in Indonesia, further monitoring of this species in this region was recommended. Detailed understanding of its spatial behaviour can be the basis for further research aimed at improved management. Field sampling was performed outside its native range in Java, Indonesia from 2019–2020, resulting in data useful for modelling the species' spatial distribution. The occurrence of the species was confirmed in 66 of 70 surveyed localities with 51 new records for Indonesia. Future investigations focused on the relationship between the spatial distribution and dispersal pattern of C. quadricarinatus and its interactions with native biota and entire ecosystems were recommended.

Agnieszka Kolada

Charophytes (stoneworts) form a group of macrophytes that are considered sensitive to eutrophication. The high indicator value of charophytes toward eutrophication results in their wide use in the bioassessment systems. I explored the variability of stonewort communities' requirements for trophic conditions in lowland temperate lakes and attempted to determine the role of individual syntaxa in assessing the ecological status of lakes in Poland. The position of charophyte communities' niches along the trophic gradient was analysed using the Outlying Mean Index approach. A few stonewort communities, i.e., Nitelletum opacae, N. mucronatae, N. flexilis and Charetum filiformis appeared to be specialised concerning water quality and may be considered indicators of habitats less eutrophic than the “mean” trophic conditions in the study domain. Most stonewort communities were relatively common in European waters. Four of them, i.e., Charetum tomentosae, C. asperae, C. contrariae and Nitellopsidetum obtusae, can be classified as ‘generalists’ with low marginality and broad ecological tolerance. Most stonewort communities appeared in a broad range of ecological status classes. In the case of 15 communities, 6 to 25% of occurrences were observed in lakes representing a less than good status, and they cannot be considered indicative of good ecological conditions. However, the high taxonomic diversity and extensive phytolittoral zone were most likely to occur when the phytocoenoses of stoneworts were present. In lowland naturally eutrophic lakes inhabited by eurytopic species, the extraordinary role of charophytes in the assessment of the ecological status can be interpreted through their significant contribution to the development of the littoral.

Lucija Raguž ◽  
Ivana Buj ◽  
Zoran Marčić ◽  
Vatroslav Veble ◽  
Lucija Ivić ◽  

The Danube barbel, Barbus balcanicus is small rheophilic freshwater fish, belonging to the genus Barbus which includes 23 species native to Europe. In Croatian watercourses, three members of the genus Barbus are found, B. balcanicus, B. barbus and B. plebejus, each occupying a specific ecological niche. This study examined cytochrome b (cyt b), a common genetic marker used to describe the structure and origin of fish populations to perform a phylogenetic reconstruction of the Danube barbel. Two methods of phylogenetic inference were used: maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML), which yielded well supported trees of similar topology. The Median joining network (MJ) was generated and corroborated to show the divergence of three lineages of Barbus balcanicus on the Balkan Peninsula: Croatian, Serbian and Macedonian lineages that separated at the beginning of the Pleistocene. Croatian lineage of B. balcanicus shows a uniform structure with many recently diverged haplotypes, which was further supported by the star-like shape of the MJ network. Effective size estimates were obtained for populations inhabiting separate river catchments and the results imply the good reproductive potential of Barbus balcanicus in Croatia, which is in positive correlation with the overall high genetic diversity calculated for its populations. Nevertheless, population sizes of several population seem to be reduced as a consequence of habitat degradation and fragmentation.

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