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Published By Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas

2599-3089, 2548-6985

Indah Lestari ◽  
Iwan Purnama ◽  
Mila Nirmala Sari Hasibuan

Untuk memotivasi siswa agar terus berprestasi, MTs Al Falah melakukan kegiatan pengembangan potensi siswa melalui penetapan siswa teladan. Namun, penentuan siswa teladan tidak didasarkan pada kemampuan akademik dan non-akademik, tetapi pada subjektivitas kepala sekolah dan guru. Sehingga banyak yang mengeluhkan keputusan pemilihan siswa teladan yang tidak tepat sasaran atau layak menjadi siswa teladan. Belum adanya sistem informasi yang mendukung penentuan siswa teladan di MTs Al Falah, Kurang tepat dalam menentukan siswa teladan di MTs Al Falah, sistem pendukung keputusan dalam Penentuan Siswa Teladan menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) adalah berdasarkan 5 kriteria, yaitu nilai pengetahuan, nilai keterampilan, pangkat kelas, ekstrakurikuler, nilai-nilai ekstrakurikuler. Hasil yang diperoleh nantinya berupa rangking siswa teladan. Metode Simple Additive Weight dapat membantu pihak sekolah khususnya dalam menentukan sejumlah persoalan mengenai pendidikan, salah satunya adalah menentukan siswa teladan. Karena metode ini merupakan metode pembobotan penilaian kinerja masing-masing alternatif.

Miranda Sari ◽  
Ibnu Rasyid Munthe ◽  
Irmayani Irmayani

The central government took a policy to carry out social distancing with this social distancing having an impact on all activities such as having an impact on the learning process that usually takes place in the classroom turning into online learning using several supporting applications in the learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic. Such as using WhatsApp, Moodle , and Zoom for the learning process. Of the three applications commonly used by students and lecturers for the learning process, it can be grouped using the K-Medoids method which will get a cluster of preferred and disliked applications. The researcher took data from a questionnaire made with Google Form which was distributed to 100 students who often did the learning process with the three applications. Can produce a grouping of applications that students like and dislike in the learning process. By looking at the level curve in Figure 7. There are two clusters of red and blue. If the curved line to the right increases, there are many things that are not liked in the application used. Conversely, if the line from the curve to the right decreases, then online applications are less favorable. The results of this study can be seen from the curve picture that learning is most prioritized in the learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic using the Moodle and WhatsApp applications, and the use of zoom is not prioritized in the learning process. if the line from the curve to the right decreases, then online applications are less favored. The results of this study can be seen from the curve image that learning is most prioritized in the learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic using the Moodle and WhatsApp applications, and zooming is not prioritized in the learning process. if the line from the curve to the right decreases, then online applications are less favored. The results of this study can be seen from the curve picture that learning is most prioritized in the learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic using the Moodle and WhatsApp applications, and the use of zoom is not prioritized in the learning process.

Anggiat Selamat Sitorus ◽  
Volvo Sihombing ◽  
Ibnu Rasyid Munthe

Human resource management (HR) is important to achieve company goals. One of the activities in HR management is recruitment, selection, and training. Recruitment and selection are usually carried out without using a system so that the calculations are still done manually. However, by processing data using the system, it can produce a decision in recommending prospective employees who can have a positive impact on the company. The company selection process is carried out in two stages, namely official selection and final selection in the form of psychological tests, interviews, ability tests, and communication. The use of the Elimination Et Choix Traduisant La Realite (ELECTRE) method at the official selection stage and the Weighted Product (WP) method at the final selection stage is a discovery made to obtain the best decision according to the required criteria. By using this method, the final result will be obtained, namely recommendations from several prospective employees who are fit to work in the company. The results of this system performance reached one hundred percent; the data from the system is in accordance with the expected calculations.

Tonny Tonny ◽  
Ibnu Rasyid Munthe ◽  
Musthafa Haris Munandar

The inventor figures succeeded in contributing to people's lives and making people's lives developed with the findings of the inventor figures, but there are still many people who do not know and know the inventor figures, people only know the objects found by the inventor figures but do not know who the characters find the objects. that thing. The introduction of the inventor character is one of the reference materials that can be used to introduce the inventor character. In this day and age, android-based inventor character recognition applications are very efficient to use. In making a character recognition application, strings can be implemented for the word search process. String can be interpreted as an approach how to find the pattern of arrangement of string characters in other strings or part of the body of text. String has several algorithms, one of which is the Sequential Search algorithm where this algorithm is a very simple search algorithm that is carried out by comparing data one by one from a predetermined data set (Array) until the data is completed (found) or there is no match (not found). ). This inventor character recognition application is designed by utilizing the setudio android software. So that the application is easier to use and can be used independently anywhere and anytime.

Pastima Simanjuntak ◽  
Hotma Pangaribuan ◽  
Muhammad Taufik Syastra

Facial treatments or skincare treatments contained in beauty care are divided into two categories, namely home treatment (such as giving face soap, morning cream, night cream, etc.) and direct care (such as facials, chemical peels, and so on). Home treatment facials consist of a variety of care products. Each home treatment product has a specific function both for treating the face or fixing the skin on consumers' faces such as acne, black spots, blackheads, oily skin, and others. Therefore, in order to determine the right home treatment product for consumers, knowledge of the usefulness of a home treatment product is needed. One of the factors of trade problems that exist in Batam City, there are still many products that enter without knowing whether the product is safe or not to be used, especially for cosmetic or skincare products where many cosmetic products are not licensed by BPOM but can still be traded to the people of Batam City. Finding skincare cosmetics that are good for the community is very difficult, because too many skincare products are sold in the market that do not have a BPOM permit and it will be dangerous for people who use these products. It is also due to the absence of a recommendation from a doctor or a beautician, which causes the wrong or bad skincare selection and will have a bad impact on one's face. The purpose of this study was to make recommendations for the use of skincare products in Batam City. For this reason, through this research, the researcher intends to apply one of the data mining techniques with the naïve Bayes algorithm with software implementation using the Tanagra 4.1 software, where the results of this study can be used to see consumer buying patterns that have been neglected to increase product sales, and also see the decisions made to help recommendations for skincare use in Batam City.

Lisa Febriani ◽  
Iwan Purnama ◽  
Budianto Bangun

The existence of computers has even replaced many human workers, both in business and industry. This cannot be faulted because it is proven that the computerized system is much more efficient and profitable for the company than the manual system (with human labor). Almost every company, especially those that are developing and advancing, are currently competing to computerize their company's systems, to improve work efficiency and effectiveness. At PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Medan, especially those that produce goods, always occurs in the process of producing, storing, and selling products. With the application design carried out in the making of this research is the storage of input and output of data from existing goods, namely by managing all data on goods in the warehouse in a computerized system. Then the arrangement of incoming goods and outgoing goods in the warehouse rack pallets is arranged as optimally as possible by using the Genetic Algorithm method. The scheduling at PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Medan, which is a schedule of orders given to sales that can be on that day. Next, distribution orders are scheduled on the day, hour, and sales working. In optimizing the preparation of the distribution order schedule using the genetic algorithm, four parameters are needed, including the number of goals, the number of sales, the order crossover and mutation probability. In designing a product distribution order scheduling system at PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Medan consists of a login form, order data, sales data, destination data, time data, genetic algorithm processing and logout.

Rahel Raheliya Br Ginting ◽  
Nirwan Sinuhaji ◽  
Siti Indriyastri Dewi ◽  
Meiliyani Br Ginting

The Indonesian Institute of Technology and Business is an institution engaged in the field of Education. Scholarship is a gift in the form of an award or in the form of financial assistance given to people who have achievements that aim to be used as a continuation of education that will be taken during education. In addition, scholarships are also given to students as an appreciation or support for outstanding students. This research was made with the aim that the Right Target, Right Amount and Timely scholarship program can be implemented in determining scholarships to improve academic achievement at the Indonesian Institute of Technology and Business. Based on the existing problems, the authors analyze and design an application system built using Matlab software by combining fuzzy logic and Matlab GUI.

Mega Mega ◽  
Gomal Juni Yanris ◽  
Volvo Sihombing

Status gizi balita merupakan faktor penting dalam upaya menurunkan angka kematian anak. Perkembangan gizi masyarakat dapat dipantau melalui hasil pencatatan dan pelaporan program perbaikan gizi masyarakat yang tercermin dari hasil penimbangan bayi dan balita setiap bulan di Pos Pelayanan Terpadu (Posyandu), dimana upaya tersebut bertujuan untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan kesehatan serta mencegah dan menanggulangi timbulnya masalah kesehatan masyarakat khususnya yang ditujukan pada balita. Namun dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan Tenaga Medis, dihadapkan pada permasalahan penting yaitu masih sulitnya dalam memberikan informasi terkait hasil pemantauan tumbuh kembang balita, karena informasi tumbuh kembang bayi yang dimiliki diperoleh dari pendataan yang dilakukan secara manual seperti; membuat catatan dan perhitungan untuk mengetahui kondisi balita yang dinyatakan baik, kurang, atau buruk. Penerapan metode SMART pada tumbuh kembang Balita, metode ini dapat digunakan berdasarkan bobot dan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Kriteria yang digunakan didasarkan pada kriteria penilaian indeks Antropometri. Hasil analisis tersebut merupakan hasil pemeringkatan nilai terbesar untuk dijadikan bahan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. metode ini dapat digunakan berdasarkan bobot dan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Kriteria yang digunakan didasarkan pada kriteria penilaian indeks Antropometri. Hasil analisis tersebut merupakan hasil pemeringkatan nilai terbesar untuk dijadikan bahan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. metode ini dapat digunakan berdasarkan bobot dan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Kriteria yang digunakan didasarkan pada kriteria penilaian indeks Antropometri. Hasil analisis tersebut merupakan hasil pemeringkatan nilai terbesar untuk dijadikan bahan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan.

Yarma Agustya Dewi Utami ◽  
Volvo Sihombing ◽  
Muhammad Halmi Dar

Sentiment analysis is an important research topic and is currently being developed. Sentiment analysis is carried out to see the opinion or tendency of a person's opinion on a problem or object, whether it tends to have a negative or positive view. The main purpose of this research is to find out public sentiment towards the Full Day school policy comments from the Facebook Page of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and to determine the performance of the Na-ïve Bayes Classifier Algorithm. The results of this study indicate that the public's negative sentiment towards the Full Day School policy is higher than positive or neutral sentiment. The highest accuracy value is the Naïve Bayes Classifier algorithm with the trigram feature selection of the 300 data training model with a value of 80%. This simulation has proven that the larger the training data and the selection of features used in the NBC Algorithm affect the accuracy of the results. Meanwhile, the simulation results from 10 test data with 5 different NBC and Lexicon algorithms also show that the Full Day School Policy proposed by the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture has a higher negative sentiment than positive or neutral by most Facebook users who express opinions through comments. The highest accuracy value is the Naïve Bayes Classifier algorithm with the trigram feature selection of the 300 data training model with a value of 80%. This simulation has proven that the larger the training data and the selection of features used in the NBC Algorithm affect the accuracy of the results. Meanwhile, the simulation results from 10 test data with 5 different NBC and Lexicon algorithms also show that the Full Day School Policy proposed by the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture has a higher negative sentiment than positive or neutral by most users. Facebook that expresses opinions through comments. The highest accuracy value is the Naïve Bayes Classifier algorithm with the tri-gram feature selection of the 300 data training model with a value of 80%. This simulation has proven that the larger the training data and the selection of features used in the NBC Algorithm affect the accuracy results.

Gregorius Apri K Gultom ◽  
Volvo Sihombing ◽  
Deci Irmayani

Masalah transportasi adalah masalah pemrograman linier pada umumnya berhubungan dengan distribusi suatu produk dari beberapa sumber, dengan penawaran terbatas menuju beberapa tujuan dengan biaya tertentu pada biaya transportasi minimum. Tujuan dari model transportasi adalah merencanakan pengiriman suatu dari sumber tujuan sedemikian rupa untuk meminimalkan biaya transportasi. Beberapa teknik perhitungan sebagai bahan pertimbangan yang baik dalam membuat suatu kebijakan agar biaya pendistribusian minimal dapat tercapai oleh suatu usaha panglong, dalam hal ini untuk menentukan solusi awal yang layak digunakan metode  Least Cost ( biaya minimum).

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