Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal
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Published By Uzbekistan Research Online

2181-1547, 2181-6131

This article gives an overview of writing by women in a revolutionary phase during the twentieth century and highlights the distinguished features of twentieth century women's literature including the diverse range of themes, change in women's social and family roles, a remarkable shift in subjects of writing which added a new frontier in women's writing. While contemplating the study of twentieth century women's literature, the most significant features that came under the spotlight include discovery of women's self- identity, women coming out from the male defined precincts to achieve independence and the authors' expedition towards autonomy and self-assertion through their writing. However, to trace the growth twentieth century women's literature has witnessed, a comparative investigation of Victorian and twentieth century women's literature has been stated briefly.

The rapid development of computer and information technology is changing the face of the modern world, making it more and more sensitive to innovation. Changing technologies are having an increasingly rapid impact on the development of digital skills and literacy skills. The transition to a new technological order changes the gender balance of personnel in all spheres of life. Analyzing the gender dimensions of digital literacy and skills is important both from the point of view of social justice (unequal distribution of men and women in the exact and natural sciences) and from the point of view of improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources to ensure sustainable development.

“Our generation should be more knowledgeable, healthier and of course happier than us”. These words of the president of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyayev nowadays became the motto of our republic. Today in our country there are a lot of opportunities for young generation to accomplish the aim which was stated by our president. Using these opportunities and support by our country young generation is also trying to discover the unlimited world of different subjects and sciences. Among these subjects the Art occupies a great position too. Especially, the literature has always been the first and foremost subject which impressed our nation all the time. The article analyzes the principles of social and political factors in the creation of art poetic language and hermeneutic analysis of the text in Uzbek classic lyrics. Unique masterpieces of Uzbek Literature have been translated into a number of foreign languages for centuries. For instance, the works of Ahmad Yassaviy (11-century), Yusuf Hos Hojib’s “Kutadgu Bilig”(12-century), “Muhabbatnoma” written by Khorazmiy (14-century), literary works of Lutfiy, Navoiy (15-century), Babur (16-century), Mashrab, Turdi, “Temur Tuzuklari” revealing Tamerlane’s life and his conquests and many others are translated into English, Russian, French, German and many other languages. Numerous scientific researches devoted to these works intrigue any audience, indeed. It should be emphasized with delight that a number of ancient Turkish-Uzbek literary essays were founded, reviewed and printed with initiatives of some European researches.

The article examines aspects of the use of mobile technologies in the higher education system. The advantages and disadvantages of mobile learning are presented. Directions and examples of the application of various mobile services and technologies in educational activities are proposed. It is noted that in the modern educational environment there is still a limited use of mobile technologies, their use as a way to disseminate knowledge, and not as cognitive tools. Today, the most common use of mobile devices is still storing and retrieving information, teaching materials, and scheduling. Several directions of using mobile devices in the learning process have been proposed. The conclusion was made about the novelty of the application and introduction of mobile technologies in the educational environment, the prospects and potential of mobile education in education.

In physical education lessons, teaching movements and functional load are not sufficiently consistent with the solution of educational problems. The upbringing of will and volitional qualities in the learning process in general education schools is considered a poorly studied aspect and is clearly underestimated. This indicates the relevance of the topic and indicates the need for research in this direction. This article presents research work on the formation and upbringing of will in schoolchildren, the creation of pedagogical conditions for scientific substantiation and experimental verification of the results, pedagogical tools, the methodology for the formation and upbringing of volitional qualities in schoolchildren in the process of a physical education lesson.

This article explores the specifics of teaching physics in nonphysical specializations. In the areas of non-physical specialization of pedagogical higher education institutions, it is emphasized that the physics program should be radically different from the curriculum of physics, which is a specialized subject. Many other modern educational technologies are based on the teaching of physics for students of non-physical specialties, the organization of the educational process. The main focus in the teaching of physics to students of non-physical specialties is the content of theoretical materials necessary for the formation of scientific thinking among students, the creation of opportunities for independent study of physics.

This article analyzes the integration and cluster relations in literary education. In particular, the concept, forms and functions of the non-traditional course in literary education, the features of the integrated course of non-traditional literature, the integration of the course of literature with the sciences and such areas as the native language, history, and art are studied. The article defines the concept of "cluster of literary education" and lists the integrated forms of literary education. Literary education is now going through a difficult period. The content and form of education are changing, and new approaches are being introduced that reflect the content of literary education in new curricula. New approaches to learning have a tradition of putting the student at the center of the learning process and creating all the conditions for him or her to receive a quality education. This is directly related to the process of literary education as a person-centered approach to education. More and more attention is paid to the humanistic principle of literary education, the revival of national values in the context of universal culture. The purpose of literature lessons is to teach the student to pay attention to the content of the training, to instill in him a love for the literary word. This helps the student to feel the unity of the world and the person. An integrated approach to literary education and its cluster coordination can greatly help in solving these problems.

Following work is dedicated to the use of information computer technologies in the process of learning English gives students the opportunity to use their knowledge in competitions, Olympiads, quizzes and tests that are held online on the Internet, to take part in various video conferences and communicate with foreign-speaking peers. Students can get all kinds of information about the problem they are studying, which they can learn from literature, world news, articles from newspapers and magazines, as well as linguistic and cultural materials and similar sources. The deepening of the previously acquired knowledge can be carried out through both standard classical and integrated lessons, accompanied by software products, "online" tests and multimedia presentations. It should be noted that Internet resources are most often used in foreign language lessons. The possibilities of using Internet resources are very large.

Following work is dedicated to a property of the entire lexical system of the language. The phenomenon of lacunae is associated with the systemic nature of language, which is expressed and conditioned by the nonverbal nature of our thinking, as well as the whole variety of mental forms of reflection of reality, and the fundamental difference between thinking and language processes. The intra-linguistic lacunae as a linguistic phenomenon, analyzes various types of intra lingual lacunae in the lexical system of the Uzbek language. Special attention is paid to the study of systemic (potential) lacunae as to the largest group. The problem of lacunae is directly related to the listed areas of current scientific interest. In addition, the characteristic manifestations associated with the functioning of a particular idiom are particularly pronounced in comparison with the system of another idiom.

The article highlights the important factors of general physical fitness in the general education system, maintaining the health of students in class and extracurricular activities, their physical development. Within the framework of solidarity of educational and extracurricular activities of students and teachers, views were expressed on the constant monitoring of physical development of students in the educational process, adherence to the principles of individual and personal approach, creating psychological comfort in shaping and increasing motivation in students. The author used the methods of analysis, comparison, generalization, conversation in solving the tasks and testing the hypothesis.

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