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Herman Szűcs

Porous materials can be found in numerous areas of life (e. g., applied science, material science), however, the simulation of the fluid flow and transport phenomena through porous media is a significant challenge nowadays. Numerical simulations can help to analyze and understand physical processes and different phenomena in the porous structure, as well as to determine certain parameters that are difficult or impossible to measure directly or can only be determined by expensive and time-consuming experiments. The basic condition for the numerical simulations is the 3D geometric model of the porous material sample, which is the input parameter of the simulation. For this reason, geometry reconstruction is highly critical for pore-scale analysis. This paper introduces a complex process for the preparation of the microstructure's geometry in connection with a coupled FEM-CFD two-way fluid-structure interaction simulation. Micro-CT has been successfully applied to reconstruct both the fluid and solid phases of the used porous material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-182

This study aims to improve student learning outcomes using LKPD. The online learning process causes students to ignore the assigned tasks, lack mastery of science material and lose focus in learning. This classroom action research is designed in two cycles. Actions taken by observing during learning activities with indicators include: attendance level, activeness in answering teacher questions and collecting assignments on time. The scope of the material given in the first cycle is Measurement and in the second cycle is the Properties of the Solution. The subjects of this study were 35 students of Class VII D SMPN 248 Jakarta in the 2021/2022 academic year. The results of Classroom Action Research were obtained in two cycles, there has been an increase in learning activities seen from the increase in attendance reaching 100% in the second cycle from 77.14% in the first cycle. The activeness of students in answering questions increased from 8.6% in the first cycle to 28.57% in the second cycle. The increase in student activity in collecting assignments increased from 68.57% in the first cycle to 85.71% in the second cycle. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik menggunakan LKPD. Proses pembelajaran secara daring menyebabkan peserta didik abai terhadap tugas yang diberikan, kurang menguasai materi IPA dan kehilangan fokus dalam belajar. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dirancang dalam dua siklus. Tindakan yang dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi saat kegiatan belajar dengan indikator meliputi: tingkat kehadiran, keaktifan menjawab pertanyaan guru dan pengumpulan tugas tepat waktu. Cakupan materi yang diberikan pada siklus I adalah Pengukuran dan pada siklus II adalah Sifat Larutan. Subyek penelitian ini adalah Peserta Didik Kelas VII D SMPN 248 Jakarta tahun ajaran 2021/2022 sebanyak 35 orang. Hasil Penelitian Tindakan Kelas didapatkan dalam dua siklus, telah terjadi peningkatan aktivitas belajar dilihat dari peningkatan kehadiran mencapai 100% pada siklus ke II dari 77,14% di siklus I. Keaktifan peserta didik dalam menjawab pertanyaan meningkat dari 8,6% di siklus I menjadi 28,57% di siklus ke II.  Peningkatan keaktivan peserta didik dalam mengumpulkan tugas meningkat dari 68,57% di siklus I menjadi 85,71% di siklus II.

H. M. Yusuf AS ◽  
Munawir Munawir ◽  
Lalu Syaifulbakhry

ABSTRAKMayoritas guru IPA Fisika saat ini masih menggunakan cara-cara konvensional dalam pembelajaran IPA Fisika. Pendekatan pembelajaran ini dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab. Kelebihan dan pendekatan ini adalah dapat mengajarkan materi yang relatif banyak dalam waktu yang singkat, tetapi pembelajaran ini memperlakukan siswa hanya sebagai objek sehingga siswa cenderung pasif dan hanya menerima pengetahuan dari gurunya saja. Pembelajaran konvensional hanya menyajikan materi IPA Fisika secara tekstual sehingga siswa kesulitan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran IPA Fisika dibutuhkan pembelajaran yang merangsang siswa untuk melakukan pengamatan, penyelidikan serta mengolah informasi sehingga pada akhirnya siswa dapat memahami konsep secara bermakna. Pembelajaran yang menekankan keaktifan siswa dan berpusat pada siswa merupakan salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kualitas pembelajaran IPA Fisika.Salah satu proses pembelajaran yang sesuai adalah pembelajaran Cooperative Learning.Oleh karena itu penulis perlumelakukan penelitian tindakan dengan judul Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar IPA Fisika dengan Menerapkan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Kelas XI TKR SMK Negeri 1 Narmada  Kab.Lombok Barat Tahun Pelajaran 2016-2017 Kata kunci: problem possing; cooperative learning; prestasi belajar. ABSTRACTThe majority of Physics Science teachers currently still use conventional methods in learning Science Physics. This learning approach is carried out using lecture and question and answer methods. The advantage of this approach is that it can teach relatively a lot of material in a short time, but this learning treats students only as objects so that students tend to be passive and only receive knowledge from the teacher. Conventional learning only presents physics science material textually so that students have difficulty applying it in everyday life. To improve the quality of science learning physics requires learning that stimulates students to observe, investigate and process information so that in the end students can understand concepts meaningfully. Learning that emphasizes student activity and is student-centered is one of the efforts that can be made to improve the quality of learning science physics. One of the appropriate learning processes is cooperative learning. Therefore, the authors need to conduct action research with the title Improving Physics Science Learning Achievement by Applying Cooperative Learning Model Class XI TKR SMK Negeri 1 Narmada Kab. Lombok Barat 2016-2017 Academic Year Keywords: problem possing; cooperative learning; prestasi belajar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (12) ◽  
Jingyi Shen ◽  
Yijia Shen

Abstract Cinnabar (α-HgS) is a common mineral used in various fields. The identification of cinnabar can be achieved by classic mineralogical methods and instrumental methods. X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the most reliable instrumental method for identifying material phases, but the sampling process and the immovable instrument limit its wider application in the cultural heritage field. The occurrence of Assing S. p. A. Surface Monitor, a portable system integrating X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and XRD, provides researchers with a new solution. Raw mineral, polished gemstone, pigment powder and Chinese ink stick claimed to be composed of cinnabar were measured by the system as well as laboratory-type XRD and micro-Raman techniques in this study. The qualitative XRF results were applied to determining the elements existing in the samples and thus defining the range of possible phases. Patterns obtained were compared carefully with the characteristic lines to determine the most likely phases, while the pattern appearances were compared in order to recognize the different states of cinnabar and generalize the experience for identifying cinnabar by the system. The Raman spectra obtained were compared and analyzed in order to learn the best parameters and determine the real composition of each sample. The results indicate that the XRF detector is sensitive enough to distinguish cinnabar from another red pigment, minium (Pb3O4), without destructive preparation provided that the desired phases occupy a major content in the sample, while the laser micro-Raman is even better in application range and measurement speed but correct analysis of the spectra is highly dependent on experience and literatures. The portable coupled XRF-XRD system and the micro-Raman provide researchers with convenient and efficient options to preliminarily identify minerals like cinnabar, which is significantly meaningful to several research fields including mineralogy, heritage science, material science, etc. Article highlights Two efficient and non-destructive methods for the preliminary identification of minerals like cinnabar were developed. The optimum instrument parameters for the effective measurement of different cinnabar samples were given in detail. The study provides useful data for various fields including analytical science, material science, heritage science, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
Miles MacLeod

AbstractMany philosophers of science think scientific practice can benefit from philosophical concepts, and as such philosophy of science should play a direct role in science and engineering education. In this paper we consider a highly integrative course design strategy for integrating philosophy of science in specific disciplinary educational programmes through adaptation, operationalization and embedding of philosophy of science material to fit both the scientific and educational structure of a programme. The goal of the strategy is to help encourage students to recognize the value of philosophical concepts to scientific decision making and to apply them in their own scientific practice. We use the example of a 7.5 ECTS civil engineering course which implements this design at a European technical university, to elaborate these concepts, and present some evidence on how students receive the course. We discuss some of challenges and limitations of implementing this kind of strategy for teaching philosophy of science.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2117 (1) ◽  
pp. 011001

It is with great pleasure that I introduce the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advance Engineering and Technology (ICATECH 2021) is an international seminar organized by Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya (ITATS). ITATS is private university located in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The conference is held on October 2nd 2021. This seminar has the main purpose to bring researcher and scholar to share their knowledge and experience in Computational Science, Environmental and Earth science, Applied Science and Technology, Chemical physics and physical chemistry, Renewable Energy and Integration Electrical Science Material Physics, materials analysis, and characterization. The conference serves as an excellent opportunity to meet each other and to exchange ideas with theme of “Opportunities and Challenges for Research and Technology Enhancement in Post Covid-19 era”. List of Editor, Special Thanks To Our Keynote Speaker, Organizing Committee, Scientific Commiittee are available in this pdf.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Ni Putu Ari Mardanti ◽  
Ida Bagus Gede Surya Abadi

Lack of learning support materials and the need for media development to assist teachers in explaining learning materials. Learning is only based on the theme book. Therefore, it is necessary to develop animated videos with a contextual approach to the content of science material. This study aims to develop an animated video learning media with a contextual approach to the content of science material. This type of research is the development of the ADDIE model development research model. Data collection methods used are questionnaires or questionnaires, interview methods, and document recording methods. Data analysis techniques used are qualitative analysis techniques and quantitative analysis techniques. The subject of this research is the development of animated video media. The results of this study are a description of the design and development of animated video media with a contextual approach in the form of product development documentation and validation according to subject content experts' reviews which obtained a score of 100% very good qualification, a review of learning design experts obtained a score of 97% with very good qualifications. Learning media expert reviews obtained a score of 97% with very good qualifications, and media expert reviews were obtained by 97.3% with very good qualifications and group expert reviews with 98.67% gains with very good qualifications. So it can be said as the development of animated video media with a contextual approach is very well used in fourth-grade science material in elementary schools. The research implication is that contextual approach animation video media can help students in learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 277
Kazwaini Kazwaini ◽  
M . Nazir ◽  
Promadi Promadi ◽  
Dian Cita Sari

ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the Islamic values contained in the science textbooks for SMP/MTs for the formation of students' religious character. The research method used is library research using documentation in data collection and analyzed using content analysis (analyzing science learning materials scientifically and marking every Islamic values in the SMP/MTs science textbooks). Primary data sources are Science Textbooks for SMP/MTs, Al-Qur'an and Hadith of the Prophet SAW. The results of the study analyzed Islamic values which were grouped into the values of aqidah, shari'ah, and morals. The material in the science textbooks for SMP/MTs raises the value of aqidah, namely after studying the science material, the more they believe in the existence of Allah swt. studying the natural sciences allows students to behave as God has commanded them to be guardians on earth. So that by instilling Islamic values in science learning can form students with religious character in accordance with the mandate of national education goals. Keywords: Islamic values, science teaching materials, religious character. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai-nilai keislaman yang terdapat dalam materi buku Ajar IPA SMP/MTs untuk pembentukan karakter religius siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan dokumentasi dalam pengumpulan data serta dianalisis menggunakan content analysis (menganalisis secara ilmiah materi pembelajaran IPA dan menandai setiap nilai-nilai keislaman yang ada dalam Buku Ajar IPA SMP/MTs). Sumber data primer adalah buku ajar IPA SMP/MTs, Al-Qur’an dan Hadits Nabi SAW. Hasil penelitian menganalisis nilai keislaman yang dikelompokkan dalam nilai aqidah, syari’ah, dan akhlak. Materi dalam buku ajar IPA SMP/MTs memunculkan nilai aqidah yaitu setelah mempelajari materi IPA makin menyakini akan keberadaan Allah swt., nilai syari’ah yaitu setelah mempelajari materi IPA menjadikan siswa semakin yakin akan ketentuan yanng dibuat oleh Allah swt, dan nilai akhlak yaitu setelah mempelajari metari IPA menjadikan siswa dapat berperilaku sebagaimana yang Allah perintahkan untuk menjadi penjaga di muka bumi. Sehingga dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai keislaman dalam pembelajaran IPA dapat membentuk siswa yang berkarakter religius sesuai dengan amanah tujuan pendidikan nasional.    Kata Kunci: nilai keislaman, materi ajar IPA, karakter religius.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
Fathurrahmaniah Fathurrahmaniah ◽  
Widia Widia ◽  
Muarif Islamiah ◽  
Fitria Sarnita

Title (Utilization Of Iot (Internet Of Things) For Science Practices In Conditional Straight Motion Materials (GLBB) In Online Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic). Science subjects, in several chapters of lessons that require practicum. The application of science has been widely developed as a demonstration tool when explaining abstract science concepts. Basically, science is learning that underlies all experimental activities. Science tools that can be used as learning media are used as practicum tools or demonstration props for science material, instrumentation in universities and science material on straight motion at school. The novelty in this research is the Development of Internet-based Science Practicum Tool Of Thigs. So as to be able to develop students' interest in learning science in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. The novelty in this research is the Development of Internet-based Science Practicum Tool Of Thigs. So as to be able to provide an alternative for online science subject practicum in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. This research uses the R & D (Research And Development) method. The model used in this study is the ADDIE model. Meanwhile, the analysis of the implementation of the lesson plans during the learning process was 3.706 with a very good category. From the observations of 2 observers that the use of IoT is very helpful for students in understanding the concept of GLB in the midst of covid 19. This shows that in addition to improving student learning achievement, the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) can increase student interest in learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Agnesi Sekarsari Putri ◽  
Jumadi Jumadi

Natural science material is abstract such as the solar system causing students to have difficulty understanding the material so visualization is needed to study it. Interactive learning media is needed so that abstract material becomes simpler and easier to understand, learning is interesting, and meaningful. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Lectora Inspire-based interactive science media on students' analytical skills. The type of research used is a quasi-experimental with pretest posttest nonequivalent control group design. The population used consisted of 6 classes with cluster random sampling sampling technique taken 2 classes, namely VII B as the experimental class and class VII E as the control class, each of which amounted to 30 students. The results of the analysis using the Independent Sample T-Test show that there is an influence of interactive science media based on Lectora inspire to improve students' analytical skills. Therefore, the use of interactive science media based on Lectora inspire can be used in learning to improve students' analytical skills.

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