The Physiology of the Vestibuloocular Reflex (VOR)

Bernard Cohen ◽  
Theodore Raphan
1999 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 1271-1285 ◽  
David M. Lasker ◽  
Douglas D. Backous ◽  
Anna Lysakowski ◽  
Griffin L. Davis ◽  
Lloyd B. Minor

The horizontal angular vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) evoked by high-frequency, high-acceleration rotations was studied in four squirrel monkeys after unilateral plugging of the three semicircular canals. During the period (1–4 days) that animals were kept in darkness after plugging, the gain during steps of acceleration (3,000°/s2, peak velocity = 150°/s) was 0.61 ± 0.14 (mean ± SD) for contralesional rotations and 0.33 ± 0.03 for ipsilesional rotations. Within 18–24 h after animals were returned to light, the VOR gain for contralesional rotations increased to 0.88 ± 0.05, whereas there was only a slight increase in the gain for ipsilesional rotations to 0.37 ± 0.07. A symmetrical increase in the gain measured at the plateau of head velocity was noted after animals were returned to light. The latency of the VOR was 8.2 ± 0.4 ms for ipsilesional and 7.1 ± 0.3 ms for contralesional rotations. The VOR evoked by sinusoidal rotations of 0.5–15 Hz, ±20°/s had no significant half-cycle asymmetries. The recovery of gain for these responses after plugging was greater at lower than at higher frequencies. Responses to rotations at higher velocities for frequencies ≥4 Hz showed an increase in contralesional half-cycle gain, whereas ipsilesional half-cycle gain was unchanged. A residual response that appeared to be canal and not otolith mediated was noted after plugging of all six semicircular canals. This response increased with frequency to reach a gain of 0.23 ± 0.03 at 15 Hz, resembling that predicted based on a reduction of the dominant time constant of the canal to 32 ms after plugging. A model incorporating linear and nonlinear pathways was used to simulate the data. The coefficients of this model were determined from data in animals with intact vestibular function. Selective increases in the gain for the linear and nonlinear pathways predicted the changes in recovery observed after canal plugging. An increase in gain of the linear pathway accounted for the recovery in VOR gain for both responses at the velocity plateau of the steps of acceleration and for the sinusoidal rotations at lower peak velocities. The increase in gain for contralesional responses to steps of acceleration and sinusoidal rotations at higher frequencies and velocities was due to an increase in the gain of the nonlinear pathway. This pathway was driven into inhibitory cutoff at low velocities and therefore made no contribution for rotations toward the ipsilesional side.

2016 ◽  
Vol 116 (4) ◽  
pp. 1586-1591 ◽  
Joanne Wang ◽  
Richard F. Lewis

Migraine is associated with enhanced motion sickness susceptibility and can cause episodic vertigo [vestibular migraine (VM)], but the mechanisms relating migraine to these vestibular symptoms remain uncertain. We tested the hypothesis that the central integration of rotational cues (from the semicircular canals) and gravitational cues (from the otolith organs) is abnormal in migraine patients. A postrotational tilt paradigm generated a conflict between canal cues (which indicate the head is rotating) and otolith cues (which indicate the head is tilted and stationary), and eye movements were measured to quantify two behaviors that are thought to minimize this conflict: suppression and reorientation of the central angular velocity signal, evidenced by attenuation (“dumping”) of the vestibuloocular reflex and shifting of the rotational axis of the vestibuloocular reflex toward the earth vertical. We found that normal and migraine subjects, but not VM patients, displayed an inverse correlation between the extent of dumping and the size of the axis shift such that the net “conflict resolution” mediated through these two mechanisms approached an optimal value and that the residual sensory conflict in VM patients (but not migraine or normal subjects) correlated with motion sickness susceptibility. Our findings suggest that the brain normally controls the dynamic and spatial characteristics of central vestibular signals to minimize intravestibular sensory conflict and that this process is disrupted in VM, which may be responsible for the enhance motion intolerance and episodic vertigo that characterize this disorder.

1988 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-37 ◽  
R. W. Baloh ◽  
K. Beykirch ◽  
P. Tauchi ◽  
R. D. Yee ◽  
V. Honrubia

1992 ◽  
Vol 656 (1 Sensing and C) ◽  
pp. 889-891 ◽  

Vicente Honrubia ◽  
Young S. Kim ◽  
Herman A. Jenkins ◽  
Clifford G. Y. Lau ◽  
Robert W. Baloh

2019 ◽  
Vol 121 (6) ◽  
pp. 2291-2299 ◽  
Serajul I. Khan ◽  
Charles C. Della Santina ◽  
Americo A. Migliaccio

The role of the otoliths in mammals in the angular vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) has been difficult to determine because there is no surgical technique that can reliably ablate them without damaging the semicircular canals. The Otopetrin1 (Otop1) mouse lacks functioning otoliths because of failure to develop otoconia but seems to have otherwise normal peripheral anatomy and neural circuitry. By using these animals we sought to determine the role of the otoliths in angular VOR baseline function and adaptation. In six Otop1 mice and six control littermates we measured baseline ocular countertilt about the three primary axes in head coordinates; baseline horizontal (rotation about an Earth-vertical axis parallel to the dorsal-ventral axis) and vertical (rotation about an Earth-vertical axis parallel to the interaural axis) sinusoidal (0.2–10 Hz, 20–100°/s) VOR gain (= eye/head velocity); and the horizontal and vertical VOR after gain-increase (1.5×) and gain-decrease (0.5×) adaptation training. Countertilt responses were significantly reduced in Otop1 mice. Baseline horizontal and vertical VOR gains were similar between mouse types, and so was horizontal VOR adaptation. For control mice, vertical VOR adaptation was evident when the testing context, left ear down (LED) or right ear down (RED), was the same as the training context (LED or RED). For Otop1 mice, VOR adaptation was evident regardless of context. Our results suggest that the otolith translational signal does not contribute to the baseline angular VOR, probably because the mouse VOR is highly compensatory, and does not alter the magnitude of adaptation. However, we show that the otoliths are important for gravity context-specific angular VOR adaptation. NEW & NOTEWORTHY This is the first study examining the role of the otoliths (defined here as the utricle and saccule) in adaptation of the angular vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) in an animal model in which the otoliths are reliably inactivated and the semicircular canals preserved. We show that they do not contribute to adaptation of the normal angular VOR. However, the otoliths provide the main cue for gravity context-specific VOR adaptation.

2001 ◽  
Vol 85 (3) ◽  
pp. 1119-1128 ◽  
Christopher T. Goode ◽  
Donna L. Maney ◽  
Edwin W Rubel ◽  
Albert F. Fuchs

Whenever the head turns, the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) produces compensatory eye movements to help stabilize the image of the visual world on the retina. Uncompensated slip of the visual world across the retina results in a gradual change in VOR gain to minimize the image motion. VOR gain changes naturally during normal development and during recovery from neuronal damage. We ask here whether visual slip is necessary for the development of the chicken VOR (as in other species) and whether it is required for the recovery of the VOR after hair cell loss and regeneration. In the first experiment, chickens were reared under stroboscopic illumination, which eliminated visual slip. The horizontal and vertical VORs (h- and vVORs) were measured at different ages and compared with those of chickens reared in normal light. Strobe-rearing prevented the normal development of both h- and vVORs. After 8 wk of strobe-rearing, 3 days of exposure to normal light caused the VORs to recover partially but not to normal values. In the second experiment, 1-wk-old chicks were treated with streptomycin, which destroys most vestibular hair cells and reduces hVOR gain to zero. In birds, vestibular hair cells regenerate so that after 8 wk in normal illumination they appear normal and hVOR gain returns to values that are normal for birds of that age. The treated birds in this study recovered in either normal or stroboscopic illumination. Their hVOR and vVOR and vestibulocollic reflexes (VCR) were measured and compared with those of untreated, age-matched controls at 8 wk posthatch, when hair cell regeneration is known to be complete. As in previous studies, the gain of the VOR decreased immediately to zero after streptomycin treatment. After 8 wk of recovery under normal light, the hVOR was normal, but vVOR gain was less than normal. After 8 wk of recovery under stroboscopic illumination, hVOR gain was less than normal at all frequencies. VCR recovery was not affected by the strobe environment. When streptomycin-treated, strobe-recovered birds were then placed in normal light for 2 days, hVOR gain returned to normal. Taken together, the results of these experiments suggest that continuous visual feedback can adjust VOR gain. In the absence of appropriate visual stimuli, however, there is a default VOR gain and phase to which birds recover or revert, regardless of age. Thus an 8-wk-old chicken raised in a strobe environment from hatch would have the same gain as a streptomycin-treated chicken that recovers in a strobe environment.

2001 ◽  
Vol 86 (4) ◽  
pp. 1877-1883 ◽  
H. Misslisch ◽  
D. Tweed

Soft tissue “pulleys” in the orbit alter the paths of the eye muscles in a way that may simplify the brain's work in implementing Listing's law, i.e., in holding ocular torsion at zero. But Listing's law does not apply to some oculomotor systems, such as the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR), which shows a different kinematic pattern. To explain this different pattern, some authors have assumed that the pulleys must adopt a different configuration, retracting along their muscles when the eye switches from Listing's law to VOR mode. The proposed retraction has not so far been observed, although the pulleys do move in other ways. We show that the hypothetical retraction of the pulleys would not in fact explain the full kinematic pattern seen in the VOR. But this pattern can be explained entirely on the basis of pulley positions and motions that have actually been observed. If one takes into account the neural processing within the VOR, specifically the fact that the reflex is weak in the torsional dimension, then a single mode of pulley action can serve both vestibuloocular kinematics and Listing's law.

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