Analysis of the Imposition of Export Tax on Indonesian Cocoa Beans: Impact on the Processed Cocoa Export in Indonesia and Malaysia

Hendy Yudyanto ◽  
Fithra Faisal Hastiadi
Yuventus Effendi

In  recent  years,  there  is  a  significant  decline  of  cocoa  beans  in  terms  of exports  value  and  share  after  2010.  Several  studies  claimed  that  this  downward trend  was  caused  by  the  introduction  of  an  export  tax  on  cocoa  beans  in  2010. Nevertheless, there are limited studies on the impacts of decreasing cocoa beans exports to  the  Indonesian  economy.  Therefore,  this  study  aimed  to  simulate  the impacts  of  the  imposition  of  export  tax  on  cocoa  beans  to  the  economy  as  well as  unemployment.  Methodology  of  this  study  utilised  the  Input-Output  Table. In  particular,  this  study  calculated  the  impacts  of  export  tax  on  cocoa  beans  to the  changes  of  output,  primary  inputs,  and  unemployment  in  several  scenarios. The main result of this study was that at extreme scenario, where the cocoa beans sector’s  export  was  eliminated,  the  impacts  on  the  whole  economy  and  unemployment were  insignificant.  Moreover,  this  study  found  that  the  impacts  on  value added  such  as  decreasing  of  profit  were  relatively  higher  than  decreasing ra te  on the  output  and  others  value  added  such  as  salary  and  wages  and  indirect taxes. On  the  other  hand,  this  study  argued  that  even  though  the  introduction  of  export tax  effectively  reduced raw  cocoa  beans  exports,  there  was  an  increasing  on  the exports’  value on the  down  stream  industries.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Julia Forcina Sinuraya ◽  
Bonar Marulitua Sinaga ◽  
Rina Oktaviani ◽  
Budiman Hutabarat

<strong>English</strong><br />The government of Indonesia is currently promoting development of cocoa processing industries to increase the cocoa added value. The key policy is application of export tax and import tariff for cocoa beans that may cause a number of consequences for the farmers, exporters, and industries. The aim of this research is to analyze impacts of the export tax and import tariff policy on cocoa producers and consumers welfare, and to formulate better policy mix for improving the welfare of cocoa producers and consumer in Indonesia. This research used a simultaneous equation econometric model consisted of 20 structural equations and 9 identity equations that have been estimated using the 2SLS (Two-Staged Least Squares) method using data series of 1989–2014. The results show that the policy of abolishing the cocoa beans export tax increases the producer's welfare but decreases consumers' welfare and total government revenue. Reverse results are obtained if the applied export tax was more than 7%. Import tariff policy of cocoa beans that less than 20% has small impacts on welfare of producers and consumers, but it increases the total government revenue.<br /><br /><br /><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Pemerintah Indonesia sedang berupaya meningkatkan nilai tambah kakao dengan mendorong berkembangnya industri pengolahan kakao. Dua kebijakan kunci ialah pengenaan pajak ekspor dan tariff impor yang diperkirakan dapat berdampak nyata bagi petani, eksportir, maupun industri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak kebijakan pajak ekspor dan tarif impor terhadap kesejahteraan produsen dan konsumen kakao serta merumuskan kebijakan untuk perbaikan kesejahteraan produsen dan konsumen kakao di Indonesia. Penelitian menggunakan suatu model ekonometrik persamaan simultan terdiri dari 20 persamaan struktural dan 9 persamaan identitas yang diestimasi dengan metode 2SLS (Two Stage Least Squares) menggunakan data series tahunan 1989–2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan penghapusan pajak ekspor biji kakao berdampak meningkatkan kesejahteraan produsen tetapi menurunkan kesejahteraan konsumen dan total penerimaan pemerintah. Kondisi sebaliknya terjadi apabila dilakukan penerapan pajak ekspor di atas 7%. Kebijakan tarif impor biji kakao di bawah 20% memberikan dampak perubahan yang relatif kecil terhadap kesejahteraan produsen maupun konsumen akan tetapi menambah total penerimaan pemerintah.

Muhammad A. Budiman

ABSTRAKKakao mentah di Indonesia termasuk dalam komoditas unggulan yang memberikan kontribusi dalamupaya peningkatan devisa Indonesia melalui. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa signifikansibesaran nilai volume ekspor kakao mentah yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor ekonomi. Penelitianini menggunakan desain kuantitatif dan studi litelatur menggunakan data sekunder, sampel data yangdigunakan bersifat kurun waktu selama 30 tahun hingga tahun 2013. Metodologi penelitian inimenggunakan model ekonometrika dengan teknik analisis regresi berganda dan metode kuadratterkecil atau ordinary least square (OLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara partialVariabel Jumlah Produksi Kakao Indonesia, Nilai Tukar Rupiah, Harga Domestik Biji KakaoIndonesia memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dan pajak ekspor secara partial memiliki pengaruhyang tidak signifikan terhadap perkembangan volume ekspor biji kakao Indonesia. Sedangkan secarasimultan Variabel Jumlah Produksi Kakao Indonesia, Nilai Tukar Rupiah, Harga Domestik BijiKakao Indonesia dan Pajak Eksport memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap perkembanganvolume ekspor biji kakao Indonesia.Kata kunci : volume ekspor biji kakao Indonesia, harga domestik, pajak ekspor, nilai tukar rupiahABSTRACTIndonesian raw cocoa is one of commodities that has important roles on Indonesian export,especially for economic growth on GDP. Indonesian cocoa beans included in the priority which hasa very important role in export activities including in Indonesia as one of the primary commoditywhich would contribute to an increase in foreign exchange for Indonesia. This paper aims to identifyhow big the influence of the total production of Indonesian cocoa beans, exchange rate, cocoa beansprice and the export tax to the amount of Indonesia's exports of cocoa both simultaneously and toidentify which are the most influential factor. This study design is a quantitative research. Data weregained through desk study with time series data of 30 years. This research used econometrics toreflect the outcome of the discussions to be expressed in numbers by using multiple regressionanalysis and ordinary least square (OLS). The results show that the simultaneous variable theproduction of Indonesian cocoa, Exchange Rate, Domestic Prices of Indonesian cocoa beans andExport Tax has a significant influence on the development of Indonesian cocoa beans exportsvolume. A partial variable the production of Indonesian cocoa, Exchange Rate, Domestic Prices ofIndonesian cocoa beans has a significant influence and the partial export tax has no significanteffect on the development of Indonesian cocoa exports volume.Keywords: Indonesian cocoa beans volume exports, domestic prices, export taxes

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Ari Harsanti ◽  
Bambang Juanda ◽  
Sahara Sahara

<em>As the world’s third-largest cocoa beans producer, Indonesia is expected to have a comparative advantage and to become cocoa beans price reference. This research investigates market power of Indonesia cocoa beans export for the United State market as an impact of an export tax. Five cocoa beans exporting countries namely Cote d’Ivoire, Ecuador, Ghana, Dominica Rep and Nigeria are calculated their market power as Indonesia’s competitors by estimating residual demand elasticity with two stage least square method. The results show that Indonesia’s market power suffered after imposing the export tax. Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana get advantages from this export restriction. The effect of export tax on welfare is analyzed by calculating terms of trade. The gain from cocoa beans trade depicts a declining terms of trade for dealing with the international cocoa beans market.</em>

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29 ◽  
Anggita Tresliyana Suryana ◽  
Anna Fariyanti ◽  
Amzul Rifin

<p>pertumbuhan konsumsi dunia. Sejak pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan kebijakan pajak ekspor kakao biji dalam rangka untuk mengembangkan industri pengolahan kakao, ada perubahan dalam komposisi ekspor kakao. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perdagangan kakao Indonesia di pasar internasional. Pengukuran menggunakan Gravity Model menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ekspor kakao biji Indonesia adalah GDP riil per kapita negara tujuan, nilai tukar, dan bea keluar kakao biji. Variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ekspor kakao powder Indonesia adalah GDP riil per kapita Indonesia dan negara-negara tujuan serta nilai tukar, sementara semua variabel yang signifikan dalam mempengaruhi ekspor kakao butter. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian adalah Indonesia dapat meningkatkan pangsa pasarnya dengan lebih memprioritaskan mengekspor kakao biji ke Cina. Kakao butter pangsa pasar sebaiknya ditingkatkan di Cina dan Australia, sedangkan untuk kakao powder, negara yang dapat ditingkatkan pangsa pasarnya adalah Rusia.</p><p>Kata Kunci: Kakao biji, kakao butter, kakao powder, ekspor, Gravity Model</p><p>Indonesia is one of the largest cocoa producer and exporter in the world. Cocoa international market has great potential regarding world’s consumption growth. Therefore, Indonesia is expected to take advantage on existing opportunities. Since the government of Indonesia implemented export tax policy on cocoa beans in order to develop cocoa processing industry, there were changes in the composition of cocoa export. The objective of this study was to analyze factors that influence Indonesia’s cocoa trade in international market, by using Gravity Model. The result showed that variables that influence Indonesia’s cocoa beans exports significantly are real GDP per capita of destination countries, exchange rate, and cocoa beans export tax. Indonesia’s cocoa powder exports is significantly influnced by real GDP per capita of Indonesia and destination countries, and exchange rate, while all variables are significant in influencing cocoa butter export. The implications of this findings are Indonesia can increase market share by prioritizing of cocoa beans export to China. In the meantime, cocoa butter should be increasing market share in China and Australia, and cocoa powder in Rusia.</p>

2017 ◽  
Global Cocoa Farmers and Processing Firms and Processing Firms ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-42
Tajuddin Bantacut ◽  
Sapta Raharja

Abstract Utilization of cocoa bean to be a derivative products in industrial is wide enough, that it is necessary to determine the priority of the processed products development. This study aimed to determine the prospective processed cocoa products with a system approach using Bayes method and assessed the potential of added value by using Hayami method. Based on several assessment criteria indicated that chocolate bar is the priority product that needs to be developed and followed by several other processed products. This development was able to produce the added value of Rp 135.000 per kg of cocoa beans. Result indicated that by processing the cocoa beans into chocolate bar could provide a considerable income for the businessman.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 93-98
William Quarmine

This article discusses the predictors of Ghanaian cocoa producers’ intention to continue adopting a recommended cocoa beanfermentation technology in the future. The analyses is carried out within the framework of the theory of planned behaviour.Three hundred and twenty-one cocoa producers were interviewed. Consistent with literature, attitudes, subjective norms andpast behaviour were significant predictors of fermentation intentions. Positive attitude relate to beliefs about ease of use oftechnologies and existence of non-financial rewards. Negative attitudes relate to lack of direct financial rewards. PurchasingClerks, Chief Farmers and society at large were found to be the salient social referents who shape producers’ fermentationintentions. Recommendations included improving implementation of current producer incentive regimes, promoting trust betweenproducers and purchasing clerks and strengthening producer association to increase the sphere of influence of the Chief Farmers.

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