Sejong Smart City: On the Road to Be a City of the Future

Yountaik Leem ◽  
Hoon Han ◽  
Sang Ho Lee
The Road ◽  
Vox Patrum ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 67 ◽  
pp. 727-742
Marcin Wysocki

The writings of Origen and Jerome, which are the source of the article, al­though in a different literary form – a homily and a letter – and written for a diffe­rent purpose and at different times, both are exegesis of the chapter 33 of the Book of Numbers in which the stops of the Israelites in the desert on the road to the Promised Land are described. Both texts are the classic examples of allegorical interpretation of the Scripture. Both authors interpret the 42 “stages” of Israel’s wilderness wanderings above all as God’s roadmap for the spiritual growth of individual believers, but there are present as well eschatological elements in their interpretations. In the presented paper there are shown these eschatological ideas of both authors included in their interpretations of the wandering of the Chosen People on their way to the Promised Land, sources of their interpretations, simi­larities and differences, and the dependence of Jerome on Origen in the interpre­tation of the stages, with the focuse on the idea of realized eschatology, present in Alexandrinian’s work. Origen has presented in his interpretation a very rich picture of the future hope, but Jerome almost nothing mentioned in his letter about hopes of the way towards God after death.

Prachi Agrawal ◽  
Preeti Kumari ◽  
Dr. Manish Dutta

The increasing number of vehicles on the road intersections has given rise to many problems like road accidents, congestions add conflicts. These problems can only be solved by deigning proper traffic signal at intersections for continuous and smooth movement of vehicles Nagpur- though the smart city- is also facing the same problem. This paper presents the proper designing and simulation of traffic signal at an unsignalized intersection at Nagpur. The paper deals with the simulation of designed signal through a programming language like Python.

2021 ◽  
pp. 151-165
Alberto Ochoa-Zezzatti ◽  
Jose Diaz ◽  
José Mejia ◽  
Israel Soto-Marrufo ◽  
Yesenia Quezada ◽  
The Road ◽  

1990 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 8-8
Burton W. Kreitlow
The Road ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 115 (3) ◽  
pp. 412-416
Brooks Berndt

Today’s climate crisis provokes dystopian and utopian narratives of the future faced by humanity. To navigate the theological terrain between the present and an uncertain future, this article explores passages pertaining to the journey of Moses and the Israelites to the Promised Land. The guiding point of orientation for this exploration comes from a verse that captures the seeming powerlessness of the Israelites in the face of the giants inhabiting the Promised Land. Numbers 13:33 reads, “To ourselves we seemed like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.” Of crucial importance in coming to terms with such honest self-assessment is the period of discernment and growth that comes from being in the wilderness with the presence of a God who loves and empowers grasshoppers in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Because the future of the Body of Christ is inseparable from how the climate crisis is confronted, the journey through the wilderness becomes not merely a story for self-coping but rather a story about churches finding a way forward, even as some dystopian narratives place churches on the road to irrelevance and ultimately extinction. This article explores how the story of exodus provides a sacred ground for imagining a different, even if difficult, future.

1968 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-36
Richard Shaull

“At a time when neo-orthodox theology was dominant, [Reinhold] Niebuhr was able to use effectively, with far-reaching social consequences, the metaphysical-ontological categories of transcendence. Today it is important to recognize not only that these concepts have little meaning for another generation, but also that the biblical symbols point us in a different direction. The transcendent reality described in the biblical myths and images is not so much the God who stands above all human attainments, judging them and raising man to a higher order, but the God who goes ahead of us, opening the way for greater fulfillment on the road to the future. He is one whose actions in the totality of man's hisotyr lead to new events that open new possibilities. Thus the basic Christian symbols suggest that human life is free because it is lived, in history, in the context of ‘gracious’ sovereignty.”

A. S. Homainejad

With growth of urbanisation, there is a requirement for using the leverage of smart city in city management. The core of smart city is Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and one of its elements is smart transport which includes sustainable transport and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Cities and especially megacities are facing urgent transport challenge in traffic management. Geospatial can provide reliable tools for monitoring and coordinating traffic. In this paper a method for monitoring and managing the ongoing traffic in roads using aerial images and CCTV will be addressed. In this method, the road network was initially extracted and geo-referenced and captured in a 3D model. The aim is to detect and geo-referenced any vehicles on the road from images in order to assess the density and the volume of vehicles on the roads. If a traffic jam was recognised from the images, an alternative route would be suggested for easing the traffic jam. In a separate test, a road network was replicated in the computer and a simulated traffic was implemented in order to assess the traffic management during a pick time using this method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-132
Imti Tsalil Amri ◽  
Santoso Santoso ◽  
Teuku Djauhari ◽  
Brestina Gultom

With the large number of vehicles on the road today, we often get stuck in a traffic jam on our way to a place. And the temperature or the weather that often changes sometimes also causes us to get stuck in a weather. Thus both these problems was made a journal WEATHER AND TRAFFIC MONITORING SYSTEM IoT-BASED TOWARDS JAMBI SMART CITY. This research uses descriptive research method. This method uses action techniques that focus on implementing actions with the aim of improving quality or solving problems in a group of objects and observing the success rate or impact of their actions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Brisa S. Fernandes ◽  
Stefan Borgwardt ◽  
André F. Carvalho ◽  
Johann Steiner
The Road ◽  

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