Incentive Alignment of Business Processes

Tobias Heindel ◽  
Ingo Weber
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Anjas Tryana

With the development of technology today, it is very important for every company to plan and develop a system to support business processes in each company. Achieving the goals of an enterprise faces challenges and changes that require strategies for effective measures and efficient use of resources. One important and increasingly widely used strategy is the use and improvement of information system support for the enterprise. This plan can utilize enterprise architecture planning methodology that produces data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture, and the direction of its implementation plan for the enterprise.CV Biensi Fesyenindo is engaged in retail garment, with branches throughout Indonesia, covering the areas of Kalimantan, Sulawesai, NTB, NTT, Bali, Java and Sumatra. In their daily activities, they carry out production to distribution processes to meet market and employee needs.The enterprise architecture model used in this study is by using Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP). EAP is a process of defining enterprise architecture that focuses on data architecture, applications and technology in supporting business and plans to implement the architecture, where the EAP method has several stages, starting from planning in planning, business modeling , Current System and Technology (Current System & Technology), Data Architecture (Data Architecture), Application Architecture (Applications Architecture), Technology Architecture (Technology Architecture), Implementation Plans (Implementation Plans).The results of this study are recommendations for information systems for Fesyenindo Biensi CV in the form of enterprise architecture planing blue print planning that is successful in defining 5 main business processes, which consist of application architecture data architecture and for technological architecture to produce technology architecture proposals divided into 5 chapters 110 pages .

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-77
V. E. Zaikovsky ◽  
A. V. Karev

Project success depends on the ability to respond to risks and make correct decisions in a timely manner. The project approach provides a better framework for implementing a new management system into the company’s business processes. The risk management framework developed by the company comprises a risk management infrastructure, a set of standards, human resources, and a risk management information system. To improve staff compliance, it is necessary to provide training and to communicate the goals of the project effectively. It is also important to develop a motivation system because well trained and motivated staff are able to work more efficiently.

2018 ◽  
Ylber Limani ◽  
Edmond Hajrizi ◽  
Rina Sadriu

Bibit - Sudarsono ◽  
Umi - Faddillah

Printing service order information systems sometimes experience problems in completing running business processes including, frequent loss and inaccuracy in registering orders from customers, often also losing order data from customers, recording orders often experience errors, resulting inaccurate reporting of order data. A computerized ordering service information system will greatly help improve performance and accuracy in making reports on business processes running at a company. The existence of enterprise modeling of information systems ordering printing services with the TOGAF framework will be a method that greatly helps management make a decision that will synergize with the business process activities at the company. So that the objectives of the system can be achieved properly. The TOGAF framework can be a solution and will help to produce a system architecture design, a business process architecture, a technology architecture, a number of proposed business opportunity strategy proposals and an ongoing system change proposal.

Arfan Sansprayada ◽  
Kartika Mariskhana

Abstract—The need for information system development in a company is a basic requirement that must be met by each company in order to run its business processes properly. This is the basic key in a company in order to provide maximum results to find as many profits or profits. Application development or requirements in the application also provide speed for employees to carry out their activities to work properly and optimally. The development of the era requires that companies must be productive and have innovations so that the business wheel of the company can run well. This is based on the development of technology that is so fast that it requires special expertise in its application. This research is expected to be able to help some problems that exist in a company. Where its application can make it easier for employees to carry out their respective duties and roles in order to maximize their potential. For companies, the application of this application can accommodate the company's business wheels so that they can be properly and correctly documented .   Keywords : Systems, Information, Applications

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-122
Agustinus Fritz Wijaya ◽  
Mahendra Wahyu Prasetyo

Semarang City Public Works Department is a state-owned enterprise that works in the area of public services in the city of Semarang. Most of the technological conditions in the Public Works Department are still in manual data management, which is hampering business processes from going well. Therefore this research was conducted to design an Information System at the Semarang City Public Works Department using the Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) method which includes a SWOT analysis and Value Chain analysis. The existing framework in the Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) method can help align the data architecture and application architecture to get the expected results, which is achieving the business objectives of the City of Semarang Public Works Department so that business functions can run by the desired business processes. This research resulted in several proposals for the development of Information Systems and Information Technology in organizations including the development of several applications in the next 5 years.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 61-67
Niyaz Mustjakimovich Abdikeev ◽  
Anton Alekseevich Losev ◽  
Andrey Ivanovich Gaydamaka

The Concept of competitive value chains in production systems, as an institutional structure operating on network principles, was the impetus for the development of a system of models of inter-industry digital platform for the management and optimization of cooperation of high-tech network production systems. The article describes the ways of integration into business processes of production systems of simulation and cognitive models. The practical implementation of the system of these models is a separate software product - an interdisciplinary digital platform for participants in the creation of new high-tech products and their components.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (95) ◽  
pp. 201-204
Elena J. Livandovskaya ◽  
Sergey A. Nesterenko ◽  
Peter M. Tishin

2003 ◽  
David Marshak

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