project approach
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2022 ◽  
Vol 116 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-70
Hugo Kittel

A proposal was formulated at the University of Chemical Technology (UCT) Prague in 2016 to implement the project approach in teaching technology subjects. A grant was awarded for an Operational Program Research Development and Education project called "Education Improvement – UCT Prague Priority" from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The project's main goals were that UCT graduates would understand the application of chemistry in practice simultaneously in the context of the given field of study, as well as the law, economy, safety and environmental impact, realize the importance of viability and profitability of technical projects, learn about usable methods applied in the implementation of technical projects, and get acquainted with the principles of creation of teams and team work. A team of teachers and outside consultants from practice have been created. Using the Internet and personal contacts, experience with the use of project approach in teaching at the Czech universities has been gathered. Experience from the project approach in teaching at UCT Prague has been summed up. Basic 12 modules of real-life technical projects have been defined and described in a Methodical Handbook which also includes a number of tools for students. A new subject has been created on the use of scheduling software. A total of 8 technology subjects have been selected for piloting of the project in 2018–2021, employing the created tools. The experience with teaching the pilot subjects was used in the lifelong education of the university teachers. The results will also be used for the teaching other technology subjects at UCT Prague. It can be expected that the project will contribute to a better employability of fresh graduates, their faster adaptation to the requirements of practice, a faster career growth, and that it will improve the feedback from graduates to the teaching staff and their activities at UCT Prague.

2021 ◽  
pp. 61-80
T. V. Alexandrova ◽  
V. L. Popov

In the context of the reorientation of the Russian economy towards an innovative development path, the issue of increasing labor productivity has become an important part of state policy.Currently, the country is implementing a large-scale national project «Labor productivity and employment support». The implementation of the project approach to managing labor productivity for the Russian economy is of strategic priority, since its application helps to increase the efficiency of resource use, realize the goals of modernizing production, and stimulate innovation and export activities of domestic enterprises.The aim of the study is to consider the regional aspect of the implementation of the priority national project «Labor productivity and employment support» on the example of the Perm region. The methodological basis of the study are comparative, statistical and expert methods.The paper analyzes the implementation of the national project «Labor productivity and employment support» in the Perm region; presents the actual results of the project; formulates problems in the implementation of project activities; identifies the prospects of the Perm region in the context of setting higher targets for the regional project «Labor productivity and employment support» in comparison with the figures for Russia as a whole.The materials outlined in this article can deepen knowledge about the specifics of the implementation of the priority national project «Labor productivity and employment support» at the regional level, as well as be used to adjust the course implementation of a regional project aimed at improving productivity in the Perm region.

J. Ashuralieva

The article examines the main problems of the implementation of national projects in the Republic of Dagestan. Meanwhile, it is emphasized that the implementation of the project approach for the Russian economy is of strategic importance, since its application contributes to the growth of the efficiency of resource use, the implementation of the goals of economic modernization. Priority national projects represent a public administration innovation introduced by the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation.

Ugol ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 21-27
V.A. Azev ◽  
A.A. Gartman ◽  
О.V. Konakova ◽  

Thanapohn Kanjanapan ◽  
Aranya Hemman ◽  
Narumon Rattanaburee ◽  
Noppadon Nauldum ◽  
Supaporn Kongkanon ◽  

Lyudmyla Sokur

The purpose of the article is to study the world experience of forming consolidated museum, library, and archival documentary and information resources, analysis of opportunities and prospects of Shevchenko National Reserve to create an informative socio-communicative representative online environment by means of project activities and determination of phasing of outlined steps. The methodology of the research is based on the complexity of the general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, formal logic, federal consolidation of information resources, methods of analytical Internet monitoring, and visualization of the results of the research. Scientific Novelty. Prospects and expediency of forming a consolidated database of documentary and information resources of the Shevchenko National Reserve as an informative socio-communicative rep­resentative environment of the reserve in the world information space are substantiated, and the main ap­proaches and stages of this project are outlined. Conclusions. As a result of the realized study was found that the project approach to the formation of a single database of documentary and information resources of the Shevchenko National Reserve and their integration into a single information space is optimal for solving the problem, which requires a step-by-step solution and fully meets the requirements of the time. The creation of an informative and communicative representative environment of the Shevchenko National Reserve will help to reach a wide target audience, establish business communication, enter a single information space as an institution with a powerful documentary and information resource potential attractive for both the world and national community. Keywords: Shevchenko National Preserve, project activities, consolidated documentary and informa­tional resources, general informational space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4(44)) ◽  
pp. 20-23
E.A. Nikonov

The article discusses aspects of the project approach in the management of innovative activities of enterprises in the oil and gas sector. It is noted that the functioning of enterprises in the oil and gas sector is closely related to innovation and needs to apply a project management approach in order to timely achieve the set production objectives. It is indicated that the use of the project approach in the management of oil and gas enterprises can increase labor productivity, in general, thirteen times. It is concluded that it is advisable to adapt the accumulated extensive foreign experience in the implementation of project management in the oil and gas sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 915 (1) ◽  
pp. 012037
N Shmatko ◽  
Iu Bondar ◽  
V Tokareva ◽  
N Kovalenko ◽  
O Klenin ◽  

Abstract The article reveals the essence of project management, the feature of which is the implementation of multifaceted technological characteristics and subject area of design solutions. It is proved that the methods of project management allow to analyze the issues and determine the objectives of the project, justify the project and develop an appropriate set of documents; determine the necessary amounts and sources of funding; identify the structure of the project and schedule its implementation; calculate the necessary resources, estimates and project budget. The peculiarities of project management as a tool for greening the development of enterprises of the national economy in the conditions of constant complication of doing business and finding ways to improve it in the context of improving the efficiency of economic activity are studied. The project activity is covered, covering all spheres of enterprise functioning, such as production, marketing and innovation activity, social sphere. It is substantiated that the wide application of the project approach to economic development has led to the efficiency and versatility of project tools that allow the company to adapt to the business environment, reduce uncertainty and ensure sustainable development in modern business conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2091 (1) ◽  
pp. 012060
Yu. A. Lezhnina ◽  
N. S. Maltseva

Abstract The paper describe a solution of the problem of increasing the accuracy of calculating potential transport and pedestrian activity in the context of a shortage of marked data by using a geosocial approach. The advantages of the proposed model are the presence of a high number of degrees of freedom, which allows to flexibly configure the model based on the problem being solved. The authors note that the application of the approach according to the methodology proposed in the article to solve the problem of improving the efficiency of classifying pedestrian transport network data requires an individual project approach to the formation of initial data for analysis. We formulate a hypothesis that the accuracy of the forecast of transport demand and supply can be increased if the classifying model takes into account and analyses not only the properties of a particular territory, but also the characteristic features of the systems with which it interacts. Hexagons and heat maps were chosen for the classification of territories. A feature of the proposed approach is the unification and simplification of the neural network architecture..

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