The Impact of Agricultural Activities on the Substitution of Chemical Elements in the Black Soils of the North Caucasus Federal District

Olga Yu. Lobankova ◽  
Alla A. Belovolova ◽  
Natalia V. Gromova ◽  
Anastasia O. Kravchenko ◽  
Aleksander V. Voskoboynikov
I.Y. Matasova ◽  

The article considers the results of studying the features of Sr distribution in rocks of various ages and composition and soils of landscapes of the Black Sea coast of Russia (in the humus horizon and soil profile). The content of elements in the studied soils is compared with the regional background for the soils of the North Caucasus. A direct relationship between the content of the element in soils and underlying rocks, as well as the influence of technogenesis on the processes of accumulation and removal of the element in the soils of agricultural landscapes, has been revealed. The results of a comprehensive study of the south of Russia became the basis for studying the peculiarities of the distribution of Sr landscapes of the Black Sea coast of Russia. To establish the main parameters of the distribution of chemical elements in rocks and soils of various landscapes and the region as a whole, to identify geochemical features of geographical and technogenic differentiation, to assess the impact of various types of environmental management on changes in the geochemical spectrum of soils, to determine the influence of landscape-forming factors on the migration of chemical elements and the formation of geochemical barriers. The highest concentration of Sr was observed in carbonate-terrigenous rocks of the Paleogene and Cretaceous ages (marls and limestones). In the humus horizon of soils, the average metal concentrations vary in the range from 13.0∙10–3 to 95.0∙10–3 % with a regional clark of 22.0∙10–3 %.

Ol'ga Boris ◽  
Valentina Parakhina ◽  
R. Ustaev ◽  
Anna Nikulina ◽  
Veronika Alieva

The article examines the competencies of entrepreneurs that are necessary in modern conditions for young people to ensure their successful career, analyzes the areas in which business initiatives of young people are most often used. The competencies necessary for graduates, specific areas of employment in modern conditions of digital transformation are analyzed. Special emphasis is placed on the dynamics of changes in key competencies that are important for business success in modern conditions of economic development. The results of an operational survey of managers are presented, which make it possible to identify new requirements and new qualities: digital development management, data management and use, application of digital technologies, "adoption and implementation of employee initiatives". The groups of transformations that have occurred due to the introduction of digital technologies in small businesses are highlighted. The aim of the work is to highlight those of them that have received the greatest development in the context of digitalization, and to establish the impact on them of the COVID-19 pandemic. To conduct the study, the methods of systemic, comparative and morphological analysis and synthesis of the general set of factors that determine changes in the business competencies of youth were used. The basic elements of the article can be offered as practical recommendations to state and municipal authorities on the development of youth entrepreneurship in the North Caucasus Federal District and the improvement of youth policy in the regions. The formed problems in the studied area can become the basis for the formation of a system of stimulating youth business. The study showed that in a crisis it is not individual qualities that are important, but their totality, with complementary characteristics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.15) ◽  
pp. 267
Tatyana Anatolievna Kulagovskaya ◽  
Anna Alexandrovna Ter-Grigoryants ◽  
Natalia Vladimirovna Maslennikova ◽  
Evgenia Nikolaevna Kovtun ◽  
Lyudmila Vladimirovna Slavnetskova

The article assesses the impact of internal and external factors on the economic security of the region in foreign trade activities. Negative consequences of the foreign economic activities on economic security of the Stavropol Territory are analyzed. Types of the risks enterprises may face when entering the foreign market are considered. Protectionist arguments in favor of pursuing a free trade policy are presented and argued, which implies a staged formation of a mechanism to efficiently counteract threats to the external economic security of the region.The study considers the level and dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators of the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal District as compared to the average Russian achievements, the resource potential, problems of the economic development of the macroregion, prerequisites for the formation of the state policy on supporting the region. It substantiates the top priority directions of long-term socio-economic development of subjects in order to overcome the pervasive arrearage of the economy and social area.  

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-27 ◽  
Михаил Саранча ◽  
Mikhail Sarancha

The article presents the results of a study of the tourist route network of the Russian Federation, which was first carried out in such a large scale. At the initial stage of the research methodology was developed, which became the basis for a comprehensive review of the properties of the destinations of 11 units: basic details, consumers, the frequency of operation and limits of the means and methods of transportation, food and accommodation services, personnel, cost parameters, notes and other information. On the basis of the questionnaire was developed (consisting of 61 questions), which was sent to the regional tourist offices. From completed questionnaires information on tourist routes was reduced in a single database in the context of the federal subjects and the federal districts. Information on inter-regional routes was collected and processed separately. All information was collected for six thousand tourist routes. Separately, was developed and tested form of gathering information on tourist routes through the Internet portal "Tiving Map". The results show that in the Russian Federation a marked predominance of intraregional routes. Inter-regional routes, despite their small amount, perform important functions of the integration of tourism potential of the area and are the basis for the deepening of these processes. Most developed route network is in the Central Federal District, the least one is in the North Caucasus. Most of the network formed in the 2010s. According to the subject areas are dominated by cognitive, educational, environmental and sport routes. In working with the customer from the tourist firms observed is weak segmentation, and the only class that acts as a support, is students ofschooh, universities and other institutions. In Russia there is a dominance of short-haul routes and those lasting one or two days, seasonality is a characteristic for only 19% of routes. There is an extremely low utilization of services in food and especially in accommodation, thereby greatly reducing the effectiveness of the impact of tourism activities on territories.

А. Kh. Dikinov ◽  
А. А. Eshugaova ◽  
М. М. Abdurakhmanova ◽  
М. А. Sadueva

The most progressive and promising model of spatial organization of food markets of the North Caucasus Russian Theatre is a cluster model. In the proposed methodology of the process approach to develop a structural model of agro-food cluster in the NORTH is cluster analysis. The regional food market as a single system, which combines production, marketing and consumption of foods with a specific hierarchy, is characterized by different relationships and proportions between its components and is an important an indicator of a country's economic development, achieving food security. Disclosure of potential in a market system, its effective use, taking into account regional particularities and specificities of the economy, improvement of the spatial organization and improving the efficiency of such a complex system as the regional food market is impossible without knowledge of its essence, principles of formation and operation. In this connection there was a need to develop modern methods of research, evaluation, analysis, improvement of structure and functional organisation of the regional food markets as an important factor for the socio-economic development the country. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the clustering of agribusiness implemented taking into account the peculiarities of regional AIC on the basis of strategic management zones: industrial, conventional and organic. To determine the effectiveness of the cluster algorithm of its evaluation, which is based on the criteria of usefulness and survival in the conditions of the cluster in the region, which are defined using evaluation scales and weights the main factors utility and survival in the cluster.

Inna Yu. Tarmaeva ◽  
Anatoliy V. Skalny ◽  
Olga G. Bogdanova ◽  
Andrey R. Grabeklis ◽  
Alexandr I. Belykh

Introduction.The study of the elemental status of the population of individual regions of the Russian Federation with the purpose of scientific development and implementation of measures for elimination of revealed elementosis is a promising direction for preventive medicine.The aim of the studyis to study the elemental status of the adult able-bodied population of the Republic of Buryatia, which was part of the Siberian Federal district (SFD) until 2018.Materials and methods.The analysis was performed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) on the basis of the accredited laboratory of “Center of biotic medicine”. (Moscow; ISO 9001: 2008 certificate 54Q10077 from 21.05.2010). The content of chemical elements in the hair of 130 adults (102 women and 28 men) aged 25–50 years was studied. This indicator serves as an indicator in assessing the impact of the environment on the human body. Methods of nonparametric statistics were used for mathematical processing of the data.Results.For women living in the Republic of Buryatia, the maximum values of Zn, increased levels of Cu, Li, Si were revealed; for men — the maximum values of Mg, Cr, Si, increased levels of P, Li, Se, V, Pb. Minimum values were found for P, Fe, V. Elemental status indicates a significant degree of prevalence of essential trace element deficiencies and electrolyte imbalance. The obtained data can be used as reference values for the content of chemical elements in the hair of adults living in the Republic of Buryatia.Conclusions:Elemental analysis of the population of the Republic of Buryatia indicates imbalances among the adult working-age population.

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
José Antonio Peña-Ramos ◽  
Philipp Bagus ◽  
Dmitri Amirov-Belova

The “European Green Deal” has ambitious aims, such as net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. While the European Union aims to make its energies greener, Russia pursues power-goals based on its status as a geo-energy superpower. A successful “European Green Deal” would have the up-to-now underestimated geopolitical advantage of making the European Union less dependent on Russian hydrocarbons. In this article, we illustrate Russian power-politics and its geopolitical implications by analyzing the illustrative case of the North Caucasus, which has been traditionally a strategic region for Russia. The present article describes and analyses the impact of Russian intervention in the North Caucasian secessionist conflict since 1991 and its importance in terms of natural resources, especially hydrocarbons. The geopolitical power secured by Russia in the North Caucasian conflict has important implications for European Union’s energy supply security and could be regarded as a strong argument in favor of the “European Green Deal”.

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