route network
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2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 62-73
A. V. Akimov ◽  
G. V. Bubnova

Transport route specification models are used to analyse the need for combined passenger transportation on popular routes in a large urban agglomeration. The problem of managing the travel chains of passengers using public transport (PT) is revealed with the focus on the complexity of applying the principle of multimodality on the route network used by population due to the mismatch of the schemes of transport and users’ routes.The study of the logistics of passenger transportation with PT introduces the concept of «public transport user (PTU)» which has a variable status relative to the flows of people, pedestrians, passengers, and transport vehicles. The description of the registers of the main parameters of the routes under study serves to create their digital twins.To manage the travel chains of PTUs, identify related sections of transport routes, it is proposed to highlight within the passenger flow the currents of the same profile which include PTUs that have common transport behaviour.Models and algorithms of network proximity to transport infrastructure objects, visualisation of digital traces of PTUs and the results of comparing the used and the best route options according to the modelled parameters allow to identify behavioural profiles of PTUs, as well as regulators managing the travel chains. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-19
Mykola Zhuk ◽  
Halyna Pivtorak ◽  
Ivanna Gits ◽  

Transport accessibility of the territory determines the possibility of getting a certain area using a certain transport mode of the existing transport network. The paper describes the concept of accessibility of the territory as a factor of sustainability of the urban transport system and methods of its assessment for urban conditions. It is proposed to use the indicator of the number of non-stop public transport routes between transport zones as a criterion for the "cost" of travel. Non-stop travel increases the comfort of public transport and reduces the financial costs of the passenger. The route network of the city of Lviv and interconnections of transport zones by public transport routes (bus, tram, and trolleybus) are analyzed. Modelling of passenger traffic volumes and their distribution by modes (private transport, public transport, and pedestrian traffic) was done in the PTV Visum software based on the matrix of a duration of movement and the matrix of the number of non-stop routes. It was found that at commensurate distances between transport zones, the number of non-stop routes increases the share of public transport users. The relationship between the number of non-stop routes and the share of public transport users is described by the logarithmic dependence. Comparing the simulated passenger flows on the public transport routes with the results of field researches, it was found that taking into account the number of non-stop routes between transport zones during the simulation allows increasing the accuracy of the results. Further research may focus on analyzing the impact of other factors that characterize the accessibility of the territory on the distribution of transport users between modes, and on the development of recommendations to the responsible city authorities to improve the city's passenger route network.

S. Logeswaran ◽  
S. Anandaraj ◽  
S. Yuvaraj ◽  
K.S. Karthik raja ◽  
K.S. Jawahar ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 13079
Shan Li ◽  
Honghai Zhang ◽  
Zhuolun Li ◽  
Hao Liu

Traditional terminal logistics distribution in urban areas is mainly concentrated on the ground, which leads to increasingly serious air pollution and traffic congestion. With the popularization of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) techniques and the reform of low altitude airspace, terminal logistics distribution is expected to be carried out by drones. Therefore, it is of great significance to construct a reasonable air route network for logistics UAV to ensure the safety and efficiency of operations. In this paper, a single route planning model and an air route network planning model for UAV were constructed by fully considering the complex urban low altitude environment, the flight performance of UAV and the characteristics of logistics tasks to regulate the flights of drones. Then, taking Jiangjun Road Campus of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics as an example, the improved cellular automata (CA) was adopted to search for the optimal route between different waypoints, and the optimal spanning tree algorithm was used to construct the route network. The experimental results demonstrated that the improved CA could greatly reduce search time and obtain the optimal route while enhancing safety. With the satisfaction of the voyage, the needs of logistics and distribution constraints, a network that had smaller intersection points and redundancy was generated. The models and core ideas proposed in this paper can not only regulate operation of drones but also provide a solid foundation for the distribution of logistics UAV in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 32-40
A. V. Postolit

The origin-destination trip matrix is a fundamental characteristic of a transport network, and development of a reliable correspondence matrix is the most important task in organising passenger traffic. It is the basis on which the public transport route network of a city (region) is built and optimised.Currently, collection of initial information for construction of a travel correspondence matrix is carried out through field surveys comprising questionnaire surveys of the population; accounting for movement of passengers according to the coupons issued to them; checkers, tellers manually counting passengers in vehicle compartments; simple surveys of passengers. Besides, mathematical modelling is used based on statistical data on the number of residents in various districts of the city, employees in enterprises and students in educational institutions, as well as on available data on the characteristics of passenger traffic along certain routes. All these surveys are very expensive and are carried out once over few years; they give a large error, which is why decisions made on the basis of these data are far from being optimal.There are a lot of solutions in the software and hardware market that provide automated collection of data on passenger flows. They are based on the use of infrared sensors or of video recording. However, none of these systems provide information about the points of entry and exit of each passenger. The objective of this study was to develop methods for automating the collection of reliable information about passenger trips, that will be the base for building up-to-date and reliable passenger trip correspondence matrices. This task can be solved by constant monitoring of passengers’ trips with fixing places of entry and exit of each passenger.The study describes the possibility of creating software based on computer vision and artificial intelligence which will provide automation of collection of primary information about travel of each passenger from the place of boarding into the vehicle to exit from it, that is, automation of data generation to build a passenger trip correspondence matrix. 

V. Rublev

The purpose of the study is to present a model of the prospective development of the passenger air transportation market of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the conditions of overcoming the crisis caused by the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the analysis of the activities of the national airlines «AZAL» and «Buta Airways», taking into account the statistical data of the passenger traffic growth of the Heydar Aliyev International Airport (Baku), as well as data on the development of the national tourism industry, a model of promising development of directions in the structure of the route network of the Heydar Aliyev International Airport is presented. The result of the research is the construction of a model for the prospective development of new directions in the structure of the route network of the Heydar Aliyev International Airport. The main principles of the post-crisis model of the development of the national market, according to the author, is the need to develop the segment of low-cost air transportation. The presented model of the route network development includes the development of the directions of the national budget airline «Buta Airways», as well as the expansion of cooperation with foreign budget airlines «Fly Arystan» (Republic of Kazakhstan), «Wizz Air» (Hungary), and in addition, the development of cooperation with Russian regional airlines, and first of all with the airline «Azimut» as one of the dynamically developing regional airlines of the Russian Federation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (164) ◽  
pp. 240-245
N. Potaman ◽  
О. Shulika ◽  
O. Оrda

The article is devoted to the features of the organization and technology of delivery of perishable goods in small batches by road in regional traffic. It has been established that when planning this type of cargo delivery, it becomes necessary to determine such routes bypassing specified points, at which the time of delivery of perishable goods to points of sale will be minimal. Thus, as a criterion that determines the rationality of building a route network for the delivery of perishable goods in regional traffic, has been defined the time of cargo’s delivery in small batches in regional traffic. The route network for the delivery of perishable goods with a minimum delivery time is considered rational. To analyze the execution time of each delivery phase and take into account the time and quantitative parameters that affect the delivery process, the study built a model which is based on the theory of Petri nets. The parameters of the model were established on the basis of the reporting data of the private enterprise "Samoilenko A.I.". The model took into account time parameters and quantitative factors affecting the process of delivery of perishable goods in regional traffic. An experiment was carried out using the developed model. The obtained value of the integral error of the data discrepancy throughout the system allows us to assume that the constructed model adequately reproduces the process of delivery of perishable goods in small batches by road in regional traffic. Taking into account the results of delivery process’ modeling, using the method of a short connecting network, a rational route network was built in the study, which consists of six routes. The effect was determined as a time difference for the delivery system along the network of rational route network and along the existing network, which amounted to 131 minutes.

2021 ◽  
Zoltán Bajor ◽  
Kitti Boros ◽  
Krisztina Keller ◽  
Veronika Kiss ◽  
György Pataki ◽  

The EcoVeloTour tourism project (Fostering enhanced ecotourism planning along the EuroVelo cycle route network in the Danube region, DTP-055-2.2) aims to develop cycle tourism and ecotourism in connection with the EuroVelo international cycle routes across the Danube Region. The objective of the project is to harness the synergies of the EuroVelo network, to develop – and provide communication opportunities for – ecotourism in the region, to promote cultural and natural values through cycle tourism, to preserve biodiversity and landscape elements, and to improve air quality within the framework of ecotourism development. While the characteristics of the project area are favourable for the development of cycle tourism and ecotourism, its potential has not yet – or only to a limited extent – been harnessed. In terms of the condition and service provision of cycle paths and related infrastructure, there are currently no cycling or ecotourism products to speak of along the Rákos Stream. At the time of drafting this strategy (2021), the section of the EuroVelo 14 route that stretches along the Rákos Stream is under planning, and, within the framework of the EcoVeloTour project, a number of improvements – e.g. the creation of a smart cycling rest area, a signposting plan, and a mobile app – are underway in the area, which, in addition to the great assets of the project area, could make it attractive to cycling tourists and ecotourists.

2021 ◽  
Zoltán Bajor ◽  
Kitt Boros ◽  
Krisztina Keller ◽  
Kornélia Kiss ◽  
György Pataki ◽  

Az EcoVeloTour turisztikai projekt (Fostering enhanced ecotourism planning along the Eurovelo cycle route network in the Danube region, DTP-055-2.2) a kerékpáros turizmust és az ökoturizmust kívánja fejleszteni a Duna Régiót átszelő Eurovelo nemzetközi kerékpárútvonalakhoz kapcsolódóan. Célja az Eurovelo hálózatban rejlő szinergiák kiaknázása, az ökoturizmus kommunikációs lehetőségeinek fejlesztése és biztosítása a régióban, a kulturális és természeti értékek promotálása a kerékpáros turizmus segítségével, valamint a biodiverzitás, a tájképi elemek megőrzése, a levegőminőség javítása az ökoturizmus fejlesztési keretei között (EcoVeloTour). A projektterület kedvező adottságokkal rendelkezik a kerékpáros turizmus és az ökoturizmus fejlesztéséhez, a benne rejlő lehetőségek kiaknázására azonban eddig nem, vagy csak nagyon korlátozottan került sor. A kerékpárutak és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó infrastruktúra állapota, illetve szolgáltatási ellátottsága tekintetében egyelőre nem beszélhetünk kerékpáros vagy ökoturisztikai termékekről a Rákos-patak mentén. A stratégia készítésének idején tervezés alatt van az Eurovelo 14 útvonal Rákos-patak menti szakasza, illetve az EcoVeloTour projekt keretében több olyan fejlesztésre – kerékpáros okos pihenő kialakítása, kitáblázás tervének elkészítése, mobil applikáció létrehozása – kerül sor a térségben, melyek a projektterületet kiváló adottságain túl is vonzóvá tehetik a kerékpáros turisták és ökoturisták számára.

2021 ◽  
pp. 26-35
Marion Grau

The chapter begins with a reflection on historical notions of sacred place and how senses of sacred place are perceived and understood. Pilgrimage networks are constructed from memories of sacred places and ritualized in relationship to holy people or events. In medieval Norway, the notion of sacred landscape emerged as an interweaving of Norse and Christian elements. This sacred geography was transformed by the development of modern energy forms, transportation, and infrastructure projects made possible in part through Norway’s petroleum wealth. Even so, the pilgrimage network sought to re-establish a route network from forgotten and reimagined paths, which slowly was pieced together from the 1960s onward. The chapter ends by asking how notions of landscape, interspecies relationships, and political theologies have reconstructed notions of sacred place, sainthood, and landscape in a secularizing, increasingly multiethnic and multireligious Norway.

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