scholarly journals Qualitative Approaches to the Study of the Sense of Coherence

2022 ◽  
pp. 581-609
Avishai Antonovsky ◽  
Gillie Pragai Olswang ◽  
Lenneke Vaandrager

AbstractIn recent years, there has been rapid growth in qualitative studies of the sense of coherence (SOC). This chapter aims to address the following questions: how is the SOC measured qualitatively, when is such measurement relevant or preferable, and what should we strive to achieve as we continue developing qualitative approaches?Based on our search of the literature, we report on four types of research: studies that intentionally and directly measured the SOC using qualitative methodologies, studies designed within the salutogenic framework that were open to analyzing people’s life stories or artwork and which looked for expressions which reflect the SOC, studies interpreting their findings in hindsight in terms of the SOC, and studies that did not originate with salutogenesis in mind and came to appreciate that something akin to the SOC had been measured.Qualitative salutogenic research is expanding. Its theoretical and empirical contributions include demonstrating the utility in SOC research of thick descriptions of microanalytic behaviors and methods to document SOC development. An important step for the future is to develop quality criteria for qualitative salutogenic studies.

2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (1-2) ◽  
Brasilina Passarelli

This article reports on projects and researches developed by School of the Future Research Laboratory at University of São Paulo over the last twenty years. Briefly presents of ongoing projects as well as those already completed, indicating their chronology, structure, target audience, objectives and funding, placing them in the context of action research. Theoretical research studies conducted at the Digital Culture Observatory are introduced, adopting the ethnographic method as a basis for qualitative studies on social networks.

2022 ◽  
pp. 565-567
Lenneke Vaandrager

AbstractPart VIII of this book presents ideas for the future development of salutogenesis theory, research methodology, practice, teaching and capacity building. This overview chapter highlights several theoretical issues in further developing the sense of coherence (SOC) construct, followed by how we can use qualitative approaches to study the SOC, including a wide range of examples. Another important future field discussed in this part is how to strengthen the salutogenic capacity of health professionals. The rapid growth of communication digitalization is also taken up in a chapter on the digital lifeworld and salutogenesis. Part VIII concludes with a chapter written by all editors of the Handbook, wrapping it up under the title Salutogenesis for Thriving Societies, which I suggest is a ‘must read’ for all.

2003 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 343-349 ◽  
Tonette S. Rocco

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-113
Mark Lander ◽  

Sir, I read with interest the Viewpoint article by Dr Chadwick regarding the future of Acute Internal Medicine (AIM) training, particularly the development of Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) and their potential to promote a greater identity within the specialty training. Dr Chadwick highlights the struggle we face in asserting why our specialty is so vibrant and vital. In my experience, Acute Internal Medicine training suffers from an identity crisis whereby the specialty is seen as being permanently on call, with trainees working more shifts as the Duty Medical Registrar (DMR) than on other specialty training programs, without the variability of outpatient and skill-based training. Indeed, the recent Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB) statement regarding quality criteria for GIM/AIM Registrars appears to regard the role of the AIM registrar as that of the DMR rather than a specialist in their own field.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-28
Yifeng Peng

Over the years, as people's lives have improved, our need for transportation and accommodation has increased, driving the rapid growth of the sharing economy. Some well-known network sharing platforms, such as Uber, Drip and Airbnb, provide a large number of convenient options for users with transactional needs, make more use of idle tourism, accommodation and other resources. Sharing economy platforms continue to improve the content and format of their products, but at the same time, the future of sharing platforms and the difficulty of competition is a concern as more platform companies become involved and prices become more transparent. Under this circumstance, optimizing product pricing has become an urgent need for many sharing economy platforms. In this paper, we take Airbnb as the starting point and conduct an empirical analysis of the blocking behavior of homeowners based on proprietary data to explore the factors that affect their product supply. We find that price, number of beds, and listing type all have a significant impact on blocking houses. After that, we conducted further research on price factors and developed a model aiming at profit maximization to obtain the best pricing range for the region and provide suggestions for pricing strategies. Keywords: Sharing Economy, Blocking behavior, Pricing Strategy, Airbnb

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-148
Faishol Luthfi ◽  
Wildana Latif M.

This paper aims to analyze the sinergity of Islamic organisations (Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah) towards the development of Islamic Economy in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative method. This type of research is literature analysis. Data is collected and analyzed from the main sources of Islam (i.e. Qur'an and Hadith) and previous research studies related to Islamic organizations in Indonesia. The authors find that Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah are the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia which have their own characteristics. Both of these organizations have a distinction in the methods of da'wah and mass bases. The synergy of Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah through da'wah methods and mass bases can develop Islamic economy in Indonesia. The authors argue that in the future it may be necessary to have a deeper synergy between activists, administrators, and followers of Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah. This paper is the pioneer to analyze the sinergity of Islamic organizations towards the development of Islamic Economy in Indonesia.

2006 ◽  
pp. 13-19
A.T. Schedrin

Philosophical and anthropological explorations of the state of modern culture testify to its crisis nature, connected with the acceleration of the processes of radical change of civilizational type of development. The need for a radical reform of the foundations of the future existence of society becomes evident. Lack of understanding of the real means of such reformation leads to the total disregard for the possibilities of the mind. One of its manifestations is the rapid growth of new and unconventional religions and occult-mystical currents; significant revival of the "secondary" myth-making (in particular, naturalistic, socio-technical); the spread of quasi-religious beliefs and infidelities; overall growth of mystical moods. The study of this aspect of the crisis of modern civilization is an urgent philosophical, religious, cultural and cultural problem.

2020 ◽  
pp. 324-336
J. Eugene

Tourism offers many tangible benefits to society with the industry playing an important contributory role in the growth and development of the domestic economy. The quantum of research studies on tourism has increased substantially over the last twenty years in tandem with the upward trajectory of the global tourist industry. The many different dimensions and aspects of tourism have been explored by a wide and varied spectrum of research studies. As the entire world came to a standstill with the Covid-19 pandemic induced global lockdown, tourism research witnessed a steady growth in research publications although the industry itself as well as the intertwined hotel and hospitality sector were crippled by a miniscule virus and left battling for their very survival. This increased quantum of literary publication was particularly evident in Scopus and Web of Science which put forth several notable publications on the changing dynamics of the tourism industry. The present study is envisaged to offer a holistic view of the future growth trends of the tourism industry, which has been forced to rethink the very fabric of its functioning and reinvent itself to adapt to a changed environment that curbs the social interaction that the industry depends on to function. Fuzzy logic, a mathematical modelling that can predict outcomes based on inputted data, has gained a lot of attention in recent years as it is an effective tool that can be deployed to envisage a course of action for future scenarios and devise feasible solutions that can help tackle uncertain and ambiguous situations. The current research paper, comprehensively reviews highly cited noteworthy articles on fuzzy logic and its application in tourism, to offer a good understanding of the applications and advantages of this dynamic modelling tool whose use in a number of different fields may soon make it indispensable to research and development. This qualitative paper is constructed on the basis of content analysis of numerous important articles that were reviewed in-depth. Based on the observations and findings of the study, research directions for the future are proffered. This paper is novel in that it focuses on one particular segment of research, i.e. new computing methods based on fuzzy logic, and can greatly help upcoming researchers to explore the large number of real-life applications of this extremely useful tool and add meaningful knowledge to the existing literature with further research in the field of fuzzy logic models.

2010 ◽  
pp. 65-79
Rosaline S. Barbour

Although quantitative and qualitative approaches are sometimes presented as being in opposition to each other, it is argued that they can, more usefully, be viewed as complementary. Qualitative work can make an important contribution both to pan-European and country-specific comparative research. Most studies have capitalized on qualitative methods at the outset of projects (principally for their ability to develop survey instruments) and, perhaps, less frequently, in order to enhance cultural sensitivity of such tools. However, more imaginative sequencing of methods can pay enormous dividends. Qualitative methods can also furnish hypotheses for investigation in quantitative phases of research studies, and can also be employed in order to better understand the mechanisms linking variables as identified by quantitative work. In particular, qualitative methods can be used to advantage in exploring surprising or anomalous findings. Stand-alone qualitative studies are also valuable, and can address comparison, since they can be harnessed to study change over time or, even, cross-country comparisons. If we are to realize the full potential of qualitative studies in comparative research, however, we need to pay attention to research design issues, seeking to be more imaginative in our sequencing of methods and appreciating the potential of purposive sampling to illuminate comparisons.

Mª Luz Guenaga ◽  
Iratxe Mentxaka ◽  
Susana Romero ◽  
Andoni Eguíluz

The Basque Government has published two calls to create digital educational objects for the programme called Eskola 2.0. After having provided schools with technological equipment, these calls aim to increase the use of learning technology in the classroom. More than 300 didactic sequences have been developed, which vary greatly in visual design, content structure, organization, and pedagogical aspects. Even though accessibility is one of the quality criteria, the reality is that they are hardly accessible and inclusive. DeustoTech Learning research group has carried out a survey of the educational objects approved in these calls up to November 2011. The authors evaluated pedagogical and technological aspects to find out how inclusive they are. In this chapter, they provide the results of the survey and propose a set of guidelines for designing more accessible and inclusive objects in the future.

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