digital culture
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Heritage ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 192-214
Tula Giannini ◽  
Jonathan P. Bowen

Museums increasingly recognize the need to address advances in digital culture which impact the expectations and needs of their audiences. Museum collections of real objects need to be presented both on their own premises and digitally online, especially as digital and social media becomes more and more influential in people’s everyday lives. From interdisciplinary perspectives across digital culture, art, and technology, we investigate these challenges magnified by advances in digital and computational media and culture, looking particularly at recent and relevant reports on changes in the ways museums interact with the public. We focus on human digital behavior, experience, and interaction in museums in the context of art, artists, and human engagement with art, using the observational perspectives of the authors as a basis for discussion. Our research shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated many of the changes driving museum transformation, about which this paper presents a landscape view of its characteristics and challenges. Our evidence shows that museums will need to be more prepared than ever to adapt to unabated technological advances set in the midst of cultural and social revolution, now intrinsic to the digital landscape in which museums are inevitably connected and participating across the global digital ecosystem where they inevitably find themselves entrenched, underscoring the central importance of an inclusive integrative museum model between physical and digital reality.

E. Gashe ◽  
A. Chalova ◽  
I. Shul'zhenko ◽  
A. Lobacheva

This article is devoted to the study of the current topic - the importance of digital etiquette as an employee competence. The percentage of modern employee's communications in the online space is increasing, more and more work issues are solved using computer technology and electronic systems. This trend requires the development of a new digital culture of communication, which includes the rules that are necessary to build clear business relationships. In order to form a relevant, understandable and succinct set of recommendations, it is required to assess the current level of knowledge of digital etiquette. To do this, a survey was compiled that included questions defining human behavior in various situations that may arise during online business communications. Based on the survey with 120 respondents, recommendations on business etiquette topics were developed.

Archivaria ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 6-47
Colin Post

Artists have long engaged with digital and networked technologies in critical and creative ways to explore both new art forms and novel ways of disseminating artworks. Net-based artworks are often created with the intent to circulate outside traditional institutional spaces, and many are shared via artist-run platforms that involve curatorial practices distinct from those of museums or commercial galleries. This article focuses on a particular artist-run platform called Paper-Thin, characterizing the activities involved in managing the platform as digital curation in a polysemous sense – as both the curation of digital artworks and the stewardship of digital information in a complex technological ecosystem. While scholars and cultural heritage professionals have developed innovative preservation strategies for digital and new media artworks housed in institutional collections, the ongoing care of artworks shared through networked alternative spaces is largely carried out co-operatively by the artists and curators of these platforms. Drawing on Howard Becker’s sociological theory of art worlds as networks of co-operative actors, this article describes the patterns of co-operative work involved in creating, exhibiting, and then caring for Net-based art. The article outlines the importance, for cultural heritage professionals, of understanding the digital-curation practices of artists, as these artist-run networked platforms demonstrate emergent approaches to the stewardship of digital culture that move beyond a custodial paradigm.

2022 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-226
Panqiang Niu ◽  
Anang Masduki ◽  
Xigen Li ◽  
Filosa Gita Sukmono

This paper constructs the model of network economics to study the effect of different levels of network convergence on the digital culture industry. Then uses regression models and mediating effect models to test the effect mechanism of network convergence on the digital culture industry of China.  This paper used panel data to conduct an empirical study. The data in this paper were quarterly. The time range was from the first quarter of 2009 to the third quarter of 2013 for 19 quarters.The three data types in econometrics are time series data, cross-sectional data, and panel data.The main conclusions are as follows. Network convergence brings positive policy effects and adverse capital effects. The impact of network convergence on firm performance of the digital culture industry is not statistically significant, and this effect also has no indirect effects on the test of mediating effect. However, network convergence indirectly leads to the reduction of operating costs of the digital culture industry. The indirect effect is brought by the chain mediating effect of policy effect and capital effect. The study could provide a reference for other countries and regions. Meanwhile, it can be used to analyze the impact of different media convergence on digital industries.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Nurul Naimah Rose ◽  
Aida Shakila Ishak ◽  
Nor Hafizan Habib Sultan ◽  
Fauziah Ismail ◽  
Adi Fahrudin

Digital technology has become more advanced, and it is transforming human life rapidly. Not long ago, digital technology was only meant for adults in the working environment. Nowadays, the assimilation of technology has transformed our lives into a new digital culture across all ages. The adolescent has to keep up with the current trend in digital technology as they use it as a platform for education, entertainment, social, as well as sport. Technology use among adolescents has so many positive sides such as virtual classrooms, widening social circles, and increasing visual reasoning. Apart from that, it also increases creativity and improves technical skills and self-esteem.

2022 ◽  
pp. 94-115
Tuğba Karaboğa ◽  
Hasan Aykut Karaboğa ◽  
Dogan Basar ◽  
Songul Zehir

Big data and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have changed how we live, how we work, and how we organize businesses. Thus, it is no surprise that it is also changing how we manage human resources (HR). For HR leaders, digital transformation is a very hot topic, having the potential to create high value for businesses. First, HR can transform all functions, processes, and systems by leveraging digital platforms and applications. Second, HR can lead business digitalization, enabling a compelling employee experience where a digital culture, a digital workplace, and digital management are welcomed. To provide a more pragmatic perspective, this chapter discusses digitalization of HR with big data and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and identifies key digital HR strategies and roles needed to sustain the digital transformation. Also, this chapter presents the advantages of digital HR and the basic pitfalls HR faces in the digital transformation of HR.

2022 ◽  
pp. 206-226
Nazlı Çetin ◽  
Gökmen Kaya

New technologies and the digitalization process affect both social and economic structures, and this affects culture. Digital citizenship which arises from an educational context now has a major scope in digital culture as the online presence of individuals increase. In this context, the study's purpose is to reveal the awareness of the young generation, with the premise that awareness is a condition to be a digital citizen, about the digital world they live in. For this purpose, the study takes the top four social media in Turkey and follows up the awareness on data and service agreements. A survey is conducted, and the results show that the awareness levels are mostly similar but vary according to the main point of the issue.

2022 ◽  
pp. 31-49
Siti NurulJannah Rosli ◽  
Muhammad Anshari ◽  
Mohammad Nabil Almunawar ◽  
Masairol Masri

Digital wallet is expanding largely driven by the evolution of internet and smartphone penetration. Numerous digital wallet providers have risen in many countries including Brunei Darussalam. However, the level of adoption is still low, and cashless society is still far from an expected target. There's no magic formula in deploying a guaranteed successful digital wallet, but developing a digital wallet ecosystem that is tailored to the local markets will be expected to increase digital culture and cashless society. The research assesses the existing digital wallet ecosystem, then analyses the extent of compatibility of local market demand. Furthermore, it introduces an improved digital wallet ecosystem model in order to support financial inclusion achieved through a holistic digital wallet ecosystem. The chapter also examines external factors that contribute to the digital wallet ecosystem's width of usage.

2022 ◽  
pp. 295-317
Carlos Rodríguez-Hoyos ◽  
Adelina Calvo-Salvador ◽  
Aquilina Fueyo Gutiérrez

This chapter describes three research techniques used within the field of digital ethnography aimed at understanding the digital culture of adolescents from qualitative and participatory perspectives. The authors carry out a theoretical review of some of the underlying principles of digital ethnography and creative and participatory research techniques. The authors then describe three research techniques based on the following methodological approaches: the mirror method, participant field notes, and digital visual cartographies. The mirror method technique analyses how adolescents construct their subjectivity through the images they use in social networks. Participant field notes are designed to facilitate the involvement of the young people in the field notes taken by the researchers, thus breaking with their private nature and providing opportunities for enhanced reflexivity. Digital visual cartographies aim to help understand, among other issues, the spatial dimension associated with the use of digital devices by young people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Bobby Daniel Nalle

Secularization and digital culture are the influencing aspects that define the characteristics of religious societies in the 21st century. As a formation of the history of social change, these two elements greatly determine the efforts of religion, in doing theology and church services at the present, in the term of digital theology. Indeed, It is determined by the surprising rise of the COVID-19 pandemic which forces religious efforts to deal with digital things. As a new experience, digital theology seeks a form as to how the social change made it. Elements such as secularization,  digital culture, and church formation become the important aspects to determine the direction of doing theology. Based on these new experiences, this paper will describe a sketch of how to doing digital theology in Indonesia, especially in the case of GMIT. With the theology of incarnation as the frame, digital theology puts the relational substance (God-human, among human relationships and between the real and digital world. As the digital world as a locus, digital theology therefore over a liquid digital church and the presensia-accompaniment model of a church mission to be the sketch of doing theology in the digital context in Indonesia.AbstrakSekularisasi dan kultur digital adalah dua elemen yang berpengaruh dalam ciri keberagamaan masyarakat religius di abad ke 21. Sebagai bentukan dari sejarah perubahan sosial, kedua hal ini sangat menentukan upaya  beragama, berteologi dan bergereja  dalam konteks kekinian.  Salah satu istilah yang dikedepankan adalah teologi digital. Bentuk berteologi digital saat ini justru didorong oleh situasi pandemi COVID-19. Sebagai sebuah pengalaman dadakan dan baru berteologi secara digital menjadi upaya mencari bentuk mengikuti perubahan sosial` Elemen seperti sekularisasi dan kultur digital dan geliat beragama menjadi aspek yang menentukan arah berteologi. Dengan berpatokan pada pengalaman baru inilah tulisan ini berkenan memberikan gambaran sketsa berteologi digital di Indonesia melalui pengalaman bergereja di GMIT. Payung teologi inkarnasi yang dipakai sebagai usulan berteologi, mendasari keterkaitan relasional baik antara Allah dan manusia, antar-manusia maupun antara  dunia real dan digital. Dalam memaknai ruang digital menjadi locus berteologi, maka sketsa gereja cair digital, dan model kehadiran digital presensia dan accompaniment menjadi sebuah tawaran bergereja dan bermisi dalam konteks digital di Indonesia.

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