Kinematics of Molecular Clouds: Evidence for Agglomeration in Spiral Arms

Antony A. Stark
1996 ◽  
Vol 169 ◽  
pp. 597-604
A.M. Fridman ◽  
O.V. Khoruzhii ◽  
V.V. Lyakhovich ◽  
V.S. Avedisova

The analysis of the observational line-of-sight radial velocity field of molecular clouds, connecting with young stars, has strengthened the Fridman's hypothesis (1994) on the possible existence of anticyclone in the solar neighborhood. Anticyclones are located near corotation radius of the observed spiral arms, a number of which is equal to a number of vortices. Our calculations show that the four-vortices model fits observational data fairly well.We shall not use any theoretical conception on the nature of spiral arms generation (bar, selfgravitational or hydrodynamical mechanisms, etc.). We shall base on the treatment of the observational data.

2016 ◽  
Vol 464 (1) ◽  
pp. 246-263 ◽  
Junichi Baba ◽  
Kana Morokuma-Matsui ◽  
Takayuki R. Saitoh

1985 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
pp. 19-30
S.V.M. Clube

AbstractRecent discoveries seem to indicate a catastrophic history of terrestrial evolution, explicable in terms of Oort cloud disturbance by molecular clouds in the Galactic disc. The problem of Oort cloud replenishment thus assumes considerable significance and reasons are given for supposing comet exchange takes place during actual penetration of molecular clouds. The number density of comets in molecular clouds, thereby implied, seems to suggest primary condensations of ≤103km in a dense precursor state of spiral arms. If chemical and/or isotopic signatures of comets should indicate an extra-Solar System source, the theory of terrestrial catastrophism may place new constraints on our understanding of the origin of molecular clouds.

1987 ◽  
Vol 115 ◽  
pp. 495-499
A. A. Stark ◽  
J. Bally ◽  
G. R. Knapp ◽  
A. Krahnert ◽  
A. A. Penzias ◽  

We present a galactic survey which to date consists of 47,000 positions covering −3° < l < 122°, −1° < b < 1°, observed in the J= 1→ 0 line of 13CO to an rms noise level of 0.15 K in 0.68 km s−1 channels, using the 7 m antenna at Crawford Hill. Maps made from the survey data show a clear difference between spiral arm and interarm regions. The signature of spiral structure on kiloparsec scales is the presence in galactic survey data of voids in l, b, v space which contain many times fewer Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs) than do adjacent regions of similar size. The difference between arm and interarm regions in the inner galaxy is manifested only in the GMCs — small clouds are present throughout. These results are based on catalogs of clouds and their estimated sizes in 13CO. We suggest that GMCs are formed as interstellar gas enters a spiral arm, and that they break up into small molecular or atomic clouds as the gas leaves the arm.

2019 ◽  
Vol 633 ◽  
pp. A17 ◽  
J. Braine ◽  
A. Hughes ◽  
E. Rosolowsky ◽  
P. Gratier ◽  
D. Colombo ◽  

The grand-design spiral galaxy M 51 was observed at 40 pc resolution in CO(1–0) by the PAWS project. A large number of molecular clouds were identified and we search for velocity gradients in two high signal-to-noise subsamples, containing 682 and 376 clouds. The velocity gradients are found to be systematically prograde oriented, as was previously found for the rather flocculent spiral M 33. This strongly supports the idea that the velocity gradients reflect cloud rotation, rather than more random dynamical forces, such as turbulence. Not only are the gradients prograde, but their ∂v/∂x and ∂v/∂y coefficients follow galactic shear in sign, although with a lower amplitude. No link is found between the orientation of the gradient and the orientation of the cloud. The values of the cloud angular momenta appear to be an extension of the values noted for galactic clouds despite the orders of magnitude difference in cloud mass. Roughly 30% of the clouds show retrograde velocity gradients. For a strictly rising rotation curve, as in M 51, gravitational contraction would be expected to yield strictly prograde rotators within an axisymmetric potential. In M 51, the fraction of retrograde rotators is found to be higher in the spiral arms than in the disk as a whole. Along the leading edge of the spiral arms, a majority of the clouds are retrograde rotators. While this work should be continued on other nearby galaxies, the M 33 and M 51 studies have shown that clouds rotate and that they rotate mostly prograde, although the amplitudes are not such that rotational energy is a significant support mechanism against gravitation. In this work, we show that retrograde rotation is linked to the presence of a spiral gravitational potential.

2001 ◽  
Vol 205 ◽  
pp. 392-393
Guo-Xuan Song

We report N-body simulations of the birthrate and distribution of supernovae in spiral galaxies. The simulations assume that stars form in GMCs with mass greater than 105M⊙ and that a Miller-Scalo IMF results. We assume that the resulting supernovae disrupt the GMC into smaller clouds; these clouds aggregrate to form new GMCs via inelastic collisions. Imposing a spiral potential, we find that supernovae form throughout the disk, but concentrated in the spiral arms. Using conditions appropriate for the Galaxy, a set of simulations with different initial random distributions of molecular clouds predicts 755τ5 supernova remnants (SNR) should exist in the Galaxy (where τ5 is the ratio of the lifetimes of SNRs to 105 yr). The predicted number of remnants and their spatial distribution can be compared to observations.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (S298) ◽  
pp. 221-227 ◽  
Clare L. Dobbs

AbstractStudying star formation in spiral arms tells us not only about the evolution of star formation, and molecular clouds, but can also tell us about the nature of spiral structure in galaxies. I will address both these topics using the results of recent simulations and observations. Galactic scale simulations are beginning to examine in detail the evolution of Giant Molecular Clouds (GMC) as they form in spiral arms, and then disperse by stellar feedback or shear. The overall timescale for this process appears comparable to the crossing time of the GMCs, a few Myrs for 105 M⊙ clouds, 20 Myr or so for more massive GMCs. Both simulations and observations show that the massive clouds are found in the spiral arms, likely as a result of cloud-cloud collisions. Simulations including stars should also tell us about the stellar age distribution in GMCs, and across spiral arms. More generally, recent work on spiral galaxies suggests that the dynamics of gas flows in spiral arms are different in longlived and transient spiral arms, resulting in different age patterns in the stars. Such results could be used to help establish the main driver of spiral structure in the Milky Way (Toomre instabilities, the bar, or nearby companion galaxies) in conjunction with future surveys.

1986 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 507-511 ◽  
Antony A. Stark

The mechanism of spiral structure in galaxies is a puzzle that is only partly understood. Galaxies do not revolve like solid bodies, so the spiral patterns cannot be entirely material in nature. Yet the observable tracers of spiral structure are unquestionably material: young stars, dust and gas. These objects must be organized by a collective, wave phenomenon, the spiral density wave in the disk star population. The density wave is a small (≈ 10%) local increase in the density of stars. The interstellar medium responds to the increased gravitational force by forming Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs), concentrations of 105 M⊙ or more of interstellar matter in a region about 50 pc across. In a sense the GMCs are the spiral arms: in other galaxies, dust, gas and young star populations trace spiral structure; in the solar vicinity, these populations are seen to be associated with GMCs. This paper briefly reviews observational data supporting the hypothesis that spiral structure results from the agglomerative build-up of GMCs from smaller clouds, that this growth occurs preferentially in spiral arms, and that GMCs subsequently self-destruct because of the formation of massive stars.

1998 ◽  
Vol 184 ◽  
pp. 267-268
J. L. Turner

One of our nearest neighbors is a large spiral galaxy with abundant molecular gas in its nucleus. IC 342, a face-on Scd galaxy at a distance of 1.8 Mpc, is close enough to give us a view of individual molecular clouds with millimeter interferometry. The CO distribution in the nucleus of IC 342 consists of two very open spiral arms (Lo et al. 1984; Ishizuki et al. 1990) that continue to within 50 pc of the dynamical center (Turner & Hurt 1992). The total extent of the nuclear “mini-spiral” is ~ 500 pc. Corresponding arms are observed in Hα (J.S. Young, private comm.). However, the Hα arms are systematically offset by 50-100 pc from the CO arms (Turner & Hurt 1992). The offset of the Hα arms to the outer, leading edge of the CO arms is consistent with a picture of density wave-induced star formation in the arms (Turner & Hurt 1992). Energy dissipation and angular momentum transfer in spiral arms is believed to drive a slow drift of gas inward; if this is the case, the molecular “mini-spiral” in IC 342 is short-lived, and will probably no longer exist in another 108 years.

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