Millet-Based Value-Added Food Products for Diabetics

2021 ◽  
pp. 321-331
Sarita Srivastava ◽  
Anju Bisht
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Ashok Kumar Pandey ◽  

Bamboo shoots being low in fat, high in dietary fiber and rich in mineral contents have been consumed traditionally by the people world over. Besides nutrients it also contains some anti-nutrients e.g. cyanogens. Due to seasonal availability of bamboo shoots, processing for reducing anti-nutrients in raw shoots while keeping nutrients intact and enhancement of shelf life of the value added products assume great significance for its utilization. This paper focuses on post harvest processing and value addition of bamboo shoots for its utilization as food products. Juvenile bamboo shoots of Bambusa bambos, B. tulda, Dendrocalamus asper and D. strictus were collected and processed, by boiling in brine solution, to remove the anti-nutrients (cyanogen). A simple, efficient and cost effective processing method for bamboo shoots was developed. This method significantly reduces the amount of cyanogens and retains considerable amount of nutrients and thus may be utilized for processing of bamboo shoots. Different value added edible products viz. chunks or bari (by adding pulses), pickle, sauce and papad (by adding potato) were prepared. All products were good in taste and texture. Nutritional analysis was done to determine the shelf life of the products. The nutrient content of processed products (chunks, sauce, pickle and papad) showed a gradual decrease and need to be consumed within 6 months from the date of making. However, in case of papad the carbohydrate content did not decrease much but the taste was not acceptable after 8 months. Whereas, in case of pickles, even nutrient content decreased but the product was acceptable even after two years after preparation as it was good in taste and texture. Thus, processing and value addition practices can be considered as key to the future of sustainable management of bamboo resources because they not only provide quality edible products but also enable harvesters/collectors to get better income opportunities.

Alfi Asben ◽  
Deivy Andhika Permata ◽  
Ira Desri Rahmi ◽  
Risa Meutia Fiana

ABSTRAK: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi kerugian petani dan pedagang bengkoang serta mengoptimalkan umbi bengkoang kelompok tani dengan peningkatan nilai tambah melalui produk bedak dingin. Umbi bengkoang yang tidak terjual lagi dan diangkap afkir dimana kurang layak untuk jadi produk olahan pangan dimanfaatkan untuk membuat bedak dingin. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan tahapan : 1) Pembuatan dan pengujian bedak dingin bengkoang dengan menggunakan 3 (tiga) jenis ketuaan umbi bengkoang. Pengamatan yang dilakukan meliputi rendemen, derajat warna putih, pH dan uji organoleptik bedak dan uji iritasi ; dan 2) Penyuluhan dan demontrasi/pelatihan pembuatan bedak dingin pada kelompok mitra. Pada penyuluhan disampaikan: i) Potensi umbi bengkoang, ii) Faktor-foktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penentuan bengkoang afkir, dan iii) Faktor yang diperhatikan dalam membuat produk bermutu baik dan dapat disimpan dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah : 1) Bengkoang afkir (sisa yang tidak terjual) mempunyai potensi dan dapat serta aman untuk dijadikan bedak dingin; 2). Hasil penelitian (pengujian) bedak dingin bengkoang afkir memberikan hasil yang hampir sama dengan bedak dingin menggunakan bengkoang segar ataupun bengkoang yang panen tua (5-5.5 bulan). Pati bengkoang afkir lebih tinggi dari bengkoang segar dan kadar air yang lebih rendah; dan 3). Anggota kelompok wanita tani Berkat Yakin dapat memahami dan mampu membuat bedak dingin bengkoang afkir yang baik untuk dapat disimpan dalam waktu yang lama.Kata kunci: Bengkoang afkir, Bedak dingin, Pengabdian, Kelompok wanita tani Utilization of Reject Bengkoang (Pachyrhizus Erosus) on Cold Mask Production in Berkat Yakin Farmer Women Group at Sub District of Batang Anai District of Padang PariamanABSTRACT: The aim of the community service were to reduce losses of bengkoang farmers and traders, and also to optimize bengkoang tubers farmer groups with increased value added through cold mask products. Bengkoang tubers that not sell anymore and considered reject where less feasible to be food products used to make the cold mask. This community service was done by stages: 1) Making and testing of cold mask bengkoang by using 3 (three) maturity types of bengkoang tuber. The observations included rendement, white color, pH, organoleptic test of mask, and irritation test; and 2) Counseling and demonstration / training of making cold mask in group of partner. In the counseling delivered: i) Bengkoang tuber potency, ii) Factors to consider in determining reject bengkoang , and 3) Factors considered in making good quality products and can be stored for long periods. The results of this community service activity were: 1) Reject bengkoang (unsold remnant) has the potential and can and safe to be used as cold mask; 2). The cold mask product of reject bengkoang had same quality with cold mask using fresh bengkoang or old harvested bengkoang (5-5.5 month). Starch of reject bengkoang higher than fresh bengkoang and it’s water content is lower; and 3). Members of farmer women group Berkat Yakin can understand and able to make cold mask from reject bengkoang and good to be stored for a long time.Keywords: Reject bengkoang, Cold mask, Community service, Farmer women group

Johnson Kyalo Mwove

Azanza garckeana is among the least utilized indigenous wild fruit trees of interest in the arid and semi-arid regions of Africa. The tree's fruit and seeds have found their importance as food while their barks and leaves as medicine because of their vast nutritional and functional components. This paper reviews the utilization of the fruit in food processing demonstrating the potential this species has in the preparation of novel foods. There are few reports on macronutrients and micronutrient composition of the fruit and the seeds, and their utilization in food processing. Some researchers have identified key functional ingredients in the fruits as well as their seeds that could be of benefit when incorporated in the production of value-added food products. This paper not only advocates for the production of value-added food products from this fruit, but also its integration into farming systems to enhance nutritional security and provide ready income for communities in the dry areas in sub Saharan Africa.


The article deals with current trends in the global agro-food market, which determine the prospects for increasing domestic export expansion and significant competitive advantages in diversifying the product range in the direction of the creation of food products of final consumption, maximizing the resulting value added. The duality of the perspectives of augmentation of domestic export agricultural productivity at the expense of large agro companies and small forms of management is singled out. The emphasis is on the necessity of implementation of the concept of sustainable development in the domestic agricultural policy. In the projection of the requirements of this Concept, the need for a meaningful analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of large-scale land use, which in the theorized by the predicate "landlordization" is outlined. The author substantiates the theoretical and content content of this definition and expands the subject composition of land relations by the term "landlord". The historical genesis of these concepts and the global causal experience of the existence of the phenomenon of landlordization are analyzed. The legal composition of the landlords spectrum is identified with the domestic practice of forming large agroholding companies. The article describes the activities of domestic landlords and their export potential. The comparative structure of the production of key commodity positions of landlords and households is systematized, where it is determined that the latter provide the production of key food products, which provides a weight for ensuring food security. The dynamics of landlordization in Ukraine, and their subject structure and structure, are analyzed. The insufficient implementation of agrarian potential in relation to the leaders of the world agro-food market, represented by the highest agricultural land plots and the lowest level of GDP per capita and negative trade balance, was established.

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