Selection of Mobile Node Using Game and Graph Theory for Video Streaming Application

Bikram P. Bhuyan ◽  
Sajal Saha

Nowadays, marketing specialists simultaneously use several channels to attract visitors to websites. There is a difficulty in assessing not only the efficiency and conversion of each channel separately, but also in their interconnection. The problem occurs when users visit a website from several sources and only after that do the key action. To assess the effectiveness and selection of the most optimal channels, different models of attribution are used. The models are reviewed in the article. However, we propose to use multi-channel attribution, which provides an aggregate assessment of multi-channel sequences, taking into account that they are interdependent. The purpose of the paper is to create an attribution model that comprehensively evaluates multi-channel sequences and shows the effect of each channel on the conversion. The presented model of attribution can be based on the theory of graphs or Markov chains. The first method of calculation is more visual, the second (based on Markov chains) allows for work with a large amount of data. As a result, a model of multi-channel attribution was presented, which is based on Markov processes or graph theory. It allows for maximum comprehensive assessing of the impact of each channel on the conversion. On the basis of the two methods, calculations were carried out, confirming the adequacy of the model used for the tasks assigned.

Vasuky Mohanan ◽  
Rahmat Budiarto ◽  
Sivakumar Ramakrishnan

4G networks provide bandwidth of up to 1Gbps for a Mobile Node (MN) that is moving at pedestrian speed. On the other hand, it also supports mobile nodes that can move at a speed of 250 km/hr with bandwidths value of 100 Mbps. This sets the premise of a network that supports diverse needs. This goal will be harder to achieve if Network Selection Problems (NSP) are not addressed comprehensively. NSP refers to the selection of target access network selection from a collection of Candidate Networks (CNs) when MNs are moving from one access network into another. The most logical way of achieving this is to select the “best” network. This translates to identifying performance values of the CNs. The analysis in this chapter shows clearly that access network selection done based on limited criteria is detrimental in achieving optimum communication. Instead, this chapter suggests a framework that would be complementary to a 4G network.

Suryanto ◽  
Sang-Hee Park ◽  
Kwang-Wook Lee ◽  
Aldo W. Morales ◽  
Sung-Jea Ko

Yunita Oktavia Wulandari ◽  
Nia Wahyu Damayanti

Scaffolding is assistance provided so students can solve problems or understand concepts that can not be solved independently. When students are considered capable of completing their tasks independently, the assistance is eliminated. In this study, scaffolding was carried out by giving problems about graph theory. Problems given are closed and open contextual problems. The selection of this problem can be seen by students' understanding of graph theory. The results of this study, this problem-based scaffolding can help students who experience difficulties in the problem of graph theory. Students are enthusiastic because through this problem, they can explore and connect blood donation problems and regional tourism with the concept of graph.

IEEE Access ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 39852-39861 ◽  
Waqas Ur Rahman ◽  
Young-Seok Choi ◽  
Kwangsue Chung

2019 ◽  
Vol 1402 ◽  
pp. 066083
E S Soegoto ◽  
M A Fadhlurrahman ◽  
Y A Hermawan

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