streaming application
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Fajar Agustini ◽  
Khoirun Nisa

Technology is developing very fast and is increasingly global, various kinds of the latest technological discoveries and various kinds of applications offered by each company will continue to compete, one of which is the Korean drama streaming application program. However, it is not just one Korean drama streaming application, but many other streaming applications that have sprung up and can make users hesitate to choose a streaming application to watch quality Korean dramas. Selection of useful criteria for selecting Korean drama streaming applications using the Analytical Hierarchy Process approach and processing using Expert Choice software allows streaming application users to know how to choose a streaming application to watch Korean dramas as desired. The population of this study were several Bekasi city people with approximately 30 questionnaires. From the research results, it was found that VIU was a strategic alternative for selecting Korean drama streaming applications using the Analytical Hierarchy Process which received top priority with a weight of 0.499 or comparable to 49.9% of another alternative.   Keywords: Streaming application, Korean Drama, Analytical Hierarchy Process      

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-168
Mira Veranita ◽  
Ramayani Yusuf ◽  
Yuda Sahidin ◽  
Rini Susilowati ◽  
Dian Candra Fatihah ◽  

Abstract   There are many problems faced by MSMEs due to the Covid-19 pandemic, even though MSMEs have a large enough contribution to national economic growth. Even though several types of businesses have actually experienced development, in general, MSMEs have been greatly affected. MSMEs must be able to adapt to the changes that occur, between innovating and utilizing digital marketing in running their business, especially in marketing their products. To support the digitization of MSMEs so that they are able to adapt to these changes, community service activities are carried out. This digital literacy is in a webinar format using the Zoom Meeting and Youtube Streaming application, which was attended by 147 participants, MSME owners, observers and academics from various cities in Indonesia. Activities run smoothly, with materials delivered by academics and practitioners in their fields. The participants were quite enthusiastic because the delivery was clear and interesting, so that the feedback obtained was quite satisfying, although there were still a few shortcomings.   Keywords: Branding, Digital Marketing, Literacy, MSMEs   Abstrak   Banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi UMKM akibat pandemi Covid-19, padahal UMKM memiliki kontribusi yang cukup besar terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Meskipun beberapa jenis usaha benar-benar mengalami perkembangan, namun secara umum UMKM sangat terpengaruh. UMKM harus mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang terjadi, antara berinovasi dan memanfaatkan digital marketing dalam menjalankan usahanya, khususnya dalam memasarkan produknya. Untuk mendukung digitalisasi UMKM agar mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan tersebut maka dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Literasi digital ini dalam format webinar dengan menggunakan aplikasi Zoom Meeting dan Youtube Streaming yang diikuti oleh 147 peserta, pemilik UMKM, pemerhati dan akademisi dari berbagai kota di Indonesia. Kegiatan berjalan dengan lancar, dengan materi yang disampaikan oleh akademisi dan praktisi dibidangnya. Peserta cukup antusias karena penyampaiannya jelas dan menarik, sehingga feedback yang didapat cukup memuaskan walaupun masih ada beberapa kekurangan.   Kata kunci: Brand, Digital Marketing, Literasi, UMKM

S. R. Chaudhry ◽  
P. Liu ◽  
X. Wang ◽  
V. Cahill ◽  
M. Collier

AbstractThe deployment of virtual network functions (VNFs) at edge servers potentially impairs the performance of latency-sensitive applications due to their computational cost. This work considers a new approach to addressing this problem that provides line rate acceleration of VNFs by employing field-programmable gate array (FPGA) equipped edge servers. This approach has been validated by practical use cases with both TCP and UDP as underlying protocol on a physical testbed environment. We examine the performance implications of executing a security VNF at an FPGA-equipped edge server. We experimentally demonstrate reduced VNF execution latency and energy consumption for a real-time video streaming application in comparison with a software-only baseline. In particular, the results show that the approach lowers VNF execution latency and power consumption at the edge by up to 44% and 76%, respectively, in our experiments while satisfying time constraints and maintaining confidentiality with high scalability. We also highlight the potential research challenges to make this approach viable in practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Yustri Agung Prastiyono ◽  
Yacub Fahmilda ◽  
Suryawahyuni Latief

This study aimed to identify and to contrast differences in Javanese-Indonesian speech acts in the Yowis Ben The Series film. This study used a contrastive analysis study with a sociolinguistic approach, which in this context emphasizes the aspects of pronouns, personal titles, and language variations. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative. The data in this study are speech acts in Javanese and Indonesian (translation) which are used as dialogues in the film. The data source in this study was taken from the Yowis Ben The Series film through the WeTV video streaming application. The results of this study indicated that there were differences usage of Javanese-Indonesian speech in aspects of pronouns, personal titles, and language variations. This difference was due to non-linguistic aspects, such as the speaker's background, age, position or degree of speech partners in society. Keywords:  Speech Act, Contrastive Analysis, Sociolinguistic

2021 ◽  
Vol 1098 (5) ◽  
pp. 052086
M Irfan ◽  
A Muin ◽  
M Afif ◽  
M F Pratama ◽  
S Gumilar

2021 ◽  
Vol 1783 (1) ◽  
pp. 012068
Suherman ◽  
Marwan Al-Akaidi ◽  
Yulianta Siregar

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