scholarly journals Long and short range effect of alkali promoters on metal surfaces: K on Rh(111)

1993 ◽  
Vol 19 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 263-272 ◽  
T. V. W. Janssens ◽  
K. Wandelt ◽  
J. W. Niemantsverdriet
1972 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-185
Walter F. Bense

The period from 1521 to 1529 marks the transition from the suppression of the personal Protestantism of Luther to the emergence of political Protestantism as a force to be reckoned with. Unavoidably, perhaps, this transition brought with it a change in the general attitude toward war and peace, indeed, in the self-understanding of Europe. The medieval model of a Christendom united under the cross and the papacy, ideally at peace within and at war only with the infidel, was becoming obsolete. Having entered upon its period of dominance with the simultaneous proclamation of the Peace of God and the First Crusade by Pope Urban II in 1095, it may be said to expire with the Peace of Cambrai of 1529. The modern model, of a community of independent states whose autonomy is grounded in natural law and whose bond of union is vaguely cultural rather than specifically religious, is already reflected in Luther's 1529 treatise, On War Against the Turk? The short-range effect of the transformation of 1521/29 was the desacralization of the Turkish war and the redirection of the crusading spirit against the Protestants. The long-range effect would seem to have been the rise of modern Europe—out of the throes of the Wars of Religion—as a system of more or less secular and national states.

Whilst changes in interfacial potential differences owing to surface absorption can be measured both by thermionic and by photoelectric methods, these are not generally applicable to systems containing gases at relatively high pressures. That changes in metal gas potential differences occur when adsorption or surface reaction occurs was first demonstrated by Volta in measurements of contact potentials by a condenser method. His principle, with various modifications, has been employed by numerous subsequent workers, notably Fabroni, De la Rive, Pellat, Hughes, Henning, and especially Dubois. Ionization of the gap between two surfaces by means of the emission from radioactive materials was first employed by McLennan and Burton, and by Lord Blythswood and Allen, but their results are discordant, the cause indubitably lying, as Greimacher pointed out, in their use of radium salts. Reliable measurements of interfacial potential differences at liquid-gas interfaces were obtained by Guyot, Frumkin, Rideal and Schulman, when the relatively short range α-particles emitted by polonium were used as the source of ionization. This method has been extended to the examination of metal surfaces by Andauer and by Joffé and Lukirsky. On examination of the results obtained either by the various modifications of Volta’s method, or by that of Guyot for changes in the metal-gas potential differences as a result of oxidation of the surface, one is impressed by the smallness of the changes recorded. Andauer observed changes in the order of 0·1 volts when metal surfaces are reduced and oxidized, whilst the more recent publications of Dubois include the following values :—

1991 ◽  
Vol 56 (11) ◽  
pp. 2234-2250 ◽  
Otto Exner ◽  
Miloš Buděšínský

Proton NMR spectra in deuteriochloroform are reported for 53 meta- and para-substituted benzonitriles and 61 methyl benzoates. The substituent-induced chemical shifts (SCS) were correlated with dual substituent parameters (DSP), with 13C SCS of the adjoining carbon, and with the other 1H SCS using the principal component analysis (PCA). They are controlled by different factors in each position to the variable substituent. In the position 4 the long-range polar effects, as expressed by DSP, are decisive, the conjugative component being more important. Remarkable is also very close correlation of 13C and 1H SCS in this position which has no analogy in the other position. In the position 3 there is an additional specific effect of heavier halogens. In the position 2 the short-range effect can be quantified by special constants, only for a subgroup of simple donor substituents it is proportional to DSP. In all positions SCS are practically independent of the second substituent, so that the total chemical shifts can be calculated by an additive scheme. The coupling constants J(2,3), J(5,6), and J(2,6) depend on substitution in the same manner, probably are controlled mainly by substituent electronegativity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 1482-1490 ◽  
Ganna Gryn’ova ◽  
Clémence Corminboeuf

Non-covalent interactions between neutral, sterically hindered organic molecules generally involve a strong stabilizing contribution from dispersion forces that in many systems turns the ‘steric repulsion’ into a ‘steric attraction’. In addition to London dispersion, such systems benefit from electrostatic stabilization, which arises from a short-range effect of charge penetration and gets bigger with increasing steric bulk. In the present work, we quantify this contribution for a diverse set of molecular cores, ranging from unsubstituted benzene and cyclohexane to their derivatives carrying tert-butyl, phenyl, cyclohexyl and adamantyl substituents. While the importance of electrostatic interactions in the dimers of sp2-rich (e.g., π-conjugated) cores is well appreciated, less polarizable assemblies of sp3-rich systems with multiple short-range CH···HC contacts between the bulky cyclohexyl and adamantyl moieties are also significantly influenced by electrostatics. Charge penetration is drastically larger in absolute terms for the sp2-rich cores, but still has a non-negligible effect on the sp3-rich dimers, investigated herein, both in terms of their energetics and equilibrium interaction distances. These results emphasize the importance of this electrostatic effect, which has so far been less recognized in aliphatic systems compared to London dispersion, and are therefore likely to have implications for the development of force fields and methods for crystal structure prediction.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 63
Grace L.C. Yap ◽  
Wen Cheong Chin

Long-memory parameter estimation using log-periodogram regression relies largely on the frequency bandwidth and the order of estimation. Literature shows that a data-dependent plug-in method for the bandwidth significantly increases the MSE’s. In a long memory time series with mild short range effect, a simple approach to determine the bandwidth size is suggested based on the spectral analysis. Monte Carlo simulation results and empirical applications show that the proposed bandwidth selection performs satisfactorily.

2016 ◽  
Vol 378 ◽  
pp. 451-459 ◽  
Deqiang Yin ◽  
Mingxia Wu ◽  
Wanglai Cen ◽  
Hongping Li ◽  
Yi Yang ◽  

K. Vasudevan ◽  
H. P. Kao ◽  
C. R. Brooks ◽  
E. E. Stansbury

The Ni4Mo alloy has a short-range ordered fee structure (α) above 868°C, but transforms below this temperature to an ordered bet structure (β) by rearrangement of atoms on the fee lattice. The disordered α, retained by rapid cooling, can be ordered by appropriate aging below 868°C. Initially, very fine β domains in six different but crystallographically related variants form and grow in size on further aging. However, in the temperature range 600-775°C, a coarsening reaction begins at the former α grain boundaries and the alloy also coarsens by this mechanism. The purpose of this paper is to report on TEM observations showing the characteristics of this grain boundary reaction.

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