The 53-kDa proteolytic product of precursor starch-hydrolyzing enzyme of Aspergillus niger has Taka-amylase-like activity

2007 ◽  
Vol 74 (5) ◽  
pp. 1011-1015 ◽  
K. Ravi-Kumar ◽  
K. S. Venkatesh ◽  
S. Umesh-Kumar
2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (20) ◽  
Nugroho Suharsono

Background: Fungal infection of the nose and paranasal sinuses is an uncommon condition which is now being increasingly recognized. The clinical presentation is not specific with various symptoms such as nasal obstruction, purulent nasal discharge, facial pain, and chronic cough. Only unilaterality may alert the clinician. Purpose: To find the morphological characteristics of the fungus in patients with paranasal sinus fungus ball. Methods: A retrospective study of 13 paranasal sinus fungus balls cases which underwent endoscopic sinus surgery at Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery St. Vincentius A Paulo Hospital Surabaya from March, 2012 until December, 2013. Age, sex, histopathology and fungal cultur were analysed. Histopathologic sections of all the patients were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), and Gomori methenamine silver (GMS). The specimens were then cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar plates and incubated at 30°C for 1 month. At the end of the incubation period, the samples were evaluated microscopically to detect fungi and identify their species. Results: The age reported of the 13 patients, was ranging from 36 to 63 years old. There was a significant female predominance, 10 female patients (76.92%) and 3 male patients (23.08%). Histopathological examination showed that most causative agents were Aspergillus species 92.31% (12/13). Culture test was positive for 69.23% (9/13). Aspergillus niger (61.54%, 8/13) is the most frequent fungus reported to cause fungus balls. Conclusion: Pattern of histopathologic on HE and GMS is very helpful and sensitive to identify fungi. The most common isolated mould in our study was Aspergillus niger.Keywords: fungus ball, histopathology and culture, Aspergillus nigerABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Infeksi jamur di hidung dan sinus paranasal merupakan kondisi yang jarang terjadi, namun kini lebih sering ditemukan. Gejala klinisnya tidak spesifik dapat berupa obstruksi hidung, sekret dari hidung, nyeri wajah, dan batuk kronis. Bila terjadi unilateral, patut diwaspadai oleh para klinisi. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui karakteristik morfologi fungus yang didapati pada pasien sinusitis jamur yang kami teliti. Metode: Dilakukan penelitian retrospektif pada 13 pasien sinusitis jamur yang menjalani bedah sinus endoskopi di Departemen Otorinolaringologi-Kepala Leher Rumah Sakit St. Vincentius A Paulo Surabaya dari bulan Maret 2012 sampai dengan Desember 2013. Dilakukan analisis usia, jenis kelamin, histopatologi dan kultur jamur. Pewarnaan preparat histopatologi menggunakan Hematoxylin dan eosin (H&E) dan Gomori Methenamine Silver (GMS). Kemudian spesimen diletakkan pada piring agar Sabouraud dextrose, dan dilakukan inkubasi pada suhu 30°C selama satu bulan. Pada akhir masa inkubasi, sampel dievaluasi dengan mikroskop untuk mendeteksi jamur dan spesiesnya. Hasil: Didapati usia 13 penderita berkisar dari 36-63 tahun. Wanita lebih dominan sebanyak 10 penderita (76,92 %) dan 3 penderita laki-laki (23,08%). Hasil pemeriksaan histopatologi menunjukkan spesies Aspergillus sebagai penyebab utama (92,31%) pada 12 penderita (12/13).Tes kultur positif pada 69,23% (9/13). Jamur yang paling sering menyebabkan bola jamur pada sinus adalah Aspergillus niger (61,54%, 8/13). Kesimpulan: Pewarnaan preparat histopatologi menggunakan Hematoxylin dan eosin (H&E) dan Gomori Methenamine Silver (GMS) sangat berguna dan sensitif dalam mendeteksi adanya jamur. Jenis jamur yang paling banyak ditemukan pada penelitian kami adalah Aspergillus niger.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Oleen Machona ◽  
Ronald Mlambo ◽  
Tafadzwa Zharare ◽  
Rumbidzai Mangoyi

Nebrass Falih ◽  
Zaid Naji Hassan ◽  
Moayad Salih Hussein

The present study prepars various concentrations of dried earthworm powder from ( 200 – 250 – 300 – 350 – 400 – 450 - 500) mg / ml used to increase the growth of Aspergillus nigerandPencillium expansum and the spore number , the result show the growth of A.niger and the spore number more than P. expansumin all concentrations along the period of experiment and analysis show differences significant ( p˂ 0.05 ) among the different concentrations of earthworm powder.

Ghassan H. Jameel ◽  
Ali Ibrahim Ali Al-Ezzy

Objectives are to determine antifungal activity of Ivermectin and Calvatiacraniiformis as a novel alternative therapy for aspergillus niger associated acute otitis media (AOM) among rural children of Diyala province; correlation of sociodemographic factors with frequency of infection. Ear swabs taken from 58 infected children and cultured onSabouraud dextrose agar for 7-14 days .Macroscopic and microscopic criteria used for diagnosis of A.niger .High isolation rate for A.niger (27.59%) among children of (4-6) years with significant difference between age groups ( p value 0.039); genders ( p value 0.004);house status(p value=0.018);family size (p value =0.00006334) and month of infection (p value=0.000). A.niger infection negatively correlated with patients age (p value =0.039), family economy and house status (p value =0.000),family size (p value =0.000). Alcohol extract of C.craniiformis (100mg, 200mg, 400mg, 500mg, 600mg, 800mg and 1000 mg) and ivermectin (0.5%,1 % and 2%) restricted the growth of A. niger after 3 days .Significance difference reported between all concentrations except 100 mg and 200 mg ; 600 mg and 800 mg. Significance difference in inhibitory activity between concentration 1% and 2%,0.5% and 2% of Ivermectin respectively. Conclusions: A.niger infections positively correlated with family size and inversely with age and family economy. The growth of A nigersignificantly restricted by alcohol extract of C.craniiformis and Ivermectin in concentration dependent manner. The powerful concentration was 1000mg, for C.craniiformis and 2% for Ivermectin. Thus, C.craniiformis and Ivermectin consider a novel antifungal agents that can be used in clinical practice for treatment of A.niger associated otitis media that represents a clinical problem in children and need serious attention from clinicians.

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