scholarly journals Methods, Models and Information Technologies for Decision Support Systems

2011 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-2
2004 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-206 ◽  
Dena M. Bravata ◽  
Kathryn M. McDonald ◽  
Herbert Szeto ◽  
Wendy M. Smith ◽  
Chara Rydzak ◽  

Anuta Porutiu

In the current economic context, decision making requires complex and multiple actions on the part of the policy makers, who are more challenged than in previous situations, due to the crisis that we are facing. Decision problems cannot be solved by focusing on manager’s own experience or intuition, but require constant adaptation of the methods used effectively in the past to new challenges. Thus, a systemic analysis and modeling of arising issues is required, resulting in the stringent use of Decision Support Systems (DSS), as a necessity in a competitive environment. DSS optimize the situation by getting a timely decision because the decision making process must acquire, process and interpret an even larger amount of data in the shortest possible time. A solution for this purpose is the artificial intelligence systems, in this case Decision Support Systems (DSS), used in a wider area due to expansion of all the new information technologies in decisionmaking processes. These substantial cyber innovations have led to a radical shift in the relationship between enterprise success and quality of decisions made by managers.

Башлыков ◽  
Aleksandr Bashlykov ◽  
Еремеев ◽  
Aleksandr Eremeev

The textbook is devoted to actual problems of using the achievements of modern information technologies, including methods of artificial intelligence, in decision-making in emergency situations at environmentally hazardous facilities, typical examples of which are nuclear power plants. The considered problem area of decision-making in emergency situations is a good example for showing the relevance of importance and complexity of the problem to the applied software and mathematical tools such as intelligent (expert) decision support systems for real-time. The book can be recommended as a textbook for students studying in the areas "Nuclear stations: design, operation and engineering", "Applied mathematics and informatics," Computer science and computer technology", "Automation of technological processes and productions ", as well as for students of other directions, post-graduate students, scientific and engineering staff engaged in the design of modern highly efficient decision support systems for managing complex technical (technological) objects and systems.

I. V. Palamarchuk ◽  

The aim of the study is to develop modern conceptual approaches to the construction of decision support systems in navigation, to determine the theoretical and practical foundations for creating such systems and priority ways of their practical implementation. From the analysis of recent publications, it has been revealed that the widespread use of new information technologies and modern technical means of navigation leads to an increase in the detail of the present navigation situation, but at the same time its assessment becomes more complicated and the time available to the navigator for analysis and development of the necessary control decision is reduced. For this reason, the development of decision support systems (DSS) for the navigator, which use new meaningful models of the hazard identification process for navigating a ship in the event of prerequisites for an emergency, is an urgent task of the present time. The creation of such systems will reduce the negative impact of the human factor on the processes of ship traffic control. The article develops theoretical and practical foundations for constructing a DSS for a navigator, taking into account the peculiarities of the movement of ships, the process of human interaction with technical means of navigation. The article develops theoretical and practical foundations for constructing a DSS for a navigator, taking into account the peculiarities of the movement of ships, the process of human interaction with technical means of navigation. New mathematical models of control over the process of divergence of ships are proposed. The classification of ships according to the degree of danger is carried out, depending on the change in the angle of the line of their relative movement. Criteria for a quantitative assessment of the hazard level of a ships based on the analysis of changes in the angle of the line of its relative motion are presented. The results obtained are the basis for further increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the ergatic system «man - technical means of navigation» and the comprehensive implementation of the achievements of new information technologies in the ship control processes.

1998 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Karin Becker ◽  
François Bodart

Reusability is considered to be the key for achieving productivity and quality in software, and much has been claimed about the particular contributions of the object-oriented paradigm towards the achievement of these goals. Object-oriented frameworks are coarse-grained reuse units, composed of a set of classes specifically designed to be refined and used as a group. In this paper, we discuss the nature of frameworks necessary to build a particular type of systems, namely Decision Support Systems (DSS), and their organization in a generic OO DSS multi-layer architecture. DSS are systems intended to improve the effectiveness of decision making, but information technologies can only have a major impact on decision making if techniques allowing the easy and rapid development of DSS are available. Much benefit is expected in terms of easiness and rapidity of development by constructing DSS from domain-oriented reusable components, as well as in terms of quality of DSS in this way developed. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3 (103)) ◽  
pp. 74-81
Valeriy Lakhno ◽  
Volodimir Malyukov ◽  
Nataliia Mazur ◽  
Lidiia Kuzmenko ◽  
Berik Akhmetov ◽  


The article considers classification of decision support systems by the way of inter­action with the user, by the method of support, by the level of data processed by the system. Types of DSS architecture are presented. Intelligent DSS are analyzed. The main areas of research in the field of artificial intelligence are identified. The advantages and disad­vantages of using neural networks are revealed. Cloud technologies are highlighted as an important trend in the development of modern DSS. The properties of Big Data techno­logy are determined.

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