scholarly journals A review of basic well log interpretation techniques in highly deviated wells

Sayantan Ghosh

AbstractDrilling deviated wells has become customary in recent times. This work condenses various highly deviated and horizontal well log interpretation techniques supported by field examples. Compared to that in vertical wells, log interpretation in highly deviated wells is complex because the readings are affected not only by the host bed but also the adjacent beds and additional wellbore-related issues. However, understanding the potential pitfalls and combining information from multiple logs can address some of the challenges. For example, a non-azimuthally focused gamma ray logging while drilling (LWD) tool, used in combination with azimuthally focused density and neutron porosity tools, can accurately tell if an adjacent approaching bed is overlying or underlying. Moreover, resistivity logs in horizontal wells are effective in detecting the presence of adjacent beds. Although the horns associated with resistivity measurements in highly deviated wells are unwanted, their sizes can provide important clues about the angle of the borehole with respect to the intersecting beds. Inversion of horizontal/deviated well logs can also help determine true formation resistivities. Additionally, observed disagreement between resistivity readings with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) T2 hydrocarbon peaks can indicate the presence or absence of hydrocarbons. Furthermore, variations in pulsed neutron capture cross sections along horizontal wells, measured while injecting various fluids, can indicate high porosity/permeability unperforated productive zones. Finally, great advances have been made in the direction of the bed geometry determination and geologic modeling using the mentioned deviated well logs. More attention is required toward quantitative log interpretation in horizontal/high angle wells for determining the amount of hydrocarbons in place.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Ahmed Abdulwahhab Suhail ◽  
Mohammed H. Hafiz ◽  
Fadhil S. Kadhim

   Petrophysical characterization is the most important stage in reservoir management. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate reservoir properties and lithological identification of Nahr Umar Formation in Nasiriya oil field. The available well logs are (sonic, density, neutron, gamma-ray, SP, and resistivity logs). The petrophysical parameters such as the volume of clay, porosity, permeability, water saturation, were computed and interpreted using IP4.4 software. The lithology prediction of Nahr Umar formation was carried out by sonic -density cross plot technique. Nahr Umar Formation was divided into five units based on well logs interpretation and petrophysical Analysis: Nu-1 to Nu-5. The formation lithology is mainly composed of sandstone interlaminated with shale according to the interpretation of density, sonic, and gamma-ray logs. Interpretation of formation lithology and petrophysical parameters shows that Nu-1 is characterized by low shale content with high porosity and low water saturation whereas Nu-2 and Nu-4 consist mainly of high laminated shale with low porosity and permeability. Nu-3 is high porosity and water saturation and Nu-5 consists mainly of limestone layer that represents the water zone.

2013 ◽  
V. Polyakov ◽  
D. Omeragic ◽  
S. Shetty ◽  
B. Brot ◽  
T. Habashy ◽  

Елизавета Алексеевна Тихомирова

Одним из важнейших свойств залежи является нефтенасыщенность. При моделировании распределение нефтенасыщенности является одним из основных параметров для подсчета запасов и дальнейшего гидродинамического моделирования. В статье рассмотрены варианты построения куба нефтенасыщенности с учетом априорной информации в виде данных результатов интерпретации геофизических исследований скважины, капилляриметрических испытаний и 3Д-трендов, а также алгоритмы реализации описанных методов в программной среде IRAP RMS. Построены геологические модели по описанным методам. Proper distribution of oil content is one of the main parameters for reserves assessment and further flow simulation. The paper reveals the variety of approaches to oil saturation cube building based on well log interpretation data, capillarimetry and 3D-trends and also the algorithms of the realization of these methods in reservoir modeling software IRAP RMS. Geological models are built using the described approaches.

Petrophysics ◽  
2012 ◽  
pp. 803-827
Djebbar Tiab ◽  
Erle C. Donaldson

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