scholarly journals Case study on the environmental impact and efficiency of travel

Evelyn Otero ◽  
Ulf Ringertz

AbstractTraveling and possible impact on climate and environment are currently under intense debate, and air travel in particular is often in question due to the use of fossil fuels. Electric propulsion has therefore become very popular but the energy sources for electricity generation should as well be taken into consideration. On the other hand, the social aspect of traveling is usually forgotten and should be also included for a complete sustainability analysis. In this study, the business trip from Stockholm to Bordeaux experienced by airplane and train is analyzed. Though the journey by airplane generated six and a half times more CO2 emissions than the journey by train on a per-passenger basis, this latter resulted in a 35-h journey compared to seven, and a cost up to eight and a half times more expensive than the airplane. The trip is defined as an optimization problem with focus on environmental, economic, and social impact to define acceptable trade-offs. The critical criteria for transportation mode choice were identified as the environment, time and comfort, and a value model for business travel mode optimization is proposed, integrating as well a personal value.

David Mares

This chapter discusses the role of energy in economic development, the transformation of energy markets, trade in energy resources themselves, and the geopolitical dynamics that result. The transformation of energy markets and their expansion via trade can help or hinder development, depending on the processes behind them and how stakeholders interact. The availability of renewable, climate-friendly sources of energy, domestically and internationally, means that there is no inherent trade-off between economic growth and the use of fossil fuels. The existence of economic, political, social, and geopolitical adjustment costs means that the expansion of international energy markets to incorporate alternatives to oil and coal is a complex balance of environmental trade-offs with no solutions completely free of negative impact risk. An understanding of the supply of and demand for energy must incorporate the institutional context within which they occur, as well as the social and political dynamics of their setting.

2012 ◽  
pp. 17-24
Roberta Cucca ◽  
Costanzo Ranci

This essay reconsiders and reanalyses the results of research carried out in four European cities (Monaco, Barcelona, Copenhagen and Lyon) on the social impact of the economic growth process, as well as potential tensions and trade-offs between the mechanisms of social reproduction and competitiveness of urban systems, till shortly before the 2009 financial and economic. In particular, this article restores several essential elements relative to four aspects of the analysis: policies for attracting flows of investment, goods, and people, and for safeguarding and enhancing local liveability; the impacts of economic development models on conditions of social inequality; the policies, the housing market and the affirmation of various lines of spatial division; and the integration of immigrants into the economic and social fabric of the cities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (18) ◽  
pp. 5067 ◽  
Miltiades D. Lytras ◽  
Anna Visvizi

Big data is the buzz-word of today, and yet their specific impact on individuals and societies remains assumed rather than fully understood. Clearly, big data and their use have already given rise to a number of questions, including those of how data can be collected and used in ethical and socially sensitive ways. Building on these points, the objective of this study was to explore how precisely big data and big data based services influence individuals and societies. This paper elaborates on individuals’ perceptions of data, especially on how they perceive the actual sharing of their data. In this way, this paper defines a value space for the social impact of big data relevant to three factors, namely the intention to share personal data, individual’s concerns, and social impact of big data.The main contribution of this study consists of the insights into the still nascent area of research that unfolds at the cross-section of social science and computer science. We expect that in the next years this area of research will gain prominence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-96
Elpinaria Elpinaria Girsang ◽  
Iis Iis Lestari

Background: Adolescents according to World Health Organitation (WHO) (2013) are age groups10-19 years. Adolescence consists of three obvious subfases, namely early adolescence (ages 11 to14 years), middle adolescence (ages 15 to 17 years) and late adolescence (ages 18 to 20 years). Inadolescents, gradually, physical, mental, mental, psychological, and social and emotionalmaturity will arise. (2)Research Objective: to find out the correlation between the intensity of internet usage and thesocial impact of adolescent students in SMP 02 Jasinga Tahun 2018.Research Methods: This study is an analytical survey with a cross sectional approach. Thepopulation of this study was 30 students in SMP 02 Jasinga with a total sampling technique.Research Results: The results of this study can be seen that from 30 respondents, 14 respondents(46.7%) students / i the intensity of internet use is not often positive as many as 4 respondents andthe negative ones as many as 14 respondents. And the intensity of internet usage is often positiveas many as 9 respondents then the negative ones are 3 respondents with a value of p Value 0.004.Conclusion: There is a correlation between the intensity of internet usage and the social impact ofadolescents in SMP 02 Jasinga Tahun 2018.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-17 ◽  
Dong-Hee Shin

To understand market dynamics relating to net neutrality better, in particular from the end-user perspective, this study examines consumer perception of neutrality and the public value under debate within the neutrality discussions. Focusing on the user perspective, it analyzes the policy effectiveness of current net neutrality by analyzing user perception and opinion. A value model is proposed to empirically test the policy effectiveness by incorporating factors representing net neutrality. The factors are drawn from people's perceived concepts of net neutrality. The findings show that while competition and regulation are the two main factors constituting net neutrality, each of them influences the formation of attitude toward policy effectiveness differently. This study contributes to policymakers by increasing an understanding of market dynamics relating to net neutrality, in particular from the end-user perspective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2 (114)) ◽  
pp. 30-43
Serhii Yevseiev ◽  
Yurii Ryabukha ◽  
Oleksandr Milov ◽  
Stanislav Milevskyi ◽  
Serhii Pohasii ◽  

The development of the social aspect of the world community is closely related to the expansion of the range of digital services in cyberspace. A special place in which social networks occupy. The world's leading states are conducting information operations in this environment to achieve geopolitical goals. Such processes are reflected in real social and political life. This makes it possible to influence not only the social groups of society, but also to ensure manipulation in political "games" in the conduct of hybrid wars. The simultaneous interaction of social factors, influencing factors, the presence of communities in social networks forms a full-fledged socio-cyber-physical system capable of integrating real and virtual interactions to manage regional communities. The article proposes a method for predicting the assessment of social mutual influence between “formal” and “informal” leaders and regional societies. The proposed models make it possible to form not only a forecast of the influence of agents, but also the interaction of various agents, taking into account their formal and informal influences, the use of administrative resources, political moods of the regional society. This approach allows dynamic modeling based on impact and relationship analysis. The presented results of simulation modeling do not contradict the results of opinion polls and make it possible to form a set of measures that can be aimed at overcoming the negative impact on the regional society of both individual “leaders” and political parties. Analysis of the simulation results allows to increase both the political and social stability of the regional society, helps to prevent conflict moods and contradictions.

Paolo Riva ◽  
James H. Wirth ◽  
Kipling D. Williams

Simon Lenton ◽  
Paul Christie ◽  
Rache Humeniuk ◽  
Alisen Brooks ◽  
Mike Bennett ◽  

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