Containment for the low temperature district nuclear-heating reactor

1993 ◽  
Vol 140 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-37 ◽  
He Shuyan ◽  
Dong Duo
Jing Zhao ◽  
Fei Xie ◽  
Zhihong Liu

Nuclear heating reactor is a new type of power plant that uses nuclear energy as heat source. Low temperature nuclear heating reactor should be the forerunner and main force for developing nuclear heating plant in China. Due to the lower water temperature required by the heating system, this dedicated, non-power generating nuclear reactor works at low temperatures and pressures with inherent safety features. The design, construction and operation of the nuclear heating reactors in various countries in the world were reviewed in this paper, and China’s new demonstration nuclear heating project and NHR-200 low-temperature heating reactor which would be used was discussed in the paper. We put forward the developing route and suggestion for the development of low-temperature heating reactor in China.

2012 ◽  
Vol 512-515 ◽  
pp. 874-877
Xue Song Zhang ◽  
Zhi Ping Ju ◽  
Jun Rui Shi ◽  
Wei Zhe Li ◽  
Wen Ping Zhou

Fluctuation of security and flux, when natural circulation was halted in primary circuit of low temperature nuclear heating reactor by experiment during small break loss of coolant accident was studied. This is one of disadvantage aspect to such system. The results of this paper was Heated component won’t burn out while SBLOCA in lower cone in low temperature heating reactor. It was valuable suggestions on the development of commercial nuclear heating reactor.

1995 ◽  
Vol 154 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-223
Y. Xu ◽  
X. Wei ◽  
Z. Zhang

1999 ◽  
Vol 188 (3) ◽  
pp. 361-366 ◽  
Huajian Chang ◽  
Duo Dong

Zhe Dong ◽  
Yifei Pan ◽  
Miao Liu ◽  
Xiaojin Huang

The nuclear heating reactor (NHR) is a typical integral pressurized water reactor (iPWR) developed by the institute of nuclear and new energy technology (INET) of Tsinghua University, which has the safety advanced features such as the primary circuit integral arrangement, full-range natural circulation, self-pressurization. Power-level control is crucial for the operational stability and efficiency of the NHR, and the dynamic modeling is a basis for control system design and verification. From the conservation laws of mass, energy and momentum, a lumped-parameter dynamical model is proposed for the nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) based on the 200MWth nuclear heating reactor II (NHR200-II). The steady-state model validation is given by the comparing the parameter values of this model and that for plant design. Then, both the open-loop responses under the disturbances of reactivity and coolant flowrates as well as the closed-loop responses under the case of power ramp are given, where the rationality of the responses are analyzed from the viewpoint of plant physics and thermal-hydraulics. This model can be utilized for not only the control system design but also the development of a real-time simulator for the hardware-in-loop control system verification.

Meng Lu ◽  
Heng Xie

Nuclear heating reactor is integrated designed without main pump and safety injection system. The loss of coolant accidents are mainly in the form of small break LOCA. As no safety injection system is designed for coolant makeup, the water volume in the reactor vessel is critical since it determines whether the reactor will be submerged during the whole scenario. Therefore, the study on coolant loss in this pool system is indispensable. The RELAP5 code has been developed for best-estimate transient simulation of light water reactor coolant systems during postulated accidents. The long term effect in nuclear heating reactor is important. In this paper we investigated the influential factors on SBLOCA scenario and found the long term residual heat removal capacity is decisive in determining the loss of coolant. The residual heat removal capacity should be greater than 2% of reactor thermal power if ensuring the core submerged in the long run.

1995 ◽  
Vol 155 (3) ◽  
pp. 597-602 ◽  
Shi Yongchang ◽  
Chang Huajian ◽  
Dong Duo

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