2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 2601-2610
Xinhui Hu ◽  
Vijayakumar Nanjappan ◽  
Georgi V. Georgiev

AbstractThe extent to which designers can understand users often determines the quality of design outcomes. A deep understanding of users allows the designers to focus on the right problem and make optimal design decisions, which encouraged designers to empathize with users. However, the current imagination-based empathizing strategy appears to be too susceptible to their previous experience and knowledge, which has been questioned concerning effectiveness and accuracy. On the other hand, Virtual Reality (VR) technology provides an opportunity for designers to gain experience-driven empathy by immersing them in a virtual environment that mimics the users' surroundings as if they are seeing the world from users' eyes. While abundant studies covered empathy VR and empathy for design, limited attention has been paid to the chance of bringing VR, empathy, and design research together. Addressing this gap, this study explored literature across domains, identified major concerns about this approach, synthesized the evidence, and discussed the feasibility and validity of the VR-based empathic design research approach.

2021 ◽  
Lisa Marshall

Poor communities around the world have developed architecture without architects. Subsidized low-income housing has been built as if to provide only a shortterm solution. Poverty and lack of affordable housing is not a short-term problem but an ongoing issue that demands creative adaptable solutions for a changing world. Adaptable architecture is essential for the redesign of affordable housing that is environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable. In order to mend the broken bond between lower-incomes and the architectural quality of space, this design research strives to both defend and produce affordable architectural alternatives to housing through the use of adaptable design principles and strategies found within Barbados’ Vernacular Architecture, the Chattel house.

Marisa Pascarelli Agrello ◽  
Marianina Impagliazzo ◽  
Joaquim José Escola

ResumoNo presente artigo apresentamos a experiência realizada com o uso dos softwares de realidade aumentada (RA) e a realidade virtual (RV) em cenários para o Ensino das Ciências objetivando atender a Era da Educação 4 por meio de manipulação de objetos virtuais.Com aplicações distintas, as duas tecnologias são complementares e se configuram como ferramentas adicionais aos docentes com a proposta de elevar a qualidade das aulas e a geração de uma aprendizagem significativa representando uma ponte entre a educação e a tecnologia. Como objetos virtuais de aprendizagem (OVA), deverão ser usados em sala de aula como forma de enriquecimento das experiências práticas por meio da representação virtual de temas e contextos tornando mais ativa, contextualizada e efetiva o processo de apreensão do mundo. Palavras-chave: realidade virtual, realidade aumentada, ensino das ciências, tecnologias educacionais. Abstract In the present article we present the experience with the use of software of augmented reality (RA) and virtual reality (VR) in scenarios for the Teaching of Sciences in order to attend the Age 4 of Education through manipulation of virtual objects, the two technologies are complementary and are configured as additional tools for teachers with the proposal of raising the quality of lessons and generating meaningful learning as a bridge between education and technology. As virtuais learning objects, they should be used in the classroom as a way to enrich practical experiences through virtual representation of themes and contexts, making the process of apprehension of the world more active, contextualized and effective. Keywords: virtual reality, augmented reality, science teaching, educational technologies.

Neeta Baporikar

Engineering education all over the world is of paramount importance as it is this education which provides economies with opportunities for development and growth. Engineering education is important for both developed and developing economies—for the former to maintain their lead position and for the latter to ensure decent livelihood and utilization of natural resources. In such a situation, engineering education needs to continuously upgrade itself to meet the ever changing needs of the economy, society, and mankind. Hence, understanding engineering education and reviewing the methods and standards are important if all stakeholders have to be satisfied. With the driving force of the globalization of the engineering profession, adopting project-based teaching methods have mutual recognition across the world, and also help to develop the right graduate attributes while continuing to assure the standards and quality of engineering education.

Nitesh Bharosa ◽  
Marijn Janssen ◽  
Satiesh Bajnath

Driven by the rising customer expectations and decreasing budgets, organizations are searching for means to improve service encounters with their citizens and businesses. However, many initiatives take an organizational perspective, whereas service encounters emphasize the client perspective. This research follows a participative design research approach that focuses on the derivation, demonstration and infusion of principles for improved service encounters. A role-playing game refers to a situation in which human participants play a certain role and follow a script to simulate complex service encounters. From the perspective of the professional, these principles emphasize “doing the right things” in their service encounters with customers. The authors found that the approach for deriving principles not only enables capturing the experience of professionals in a fun and entertaining manner, but also expands their view on customers and the back-office. This paper makes two contributions to existing work: (1) a participative design method based on role-play games and (2) six principles for service encounters resulting from the role-playing game.

2017 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 1045-1069 ◽  
Ariel Malka ◽  
Yphtach Lelkes ◽  
Christopher J. Soto

The right–left dimension is ubiquitous in politics, but prior perspectives provide conflicting accounts of whether cultural and economic attitudes are typically aligned on this dimension within mass publics around the world. Using survey data from ninety-nine nations, this study finds not only that right–left attitude organization is uncommon, but that it is more common for culturally and economically right-wing attitudes to correlate negatively with each other, an attitude structure reflecting a contrast between desires for cultural and economic protection vs. freedom. This article examines where, among whom and why protection–freedom attitude organization outweighs right–left attitude organization, and discusses the implications for the psychological bases of ideology, quality of democratic representation and the rise of extreme right politics in the West.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Ekawati Rahayu Ningsih

<div class="Section1"><p> <em>GRADUATES RECEPTION QUALITYANALYSIS OF THE POTENTIAL ECONOMIC STUDIES SYARI’AH IN STAIN KUDUS VIEWED FROM THE PERSPECTIVE STAKEHOLDER. The first aim of  this study was to determine the potential reception of  graduates quality in Shariah Economic Studiesof  STAINKudus in the world of  work. Second, to determine the motivations and needs of  stakeholders on the acceptance of  the quality of  graduates in Economics   Shariah STAIN Kudus.And third, to determine what factors which are supporting and inhibiting the absorption of graduates of the Department of Shariah Economics STAIN Kudus in working world. The theory that was developed as a basis for the analysis is the pyramid theory of  motivation and needs of  Abraham Maslow. By using qualitative research approach, the analysis and discussion of this study are:First, the potential acceptance of  Shariah Economy graduates in the working world, especially in the banking and financial institutions Shari’ah is still very large and potentially growing along with the rapid growth in the number of  banking and financial institutions Shari’ah in Indonesia. Second, motivation and needs of  stakeholders for the graduates reception of Shariah Economic STAIN Kudus is because it is the only college</em><em> in the state of  religion around the Pantura area having Shariah Economic Studies Program and easily accessible. In addition, in order to establish a more synergistic relationship with the STAIN kudus then either the shari’a banking and financial institutions are willing to accept graduates of  Shariah Economic Studies Program as employees, of course, with the various criteria established in the job requirements.</em></p></div><p><strong>K</strong><strong>eywords:</strong><em>P</em><em>otential,  Quality  Admissions,  Graduates, Economic Shariah, Stakeholder</em>.</p><p><em>T</em><em>ujuan penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, untuk mengetahui potensi penerimaan kualitas alumni Program Studi Ekonomi Syari’ah STAIN Kudus di dunia kerja. Kedua, untuk mengetahui motivasi dan kebutuhan stakeholder terhadap penerimaan kualitas alumni. Dan ketiga, untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi pendukung dan penghambat penyerapan alumni Ekonomi Syari’ah Jurusan Syari’ah STAIN Kudus di dunia kerja. Teori yang dikembangkan sebagai dasar analisis adalah teori piramida motivasi dan kebutuhan dari Abraham Maslow. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif, hasil analisis dan pembahasan dari penelitian ini adalah:Pertama, potensi penerimaan lulusan Ekonomi Syari’ah di dunia kerja, terutama di lingkungan perbankan syari’ah dan lembaga keuangan syari’ah masih sangat besar dan potensial seiring dengan semakin berkembang pesatnya pertumbuhan jumlah perbankan syari’ah dan lembaga keuangan syari’ah di Indonesia. Kedua, motivasi dan kebutuhan stakeholder terhadap penerimaan alumni Ekonomi Syari’ah STAIN Kudus adalah karena STAIN Kudus merupakan satu-satunya perguruan tinggi agama negeri di sekitar wilayah Pantura yang memiliki Program Studi Ekonomi Syari’ah dan mudah diakses. Selain itu, untuk menjalin hubungan yang lebih bersifat sinergis dengan STAIN Kudus, maka baik perbankan syari’ah maupun lembaga keuangan syari’ah bersedia menerima alumni Program Studi Ekonomi Syari’ah sebagai karyawan, tentunya dengan berbagai kriteria yang telah ditetapkan dalam persyaratan kerja.</em> </p><p><strong>K</strong><strong>ata Kunci: </strong><em>P</em><em>otensi, Penerimaan Kualitas, Alumni, Ekonomi Syari’ah, Stakeholder</em>.</p>

Komang Candra Brata ◽  
Deron Liang

Using location-based augmented reality (AR) for pedestrian navigation can greatly improve user action to reduce the travel time. Pedestrian navigation differs in many ways from the conventional navigation system used in a car or other vehicles. A major issue with using location-based AR for navigation to a specific landmark is their quality of usability, especially if the active screen is overcrowded with the augmented POI markers which were overlap each other at the same time. This paper describes the user journey map approach that led to new insights about how users were using location-based AR for navigation. These insights led to a deep understanding of challenges that user must face when using location-based AR application for pedestrian navigation purpose, and more generally, they helped the development team to appreciate the variety of user experience in software requirement specification phase. To prove our concept, a prototype of intuitive location-based AR was built to be compared with existing standard-location based AR. The user evaluation results reveal that the overall functional requirements which are gathered from user journey have same level of success rate criteria when compared with standard location-based AR. Nevertheless, the field study participants highlighted the extended features in our prototype could significantly enhance the user action on locating the right object in particular place when compared with standard location-based AR application (proved with the required time).

Oleksiv Halyna Vasylivna

Over the past decade, the arsenal of original compositions for the accordion has considerably expanded, but a significant place among the performing repertoire is the genre of translation of works from the repertoire of other instruments, ensembles or orchestras for the accordion. Since the translation of the orchestral repertoire with account of the timbre features of the accordion, has not yet become the subject of musicology research, the task is to elucidation of the main principles of this genre. The combined analysis of translations and executive-methodical recommendations become the basis for a deep understanding of the ideological conception, stylistic features and rethinking of the timbre transformations, and therefore the quality of the performance of the work itself.Translation works for the accordion from the repertoire of the Ukrainian folk instruments orchestra has favorable conditions for many parameters, as demonstrated by Y. Oleksiv "Ukrainian fantasy". The timbre specificity - the existence of a large number of different instrumental groups and voices in the orchestra is successfully transmitted in the accordion translation due to a number of timbre registers of the instrument, the diversity of which allows the most complete transfer of orchestral coloration. The author takes into account the slight difference in the sound of the right and left keyboards of the accordion and demonstrates it in an advantageous applying for translation, creating the effect of a multi-timbre "dialogue". The techniques of playing on the accordion fully reproduce the dynamic gradations of the orchestral sound, as the characteristic feature of such orchestra is a chamber. The author simulates the techniques of sound formation and the specifics of various orchestral instruments. The bandura pinch, the overtones dulcimer "echo", the reed pipe glissando, the violin detache and the articulation variety of instrumental composition of the orchestra composer transmits using a detail palette. Perfect constructive features of the accordion allow you to successfully adapt the multi-layer orchestra texture. In the accordion translations of orchestral compositions, the epic and poetics of folk melodies are transmitted as clearly as possible. This work is aimed at deeper understanding of the content and expressiveness of translated works by the performers. The research can be an impetus for transmissions and their research on the repertoire of the chamber ensemble for the accordion, as well as the translation of pieces for the accordion.

K. Berk Sönmez ◽  
T. Oytun Kılınç ◽  
İ. Ahmet Yüksel ◽  
Sinem Ön Aktan

The competences of the test and calibration laboratories are provided by two complementary methods. The first of these methods is the on-site audit carried out by the administrative and technical committee established by TURKAK (Turkish Accreditation Institution) according to the requirements of TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 [1]. The other technique is interlaboratory comparison and proficiency testing to evaluate laboratory performance and ensure the quality of results. Investing in the right equipment, training personnel, defining methods, documenting, calculating uncertainty, even performing internal verifications do not guarantee reliability or accuracy. It cannot answer the question of whether we can produce the same results as the same testers in the world. It is necessary to prove that the laboratory can actually produce accurate results externally by going through comparison tests with other national/international laboratories.

1997 ◽  
Vol 36 (4II) ◽  
pp. 647-667 ◽  
Akhtar Hasan Khan

"You know that importance of education and the right type cannot be over-emphasised.... It" we are to make real, speedy and substantial progress. We must earnestly tackle this question ... having regard to the modern conditions and vast developments that have taken place all over the world". Quaid-i-Azam Pakistan was created in the name of Islam under the outstanding leadership of Quaid-i-Azam. The Quran placed great emphasis on education. The Quaid as quoted above also highlighted its importance for the new nation. Unfortunately, despite high and repeated rhetoric, education remained the most neglected aspect of national life during the last half century. The literacy level are low, the female literacy levels are among the lowest in the world and the lowest in the Muslim countries. The emphasis in education is still on a general and liberal type of B.A. or M.A. degree. The change towards scientific and technical education has still not taken place. The quality of education is low; the teachers are under-paid, under-trained and dispirited. The students are apathetic as they see no relationship between education and higher earnings or status in the society.

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