2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Ekawati Rahayu Ningsih

<div class="Section1"><p> <em>GRADUATES RECEPTION QUALITYANALYSIS OF THE POTENTIAL ECONOMIC STUDIES SYARI’AH IN STAIN KUDUS VIEWED FROM THE PERSPECTIVE STAKEHOLDER. The first aim of  this study was to determine the potential reception of  graduates quality in Shariah Economic Studiesof  STAINKudus in the world of  work. Second, to determine the motivations and needs of  stakeholders on the acceptance of  the quality of  graduates in Economics   Shariah STAIN Kudus.And third, to determine what factors which are supporting and inhibiting the absorption of graduates of the Department of Shariah Economics STAIN Kudus in working world. The theory that was developed as a basis for the analysis is the pyramid theory of  motivation and needs of  Abraham Maslow. By using qualitative research approach, the analysis and discussion of this study are:First, the potential acceptance of  Shariah Economy graduates in the working world, especially in the banking and financial institutions Shari’ah is still very large and potentially growing along with the rapid growth in the number of  banking and financial institutions Shari’ah in Indonesia. Second, motivation and needs of  stakeholders for the graduates reception of Shariah Economic STAIN Kudus is because it is the only college</em><em> in the state of  religion around the Pantura area having Shariah Economic Studies Program and easily accessible. In addition, in order to establish a more synergistic relationship with the STAIN kudus then either the shari’a banking and financial institutions are willing to accept graduates of  Shariah Economic Studies Program as employees, of course, with the various criteria established in the job requirements.</em></p></div><p><strong>K</strong><strong>eywords:</strong><em>P</em><em>otential,  Quality  Admissions,  Graduates, Economic Shariah, Stakeholder</em>.</p><p><em>T</em><em>ujuan penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, untuk mengetahui potensi penerimaan kualitas alumni Program Studi Ekonomi Syari’ah STAIN Kudus di dunia kerja. Kedua, untuk mengetahui motivasi dan kebutuhan stakeholder terhadap penerimaan kualitas alumni. Dan ketiga, untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi pendukung dan penghambat penyerapan alumni Ekonomi Syari’ah Jurusan Syari’ah STAIN Kudus di dunia kerja. Teori yang dikembangkan sebagai dasar analisis adalah teori piramida motivasi dan kebutuhan dari Abraham Maslow. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif, hasil analisis dan pembahasan dari penelitian ini adalah:Pertama, potensi penerimaan lulusan Ekonomi Syari’ah di dunia kerja, terutama di lingkungan perbankan syari’ah dan lembaga keuangan syari’ah masih sangat besar dan potensial seiring dengan semakin berkembang pesatnya pertumbuhan jumlah perbankan syari’ah dan lembaga keuangan syari’ah di Indonesia. Kedua, motivasi dan kebutuhan stakeholder terhadap penerimaan alumni Ekonomi Syari’ah STAIN Kudus adalah karena STAIN Kudus merupakan satu-satunya perguruan tinggi agama negeri di sekitar wilayah Pantura yang memiliki Program Studi Ekonomi Syari’ah dan mudah diakses. Selain itu, untuk menjalin hubungan yang lebih bersifat sinergis dengan STAIN Kudus, maka baik perbankan syari’ah maupun lembaga keuangan syari’ah bersedia menerima alumni Program Studi Ekonomi Syari’ah sebagai karyawan, tentunya dengan berbagai kriteria yang telah ditetapkan dalam persyaratan kerja.</em> </p><p><strong>K</strong><strong>ata Kunci: </strong><em>P</em><em>otensi, Penerimaan Kualitas, Alumni, Ekonomi Syari’ah, Stakeholder</em>.</p>

Christos Floros ◽  
Panagiotis Ballas

Crises around the world reveal a generally unstable environment in the last decades within which banks and financial institutions operate. Risk is an inherent characteristic of financial institutions and is a multifaceted phenomenon. Everyday business practice involves decisions, which requires the use of information regarding various types of threats involved together with an evaluation of their impact on future performance, concluding to combinations of types of risks and projected returns for decision makers to choose from. Moreover, financial institutions process a massive amount of data, collected either internally or externally, in an effort to continuously analyse trends of the economy they operate in and decode global economic conditions. Even though research has been performed in the field of accounting and finance, the authors explore the application of machine learning techniques to facilitate decision making by top management of contemporary financial institutions improving the quality of their accounting disclosure.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 10 ◽  
Nur Sayidah ◽  
Sri Utami Ady ◽  
Jajuk Supriyati ◽  
Sutarmin Sutarmin ◽  
Mustika Winedar ◽  

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the importance of quality in university governance in Indonesia. The researcher designed this study with an approach of qualitative research approach with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method. Participants come from 25 universities throughout Indonesia. Participants are leaders of higher education ranging from the head of the study program to the rector. The result of the focus group discussion shows that the quality of higher education will decrease if there is the scarcity of qualified lecturers. Declining quality of higher education will affect the number of students. Finally, if the student decline happens continuously, then higher education can close. So quality is a top priority in university governance.

Marwan Mohamed Abdeldayem ◽  
Saeed Hameed Al Dulaimi ◽  
Fuaad Hameed Al Dulaimi

The purpose of this study is two-folded. The first purpose is to examine the perception of Islamic finance experts and Shariah scholars on the Islamic cryptocurrency (i.e., GOLDX and OneGram). The question is whether it has a role in reconciling cryptocurrency in Islamic finance. The second is to introduce the new Islamic cryptocurrency to serve these rich Islamic populaces. The study used a qualitative research approach by conducting interviews to explore the Islamic scholars’ views on the framework of the new Islamic cryptocurrency. The scholars have been deemed to meet particular requirements of having comprehensive knowledge and have extensive experience in both the Islamic Shariah and cryptocurrency. Accordingly, the number of such scholars was limited, and eventually, with the access offered only to five scholars from different Islamic countries. We thoroughly analyzed the collected data from the interviews. The findings reveal that Islamic law is absent on the essential models for the conventional cryptocurrency utilization(such as bitcoin) as either a legitimate or illicit apparatus exchange device. Consequently, introducing new Islamic cryptocurrencies is to reconcile cryptocurrencies such as GOLDX and OneGram. They will play a vital role in attracting more than 1.5 billion Muslims around the globe to enter the world of cryptocurrency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-116
Dicky Meidyanto ◽  
Romi Saputra ◽  
Agung Nurrahman

  ABSTRAK Permasalahan penelitian yaitu masih terdapat penempatan pegawai yang cenderung belum sesuai dengan prinsip “the right man on the right place and the right job”, masih terjadi kekosongan jabatan di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Daerah yang seharusnya diisi oleh jabatan fungsional tertentu pada Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Daerah Kota Tarakan. Tujuan penelitian: untuk mengetahui keefektifan pelaksanaan analisis jabatan dalam penempatan pegawai di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Daerah Kota Tarakan Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Metode penelitia kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara kepada 11 orang informan, observasi dan dokumentasi. Temuan penelitian terdapat masih adanya kekosongan jabatan dan masih ditemukannya pegawai yang ditempatkan tidak sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikannya. Selain itu, kualitas kinerja pegawai setelah analisis jabatan selesai juga masih kurang memuaskan, dikarenakan masih adanya pegawai yang harus memulai pekerjaannya dari nol alias tidak memiliki pengalaman sesuai bidang yang ditempatinya. Serta belum memenuhi Diklat jabatan yang disyaratkan dalam syarat jabatan. Serta pegawai merasa beban kerjanya semakin berat akibat pemangkasan pegawai dan harus mengerjakan pekerjaan diluar kemampuan dan keahliannya. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil evaluasi kinerja dinas pada tahun 2020 ada beberapa bidang yang tidak mencapai target yaitu pengelolaan perpustakaan (29,41%) dan pengelolaan arsip dan dokumen negara (37,50%). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah keefektifan analisis jabatan dalam penempatan pegawai di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Daerah Kota Tarakan secara keseluruhan masih belum efektif. Kata Kunci: Keefektifan, Analisis Jabatan, Penempatan Pegawai   ABSTRACT The problem of this research is that there are still employee placements that tend to be not in accordance with the principle of "the right man on the right place and the right job", there are still vacancies in the Regional Library and Archives Service which should be filled by certain functional positions at the Library and Archives Service. Tarakan City area. The purpose of the study: to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of job analysis in the placement of employees at the Regional Library and Archives Service of Tarakan City, North Kalimantan Province. Qualitative research methods and data collection techniques through interviews with 11 informants, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that there are still vacancies and there are still employees who are placed not according to their educational background. In addition, the quality of employee performance after the job analysis is completed is also still unsatisfactory, because there are still employees who have to start their work from scratch or do not have experience according to the field they occupy. And have not fulfilled the job training required in the job requirements. And employees feel their workload is getting heavier due to staff cuts and have to do work beyond their abilities and expertise. In addition, based on the results of the department's performance evaluation in 2020, there were several areas that did not reach the target, namely library management (29.41%) and state archives and document management (37.50%). The conclusion of this study is the effectiveness of job analysis in the placement of employees at the Regional Library and Archives Service of Tarakan City as a whole is still not effective. Keywords: Effectiveness, Job Analysis, Employee Placement

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Rizka Amalia

Improving the quality of character education needs to be done in all aspects including through cultural contexts. This study aims to describe the implementation of character education based on local wisdom through Orek-Orek dance. The research approach used is descriptive qualitative research. His research sites are Paron Elementary School and Kedungputri 1 Elementary School, Ngawi District. Data collection techniques include study documentation, observation and interviews. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing / verification. The results of the study show that the Orek-Orek dance still exists today because of the synergy and routine carried out in various events and learning in

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 93
Ulil Azmi ◽  
Muhammad Ridha DS

Abstract: This study aims to explore and analyze the principal's management in improving the quality of education at MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau. The approach used in this research is qualitative research approach by using field research type (field research). The subject of the study was the principal at MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau. Data collection is done through observation, interview and documentation study. The analyst technique used is as follows: (1). Data reduction, (2). Presentation of data, (3). After the data is compiled and then drawn conclusions in the form of matrices and narratives. The results show that with good management, there is a quality improvement in MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau, this is proven, with many events that have been successfully implemented in order to improve the quality, such as camps and provincial and provincial silat martial arts ever held at MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-21
Siti Dwi Yana

This writing discusses the effectiveness of the Pre-Work program in building human resources and the role of the Pre-employment program in building the quality of human resources. The objectives of this study were to: (1). Determine the effectiveness of the Pre-employment program in building resources amid the human pandemic. (2). Determine the role of the Pre-employment program in building the quality of human resources in the midst of a pandemic. By using a descriptive qualitative research approach, the type of data used in this study is primary data obtained from in-depth interviews with community recipients of the pre-work card program assistance. The research results obtained are: (1). Pre-employment programs are less effective in building human resources. (2). The Pre-employment Program plays a very important role in building the quality of human resources.

Vimbi Petrus Mahlangu

This chapter uses a qualitative research approach. It follows an interpretive constructionist paradigm. This approach emphasizes the idea that human knowledge is a human construct, and the chapter examines the world of lived experience from the point of view of pre-service teachers. Method used in collecting information was through literature review. The purpose of this chapter, therefore, is to argue for the mentoring of pre-service teachers. Topics covered are mentoring and professional development; teachers' rights and obligations; factors that discourage pre-service teachers to pursue teacher education; teacher recruitment strategies; teacher autonomy; as well as dealing with diversity and bullying in schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 2601-2610
Xinhui Hu ◽  
Vijayakumar Nanjappan ◽  
Georgi V. Georgiev

AbstractThe extent to which designers can understand users often determines the quality of design outcomes. A deep understanding of users allows the designers to focus on the right problem and make optimal design decisions, which encouraged designers to empathize with users. However, the current imagination-based empathizing strategy appears to be too susceptible to their previous experience and knowledge, which has been questioned concerning effectiveness and accuracy. On the other hand, Virtual Reality (VR) technology provides an opportunity for designers to gain experience-driven empathy by immersing them in a virtual environment that mimics the users' surroundings as if they are seeing the world from users' eyes. While abundant studies covered empathy VR and empathy for design, limited attention has been paid to the chance of bringing VR, empathy, and design research together. Addressing this gap, this study explored literature across domains, identified major concerns about this approach, synthesized the evidence, and discussed the feasibility and validity of the VR-based empathic design research approach.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Kadariah Kadariah ◽  
Kusmaladewi Kusmaladewi ◽  
Hasmiah Hasmiah

This study aims to find a picture of the difficulties experienced by teachers in the implementation of learning activities and the steps taken to overcome the difficulties encountered in learning. The research approach uses descriptive qualitative research to explain the phenomena of difficulties experienced by teachers in carrying out learning activities and steps taken to overcome difficulties encountered in learning. The data collection techniques used in this study were open questionnaires as primary data sources and observations. Data analysis uses descriptive statistics, to obtain a picture of the difficulty factors and the steps in implementing learning. The results showed that the implementation of the curriculum for learning activities and in formulating basic competencies were still the difficulties of subject teachers. The structure of the material in the learning curriculum is still an obstacle for the teacher because the material is not in accordance with the level of student ability. The availability of facilities and infrastructure as well as the allocation of time still need to be a major concern in improving the quality of learning.

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