Phylogenetic heritability of geographic range size in haematophagous ectoparasites: time of divergence and variation among continents

Parasitology ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 145 (12) ◽  
pp. 1623-1632
Boris R. Krasnov ◽  
Georgy I. Shenbrot ◽  
Luther van der Mescht ◽  
Elizabeth M. Warburton ◽  
Irina S. Khokhlova

AbstractTo understand existence, patterns and mechanisms behind phylogenetic heritability in the geographic range size (GRS) of parasites, we measured phylogenetic signal (PS) in the sizes of both regional (within a region) and continental (within a continent) geographic ranges of fleas in five regions. We asked whether (a) GRS is phylogenetically heritable and (b) the manifestation of PS varies between regions. We also asked whether geographic variation in PS reflects the effects of the environment's spatiotemporal stability (e.g. glaciation disrupting geographic ranges) or is associated with time since divergence (accumulation differences among species over time). Support for the former hypothesis would be indicated by stronger PS in southern than in northern regions, whereas support for the latter hypothesis would be shown by stronger PS in regions with a large proportion of species belonging to the derived lineages than in regions with a large proportion of species belonging to the basal lineages. We detected significant PS in both regional and continental GRSs of fleas from Canada and in continental GRS of fleas from Mongolia. No PS was found in the GRS of fleas from Australia and Southern Africa. Venezuelan fleas demonstrated significant PS in regional GRS only. Local Indicators of Phylogenetic Association detected significant local positive autocorrelations of GRS in some clades even in regions in which PS has not been detected across the entire phylogeny. This was mainly characteristic of younger taxa.

2015 ◽  
Dena Grossenbacher ◽  
Ryan Briscoe Runquist ◽  
Emma Goldberg ◽  
Yaniv Brandvain

Species' geographic ranges vary enormously, and even closest relatives may differ in range size by several orders of magnitude. With data from hundreds of species spanning 20 genera in 15 families, we show that plant species that autonomously reproduce via self-pollination consistently have larger geographic ranges than their close relatives that generally require two parents for reproduction. Further analyses strongly implicate autonomous self-fertilization in causing this relationship, as it is not driven by traits such as polyploidy or annual life history whose evolution is sometimes correlated with autonomous self-fertilization. Furthermore, we find that selfers occur at higher maximum latitudes and that disparity in range size between selfers and outcrossers increases with time since their separation. Together, these results show that autonomous reproduction - a critical biological trait that eliminates mate limitation and thus potentially increases the probability of establishment - increases range size.

Paleobiology ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 399-414 ◽  
Francesco Carotenuto ◽  
Carmela Barbera ◽  
Pasquale Raia

Temporal patterns in species occupancy and geographic range size are a major topic in evolutionary ecology research. Here we investigate these patterns in Pliocene to Recent large mammal species and genera in Western Eurasia. By using an extensively sampled fossil record including some 700 fossil localities, we found occupancy and range size trajectories over time to be predominantly peaked among both species and genera, meaning that occupancy and range size reached their maxima midway along taxon existence. These metrics are strongly correlated with each other and to body size, after phylogeny is accounted for by using two different phylogenetic topologies for both species and genera. Phylogenetic signal is strong in body size, and weaker but significant in both occupancy and range size mean values among genera, indicating that these variables are heritable. The intensity of phylogenetic signal is much weaker and often not significant at the species level. This suggests that within genera, occupancy and range size are somewhat variable. However, sister taxa inherit geographic position (the center of their geographic distribution). Taken together, the latter two results indicate that sister species occupy similar positions on the earth's surface, and that the expansion of the geographic range during the existence of a given genus is driven by range expansion of one or more of the species it includes, rather than simply being the summation of these species ranges.

1997 ◽  
Vol 352 (1352) ◽  
pp. 419-427 ◽  
T. M. Blackburn ◽  
K. J. Gaston ◽  
R. M. Quinn ◽  
H. Arnold ◽  
R. D. Gregory

We examine the relation between population size and geographic range size for British breeding birds and mammals. As for most other assemblages studied, a strong positive interspecific correlation is found in both taxa. The relation is also recovered once the phylogenetic relatedness of species has been controlled for using an evolutionary comparative method. The slope of the relation is steeper for birds than for mammals, but this is due in large part to two species of mammals that have much higher population sizes than expected from their small geographic ranges. These outlying mammal species are the only ones in Britain to be found only on small offshore islands, and so may be exhibiting density compensation effects. With them excluded, the slope of the abundance–range size relation for mammals is not significantly different to that for birds. However, the elevation of the relation is higher for mammals than for birds, indicating that mammals are approximately 30 times more abundant than birds of equivalent geographic range size. An earlier study of these assemblages showed that, for a given body mass, bats had abundances more similar to birds than to non–volant mammals, suggesting that the difference in abundance between mammals and birds might be due to constraints of flight. Our analyses show that the abundance–range size relation for bats is not different for that from other mammals, and that the anomalously low abundance of bats for their body mass may result because they have smaller than expected geographic extents for their size. Other reasons why birds and mammals might have different elevations for the relation between population size and geographic range size are discussed, together with possible reasons for why the slopes of these relations might be similar.

Paleobiology ◽  
10.1666/13056 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 440-458 ◽  
Michael Foote

Here I test the hypothesis that temporal variation in geographic range size within genera is affected by the expansion and contraction of their preferred environments. Using occurrence data from the Paleobiology Database, I identify genera that have a significant affinity for carbonate or terrigenous clastic depositional environments that transcends the Database's representation of these environments during the stratigraphic range of each genus. These affinity assignments are not a matter of arbitrarily subdividing a continuum in preference; rather, genera form distinct, nonrandom subsets with respect to environmental preference. I tabulate the stage-by-stage transitions in range size within individual genera and the stage-by-stage changes in the extent of each environment. Comparing the two shows that genera with a preference for a given environment are more likely to increase in geographic range, and to show a larger average increase in range, when that environment increases in areal extent, and likewise for decreases in geographic range and environmental area. Similar results obtain for genera with preferences for reefal and non-reef settings. Simulations and subsampling experiments suggest that these results are not artifacts of methodology or sampling bias. Nor are they confined to particular higher taxa. Genera with roughly equal preference for carbonates and clastics do not have substantially broader geographic ranges than those with a distinct affinity, suggesting that, at this scale of analysis, spatial extent of preferred environment outweighs breadth of environmental preference in governing geographic range. These results pertain to changes over actual geologic time within individual genera, not overall average ranges. Recent work has documented a regular expansion and contraction when absolute time is ignored and genera are superimposed to form a composite average. Environmental preference may contribute to this pattern, but its role appears to be minor, limited mainly to the initial expansion and final contraction of relatively short-lived genera.

2017 ◽  
Remy Rovelli ◽  
Jason R. Moore ◽  
Corinne Myers

Paleobiology ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Dana S. Friend ◽  
Brendan M. Anderson ◽  
Warren D. Allmon

Abstract Rates of speciation and extinction are often linked to many ecological factors, traits (emergent and nonemergent) such as environmental tolerance, body size, feeding type, and geographic range. Marine gastropods in particular have been used to examine the role of larval dispersal in speciation. However, relatively few studies have been conducted placing larval modes in species-level phylogenetic context. Those that have, have not incorporated fossil data, while landmark macroevolutionary studies on fossil clades have not considered both phylogenetic context and net speciation (speciation–extinction) rates. This study utilizes Eocene volutid Volutospina species from the U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain and the Hampshire Basin, U.K., to explore the relationships among larval mode, geographic range, and duration. Based on the phylogeny of these Volutospina, we calculated speciation and extinction rates in order to compare the macroevolutionary effects of larval mode. Species with planktotrophic larvae had a median duration of 9.7 Myr, which compared significantly to 4.7 Myr for those with non-planktotrophic larvae. Larval mode did not significantly factor into geographic-range size, but U.S. and U.K. species do differ, indicating a locality-specific component to maximum geographic-range size. Non-planktotrophs (NPTs)were absent among the Volutospina species during the Paleocene–early Eocene. The relative proportions of NPTs increased in the early middle Eocene, and the late Eocene was characterized by disappearance of planktotrophs (PTs). The pattern of observed lineage diversity shows an increasing preponderance of NPTs; however, this is clearly driven by a dramatic extinction of PTs, rather than higher NPT speciation rates during the late Eocene. This study adds nuance to paleontology's understanding of the macroevolutionary consequences of larval mode.

Paleobiology ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Michelle M. Casey ◽  
Erin E. Saupe ◽  
Bruce S. Lieberman

Abstract Geographic range size and abundance are important determinants of extinction risk in fossil and extant taxa. However, the relationship between these variables and extinction risk has not been tested extensively during evolutionarily “quiescent” times of low extinction and speciation in the fossil record. Here we examine the influence of geographic range size and abundance on extinction risk during the late Paleozoic (Mississippian–Permian), a time of “sluggish” evolution when global rates of origination and extinction were roughly half those of other Paleozoic intervals. Analyses used spatiotemporal occurrences for 164 brachiopod species from the North American midcontinent. We found abundance to be a better predictor of extinction risk than measures of geographic range size. Moreover, species exhibited reductions in abundance before their extinction but did not display contractions in geographic range size. The weak relationship between geographic range size and extinction in this time and place may reflect the relative preponderance of larger-ranged taxa combined with the physiographic conditions of the region that allowed for easy habitat tracking that dampened both extinction and speciation. These conditions led to a prolonged period (19–25 Myr) during which standard macroevolutionary rules did not apply.

Katherine E Dale ◽  
Arturo Ramírez-Valdez ◽  
John E McCosker ◽  
Milton S Love

Under the influence of climate stressors, species distributions of fishes in the eastern Pacific are shifting, with many species moving poleward. Moray eels (family Muraenidae) are ecologically important predators inhabiting coastal reefs. Due to their cryptic nature and lack of commercial importance, the species distributions of muraenids in the tropical and subtropical eastern Pacific are poorly understood. Here, we document the geographic range size of 33 muraenid species in the eastern Pacific and also report a shift in the established population range of Muraena argus based on recent trapping efforts. We found that 17 species demonstrated shifts in geographic range size, including sampled-range expansions and new occurrences at offshore islands. Eleven species were observed in new biogeographic provinces, primarily in the northward direction to the San Diegan province. Trapping data and local knowledge gathered from fishing cooperatives suggest that M. argus has established populations at least 300 km further north than previously reported. Both the yearly number of reported observations and geographic extent of sampling have increased over time, but the number of recorded extensions has not. These results highlight the importance of compiling data from diverse sources (including museum records, local ecological knowledge, and the non-English scientific literature) as well as the continued value of biodiversity surveys in the eastern Pacific.

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