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Ирина Станиславовна Бочарникова

В современном научном дискурсе появляется много интересных тем, рассматривающих самые острые проблемы социума, и одна из них - табуированная тема - эвтаназия. Эта проблема носит междисциплинарный характер. Философы, в рамках биоэтики, осмысливают нравственные аспекты, психологи «решают» дилемму «хорошо/плохо», «убийство/самоубийство/гуманный акт помощи», юристы прорабатывают нормативно-правовые акты по защите, зачастую трудносовместимых, прав пациентов/врачей/выгодополучателей, медики, сталкиваясь с «невыносимой физической и психологической болью» пациентов и близких родственников, предлагают свои варианты решения проблемы, физики, химики, генетики не остаются в стороне, развивая нейротехнологии, регенеративную медицину, фармакологию, био- и генные технологии. Политики, разворачивая широкие дискуссии о морально-этической стороне этого вопроса, российском традиционализме, либеральных ценностях, устраивая политические дебаты, разрабатывают дивиденды. Социологи, рассматривая эту социальную проблему, замеряют «градус общественного мнения». Общество, как живой сложносоставной организм, опираясь на свои ментальные программы, реагирует по-разному: от полного неприятия («человеческая жизнь - божественный дар») до однозначной легализации процедуры «достойной смерти, качественной смерти». Одна из важных проблем медицинского профессионального сообщества - проблема обеспечения «достойной смерти» неизлечимо больных пациентов и связанная с ней проблема эвтаназии. Мнение полярно. На понимание медиками проблем легализации эвтаназии оказывают влияние разновекторные факторы: во-первых, ценностные установки, во-вторых, опыт и место работы (врачи паллиативных отделений, хосписов, онкологи, имеющие большой стаж работы, более склоны к легализации эвтаназии), в-третьих, техническое, технологическое, фармакологическое обеспечение медицинского учреждения, в-четвертых, нормативно-правовая составляющая. Many interesting topics appear in the modern scientific discourse. They consider the most acute problems of society and one of them is a taboo topic - euthanasia. This problem is of an interdisciplinary nature. Philosophers within the framework of bioethics comprehend the moral aspects. Psychologists "solve" the dilemma of "good/bad", "murder/suicide/humane act of assistance". Lawyers are working on regulatory legal acts to protect the rights of patients/doctors/beneficiaries, which are often difficult to replace. Doctors, facing the "unbearable physical and psychological pain" of patients and close relatives, offer their own solutions to the problem, physicists, chemists, geneticists do not stay away, developing neurotechnologies, regenerative medicine, pharmacology, bio and gene technologies. Politicians also do not stand aside, unfolding broad discussions, arranging political debates, developing dividends. Sociologists considering this social problem measure the "degree of public opinion". Society as a living complex organism relying on its mental programs reacts in different ways: from complete rejection to legalization of this procedure. One of the important problems of the medical professional community is the problem of ensuring a “dignified death” of terminally ill patients and the related problem of euthanasia. The opinion of doctors is polar. Doctor`s understanding of the problems of legalizing euthanasia is influenced by various factors: firstly, values, secondly, experience and place of work (doctors of palliative departments, hospices, oncologists with long work experience are more inclined to legalize euthanasia), thirdly, technical, technological, pharmacological support of a medical institution, and fourthly, the regulatory component

2022 ◽  
pp. 146735842110656
Rio Benedicto Bire ◽  
Yudha Eka Nugraha

The COVID-19 pandemic is utterly reshaping the travelling industry. Accordingly, the tourism supply chain is presented with a tremendous challenge for adjusting towards new trends in travel, which stem from changes in tourist behaviours. This paper examines the contemporary millennial behavioural preferences within a tourism value chain perspective, a theme that is largely overlooked in literature. In carrying out the agenda, we employed a multi-attribute decision-making approach in PROMETHEE II, one which is new to the study of tourists’ behaviour. A sample of 316 Indonesian millennials who conducted domestic travel post–COVID-19 outbreak participated in the survey. Research results highlighted imagery user generated content (UGC), direct information from close relatives, accommodation services, self-catered experience and nature-based attractions to mostly resonate with the millennial traveller. In light of the results, we presented managerial implications that shed light for adjustments in the tourism value chain. This study contributes to extend the knowledge of millennials travelling behaviour from an alternative standpoint.

Family Forum ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 115-128
Irena Pufal-Struzik ◽  
Barbara Sordyl-Lipnicka ◽  
Małgorzata Duda

Aim: The aim of the study was to analyze mental well-being, especially anxiety and a sense of loneliness of Polish children temporarily separated from their parent or parents who are migrating for economic reasons, and children who went abroad with their parents. Methods: Explicit Anxiety Scale was used to measure anxiety “Jaki Jesteś?” (“What are you like?” by Skrzypek and Choynowski) (textbook by Zwierzyńska, Matuszewski, 2007) and the Polish versions of the UCLA Loneliness Scale were used to measure loneliness (by Russell, Peplau, & Cutrona, adapted by Rembowski, 1992). Test results were supplemented with an interview with children. 320 children from different types of migrant families participated in the study. Results: the highest level of anxiety is felt by children temporarily separated from their mother, and children who, together with their parents, went abroad and find it difficult to adapt to the new environment. The duration of emigration was an important factor. Most children in the sample ‒ regardless of the type of migratory family ‒ feel lonely, do not feel strong ties with close relatives, do not feel understood by them, do not feel associated with a peer group. Conclusion: The results of the research indicate the necessity to take actions in the area of institutional and legal as well as psychological support for families and children both in the situation of going abroad and returning from migration. The most important directions of activities concerning the creation of environmental forms of separation compensation and the environmental assistance system for the migration family are indicated at the stage of prevention related to people planning trips.

Maria Solevid ◽  
Ann-Ida Scheiber Gyllenspetz

AbstractIn this chapter, we study reasons for, and conceptions of, non-voting among Swedish seniors. We present a tentative framework for studying capability and political participation among older people in which we combine insights from previous research on age, health and political participation from the perspective of capability; that is, what a person is effectively able to be and do. The empirical illustration is based on extended interviews with eight individuals, both voters and non-voters, aged 80 years or older. The results show that the concepts of internal and combined capabilities are fruitful when understanding conceptions of and reasons for non-voting. For some individuals, voting is simply too much of an effort, and they need to direct their capabilities towards other, more desirable, functionings. For other individuals, health and mobility issues would have hindered their ability to vote if it were not for the practical and social support of close relatives. The chapter ends with a discussion on the importance of continuing to integrate explanations at different levels in order to understand political (in)activity among older individuals.

Myroslav Trofymuk

The key word of the essay is per me, as I present in it my own reminiscence from my childhood and youth, which was when I first came into contact with the works of two exceptional maestros: Frédéric Chopin and Lesya Ukrainka (the pen name of Larysa Kosach). Chopin created musical poetry, while Lesya – a rhythmic and melodic verbal poetry. The dialogue of the two authors sounds amazing, uncovering an optimistic apotheosis of survival and the trauma of loss – the states expressed in Chopin’s Marche funèbre and by Lesya Ukrainka in her poetry cycle devoted to this composition.The temporarily mature understanding of per me in both these creations also resulted from the trauma caused by the loss of close relatives (first, the grandad at a very young age) and hence became the drive for discovering the content of art and the means of expression characteristic to various branches of art.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 200-242
Lilik Ummi Kaltsum ◽  
Fitriatul Anita

This study reveals verses about the house with the aim of finding the concept of the house from the perspective of the Qur’an. The mention of the word house in the Qur’an is mentioned in various ways, namely al-bait, al-maskan, al-ma’wa and al-dar. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the home is the focus of all activities. The whole concept of the house from the perspective of the Qur’an is very necessary to maximize the function of the house according to the instructions of the Qur’an. The method used in this study is the thematic method, namely the method of interpreting the Qur’an which seeks to explain the verses of the Qur’an by referring to a particular subject so that it can produce a more systematic understanding. The thematic method was chosen because it was considered more appropriate to comprehensively build the Qur’anic concept on a particular theme. In revealing certain meanings, this research uses a semantic approach. The semantic approach is used to understand reality through language correctly, while at the same time linking meaning to the fact of using language in a situational context. This study concludes that house ownership in the Qur’an is attributed to Allah swt., to humans and to animals. While the function of the house in the Qur’an is mentioned as a place to live, a place of worship, a prison for adulterers and as a place to get security. Manners related to the house in the Qur’an have special details. The Qur’an regulates the etiquette of visiting both in an inhabited house and an uninhabited house. In particular, the Qur’an also regulates the etiquette of visiting the house of the Prophet Muhammad, and regulates eating etiquette at the house of close relatives.   Penelitian ini mengungkap ayat-ayat tentang rumah dengan tujuan untuk menemukan konsep rumah perspektif al-Qur’an. Penyebutan kata rumah dalam al-Qur’an disebutkan dalam berbagai macam, yaitu al-bait, al-maskan, al-ma’wa dan al-dar. Pada masa pandemi Covid-19, rumah menjadi tumpuan segala kegiatan. Konsep utuh tentang rumah perspektif al-Qur’an sangat diperlukan untuk memaksimalkan fungsi rumah sesuai petunjuk al-Qur’an. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode tematik yaitu metode penafsiran al-Qur’an yang berusaha menjelaskan ayat-ayat al-Qur’an dengan mengacu pada satu pokok bahasan tertentu sehingga dapat menghasilkan pemahaman yang lebih sistematis. Metode tematik dipilih karena dinilai lebih tepat untuk membangun konsep al-Qur’an tentang tema tertentu secara komprehensif. Dalam mengungkap makna tertentu, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan semantik. Pendekatan semantik digunakan untuk memahami realitas lewat bahasa secara benar, sekaligus mengaitkan makna dengan fakta pemakaian bahasa dalam konteks situasional. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kepemilikan rumah dalam al-Qur’an dinisbahkan pada Allah swt., pada manusia dan pada binatang. Sedangkan fungsi rumah dalam al-Qur’an disebutkan sebagai tempat tinggal, tempat peribadatan, tempat penjara bagi wanita penzina serta sebagai tempat memperoleh keamanan. Tata krama terkait rumah dalam al-Qur’an memiliki perincian yang khusus. Al-Qur’an mengatur tata krama bertamu baik dalam rumah yang berpenghuni maupun rumah yang tidak berpenghuni. Secara khusus al-Qur’an juga mengatur tata krama bertamu di rumah Nabi Muhammad saw., serta mengatur tata krama makan di rumah karib kerabat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 190-213
N. V. Apekhtin

This autobiographical note was submitted to the Editorial board of the Journal «Oceanological Research» by close relatives of the veteran and honorary worker of the Navy, the legendary sea captain Nikolai Vadimovich Apekhtin, who for more than 30 years headed the research vessels of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: «Academician Kurchatov», «Vityaz», «Dmitry Mendeleev» and «Academician Ioffe». The materials were handed over shortly before his death, which took place on 10/30/2021 in Kaliningrad. It includes brief milestones of his biography, compiled by him during his lifetime from his diary entries, workbook and other surviving documents.

Яна Валерьевна Самиулина

В статье автор затронул вопросы совершенствования применяемых поощрительных мер, способных качественно повысить воспитательный процесс осужденных, содержащихся в пенитенциарных учреждениях. Несмотря на достаточно объемный перечень предусмотренных законодателем мер поощрения, отмечена необходимость переработки норм уголовно-исполнительного законодательства, регламентирующих поощрительные меры осужденных к лишению свободы в направлении обеспечения целостности данной системы, последовательности ее элементов, их большей дифференциации. Автор отмечает, что меры материальных поощрений, к которым относятся выплата денежной премии и награждение подарком, на практике являются не работающими, поскольку законодателем не урегулирован вопрос, из каких средств следует их производить. В настоящее время расходование денежных средств из федерального бюджета на это направление не предусмотрено. В целях максимального стимулирования осужденных к позитивному поведению целесообразно расширить действующий комплекс поощрений, направленных на поддержание социальных связей осужденных. На основании проведенного исследования предлагается ч. 1 ст. 113 УИК РФ дополнить поощрительными мерами в виде направления администрацией учреждения ИУ письма близким родственникам о примерном поведении осужденного; дополнительным дистанционным видеосвиданием посредством сети Интернет; представлением администрации ИУ в суд о сокращении срока отбывания наказания; краткосрочным отпуском до 15 суток с выездом за пределы ИУ. In the article, the author analyzed the issues of improving the used incentive measures that can qualitatively improve the educational process of convicts held in penitentiary institutions. Despite the rather lengthy list of incentives provided by the legislator, the need to revise the norms of criminal executive legislation governing incentive measures for prisoners sentenced to imprisonment in the direction of ensuring the integrity of this system, the sequence of its elements, and their greater differentiation was noted. The author notes that the measures of material incentives, which include the payment of a monetary bonus and rewarding with a gift, are not working in practice, since the legislator has not regulated the question from what means they should be produced. At present, the spending of funds from the federal budget in this direction is not provided. In order to maximize the stimulation of convicts to positive behavior, it is advisable to expand the existing set of incentives aimed at maintaining the social ties of convicts. Based on the study, it is proposed to part 1 of Art. 113 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation to supplement incentive measures in the form of a letter from the administration of the penitentiary institution to close relatives about the exemplary behavior of the convict; additional remote video viewing via the Internet; the presentation of the administration of the penitentiary institution to the court on the reduction of the term of serving the sentence; short-term vacation up to 15 days with a trip outside the penitentiary.

Madroño ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (4) ◽  
Sharon Y. Strauss ◽  
Anna M. Truszczinski ◽  
Brian L. Anacker

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. eUJ4004
Izadora Renosto ◽  
Isabella Kurokawa Sanches ◽  
Larissa Guerino Ferla ◽  
Gustavo Henrique Oliveira da Rocha ◽  

Enteric parasitic diseases pose a major health issue in Brazil. Children living in poorer areas are particularly more likely to become infected with parasites, as inadequate living conditions favor dissemination of such parasites. This work aimed to determine prevalence of parasites in stool samples obtained from children and teenagers supported by social services in the city of Sorocaba – São Paulo. Three stool samples were collected from each child enrolled in the study; samples were subjected to spontaneous sedimentation and then analyzed under a microscope. Children (or any close relatives for them responsible) answered a form regarding education level, eating habits, having had previous enteric parasitic diseases and presence of symptoms associated with such diseases. Prevalence of enteric parasitic diseases was 30%, these being caused by Entamoeba coli (20%), Giardia lamblia (2.5%), Iodamoeba butschlii (2.5%) and Urbanorum spp. (5%); no helminths were identified. While there is a likely contamination of children and teenagers via drinking water and food, prevalence of enteric parasitic diseases was lower when compared to other studies found in scientific literature, most likely due to local families being supported by social services.

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