Determination of creep mechanisms in various silicon carbides via TEM

C. H. Carter ◽  
J. E. Lane ◽  
J. Bentley ◽  
R. F. Davis

Silicon carbide (SiC) is the generic name for a material which is produced and fabricated by a number of processing routes. One of the three SiC materials investigated at NCSU is Norton Company's NC-430, which is produced by reaction-bonding of Si vapor with a porous SiC host which also contains free C. The Si combines with the free C to form additional SiC and a second phase of free Si. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of CH3SiCI3 onto a graphite substrate was employed to produce the second SiC investigated. This process yielded a theoretically dense polycrystalline material with highly oriented grains. The third SiC was a pressureless sintered material (SOHIO Hexoloy) which contains B and excess C as sintering additives. These materials are candidates for applications such as components for gas turbine, adiabatic diesel and sterling engines, recouperators and heat exchangers.

C.T. Hu ◽  
C.W. Allen

One important problem in determination of precipitate particle size is the effect of preferential thinning during TEM specimen preparation. Figure 1a schematically represents the original polydispersed Ni3Al precipitates in the Ni rich matrix. The three possible type surface profiles of TEM specimens, which result after electrolytic thinning process are illustrated in Figure 1b. c. & d. These various surface profiles could be produced by using different polishing electrolytes and conditions (i.e. temperature and electric current). The matrix-preferential-etching process causes the matrix material to be attacked much more rapidly than the second phase particles. Figure 1b indicated the result. The nonpreferential and precipitate-preferential-etching results are shown in Figures 1c and 1d respectively.

2015 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 307-311 ◽  
Jaromír Lachman ◽  
Kazimierz Rutkowski ◽  
Petr Trávníček ◽  
Tomáš Vítěz ◽  
Patrik Burg ◽  

Abstract This study deals with the rheological properties of wine lees. Samples of wine lees of the Saint Laurent variety were used in this experiment. The investigated wine lees arose in the process of production red grape wine in 2013 (Czech Republic). At first, the chemical background was determined. The chemical background includes the following chemical parameters: total acidity, pH, alcohol content, reduced sugars, free SO2, total SO2, and volatile acid. In the second phase of the study, physical properties were determined. Specifically, a sample of wine lees was subjected to rheological tests. These tests consisted in determination of dependence of dynamic viscosity on the temperature, hysteresis loop tests, dependence of dynamic viscosity on the time and step-down in the shear rate test. The experiment demonstrated that the dynamic viscosity increased with increased temperature – this phenomenon is caused by thermolabile proteins – and the wine lees has rheopectic behaviour; the degree of rheopexy was found to rise with the increasing temperature.

Ahmet Selim Dalkiliç ◽  
Ali Celen ◽  
Mohamed M. Awad ◽  
Somchai Wongwises

Heat exchangers using in-tube condensation have great significance in the refrigeration, automotive and process industries. Effective heat exchangers have been rapidly developed due to the demand for more compact systems, higher energy efficiency, lower material costs and other economic incentives. Enhanced surfaces, displaced enhancement devices, swirl-flow devices and surface tension devices improve the heat transfer coefficients in these heat exchangers. This study is a critical review on the determination of the condensation heat transfer coefficient of pure refrigerants flowing in vertical and horizontal tubes. The authors’ previous publications on this issue, including the experimental, theoretical and numerical analyses are summarized here. The lengths of the vertical and horizontal test sections varied between 0.5 m and 4 m countercurrent flow double-tube heat exchangers with refrigerant flowing in the inner tube and cooling water flowing in the annulus. The measured data are compared to theoretical and numerical predictions based on the solution of the artificial intelligence methods and CFD analyses for the condensation process in the smooth and enhanced tubes. The theoretical solutions are related to the design of double tube heat exchangers in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump applications. Detailed information on the in-tube condensation studies of heat transfer coefficient in the literature is given. A genetic algorithm (GA), various artificial neural network models (ANN) such as multilayer perceptron (MLP), radial basis networks (RBFN), generalized regression neural network (GRNN), and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), and various optimization techniques such as unconstrained nonlinear minimization algorithm-Nelder-Mead method (NM), non-linear least squares error method (NLS), and Ansys CFD program are used in the numerical solutions. It is shown that the convective heat transfer coefficient of laminar and turbulent condensing film flows can be predicted by means of theoretical and numerical analyses reasonably well if there is a sufficient amount of reliable experimental data. Regression analysis gave convincing correlations, and the most suitable coefficients of the proposed correlations are depicted as compatible with the large number of experimental data by means of the computational numerical methods.

Metals ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 68 ◽  
Jing Guo ◽  
Keming Fang ◽  
Hanjie Guo ◽  
Yiwa Luo ◽  
Shengchao Duan ◽  

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