Spindle shaped bodies in foveolar cones of the baboon retina
Various inclusion bodies occur in vertebrate retinal photoreceptor cells. Most of them are membrane bound and associated with phagocytosis or they are age related residual bodies. We found an additional inclusion body in foveal cone cells of the baboon (Papio anubis) retina.The eyes of a 15 year old baboon were fixed by immersion in cacodylate buffered glutaraldehyde (2%)/formaldehyde (2%) as described in detail elsewhere . Pieces of retina from various locations, including the fovea, were embedded in epoxy resin such that radial or tangential sections could be cut.Spindle shaped inclusion bodies were found in the cytoplasm of only foveal cones. They were abundant in the inner segments, close to the external limiting membrane (Fig. 1). But they also occurred in the outer fibers, the perikarya, and the inner fibers (Henle’s fibers) of the cone cells. The bodies were between 0.5 and 2 μm long. Their central diameter was 0.2 to 0. 3 μm. They always were oriented parallel to the long axis of the cone cells. In longitudinal sections (Figs. 2,3) they seemed to have a fibrous skeleton that, in cross sections, turned out to consist of plate-like (Fig.4) and tubular profiles (Fig. 5).