Interrogating spaces Viewpoints on architecture, the city, and society

2008 ◽  
Vol 12 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 206-208
Mari Hvattum

I've always thought that Leibniz's monadology offers comfort during parallel session conferences. Assuring us that each monad reflects the whole, although from its particular point of view, Leibniz makes the sanguine case that one can make sense of things even if one's viewpoint is sadly singular. In the mad rush from one paper session to the next, knowing that at best one gets to hear a third of what is being said, it helps to invoke a bit of Leibnizian optimism. And indeed, Dublin seemed like a best possible world during the three days of the Defining Space conference taking place in October 2007. Generously hosted and meticulously organised, the University College Dublin-led event succeeded not only in attracting more than eighty papers that contributed to elucidate the concept of space in relation to architecture, art, and the city, but also in creating an atmosphere of conviviality and intellectual generosity which gave the event an unusual sense of sharing.

1962 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 159-165 ◽  

Arthur Mannering Tyndall was a man who played a leading part in the establishment of research and teaching in physics in one of the newer universities of this country. His whole career was spent in the University of Bristol, where he was Lecturer, Professor and for a while Acting ViceChancellor, and his part in guiding the development of Bristol from a small university college to a great university was clear to all who knew him. He presided over the building and development of the H. H. Wills Physical Laboratory, and his leadership brought it from its small beginnings to its subsequent achievements. His own work, for which he was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society, was on the mobility of gaseous ions. Arthur Tyndall was born in Bristol on 18 September 1881. He was educated at a private school in Bristol where no science was taught, except a smattering of chemistry in the last two terms. Nonetheless he entered University College, obtaining the only scholarship offered annually by the City of Bristol for study in that college and intending to make his career in chemistry. However, when brought into contact with Professor Arthur Chattock, an outstanding teacher on the subject, he decided to switch to physics; he always expressed the warmest gratitude for the inspiration that he had received from him. He graduated with second class honours in the external London examination in 1903. In that year he was appointed Assistant Lecturer, was promoted to Lecturer in 1907, and became Lecturer in the University when the University College became a university in 1909. During this time he served under Professor A. P. Chattock, but Chattock retired in 1910 at the age of 50 and Tyndall became acting head of the department. Then, with the outbreak of war, he left the University to run an army radiological department in Hampshire.

Svitlana Muravska

The article attempts to analyze the place of higher educational establishments(HEE) in general and its museums in particular playing in the city life. Thethe empirical basis of the article is the information collected as a result of researchvisits to HEE in seven regions of Western Ukraine: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk,Ternopil, Volyn, Rivne, Chernivtsi, and Zakarpattia, organized for 2013-2017.The main used method is interviews with personnel of HEE museums.The author points out these «temples of muses» gradually moved awayfrom its traditional educational and research mission in the 1980’s. Such reassessmentof priorities had been caused by the crisis of the museum. For thelast 30 years it has become clear reduction of using the collections for teachingand research in many universities; some HEE plan to dispose of collectionsand to close museums; many universities are working out alternative organizationalmodels for managing collections in the one newly created museum.The crisis in the museum environment has imposed on the crisis, which theparent universities as institutions are encountering today - «crisis of identity» and «a crisis of resources», caused by the increasing often contradictoryrequirements to the high schools. On this background, the museums as individualunits also began to increase requirements. It led to their gradual transformationinto a museum of « the third generation». One of their defining missionis promoting the HEE, cooperation with the public in order to disseminateinformation about the university, vocational guidance, involvement of patronsand organization of other works implementing this direction. In particular,the article highlights atypical for the Ukrainian context the role of HEE museums- «shop-windows» and «show-cases», through which representatives ofoutside university environment can acquaint themselves with the achievementsof high school and feel its special atmosphere. The author outlines a numberof touristic potential of some HEE in Western Ukraine, where physical objectsare interesting from an architectural and cultural point of view. Amongthe most striking examples is the main building of Yuriy Fedkovych ChernivtsiNational University., Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, campus of Lviv Polytechnic National University, campus of The National Universityof Ostroh Academy, Lviv State University of Life Safety, Kremenets ForestryCollege. Among the researched 74 HEE are roughly a quarter which can beclassified as «visually attractive». However, less than 10 % of them use thisadvantage for brand developing. The relevant policy concerning museumsand academic space in general will allow high school to become a separatepoint on the tourist map, to establish relationships with the surrounding communityand to participate actively in local cultural life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 233-246
Ernst Hakon Jahr

The paper is written in connection with the 2018 300th anniversary of the birth of the professor and bishop, Johan Ernst Gunnerus (1718–1773), who founded modern science in Norway and who, in 1760, also founded the first learned society in the country: The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters in Trondheim. In 1758 Professor Gunnerus was appoined the bishop for the whole of northern Norway, as the bishop of Trondheim. In 1771 Bishop Gunnerus was called to the capital of the then Danish-Norwegian kingdom, Copenhagen, with the mission of reforming the Copenhagen university, at that time the only university in the entire dual kingdom. In his recommendation for reforms of the university, he also included a proposal for the establishment of a university in Norway. In this proposal, he argued for the city of Kristiansand as the most suitable location for that university. If the King would follow his recommendation, he would himself move to Kristiansand and also bring with him the Royal Society from Trondheim. Many people have subsequently wondered why he chose to point to Kristiansand for the establishment of the first Norwegian university, and not Oslo (where the university was finally opened in 1813) or Trondheim (where he had founded the Royal Society 11 years earlier). It has been thought that Gunnerus suggested Kristiansand mainly because the fact that the city was close to Denmark and a university there could perhaps have also recruited students from northern Jutland. Some have even suggested that Gunnerus proposed Kristiansand because he knew it would not be acceptable to Copenhagen or to the King, and then Trondheim (his “real” wish) could then emerge as a more plausible candidate, even if it was situated rather far north. In this paper, I argue that until now everybody who has discussed Gunnerus' choice of location for a Norwegian university has missed one decisive point: before Gunnerus moved from Copenhagen (where he was professor) to Trondheim (as bishop), Kristiansand was known in Norway, Denmark and the rest of Europe as the Norwegian centre for science and research. This was due to just one man, Bishop Jens Christian Spidberg (1684–1762). I show how Spidberg established himself through international publications as the leading scientist in Norway, and how everybody with a scientific question during the first half of the 18th century looked to Kristiansand and Spidberg for the answer. This, I argue, gaveKristiansand an academic and scientific reputation that Gunnerus was very well aware of and could exploit in his recommendation of Kristiansand as the location for the first Norwegian university. However, this knowledge about this reputation of Kristiansand’s in the first half of the 18th century has since been lost completely, mostly because Gunnerus’ fundamental seminal contribution in the second half of the 18th century has completely overshadowed the academic situation in Norway before his time. Finally in 2007 a university, the University of Agder, was established in Kristiansand, on the basis of a university college with academic roots going back to 1828. An academy of science, the Agder Academy of Sciences and Letters, was founded in 2002. A formal agreement of cooperation between the Royal Society and the then university college was signed 2001, and the academy joined the agreement in 2005. This agreement confirmed the long academic ties between Kristiansand and Trondheim, going all the way back to the scientific positions first held by Spidberg in Kristiansand and then by Gunnerus in Trondheim.

M. Ballarin ◽  
C. Balletti ◽  
P. Faccio ◽  
F. Guerra ◽  
A. Saetta ◽  

On 20<sup>th</sup> and 29<sup>th</sup> of May 2012, two powerful earthquakes struck northern Italy. The epicentres were recorded respectively in Finale Emilia (magnitude 5.9 Ml) and Medolla (magnitude 5.8 Ml) in the province of Modena, though the earthquake was formed by a series of seismic shakes located in the district of the Emilian Po Valley, mainly in the provinces of Modena, Ferrara, Mantova, Reggio Emilia, Bologna and Rovigo. Many monuments in the city of Mantova were hit by the earthquake and, among these, Palazzo Ducale with the well-known Castello di San Giorgio which host the noteworthy “Camera degli Sposi”. This building, the most famous of the city, was so damaged that it was closed for more than one year after the earthquake. The emblem of the Palace and Mantova itself, the previously cited “Camera degli Sposi” realized by Andrea Mantegna, was damaged and all the economic and social life of the city was deeply affected. Immediately after the earthquake, the Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici e Paesaggistici of Brescia, Cremona and Mantova establish an agreement with the University Iuav of Venice, requiring an analysis and assessment of the damage in order to proceed with the development of an intervention project. This activity turned out to be very important not only from the point of view of the recovery of the architectural and artistic heritage but also because the city's economy is based primarily on tourism. The closure of one of the most important monuments of Mantova has led to a significant and alarming decline in the government income.

X ◽  
2020 ◽  
Laura Baratin ◽  
Alessandra Cattaneo ◽  
Elvio Moretti

Porta Valbona in Urbino: its representation between history and restorationThe Porta Valbona study is part of a complex project of conservation and valorisation of the defensive walls of Urbino that the research group, of the School of Conservation and Restoration of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, has developed in recent years. Built in 1621 it is the most important gate of the city both because it is connected to Via Mazzini, one of the main streets of the historic centre, and for its spectacular architectural appearance created for the wedding of Prince Federico Ubaldo della Rovere with Princess Claudia de Medici. The two eagles, in limestone, placed at the sides of the door, date back to the mid-eighteenth century and are the work of the Rimini architect Giovan Francesco Buonamici. It is also the only Gate of Urbino which has a monumental facing facing outwards, or towards Piazza del Mercatale. Despite having undergone several restorations and consolidations over the centuries, it has not been modified in its original appearance. Porta Valbona, together with the city walls, represents a real urban palimpsest, an exceptional case of sedimentation and stratification which, despite the events, still allows us to reconstruct its historical events. The applied design method was based on the following analyzes: a) urban analysis: knowledge of the characteristics and urban potential of the door; b) historical analysis: knowledge of the historical evolution and of the specific qualities of the door; c) geometric analysis: metric and architectural survey; d) material analysis, study of materials and forms of deterioration; e) structural analysis: identification of the morphological and constructive organization from the structural point of view. All the large amount of information obtained from the analysis was managed thanks to the use of GIS systems. Thus it was possible to identify the shape and character of the monument and its testimonial, constructive and architectural values ​​were recognized. On the basis of an internal analysis of the cultural asset and an external analysis of the context in which it is located, it was possible to define the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 42
Pertti Puusaari ◽  
Heidi Ahokallio-Leppälä ◽  
Janne Salminen

ABSTRACTLong term cooperation that is based on common trust, friendship and especially willingness to go forward together is a good basis for development of an international university. Challenging the modern world together makes it possible to reach goals beyond the average. This is the heart of the Beyond Alliance for Knowledge—an alliance between Feevale University, VIA University College and Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK). This article is written to highlight the basic needs for the Beyond Alliance for Knowledge from HAMK’s perspective. The perspectives are (1) the need for internationalisation of the university itself, (2) better education products for students and (3) effective research results for businesses and society. The ultimate goal in this alliance should be to develop competences which we need to challenge global wicked problems.Keywords: Alliance. Education. Competence. Co-operation. Research.  RESUMOA cooperação de longo prazo, baseada na confiança comum, na amizade e especialmente na disposição de avançar juntos, é uma boa base para o desenvolvimento de uma universidade internacional. Desafiando o mundo moderno juntos, é possível alcançar objetivos além da média. Este é o coração da Beyond Alliance for Knowledge - uma aliança entre a Universidade Feevale, a VIA University College e a Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK). Este artigo foi escrito para destacar as necessidades básicas da Beyond Alliance for Knowledge na perspectiva da HAMK. As perspectivas são (1) a necessidade de internacionalização da própria universidade, (2) melhores produtos de educação para os estudantes e (3) resultados efetivos de pesquisa para empresas e sociedade. O objetivo final desta aliança deve ser o desenvolvimento de competências que precisamos para desafiar os complexos problemas globais.Palavras-chave: Aliança. Educação. Competência. Cooperação. Pesquisa.

تهدف الدراسة إلى التعرف على واقع تطبيق نموذج خصائص العمل الخمس الواردة في نموذج هاكمان أولدهام وهي (الاستقلالية، وتنوع المهارات، وهوية الوظيفة، والشعور بأهمية الوظيفة، والتغذية الراجعة) من وجهة نظر العاملين في الكلية الجامعية للعلوم التطبيقية بالمحافظات الجنوبية. تكون مجتمع الدراسة من العاملين الأكاديميين والإداريين بالكلية الجامعية والبالغ عددهم (580) موظفاً، وتمثلت عينة الدراسة بـ(120 (موظفاً باستخدام طريقة العينة العشوائية البسيطة بنسبة (20.68%). استخدم الباحثان في هذا البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وتم تحليل استبانات البحث باستخدام عدد من الأساليب الإحصائية بواسطة حزمة البرامج الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية “SPSS” ، وتوصلت الدراسة للنتائج الآتية: يوجد موافقة بدرجة كبيرة من قبل أفراد العينة على فقرات خصائص العمل حيث بلغت درجة الموافقة 74.47%، فقد احتل بعد تنوع المهارات المرتبة الأولى بوزن نسبي 79.76%، تلا ذلك بُعد أهمية العمل الذي احتل المرتبة الثانية بوزن نسبي 74.67%، أما بعد التغذية الراجعة فقد احتل المرتبة الثالثة بوزن نسبي 74.61%، ثم جاء بعد وحدة العمل في المرتبة الرابعة بوزن نسبي 72.73%، بينما جاء في المرتبة الخامسة بعد الاستقلالية بوزن نسبي 70.49%. أيضا توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى معنوية 0.05 بين متوسطات إجابات المبحوثين حول تطبيق نموذج خصائص العمل تعزى إلى العمر. لا توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية عند مستوى معنوية 0.05 بين متوسطات إجابات المبحوثين حول تطبيق نموذج خصائص العمل تعزى إلى (الجنس، المؤهل العلمي، سنوات الخدمة، المسمى الوظيفي). أوصت الدراسة بالتالي: زيادة الاهتمام بتنوع المهارات وتكليف العاملين بعدد أكبر من أجزاء العمل ضمن مجال التخصص فضلاً عن حاجتهم لمزيد من الاستقلالية لإنجاز اعمالهم؛ السعي إلى إيجاد وصف وظيفي واضح ومتكامل يشتمل على المهام والاختصاصات والأدوار الوظيفية لكافة العاملين في الكلية الجامعية؛ العمل على منح وتحديد الصلاحيات الوظيفية للعاملين بالكلية كافة، كلّ وظيفة حسب مستواها الإداري وبما يتلاءم مع طبيعة العمل الوظيفي؛ بالإضافة إلى التركيز على اتباع التدرج الهرمي الوظيفي في اتخاذ القرارات وتنفيذ الأعمال والإجراءات، مما يساهم في توحيد الإجراءات والقضاء على الازدواجية في استقبال الأوامر والتعليمات. This study aims to identify the status of applying the job five characteristics that contained in the Hackman – Oldham model which are: (independence, diversity of skills, job description, job loyalty and feedback) from the employee’s point of view at the university college of applied sciences in the Gaza Strip. The population of the study consists of (580) academic and administrative employees. Sample random method is used in this study that is (20.68%). Descriptive and analytical approach is used; in addition of using SPSS program to analyze the study questionnaires. The results of the study are as following: there is a high agreement on job characteristics’ paragraphs according to the point of view of the sample, which is (74.47%). The arrangement of the five job characteristics are as follow: the first one is diversity of skills with a relative weight of 79.76%, then job loyalty with a relative weight of 74.67%, the third one is the feedback with a relative weight of 74.61%, and the fourth one is job description with a relative weight of 72.73%, while independence is the fifth one with a relative weight of 70.49%. There are statistically significant differences at significance level of 0.05 for applying job characterize model due to age. There are no statistically significant differences at significance level of 0.05 for applying job characterize model due to (gender, educational level, years of service and career level). The study recommends that: there is a need to increase the skills diversity and to assign employees with many tasks within their specialization, in addition of providing independence in order to accomplish employee’s tasks; there is a need to seek for a clear and integrated job description that includes employee’s tasks, specializations and job roles in the University College; defend and clarify functional job to all employees according to their job’s description and their administrative level; make decisions, procedures and tasks according to the career hierarchy; to contribute standardizing procedures and preventing duplication of receiving orders and instructions.

2013 ◽  
Vol 17 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 253-268
Ljiljana Blagojević ◽  
Marija Milinković

The article examines the post-WW2 expanded understanding of the concept of Mediterraneità or Mediterranean-ness in the South Adriatic coastal region of Montenegro in the former Yugoslavia, primarily as a modernist recourse against the demand for productivity and tenets of socialist realism and socialist aestheticism. The discussion of Mediterraneità refers to recent research of Italian architecture by Michelangelo Sabatino (2010), arguing that over the period of thirty years in its wider resonance across the Adriatic littoral, the original notion was adapted to different regional, cultural and socio-political contexts. This article specifically analyses the theory of modular coordination of the architect Milan Zloković (Trieste, 1898 – Belgrade, 1965), professor of architectural composition and design at the University of Belgrade, and its application in the tourist colony Hotel Mediterranean in the city of Ulcinj in Montenegro, which he realised in co-authorship with his son, architect and engineer Đorđe Zloković (1927, Trieste) and daughter, architect Milica Mojović (1932, Belgrade), in the early 1960s. In order to achieve meaningful if economically highly restrained design and efficient construction for developing mass tourism of the Montenegro littoral, the architects argued for the usefulness of modular coordination not only from the rational but also from the compositional point of view. The article explores a specific understanding of modern Mediterraneità in the Ulcinj colony which combines scientific means of modular coordination and the spirit of vernacular building in stone. The methodology combines historical and theoretical interpretation with geometric and proportional analysis of typology and modular coordination. The original graphic geometric methods are derived from the theory of the architect Milan Zloković through comparative analysis of Le Corbusier's Modulor, Alexander Klein's method of successive increments and Richard Padovan's interpretation of proportional systems correspondences. The article brings previously unpublished photographic documentation from the period.

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1695
Karlla Kelline De Lima Barbosa ◽  
Monique Feitosa De Souza ◽  
Iracema Da Silva Frazão ◽  
Fernanda Jorge Guimarães

ABSTRACT        Objective: analyze the opinion of users assisted in the CAPS in the city of Camaragibe/Pernambuco, about the way the social reinsertion is approached in the psychiatrics hospitals and substitutive services. Method: it is a research with quantitative approach, done with 33 users in treatment in the regimen non intensive in CAPS, having among other criteria of inclusion, users, with historic of internship in psychiatric hospitals. Data were collected through questionnaire, which were tabulated in Excel and analyzed with the aid of SPSS 15.0 program. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Oswaldo Cruz (protocol number 005/08). Results: the users interviewed perceived the CAPS as a service that contributes for the reinsertion in the family and in the community. In this therapeutic set, they receive qualifications to develop financial autonomy, while in the closed hospitals does not seem to exist such worry. Conclusion:  it can be perceived that the users interviewee have clarity about the role of the CAPS, that is revealed as an efficient strategy in the treatment of people with mental disease, because besides doing the clinical attendance, it facilitates the social insertion of their users. Descriptors: mental health; mental health services; rehabilitation; deinstitutionalization; mental health assistance.RESUMOObjetivo: analisar a opinião dos usuários assistidos no CAPS do município de Camaragibe/Pernambuco, sobre a forma como a reinserção social é abordada nos hospitais psiquiátricos e serviços substitutivos. Método: pesquisa de abordagem quantitativa, realizada com 33 usuários em tratamento no regime não intensivo no CAPS, tendo como outros critérios de inclusão, usuários com histórico de internamento em hospital psiquiátrico. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário, os quais foram tabulados no Excel e analisados com o auxílio do programa SPSS 15.0. Estudo aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (número de protocolo 005/08). Resultados: os usuários entrevistados perceberam o CAPS como um serviço que contribui para a reinserção na família e na comunidade. Nesse set terapêutico, eles recebem capacitações para desenvolverem autonomia financeira, enquanto que nos hospitais fechados não lhes parece existir tal preocupação. Conclusões: percebe-se que os usuários entrevistados têm clareza sobre o papel do CAPS, que se revela como uma estratégia eficaz no tratamento de pessoas com transtorno mental, pois além de realizar o acompanhamento clínico, favorece a reinserção social dos seus usuários. Descritores: saúde mental; serviços de saúde mental; reabilitação; desinstitucionalização; assistência em saúde mental.RESUMENObjetivo: analizar la opinión de los usuarios asistidos en el CAPS del municipio de Camaragibe/Pernambuco, acerca de la forma como la reinserción social es abordada en los hospitales psiquiátricos y en los servicios substitutivos. Método: se trata de una investigación con abordaje cuantitativo, realizada con 33 usuarios en tratamiento en régimen no intensivo, teniendo entre otros criterios de inclusión, usuarios con histórico de internación en hospital psiquiátrico. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de cuestionario, que fueron tabulados en Excel y analizados con la ayuda del programa SPSS 15.0. Este estudio fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética de la Hospital Universitario Oswaldo Cruz (número de protocolo 005/08). Resultados: los usuarios entrevistados percibieron el CAPS como un servicio que contribuye para la reinserción en la familia y en la comunidad. En ese espacio terapéutico, ellos se capacitan para desarrollar autonomía, mientras que en los hospitales cerrados no les parece existir tal preocupación. Conclusiones: los usuarios tienen claridad acerca del papel del CAPS, que es visto como una estrategia eficaz en el tratamiento de personas con transtornos mentales, ya que además de realizar el acompañamiento clínico, favorece la reinserción social de sus usuarios. Descriptores: salud mental; servicios de salud mental; rehabilitación; desinstitucionalización; asistencia en salud mental.  

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