On the laws of certain finite groups
In recent years a great deal of attention has been devoted to the study of finite simple groups, but one aspect which seems to have been little considered is that of the laws they satisfy. In a recent paper [3], the first two of the present authors gave a basis for laws of PSL(2, 5). The techniques of [3] can be used to show that (modulo certain classification problems) a basis for the laws of PSL(2, pn) can be made up from laws of the following types:(1) an exponent law,(2) laws which determine the Sylow subgroups,(3) laws which determine the normalisers of the Sylow subgroups,(4) in certain special cases, laws which determine subvarieties of smaller exponent, e.g. the subvariety of exponent 12 for those PSL(2, pn) which contain S4,(5) a law implying local finiteness.