Samoan hot spot track on a “hot spot highway”: Implications for mantle plumes and a deep Samoan mantle source

2010 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. n/a-n/a ◽  
Matthew G. Jackson ◽  
Stanley R. Hart ◽  
Jasper G. Konter ◽  
Anthony A. P. Koppers ◽  
Hubert Staudigel ◽  
Hot Spot ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 11-22 ◽  
A. A. P. Koppers ◽  
T. Yamazaki ◽  
J. Geldmacher ◽  

Deep-Earth convection can be understood by studying hotspot volcanoes that form where mantle plumes rise up and intersect the lithosphere, the Earth's rigid outer layer. Hotspots characteristically leave age-progressive trails of volcanoes and seamounts on top of oceanic lithosphere, which in turn allow us to decipher the motion of these plates relative to "fixed" deep-mantle plumes, and their (isotope) geochemistry provides insights into the long-term evolution of mantle source regions. However, it is strongly suggested that the Hawaiian mantle plume moved ~15° south between 80 and 50 million years ago. This raises a fundamental question about other hotspot systems in the Pacific, whether or not their mantle plumes experienced a similar amount and direction of motion. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 330 to the Louisville Seamounts showed that the Louisville hotspot in the South Pacific behaved in a different manner, as its mantle plume remained more or less fixed around 48°S latitude during that same time period. Our findings demonstrate that the Pacific hotspots move independently and that their trajectories may be controlled by differences in subduction zone geometry. Additionally, shipboard geochemistry data shows that, in contrast to Hawaiian volcanoes, the construction of the Louisville Seamounts doesn’t involve a shield-building phase dominated by tholeiitic lavas, and trace elements confirm the rather homogenous nature of the Louisville mantle source. Both observations set Louisville apart from the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount trail, whereby the latter has been erupting abundant tholeiites (characteristically up to 95% in volume) and which exhibit a large variability in (isotope) geochemistry and their mantle source components. <br><br> doi:<a href="" target="_blank">10.2204/</a>

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 234-247
Dubinin Yevgeny

The new exhibition is located in Hall 5 «Geotectonics» in the Earth Science Museum at Moscow State University and devoted to an urgent problem of volcanic manifestations in areas of hot spots. Among the large number of active volcanoes on our planet, a significant place is occupied by volcanoes of hot spots and mantle plumes, which are characterized by the eruption of a huge amount of pyroclastic material (Hawaii, Yellowstone) and often form large igneous provinces (Eastern Siberia, Kerguelen, Deccan, Iceland). The exhibition presents geological samples from the funds and collections of the museum staff. All samples are characteristic of hot spot volcanoes and mantle plumes from different regions of the world.

1986 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 561-578 ◽  
Christian Picard ◽  
Michel Piboule

In the northeastern part of the Abitibi orogenic belt, the Archean Matagami–Chibougamou greenstone belt (2700 Ma) includes a basal volcanic sequence named the Roy Group, unconformably overlain by a volcano-sedimentary series called the Opemisca Group.The Roy Group, to the west of the town of Chapais, consists of a thick, stratified, and polycyclic volcanic series (thickness = 11 000 m) resembling the large, western Abitibi submarine stratovolcanoes constructed by three mafic to felsic magmatic cycles. The first cycle (Chrissie Formation) shows lateral spreading and is composed only of a meta-andesite and felsic pyroclastite sequence of calc-alkaline affinity. The other two cycles (Obatogamau and Waconichi formations; then Gilman, Blondeau, and Scorpio formations) are characterized by a sequence of repeated MORB type basaltic lava flows of tholeiitic affinity and by intermediate to acid lava and pyroclastic sequences calc-alkaline affinity.The stratigraphic and petrographic data suggest emplacement of mafic lavas on an abyssal plain (Obatogamau Formation) or at a later time on the flanks of a large submarine volcanic shield (Gilman and Blondeau formations). The lava and felsic pyroclastite flows were formed by very explosive eruptions from central spreading type volcanoes above a pre-existing continental crust. In particular, the Scorpio volcanic rocks were emplaced on volcanic islands later dismantled by erosion.The contents and distribution of trace elements and rare earths show that basaltic lavas resulted from an equilibrium partial melting (F = 15–35%) of spinel lherzolite type mantle sources depleted to weakly enriched in Th, Ta, Nb, and light rare-earth elements (LREE), and from fractional crystallization at low pressure of feldspar, clinopyroxene, and olivine. The lavas and the felsic pyroclastites of the Waconichi and Scorpio formations appear to result from partial melting of a mantle source of lherzolite type enriched in LREE and involving some garnet. At a late stage, the melts were probably contaminated by some continental crust materials and then differentiated by fractional crystallization of plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, and magnetite. The lavas in the Chrissie Formation and the middle member of the Gilman Formation seem to result from partial melting of a mantle source enriched in LREE with a composition between the two described above. They were subsequently modified by fractional crystallization of the plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine, and titanomagnetite.In general, the mafic to felsic magmatic cycles observed are characterized by a thick sequence of repeated tholeiitic basalt flows similar to those of modern mid-oceanic ridges and by a lava and felsic pyroclastite sequence of calc-alkaline affinity comparable to those occurring in orogenic belts. The transition from one lava sequence to another is marked by a significant chemical discontinuity, and the mantle sources exhibit an increasing enrichment in LREE during a given magmatic cycle. A model is proposed to satisfactorily explain all the stratigraphic, petrographic, and geochemical data implying a hot spot type mechanism, which could be responsible for the cyclic, rising diapirs inside the stratified Archean mantle and for initiating the repeated mantle source meltings, depleted and enriched in LREE, respectively. [Journal Translation]

2016 ◽  
Vol 434 ◽  
pp. 10-17 ◽  
T.D. Jones ◽  
D.R. Davies ◽  
I.H. Campbell ◽  
C.R. Wilson ◽  
S.C. Kramer

Eos ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 99 ◽  
Emily Underwood
Hot Spot ◽  

Study bolsters hypothesis that volcanoes on China’s Hainan Island were formed by a hot spot.

2009 ◽  
Vol 278 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 50-54 ◽  

2021 ◽  
Matthew Gleeson ◽  
Caroline Soderman ◽  
Simon Matthews ◽  
Sanne Cottaar ◽  
Sally Gibson

Geophysical analysis of the Earth’s lower mantle has revealed the presence of two superstructures characterized by low shear wave velocities on the core-mantle boundary. These Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs) play a crucial role in the dynamics of the lower mantle and act as the source region for deep-seated mantle plumes. However, their origin, and the characteristics of the surrounding deep mantle, remain enigmatic. Mantle plumes located above the margins of the LLSVPs display evidence for the presence of this deep-seated, thermally and/or chemically heterogeneous mantle material ascending into the melting region. As a result, analysis of the spatial geochemical heterogeneity in OIBs provides constraints on the structure of the Earth’s lower mantle and the origin of the LLSVPs. In this study, we focus on the Galápagos Archipelago in the eastern Pacific, where bilateral asymmetry in the radiogenic isotopic composition of erupted basalts has been linked to the presence of LLSVP material in the underlying plume. We show, using spatial variations in the major element contents of high-MgO basalts, that the isotopically enriched south-western region of the Galápagos mantle – assigned to melting of LLSVP material – displays no evidence for lithological heterogeneity in the mantle source. As such, it is unlikely that the Pacific LLSVP represents a pile of subducted oceanic crust. Clear evidence for a lithologically heterogeneous mantle source is, however, found in the north-central Galápagos, indicating that a recycled crustal component is present near the eastern margin of the Pacific LLSVP, consistent with seismic observations.

2008 ◽  
Vol 35 (16) ◽  
Ichiro Kumagai ◽  
Anne Davaille ◽  
Kei Kurita ◽  
Eléonore Stutzmann

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