Referents or role models? The self-efficacy and job performance effects of perceiving higher performing peers.

Patrick E. Downes ◽  
Eean R. Crawford ◽  
Scott E. Seibert ◽  
Adam C. Stoverink ◽  
Elizabeth M. Campbell
2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-29
Josip Juračak ◽  
Marko Tica

One of the most unwanted and unavoidable consequences of the economic recession is the high rate of unemployment. Graduate students in Croatia are faced with lack of employment possibilities, and for some of them the self-employment looks like a good solution. In this paper, we investigate attitudes and intentions of graduate students at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture regarding to selfemployment. Most of the surveyed students are in the age between 21 and 25 years, and they have already got some kind of knowledge about entrepreneurship during the formal education. In addition, majority of them have the experience of part-time jobs. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) model was used to find out to which extent students’ attitudes and experience influence their expressed self-employment intentions. The results revealed that Zagreb students’ scores are close but somewhat lower than the same scores found in the comparable study from Australia. This goes for the investigated variables: (1) previous entrepreneurial experience (PEE), perceived desirability of selfemployment (PDSE), perceived entrepreneurial self-efficacy (PESE) and self-employment intentions (SEI). It was found that the score on the PEE is significantly related to scores on the PDSE (p=0.000), and PESE (p=0.000), which means that the experience positively influence respondents’ attitudes on self-employment and self-efficacy. There is also a statistically significant difference in the on the SEI with respect to the PDSE (ANOVA F=9.804, p=0.000): respondents that consider self-employment more desirable expressed higher intention to perform it. The PDSE was found as the most influencing model variable in regards to the self-employment intention. The results points out the importance of previous experience, role models and positive attitudes towards self-employment in the process of the entrepreneurship development in young, educated population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 190
Nurlaely Razak

This study seeks to investigate self-efficacy on job performance through the role of work anxiety and intrinsic motivation. The research sample consisted of 83 employees and ten leaders on the STIEM Bongaya campus, and data analysis used Warp PLS 7.0. This study does not support the hypothesis that the better the self-efficacy, the higher the job performance. So, as a practical implication, self-efficacy is not the main determining factor in determining the value of job performance in tertiary institutions. Interestingly, self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on work anxiety, and subsequently, job performance is getting better. It was found that the better the self-efficacy, the better the intrinsic motivation, and the better job performance. Hence, the role of work anxiety and intrinsic motivation as a complete mediation variable. The higher the self-efficacy, the higher the anxiety and the higher the job performance, but the impact is not significant or significant. Furthermore, the better the self-efficacy, the higher the intrinsic motivation and higher job performance, but the impact is not significant.

Jamal Al Mabruk Al Manna

The study aims to identify the self-efficacy of workers in Libyan educational institutions. The problem of the study lies in the low self-efficacy of workers in Libyan educational institutions, which negatively affects the job performance of workers in these institutions. The study highlights the importance of highlighting the elements of self-efficacy to be used in all Libyan educational institutions. The study followed the descriptive analytical approach to describe and analyze the self-efficacy of workers in Libyan educational institutions. The study reached many results, including that self-efficacy has a prominent role in improving the job performance of workers in Libyan educational institutions. The results of the study also showed that one of the most prominent determinants of self-efficacy is the previous experience that workers can use in all the situations they face within the Libyan educational institutions. Also, the results of the study concluded that verbal persuasion can be used to highlight self-efficacy at work, and the results of the study showed that emotional influence is one of the most prominent determinants of self-efficacy, as well as previous experiences of the most prominent determinants of self-efficacy in Libyan educational institutions. The results also showed that employees and the organizational environment are among the most important pillars of self-efficacy in Libyan educational institutions. The study recommended the necessity of working to provide the employees with the opportunity to clarify their self-efficacy and work to improve the performance of Libyan educational institutions significantly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Syaifurrahman Hidayat ◽  
Mujib Hannan

The elderly naturally experience a decrease in physical and psychological function so that it affects individuals in their daily activities. Self-efficacy is the ability to carry out a series of actions to provide life satisfaction for the elderly who sleep in the sand. Role models can provide role models for the elderly in doing activities to sleep in the sand where family support can influence the behavior of the elderly sleeping in the sand in the coastal elderly. The research method is descriptive-analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The population of this study were all the elderly who lived in the village, Village, Pasir Lenggung Batang Batang -District, Sumenep Regency as many as 124 elderly. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The analysis used is the test Spearman rank. The results of this study stated that most of the respondents had role models in the high category as many as 57.5% coastal elderly, respondents had family support in the medium category as many as 72.5% coastal elderly, and respondents had self-efficacy sleeping in the sand in the capable category as many as 72, 5% of coastal elderly. There is a relationship between the role model and the self-efficacy of sleeping in the sand in the coastal elderly and there is a relationship between family support and the self-efficacy of sleeping in the sand in the coastal elderly. Role models can be role models and motivations for the coastal elderly to sleep in the sand. When the role model is good, self-efficacy will increase, with that the ability of the elderly to carry out activities in the sand is better as well as the higher family support, the higher self-efficacy the elderly

2011 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 164-170 ◽  
Anna Sundström

This study evaluated the psychometric properties of a self-report scale for assessing perceived driver competence, labeled the Self-Efficacy Scale for Driver Competence (SSDC), using item response theory analyses. Two samples of Swedish driving-license examinees (n = 795; n = 714) completed two versions of the SSDC that were parallel in content. Prior work, using classical test theory analyses, has provided support for the validity and reliability of scores from the SSDC. This study investigated the measurement precision, item hierarchy, and differential functioning for males and females of the items in the SSDC as well as how the rating scale functions. The results confirmed the previous findings; that the SSDC demonstrates sound psychometric properties. In addition, the findings showed that measurement precision could be increased by adding items that tap higher self-efficacy levels. Moreover, the rating scale can be improved by reducing the number of categories or by providing each category with a label.

2007 ◽  
Michelle M. Buehl ◽  
Helenrose Fives ◽  
Jonathan D. Buehl

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